I wan't to have a simple menu (main menu not menu bar) whith buttons to link to another form(s)/window(s)/caveses(s). Or atleast the code to switch bettween the screen.
What code (SQL/PL) would I put in the buttons or is there a better way to do this?
That's a very broad question. If you want to show a specific window on WHEN-BUTTON-PRESSED then you can use built in like below-
The above would work if you use the SET_WINDOW_PROPERTY within the same form.
In case you want to call another form from the parent form (which is the case as per your comment screenshot) you need to to use CALL_FORM built-in like
Why dont you just make 1 form only?1 form, many datablock,canvas, window
anyway, for your question, just call the block
if you want to call another block
you should make 1 canvas in 1 window for better arrangement
You can also use Stack canvas within the same form which gets visible as you click on the button.
And in that stack you can do whatever you want.
How to program a button which actually just should create another button with the same function like another existing one?
I want to add another Button with the same Funktion like the one on the top on the left side.
I know, it would be possible to just add several another buttons and switching visible to true and false, but that would mean that I had to add the elements manually and the number of these buttons would be limited which I would try to avoid.
You could do this using an extension...
You might want to look into the Dynamic Component Extension by Appybuilder
For a list of available extensions, see https://puravidaapps.com/extensions.php
I am very new beginner with VB6 and I hope I explain the things right
I want to create form with 2 buttons (the buttons are located on the top form position )
So each button will switch to other form/window/frame
For example
The first button will show window 1 (there I can set only parameters)
The second button will show window 2 (there I can set only IP address)
Please advice if we can do that by VB6 ?
And if yes how to do that ( step by step )
Remark - Similar example but with multiple windows in the same form is the system properties ( right click on my computer and properties ) , the we can see each button will view different window
Create a form with 2 buttons, Command1 and Command2.
On this form, create 2 frames, Frame1 and Frame2. hide Frame2 and make sure to line up both framesso that they are of the same size and located right on top of each other (Top, Left, Width and Height properties must be the same)
Now put this code in:
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Frame1.Visible = True
Frame2.Visible = False
End Sub
Private Sub Command2_Click()
Frame1.Visible = False
Frame2.Visible = True
End Sub
Now each the first button shows the first frame while hiding the 2nd. The second button hides the first frame and shows the seconds. I think this is the simplest way to implement your task.
PS: don't forget to name your objects properly, it's not a good idea to have default names like Command1 or Frame2 - should be more descriptive than that.
It sounds like you are asking about the tabbed dialog control. To use a tabbed dialog control in VB6:
Click Project -> Components
Scroll down to "Microsoft Tabbed Dialog Control 6.0" and select it.
Click the Apply button.
You should notice a new control in the component tool box. If you do not see the toolbox, click View -> ToolBox. This is the same area of the IDE where you first click to add a button to a form. The tabbed dialog control looks like the top tab of several file folders. When you hover your mouse over the control in the toolbox, you will see a tool tip text of "SSTab". Click this control and then draw a rectangle on your form.
By default, this will add a tabbed dialog control with 3 tabs, but you can change this in the properties window. You can now create any control on top of a tab of the tabbed dialog control and interact with the control exactly the same way you would if the control was placed on the form itself.
What you want is called an MDI Form. It's a form that contains other forms.
You can find a full tutorial on them here, but here's the gist of what you want to do:
Set the "MDIChild" property of all your subforms you want to use to True. Disable their minimize, maximize, and resize functions as well.
Create an MDIForm. Disable its AutoShowChildren property.
Add a toolbar to the MDIForm. Add buttons to the toolbar corresponding to the forms you'll be switching between.
Implement each button's click event, to create child form as expected (or switch to an existing one).
I'm writing a Silverlight+XNA game and when the user has something in their clipboard they can see less of the screen. I'd really like to be able to not show this clipbaord but I can't see any way (though it does seem to go away after some amount of time)
I've tried an empty string and Clipboard.SetText(null) but that throws an exception.
Unfortunately, there is no way to either clear the clipboard from code or influence the display of the SIP beyond setting an InputScope.
The best you can do for now is to update your design to allow for the amount of space which the SIP may use. :(
While more complicated, you could create your own text input keys as buttons, and instead of using a textbox, use buttons templated to look like textblocks, with background as you show above, and all... When the user taps the "button" that is a "textblock", you set a flag that says which textblock the keypad buttons send their numbers to.
Or, if the only spot you are sending inputs to (as it appears now that I look at your UI again), there is no need for the button template as the input space, or the flag. Just create buttons for user to tap for input, and send that input to the textblock that appears to be where your answer is. You could make the buttons whatever size you want, that way, as well, so you control how much of the screen is visible. Another thing you could do is make the buttons semi-transparent, so you could have even more background image showing.
Another thought - send the buttons all to the same event handler (except the backspace button), and have the code for that event handler look like this:
Button btn = sender as Button;
textblock.Text += btn.Content;
I'm currently using the ShowCursor API call to hide a cursor for an application after a set period of inactivity. This works fine, except that the cursor is hidden over both the menus and status bar (which I don't want). I'm also using a Form_MouseMove to switch the cursor back on, but this doesn't work over the menus or status bar.
Is there a clever way to target hiding the cursor to just on the Form (supplying a hWnd for example, to some API call or other)?
I've tried this on my form:
With Me
.MouseIcon = LoadPicture("C:\Windows\Cursors\blank.cur")
.MousePointer = vbCustom
End With
having downloaded a blank.cur file off the internet.
The cursor disappears over the form, but is still visible over the menu bar.
Isn't there something like Form1.MousePointer = vbHourGlass property?
Yes, here.
I'm making a simple Qt application. It has 4 screens/pages:
Start import
Select folder to import images to
Accept or reject each image in folder, and when no images left:
"No images left" and an OK button.
I can't figure out the best way to implement this. I started off with a QWidget, but this quickly got unmanageable.
Is a QWizard too constrained?
EDIT: Part of the problem with QWizard is it seems to always have "Back" and "Next" buttons. I don't want those as options in this program, so this leads me to believe that a wizard isn't exactly what I'm after.
I'm going to disagree slightly on using a QWizard here. It would be fairly easy to do, but in this case I think it might be easier to just use a QStackedWidget and swap the widget shown based on what you want the user to be able to do. This is likely what is done inside QWizard anyway, without some of the complication for running the buttons and moving back and forth. You also might want to take a look at the state machine stuff they're looking at adding soon, since you're application could so easily be split into states.
I think a QWizardPage is your best bet.
You can disable the 'back' on a QWizardPage by using setCommitPage(True) on it.
You'll also have to override nextId for the 'variable' amount of QWizardPages you want in between step 2 and 4.
here (basic) and here are examples of QWizards.
You can make QWizardPages for your screens and add them to a QWizard. With registerField() you can register fields to communicate between pages.
I didn't test this, but i guess you can control the button layout of QWizard with
Create a dialog with a "Start Import" button on top. When the user clicks this:
Populate a QFormLayout :
The layout should have a checkbox and the label is the name of the picture to import. I'm not sure of your requirements, but you could also display a thumbnail of the image.
The user just checks the images he wants.
Then at the bottom have a "Save..." button. When the user clicks this, a Save As dialog appears. You save all the checked images, discard the others.
If there are no images, change the "Save..." button text to "OK", and display a QLabel with the "No images left" string. You can switch between the QLabel and QFormLayout using a QStackedWidget.
Checkout this article on QFormLayout: http://doc.trolltech.com/qq/qq25-formlayout.html
Option: Get rid of the "Start Import" button. Have the app automatically populate the QFormLayout on startup (possibly in constructor if its fast enough).