Titanium Text field border style to none for Android - titanium-mobile

I need to remove the border for my text field.
Default border style for Titanium Text field is Titanium.UI.INPUT_BORDERSTYLE_NONE . But It is default only to iPhone.
I have also turned the borderColor = 'white' ,which was my backgroundColor. But doesn't work.
Any solutions ?

You can do it simply by setting the backgroundColor property of your textField. You can set it to either white or transparent
Here is an example
var txtSome = Ti.UI.createTextField({
hintText : 'My hint text',
width : '75%',
top : '5%',
backgroundColor : 'transparent'//or backgroundColor : 'white'
I know it's too late. But will help some one else.


how can I add colorpicker on the default rich text editor of grapesjs to change font colors?

I'm going to change the font color using a color picker and I added it like this. but it's not working now. I think It's because the'rte.exec()' please help me how to change the font color. Thank you.enter image description here
Inside init methodstrong text
colorPicker: {
appendTo: 'parent',
offset: { top: 26, left: -166, },

CKEDITOR autogrow focus delay & styling

When converting an iOS web view with multiple stacked editors to autogrow plugin, I have the following issues:
I had default margin, font, and font size styling in the editor which is now ignored - I've tried setting this styling everywhere I can think of to no effect - can these be changed?
The editors respect the minimum height, but only seem to get focus if tapped near the top of the editor content space.
The only solution I could figure out was to edit plugin.js directly, in replaceCache():
if ( body ) {
body.setStyle( 'font-family', 'Avenir Next' );
body.setStyle( 'font-size', '13pt' );
body.setStyle( 'height', 'auto' );
body.setStyle( 'width', 'auto' );
body.setStyle( 'min-height', CKEDITOR.env.safari ? '0%' : 'auto' ); // Safari does not support 'min-height: auto'.

How do I change the background color of v-btn on click inside v-bottom-nav

I want to change the background color of a v-btn to black while the button is clicked inside a v-bottom-nav.
I have already tried but it's not working
:color="changeBackgroundColor ? 'secondary' : 'info'"
#click="changeBackgroundColor = !changeBackgroundColor"
I have the code in https://codepen.io/boidurja-talukdar/pen/ZddywR?editors=1010
I expect the background color of button 'A' to toggle from blue to black on click. But the actual result is that the text on button 'A' just disappears on click.
You can do it with style binding ... check this fork codepen
#click="changeBackgroundColor = !changeBackgroundColor"
backgroundColor : changeBackgroundColor ? 'black !important' : '',
color: changeBackgroundColor ? 'white !important' : 'black'

Kendo ui editor body background picker

Is there a way to create a custom color picker to change the editor's body background color? I looked at the documentation and it seems that the palette is just available for font color and text background color, not body background color.
You can change the background color of the editor using:
$("#editor").data("kendoEditor").body.style.backgroundColor = 'red'
All you need is to hook the select option on the color picker to set the editor's background color with the selected value.
value: "#ffffff",
buttons: false,
select: function(e) {
$("#editor").data("kendoEditor").body.style.backgroundColor = e.value;
See here for a sample: http://dojo.telerik.com/EYusEQ/2

Image disappears on setting width [Titanium]

I created an imageView in Titanium. Whenever I set the width and height of the image to "auto"; the image is not visible. But if I manually set height and width of the image, the image appears.
Why does this happen ?
var image = Titanium.UI.createImageView({
width: 'auto',
height: 'auto'
If you go here on the DOCs you will see that `auto is deprecated:
'auto' represents the default sizing behavior for a given type of view. The use of 'auto' is deprecated, and should be replaced with the SIZE or FILL constants if it is necessary to set the view's behavior explicitly.
Instead try setting the width and height to Titanium.UI.SIZE, Titanium.UI.FILL, a pixel value, or a percentage of the parent view.
