AJAX Call to MVC Controller that Calls a WebService - asp.net-mvc-3

We are working on an internal MVC3 app that purely uses Windows Authentication. There's a view that does an AJAX call to a controller action that does some processing before calling a web service. The problem we are running into is that if Anonymous access is turned off (as in Windows Authentication is on), calling the service from the controller actions results in a 401: Unauthorized error.
We have run into a problem of the double hop issue where credentials aren't passed correctly from server to server when calling a service within a service. I'm wondering if the AJAX call is somewhat mimicing the same behavior and not transmitting the correct Windows credentials to the controller which then doesn't pass the correct credentials to the web service.
I've seen some posts that shows how to pass a username and password along with the jQuery call but nothing mentions, an effective way, to bring along Windows Authentication with it.
Has anyone run into a similar issue? We would rather not leave Anonymous access on the web service as it is somewhat sensitive data that we would like to control access to.

Do you have identity impersonation turned on as described in this question:
How to get Windows user name when identity impersonate="true" in asp.net?

A colleague did some research over the weekend and determined it may have something to do with Kerberos authentication setup on the server as well as the jQuery call. In order to get around it, we just refactored the web service into a library that the application just references. We made it a web service initially as we thought in the future this data would need to be accessed from other applications. Running into this issue, we will most likely make it into a NuGet package.
Thanks for the comments.


Azure Active Directory OpenIdConnect Refresh Interval

I have an application hosted in Azure using Azure Active Directory and OpenIDConnect for authentication - generally all works well. However I'm having an issue where some requests generate a call to https://login.microsoftonline.com/ and then on to the requested page - no password is requested. I'm assuming that this is some kind of token refresh?
The problem is that the site uses a fair amount of ajax and these requests stop working because they get redirected to https://login.microsoftonline.com/ This happens after maybe 15 minutes, however the nbf and exp properties of the JWT token show a validity period of approximately an hour.
I've set the BackchannelTimeout property of OpenIdConnectAuthenticationOptions to 30 minutes, however this doesn't seem to have made any difference.
Can anyone offer any advice on what may be happening and the options to change or work around the behaviour?
Your question can be answered in the same way as this other thread: MVC AD Azure Refresh Token via ADAL JavaScript Ajax and KnockoutJs
In short: the OpenId Connect middleware is designed to support redirect based web applications. Ajax calls are not well suited to be protected via cookies, and the issue you are experiencing is one of the reasons why. Javascript based API calls are better protected using tokens rather than cookies.
For some links that might provide an alternative approach, see the link above.
I created a nuget package for .NET web applications which is refreshing the Azure Active Directory Token in the background.
More info: https://www.nuget.org/packages/RefreshTokenForAjaxRequest.Azure.ActiveDirectory/

AJAX calls within MVC and Identity Server

I have been playing with Thinktecture IdentityServer3 and am keen to use it as the product looks great. However, I don't fully understand how to accomplish my flow which is probably fairly common:
Create Identity Server using Implicit flow
Setup an MVC web site
Setup a separate Web API
So far so good, as demonstrated in the examples on the site. I now wish to call the API using AJAX calls directly but for this i need an access token. It seems like a large overhead to have to route these through the MVC site itself (again, in the examples).
How can I accomplish this flow? Would it essentially blend the MVC and Javascript Client samples or is there a smoother way so the user only has to sign in once? Perhaps send the access token in a hidden field but then how would it renew?
Any help on understanding this would be great.
I've managed to come up with a solution which seems to work, not sure if it's best practice though...
Expose a method on the MVC site at AJAX/AccessToken
Method should be locked down with Authorize attribute to ensure the MVC part of the site is authenticating properly with IdentityServer
Method returns the users Access Token which was generated through the above call via MVC controllers
In JavaScript, simply use this endpoint to get an Access Token and then call the API manually
The call to get the Access Token should be secure as its within the same domain/authentication model as the MVC site itself
I've put up a sample here for anyone interested:
Check out the form post client to see the endpoints being called explicitly. You will need to hit the token endpoint to get your access token.
You should be able to use these endpoints in your AJAX calls, store the received claims and tokens in a cookie and take it from there.
Note that to renew the access token, you will also need to store the refresh token. The Implicit flow does not allow for refresh tokens (you'll need to use the Authorization Code Flow or the Hybrid Flow).

ASP.NET MVC Method being called twice

We have an controller method that is being called twice. The first time it is called we get the correct parameters, the second time it is called we get no parameters and the MVC engine throws an exception because the arguments to the method cannot be null.
We have seen this behaviour before when using certain versions of Safari and it was to do with authentication. When using windows authentication if the properties of the authentication in IIS were set to Negotiate and NTLM an ajax call would get sent once for each. The fix for this was to remove one (I think we just left it as NTLM). This is not the case as we are using forms authentication here.
We have also seen similar behaviour when calling WCF methods that were returning types that were derived and not using the KnownType attributes on the parent class.
We cannot reproduce this with any success (it's happening infrequently on a clients machine) and are looking for any general gotchas.
The reason the call is being called twice is because of a bug in Safari when working with Windows Authentication under IIS. Go to the Authentication settings of your website. Right click on Windows Authentication, choose providers and remove Negotiate, leaving NTLM which works fine. I haven't tested Kerberos.
This issue only appears in certain builds of safari.

HttpHandler and Authentication on jQuery Ajax Call

I have an IHttpHandler which I'm running on an Windows Server 2008R2, and IIS 7.5 with integrated mode. The handler should handle file uploads, triggered by a jQuery-Ajax call.
First It did not work on IIS at all, only in the VS 2010 Debugger. Somehow I did manage to register the Handler correctly and I was able to debug the HttpHandler - BUT: Asp.Net Authentication wasn't working: it always said I wasn't logged in. When I directly access the HttpHandler it all works like a charm. Only the jQuery-Ajax call drops dead.
For further information: I'm using FormsAuthentication and it all is running inside an MVC 3 Application.
Could it be related to a missing AuthCookie? I've also read this Article, but it doesn't seem to help me out: MVC + Ajax call to Controller Loses Authentication
If you need any further information / code, just ask for it, I'll post it asap.
Could it be related to a missing AuthCookie?
Yes, it could, especially if your file upload component uses Flash it might not send the authentication cookie. You may take a look at the following article for a sample workaround which consists into sending the authentication cookie value in addition to the file in the request.

storing login state without a session (GWT)?

I just thought about writing a GWT app that just works as a client for a RESTful web service. The web service requires HTTP basic authentication for each call.
Since the client is not 'connected' with the server over a session, I have to remember the authentication credentials on the client side. I could do this within the GWT application, but with this, the client has to log in after every reload, which is not very beautiful. I also don't think it's a good idea to write this information to cookies, since everyone could read them.
So, who knows what I am looking for? :-)
Browsers save the username/password information for a given server/port/domain. So if the client has to login once (at least via the browser standard BASIC http dialog) it's preserved over the reloads.
I don't know if you can do that. Maybe forcing the user to navigate to a page inside the domain (or realm) and then using GWT...
