I have a following query and I want to change that query into PyES:
"facets": {
"participating-org.name": {
"terms": {
"field": "participating-org.name"
"nested": "participating-org"
I have searched in PyES documentation about:
class pyes.facets.TermsFacetFilter(field=None, values=None, _name=None, execution=None, **kwargs)
And I don't know how to use it plus I couldn't find any examples related to it. Hoping to see PyES guys coming out with good documentation with examples in future.
I have just found out myself:
from pyes import *
from pyes.facets import *
conn = ES('localhost:9200', default_indices='org', default_types='activity')
q2 = MatchAllQuery().search()
q2.facet.add_term_facet('participating-org.role', nested="participating-org")
# Displays the ES JSON query.
print q2
resultset = conn.search(q2)
# To display the all resultsets.
for r in resultset:
print r
# To display the facet counts.
print resultset.facets
This code gives the above JSON Code and gives the exact count for me.
I've been at this for a day and I don't quite understand how I do it! This is the query I want to "recreate" with the new Java API Client (using Spring Boot)
"aggs": {
"range": {
"date_range": {
"field": "timestamp",
"ranges": [
{ "to": "now-2d" }
"aggs": {
"top_hits": {
"_source": {
"includes": [ "Id", "timestamp" ]
I tried doing it with DateRangeAggregation.of but I can't seem to get the right results or type. Here's what I have
SearchResponse<MyDto> response = client.search(b -> b
.aggregations("hits", a -> a
.topHits(h->h.source(SourceConfig.of(c->c.filter(f->f.includes(Arrays.asList("Id", "timestamp"))))))),
I've also tried removing the subaggregation and query for now, but I don't seem to be on the right track to even get the number of doc_count from the bucket. I kind of don't get how to work with the dateRange() here.
Edit: I played around a bit and was able to at least get the number of doc_count, I'm not very sure if this is a good way to do it though?
Aggregation agg = Aggregation.of(a -> a
SearchResponse<MyDto> response = client.search(b -> b
.aggregations("range", agg),
return response.aggregations().get("range").dateRange().buckets().array().get(0).docCount();
I also fixed the query above, it had an unnecessary extra query that broke the result.
My thought process was wrong. I wanted the documents that were aggregated within this a time but I misunderstood and thought tophits would give them to me, but that's not how it works! I made a seperate range query that actually queries the documents I needed back instead.
I'm storing articles of blogs in ElasticSearch in this format:
blog_id: keyword,
blog_article_id: keyword,
timestamp: date,
article_text: text
Suppose I want to find all blogs with articles that mention X at least twice within the last 30 days. Is there a simple query to find all blog_ids that have articles with the same word at least n times within a date range?
Is this the right way to model the problem or should I use a nested objects for an easier query?
Can this be made into a report in Kibana?
The simplest query that comes to mind is
"_source": "blog_id",
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"match": {
"article_text": "xyz"
"range": {
"timestamp": {
"gte": "now-30d"
nested objects are most probably not going to simplify anything -- on the contrary.
Can it be made into a Kibana report?
Sure. Just apply the filters either in KQL (Kib. query lang) or using the dropdowns & choose a metric that you want to track (total blog_id count, timeseries frequency etc.)
EDIT re # of occurrences:
I know of 2 ways:
there's the term_vector API which gives you the word frequency information but it's a standalone API and cannot be used at query time.
Then there's the scripted approach whereby you look at the whole article text, treat is as a case-sensitive keyword, and count the # of substrings, thereby eliminating the articles with non-sufficient word frequency. Note that you don't have to use function_score as I did -- a simple script query will do. it may take a non-trivial amount of time to resolve if you have non-trivial # of docs.
In your case it could look like this:
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"script": {
"script": {
"source": """
def word = 'xyz';
def docval = doc['article_text.keyword'].value;
String temp = docval.replace(word, "");
def no_of_occurences = ((docval.length() - temp.length()) / word.length());
return no_of_occurences >= 2;
I am working with Elasticsearch and I am getting a query error:
elasticsearch.exceptions.TransportError: TransportError(500, 'search_phase_execution_exception', 'script score query returned an invalid score: NaN for doc: 32894')
It seems like my metric is returning NaN for document 32894 (NaN for doc: 32894). Naturally, the next step is to look at that document to see if there is anything wrong with it.
The problem is that I upload my documents using my own ID, so "32894" is meaningless for me.
A query like
curl -X GET "localhost:9200/my_index/_doc/one_of_my_ids?pretty&pretty"
works fine, but this fails if I try with the doc number from the error message.
I expected this to be trivial, but some Google has failed to help.
How can I then find this document? Or is using my own IDs not recommended and the unfixable source of this problem?
Edit: as requested, this is the query that fails. Note that obviously fixing this is my ultimate goal, but not the specific point of this question. Help appreciated in either case.
I am using the elasticsearch library in Python.
self.es.search(index=my_index, body=query_body, size=number_results)
query_body = {
"query": {
"script_score": {
"query": {"match_all": {}},
"script": {
"source": "cosineSimilaritySparse(params.queryVector, doc['embedding']) + 10.0",
"params": {"queryVector": query_vector}
I have external ES instance which I need to query for documents older than 6 months. Problem is they store timestamp like that:
"timestamp": {
"year": 2018,
"monthValue": 5,
"dayValue": 1,
Is it possible to create a range query combining these fields and getting documents "lt" "now-6m" or something like that?
You should be able to accomplish this using a Script Query. That would enable you to create a date object using the field values, and then compare that date with the current date.
Notional example
"query": {
"bool" : {
"filter" : {
"script" : {
"script" : {
"params": {
"monthRange": 6
"source": """
def today = new Date();
def timestamp = new Date(doc['timestamp']['year'].value, doc['timestamp']['monthValue'].value, doc['timestamp']['dayValue'].value);
/* Date comparison magic (I don't know Java, so you're on your own here) */
/* return result of comparison */
"lang": "painless"
I've only used Painless once before, so I'm not familiar enough to give a perfect answer. But this may help you get started. If you get stuck, just ask another question specific to the issue you're having, and someone who's more familiar with Java/Painless can help you out.
I have tried looking for another solution to this, but the Bool query in ES seems to not do quite what I am looking for. Or I am just not using it correctly.
In our current implementation of search we are trying to boost performance/reduce memory footprint of each query by changing our query logic. Today, if you search for "The Red Ball" you may get back 5 million documents because ES returns any document that matches "the" OR "red" OR "ball" which means we get back WAAAAAY too many irrelevant documents (mostly because of the "the" term). I would like to change our query to instead use AND so ES would return only documents that match "the" AND "red" AND "ball".
I am using the NEST Client to do this with C# so an example using the client would be best since that seems to be where I cannot figure out what to do. Thanks
You can simply use query string query with AND operator.
"query": {
"query_string": {
"default_field": "your_field", <--- remove this if you want to search on all fields
"query": "the red ball",
"default_operator": "AND"
or simply
"query": {
"query_string": {
"query": "the AND red AND ball"
I do not know C#, but this is how it might look in nest(everyone,feel free to edit)
client.Search<your_index>(q => q
.Query(qu => qu
.OnField(x=>your_field).Query("the AND red AND ball")
I found the appropriate query to make using the NEST client:
SearchDescriptor<BackupEntitySearchDocument> desc = new SearchDescriptor<BackupEntitySearchDocument>();
desc.Query(qq => qq.MultiMatch(m => m.OnFields(_searchFields).Query(query).Operator(Operator.And)));
var searchResp = await _client.SearchAsync<BackupEntitySearchDocument>(desc).ConfigureAwait(false);
Where _searchFields is a List<string> containing the fields to match on and query is the term to search for.