Magento secret key admin login - magento

I turned off the option to use the secret key in the Magento (1.7) admin URLs yesterday. Today when I try to log in it tries to use the secret key, but fails because I disabled it. The effect is that I can't get into the admin now because every login request fails. Can anyone give me the location of the setting in the database or give me another way out of the hole I dug for myself?

In case you don't have access to Magento admin area, but you like to turn on the option to use the secret key in Magento you can try to execute SQL query over the DB of your Magento installation or to use web interface ( e.g. phpmyadmin ).
Basically you have to find a record where column path = admin/security/use_form_key in table core_config_data and to set it's value to 1
In case you use phpmyadmin or similar software, just navigate to the table core_config_data find the desired record and change the value. It also will work if you delete the record, because if the record doesn't exist Magento will fetch the value of the xml configuration files and the value there is set to 1
Also keep in mind, that some Magento installation use DB table prefixes and the table core_config_data may have different name e.g. prefix_core_config_data


Magento 1.9 - cannot login to admin after renamed Document Root

I have a subdomain say that points to document root public_html/dev.
Worked fine, but for good reasons I renamed the folder dev to devm19, also modified the subdomain to point to public_html/devm19.
Problem is I can't login to the admin - The form for UN and PW is there, credentials are correct, but the form key in URL bar keeps refreshing, you just can't get inside to admin.
Any idea?
See the result of the below SQL
select * from core_config_data where path like '%web/cookie/cookie_domain%';
If it gives you "" in the value field, then either make it blank or give "" as value.
Then flush the cache, open the admin panel in private window and you will be able to login.
I was able to solve the issue by modifying app/etc/local.xml.
Added/replaced records for:

Can't login to Magento admin panel

For test and development, I duplicated our Magento shop to a sub-domain.
mysql -u root -p -e "USE bitnami_magento; UPDATE core_config_data SET value ='' WHERE core_config_data.path = 'web/unsecure/base_url'; UPDATE core_config_data SET value ='' WHERE core_config_data.path = 'web/secure/base_url';
Everything works, but not the admin Login. On the login page we get it. After entering my user name and password we don't log in. Login error message ("invalid password", etc.) ISN`T being displayed.
We are using
Removing cache files ...
sudo rm -r /opt/bitnami/apps/magento/htdocs/var/cache/*
sudo rm -r /opt/bitnami/apps/magento/htdocs/var/session/*
.. and restarting Apache ..
sudo /opt/bitnami/ restart apache
.. Does not help.
Please any advice - what could be the reason?
If everything works on the front end like you said, and you just can't log into the admin, most probably you have the original adminhtml cookie pointing to your original domain, ( and an extra adminhtml cookie for your development domain (
In Chrome, in Developer Tools (right-click on any page element and select Inspect Element), go to the Resources -> Cookies tab. Delete the extra cookie for your original domain. Or set your base url domain to something else, or change the port.
Try using a different web browser, specific try with both Firefox and Chrome. If this resolves it then question is duplicate of Magento admin login not working in chrome but works fine for firefox
Using a different browser won't help because the error is pretty clear.
Try checking the system log and exception log and also, if you have good MySQL skills, have a look on Magento users table in database and make sure that the database is imported properly.
Have you checked your local.xml file for db configuration.
Is db name host name and every thing is fine. If no please do so.
Another thing after moving have you edited core_config_data table. if not please edit core_config_data table by changing the web/unsecure/base_url and web/secure/base_url to match the new domain name by altering the value column for both records.
Hope It will help you.

magento Unable to login to admin - after domain change on new server

After I have moved my website to the new Domain and server . I cant log into admin.
The admin Url Gets updated but I can't login . The front end home page appears but cant go to categories and products pages.
In the error logs it always show one table or the other missing like this time it shows
a:5:{i:0;s:101:"SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table 'xxxx_table.sales_flat_order' doesn't exist";i:1;s:3451:"#0 /var/www/lib/Varien/Db/Statement/Pdo/Mysql.php(110): Zend_Db_Statement_Pdo->_execute(Array)
Some how if I get over this table it shows another table missing next time .
I have done all the basic troubleshooting:
changed core config URL.
Deleted cache and session and also core cache session path from core_config_data
Followed These:
Magento Admin Not Logging In (after domain transfer)
No Luck after all this any Guesses, Tips or advice
Procedure of Backup:
Yes I have taken the backup of files and a entire database backup from PhpMyAdmin. Uploaded the file on the Root and then uploaded the database. Infact created the new database with same database name and username as previous .Using same encryption key etc. One things I would like to mention I am modifying the host file to see this current development website via Ip address because on the actual domain we have the live website ? Can this be a issue ?

Move Magento to new domain & server results in default homepage

I have just moved a Magento install from one server to another, and this is a change of domain too. I have moved all files from one /httpdocs directory to another /httpdocs directory.
I have uploaded the new database and imported the data as well as updated the local.xml file to point to the new database.
But when the site loads I get a default looking Magento page, rather than the correctly skinned Magento store.
Is there some config I have missed?
Make changes in your DB :
In core_config_data table, the values you need to change are in the path column. Change the web/unsecure/base_url and web/secure/base_url to match the new domain name by altering the value column for both records.
After that clear all catch, may you forget to do this step.
The answer is here, look at step 4.
Log in to admin panel and go to System->Configuration->GENERAL/Design
Open package and themes, then set your custom package & themes name here. After that clear all cache from System->Manage Cache.
Hope it will work!

phpMyAdmin has two database tables under one heading

I am in the process of moving my local website onto a live webhost and am having some confusion while exporting my database tables from phpMyAdmin.
I attached a screenshot for reference.
It seems as if there are two database tables that are being used for my website, I'm not sure how this happened though. What I am trying to figure out is which database table is the one that I need to export along with all my Joomla files?
I went into my htdocs to check the configuration.php file and it says that the database prefix is xxx (i made this up) BUT when I go look into that database table (on phpMyAdmin) the dates of creation don't match up but are current in the "other database table."
Thank you for your help.
Screenshot for reference
To ascertain which is the correct database, create a new user via the Joomla interface, then have a look at the users Joomla table via phpMyAdmin, in both databases, to see in which database the user got created.
This information can be found in your site's admin at Site => Global Configuration => Server
