Yii import or include - include

I encountered a problem about importing php files.
Why this works:
include( Yii::getPathOfAlias( 'ext.payu.payU').'.php' );
but that don't:
Yii::import( 'ext.payu.payU');
file payU.php:
include_once( dirname(__FILE__) . "/sdk/openpayu.php"); //this is a valid path
class payU{ }

Try to do Yii::import('ext.payu.payU', true) because default one-parameter Yii::import() function call means:
hey, just add this path to the known aliases list and do not require() it now
and you have to do new payU() for this to work.

Import works the follow way:
Open Directory and Load the Class within the php file ; condition :
the name of class are indetical to name of file.
Instead Include , loads all classes into php file


CI4 - Trying to move image but get error "could not move file php6WkH2s to /var/www/example.com/development.example.com/app_dir/public/ ()

I am trying to upload a file and move it to public/ folder. The file uploads without problem to writable folder, however, it is the moving to the public folder that has a problem.
Here is my code;
$update_post->move(ROOTPATH.'public/', $update_post.'.'.$fileType);
Path is correct. When I echo out echo ROOTPATH.'public/'; and then manually copy/paste, I do get to the destination directory.
Permissions correct. There are my permission on the public/ directory:
drwxr-xr-x 9 www-data www-data 4096 Jan 30 01:08 public
Any hints appreciated.
It's because the move(string $targetPath, ?string $name = null, bool $overwrite = false) method's $name argument is invalid.
$update_post->move( ... , $update_post.'.'.$fileType);
Concatenating an class CodeIgniter\Files\File extends SplFileInfo instance calls the inherited SplFileInfo class's __toString() method which returns the path to the file as a string.
Note that it doesn't return the filename, which is what you're interested in.
You should instead pass in the basename instead.
ROOTPATH . 'public/',
Alternatively, since you're not changing the destination filename, it's cleaner to just not pass in the second parameter of the move(...) method. I.e:
ROOTPATH . 'public'
If you wish to change the destination filename to a new name, try this instead:
Attempts to determine the file extension based on the trusted
getMimeType() method. If the mime type is unknown, will return null.
This is often a more trusted source than simply using the extension
provided by the filename. Uses the values in app/Config/Mimes.php to
determine extension:
$newFileName = "site_logo"; // New filename without suffixing it with a file extension.
$fileExtension = $update_post->guessExtension();
ROOTPATH . 'public',
$newFileName . (empty($fileExtension) ? '' : '.' . $fileExtension)
The move(...) method returns a new File instance for the relocated file, so you must capture the result if the resulting location is needed: $newRelocatedFileInstance = $update_post->move(...);

Delete Laravel file from storage/app/public/photos

I am trying to delete a file from storage/app/public/photos.
The url that I am getting from the front end is http/IP_Address/app_name/public/storage/photos/file_name. I tried both unlink and File:delete, but doesn't work because, I believe, filepath is not proper. I tried basename and public_path but it doesn't solve it. Any help?
$file_path = public_path(basename($fullLinkToPhoto));
if(File::exists($file_path)) File::delete($file_path);
Edit: Answer below by larabee worked. I used the Storage method. This is my final code. I got the filename from complete photo link using basename and used that in the Storage::delete.
$file_name = basename($fullLinkToPhoto);
There are three different ways:
by storage:
by filesystem:
by php
You should use the "storage solution".

Laravel adds mysql in file path

I am facing a weird issue with Laravel 5.5. I am working on my local xampp server and trying to execute LOAD DATA INFILE query in controller function. But I am getting error PDOException (HY000)
SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 29 File 'D:\xampp\mysql\data\uploads\RDMST.csv' not found (Errcode: 2 "No such file or directory")
Currently my csv file is located at public/uploads folder. I tried various path settings for filename like
$fileCsv = 'uploads/RDMST.csv';
$fileCsv = public_path().'/uploads/RDMST.csv';
But I am getting same error and please notice the error path shows mysql\data in path. I am not getting from where it is appending this two folders in path. When I echo public path , it displays this:
So, can you please help how to use path for load file without appending this "mysql\data" in path?
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Here is my complete controller function:
public function getCsv()
//echo public_path(); die;
//$fileCsv = public_path().'/uploads/RDMST.csv';
$fileCsv = 'uploads/RDMST.csv';
echo $query = "LOAD DATA INFILE '".$fileCsv."'
INTO TABLE tblreception
SET created_at=NOW(),updated_at=null";
//return view('reception');
Can we not use csv file path?

tcpdf with laravel 5

i want to save the output pdf file to public folder my method is
public function qrSVG()
$qrCodes = ['4659284fff','465928447','465928447','613271980','484016586','aaaaabbbbbccccc'];
$id = ['201596400-1','201596400-2','201596400-3','831070646','493130428','aaaaabbbb'];
foreach(array_chunk($qrCodes, 2) as $qrCodee)
$m = 55;
$n = 30;
foreach($qrCodee as $qr)
$svg = QrCode::generate($qr);
PDF::ImageSVG('#'.$svg, $x=$m, $y=$n, $w='100', $h='100', $link='', $align='', $palign='', $border=1, $fitonpage=false);
$n = 150;
this code generate and open the file put don't save it when i replace the last line in my code with PDF::Output('qrcodes\test.pdf', 'F');
when i put any option with PDF::Output there is an error with F and D options the error when use F is
ErrorException in tcpdf_static.php line 2440:
fopen(): remote host file access not supported, file://qrcodes\test.pdf
and when i replace the last line with
PDF::Output($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . 'qrcodes\test.pdf', 'F');
the error is
ErrorException in tcpdf.php line 2793:
Undefined property: Elibyy\TCPDF\Pdf::$h
The main reason you're getting the error about remote host file access not supported is because you need to provide the full path in the file name that you provide to the Output() method. Yeah, it's a bit annoying and it catches me out all the time!
I can't comment on the second error you're getting because I cannot get your code to run (missing methods in QrCode class). What version are you using? Also, why are you trying to create an SVG for the QR code and then adding that to the PDF? Instead of taking that approach, I would highly recommend following the approach illustrated in this example:
As you will see in the example, you should create an instance of the TCPDF class and then work with that instance, rather than calling the static methods.

How to delete a file in laravel 4

I'm using laravel 4 and I need to change an uploaded image, I have it in:
When editing the new's I want to make a change image form, but how could I delete and upload another file. I am using:
Input::file('img')->move('uploads/news', $id.'_news.jpg');
The problem it's that it doesn't work, it's not replacing the file, so how could I delete The image so I could upload again.
In laravel 3 I only used:
But I don't see anything about removing files in laravel docs.
I think you should append public_path() to file names , to get real file path, like this
There is still the delete method in Laravel 4:
otherwise just use good old unlink()!?
You can easily do something like:
$filename = public_path().'/uploads/foo.bar';
if (File::exists($filename)) {
Reference: Laravel-recipes Delete a File
Other delete usage:
// Delete a single file
// Delete multiple files
File::delete($file1, $file2, $file3);
// Delete an array of files
$files = array($file1, $file2);
Source: http://laravel-recipes.com/recipes/133/deleting-a-file
$destinationPath = 'uploads/my-image.jpeg'; // from public/
if ( File::exists($destinationPath) ) {
This works on laravel 4.2.
// Here are some other paths to directories laravel offers, Hope this
/* Path to the 'app' folder */
echo app_path();
/* Path to the project's root folder */
echo base_path();
/* Path to the 'public' folder */
echo public_path();
/* Path to the 'app/storage' folder */
echo storage_path();
