Choosing different layout file for sinatra-authentication - ruby

sinatra-authentication expects a layout.haml for its pre-rolled authentication views.
How do I specify a different layout template that sinatra-authentication can use (e.g. auth_layout.haml) so that I can keep layout.haml for my app's views?
My current not-ideal approach to this is to:
Allow sinatra-authentication to use the standard layout.haml
Explicitly use another layout file (e.g. std_layout.haml) in all other parts of the app
erb :home_page, :layout => :std_layout
I'd prefer it the other way around :)

You may read on Layout Engines or simply try:
get '/login' do
haml :login, layout: auth_layout
EDIT-1: your comment is Ok layout: auth_layout is ruby 1.9 syntax :layout => auth_layout is syntax used before 1.9
And if you are talking about this sinatra-authentication you must hack this file's app.get '/login/?' method regarding (Module::Helpers#use_layout?).
EDIT-2: I guess overwriting use_layout? method will help you, perhaps something like
Module Sinatra
Module Helpers
def use_layout?
request.xhr? ? false : :auth_layout


routing to a static .md page in /public (ruby on rails 2.3.5)

this question was asked before, but the answer was for ruby on rails 3.0+
Basically I want to put my wiki pages (ie .md pages) inside my public folder in my 2.3.5 ruby on rails project. and I want users to access the home of the wiki page when they type (ie this would map to /public/wiki/
how do I do this in ruby on rails 2.3.5? (the routing documentation online wasn't very informative)
Also in general if for some reason I'm stuck with an RoR 2.3.5 project.. where do I go for documentation? It seems the official documentation only pertains to the latest RoR version (ie 3+)
I presume that you want the Markdown to be rendered. If you simply serve it up from your public directory, then Rails won't render it.
What you could do is an a new controller, say WikiController, which could render markdown files that you store somewhere like lib/wiki. I haven't tested any of this directly, so you should take it only as a guide, but it should work okay.
The controller might look like something like this:
# app/controllers/wiki_controller.rb
class WikiController < ApplicationController
def show
page =, 'lib', 'wiki', "#{params[:page_id]}.md"), 'r') { |f| }
markdown =, :autolink => true)
render :html => markdown.render(File.join(Rails.root, 'lib', 'wiki', "#{params[:page_id]}.md"))
And you could add a route like this:
# config/routes.rb
map.connect 'wiki', :controller => 'wiki', :action => 'show', :page_id => 'home'
map.connect 'wiki/*page_id', :controller => 'wiki', :action => 'show', :as => :wiki
The first route handles your special case ( and the second will allow you to structure your wiki however you like (including placing files in subdirectories, etc). Linking to /wiki/help/getting_started will try to render the file lib/wiki/help/
You also have a link helper method, so that if you need to link to a wiki page from within your app you can call wiki_path(:page_id => 'help/getting_started').
This solution assumes you're using RedCarpet for Markdown rendering, however you could switch up any renderer you like.

How to render Mustache partials in Sinatra while using ERB as the primary tempate engine

I have a sinatra app that is mostly using erb for templates, but I am adding some mustache partials for blocks of html that need to be rendered on both the server and client side. I have a "views" directory where I'm keeping all my templates, including the mustache templates I'm adding. For example, the structure looks something like this:
Let's say I'm rendering index.html.erb using this endpoint:
get '/' do
erb :index
And inside that template, I want to render both of the above partials [UPDATE: it turns out this partial method is not built into sinatra, but is included via a gem (see my answer for details), but it still relies on the main sinatra rendering component, so the problem here still stands.]. So index.html.erb contains:
<%= partial :wingding %>
<%= partial :widget %>
The erb partial (wingding) renders fine, but the mustache partial (widget) does not. It causes the application to throw an exception:
Template engine not found: mustache
I have included the 'mustache' gem in the project. I tried 'require mustache/sinatra' and register Mustache::Sinatra. Both of these statements worked, but didn't solve the problem above. Any idea how to tell sinatra about mustache so that it can render mustache partials?
I'm setting my views directory by including this configuration:
configure do
set :views, File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'views')
Version numbers:
sinatra 1.3.1
mustache 0.99.4
ruby 1.9.3
So it turns out the gem listed in the solution in my other answer caches output, meaning you can't use it to include the same partial with different locals in the same request, which makes it worthless for my purposes. So here's another (admittedly hackish) solution that I've settled on. I created a helper that will just deliver the contents of a given view:
helpers do
def template_contents(path)"#{settings.views}/#{path}") { |f| }
Then, I just do a regular Mustache#render:
<%= Mustache.render(template_contents('_widget.html.mustache'), { ... }) %>
This works great for my use case.
I figured this out. First, I must note something I didn't realize when I posted the question. partial is not actually built into sinatra. It is being included in my app as part of the sinatra-more gem (discontinued, most of it's functionality is now in a project called padrino, but still using sinatra-more in this app). The partial method is included like this:
require 'sinatra_more/render_plugin'
module Sinatra
register SinatraMore::RenderPlugin
Anyway, that just adds the partial method (along with some other rendering helpers) but this method falls back on the built-in sinatra rendering code, so this fact is independent of the actual issue at hand in this question -- that sinatra does not by default recognize the mustache template engine. Turns out someone created a super simple gem to make it work, sinatra-mustache. You simply include the gem and require the library:
require 'sinatra/mustache'
That's it -- it just works! No additional configuration necessary. If you're curious how it works, the source code is pretty simple. It's by no means a one-liner to register a new template engine with sinatra (even saying "register" is a misnomer -- you basically have to implement it), but it's still fairly simple.
UPDATE: This gem caches the output for a given request/template, so you can't use it a second time with different locals. I could see cases where that's okay, but that makes it worthless for my use case.

i18n markdown files in Rails 3 views

I am currently working through Michael Hartl's Rails Tutorial while experimenting with some other things not covered in the book. After completing Chapter 5, where the static pages are created, I decided change the view code to HAML, internationalize the pages, and put the static content into separate (non-partial) Markdown files, using the RDiscount gem to render them. For example:
- provide(:title, t('.about_us'))
#{render file: "static_pages/about.#{params[:locale]}.md"}
Under the static_pages directory, I have Markdown files like,, etc, so interpolating in the :locale parameter is what determines which language Markdown file gets rendered.
My questions are:
The static_pages directory is a bit crowded with Markdown files, so are there any sensible default/best practice locations (perhaps outside of the app directory) to keep these Markdown files, where they could be presumably be edited by people who don't need to know about the inner workings of the app?
What better ways are there to implement rendering multi-lingual Markdown files in views? My use of :locale and the double string-interpolation seems inelegant.
Is there a way to change this code so that I can pass Ruby variables into the Markdown file? I know I can, for example, use a #{language} variable in the Markdown by just changing into a HAML partial (_about.en.html.haml) and change the code to look something like:
- provide(:title, t('.about_us'))
#{render "about.#{params[:locale]}", language: 'Markdown!'}
But, is there a way to do this without changing the Markdown file into another type of file? If such a way exists, is it recommended/feasible?
After having a look at this StackOverflow answer, it seemed that the best location for i18n Markdown files would be their own action name directories under the config/locales directory, and that there was a good opportunity to refactor the render code on all views for the StaticPagesController. So, using about.html.haml as an example below, the call to render in the home, help, about, and contact views has been changed to the exact same code:
- provide(:title, t('.about_us'))
#{render file: localized_page_for(action_name, params[:locale])}
The localized_page_for method is defined in the StaticPagesHelper:
module StaticPagesHelper
def localized_page_for(action, locale)
So, now all the Markdown files have been taken out of the app/views/static_pages directory and are called from their respective logical directories (eg. config/locales/about/ etc) using ActionController's action_name attribute and the locale, making for less clutter.
As for question 2 above, string-interpolation seems to be common enough for this kind of problem, so I'll consider it "elegant" enough as well.
As for question 3 above, after exhaustive searching, I haven't found a way anyone has passed in variables in to a pure Markdown file, and the documentation doesn't seem to say anything about supporting them, so I'm going to conclude that it's not possible. If passing Ruby variables in to Markdown is absolutely necessary, the file will need to be run through another interpreter, kind of like is described in this StackOverflow answer.
After running security scanner Brakeman against the app, it came up with a potential Dynamic Render Path security warning (albeit a weak one) due to dynamically passing in params[:locale] to the render call instead of passing it a static string. So, I moved the call to the localized_page method out of the views, moved the method itself out of the StaticPagesHelper (so that file is now empty) and in to the StaticPagesController and then instantiated a #page instance variable in each method to pass to the view. In summary, the code now looks like this, which doesn't get the security warning:
class StaticPagesController < ApplicationController
before_filter :localized_page, only: [:help, :about, :contact]
def home
if signed_in?
#micropost =
#feed_items = current_user.feed.paginate(page: params[:page])
def help
def about
def contact
def localized_page
#page = "#{Rails.root}/config/locales/"\
- provide(:title, t('.about_us'))
#{render file: #page}

Partial HAML templating in Ruby without Rails

I really don’t need the overhead of Rails for my very small project, so I’m trying to achieve this just using just plain Ruby and HAML.
I want to include another HAML file inside my HAML template. But I haven’t found a good—or really usable—way of doing this.
For example, I have these two HAML files:
= include(menu.haml) body
%article …
%a whatever …
Include is obviously not the way to go here. But it does a nice job describing what I’m trying to achieve in this example.
I totally recommend the Tilt gem for these things. It provides a standard interface for rendering many different template langages with the same API, lets you set custom scope and locals, lets you use yield, and is robust and fast. Sinatra is using it for templates.
require 'haml'
require 'tilt'
template ='path/to/file.haml')
# => #<Tilt::HAMLTemplate #file="path/to/file.haml" ...>
layout ='path/to/layout.haml')
output = layout.render { template.render }
This lets you yield inside the layout to get the rendered template, just like Rails. As for partials, David already described a simple and nice way to go.
But actually, if what you're writing is going to be served over HTTP, i suggest you take a look at Sinatra, which already provides templating, and has the simplest request routing you could imagine.
I've done this before, just for a quick-and-dirty template producer. The easiest way is to just render the HAML inside the parent object:
%p some haml that's interesting
='%p this is a test').render
%p some more template
You'll more than likely want to build some methods to make this easier--a couple of helper methods. Maybe you write one called render_file that takes a filename as an argument. That method might look something like:
def render_file(filename)
contents =
Then, your template would look more like:
%p some template
= render_file('some_filename.haml')
%p more template
Note, you will probably need to pass self to the original Haml::Engine render so that it knows how to find your render_file method.
I've had great success just using the instructions posted by David Richards in a concatenated way, without variables, like this:
There's obviously a more elegant way. But for someone who just wants to include one or two files, this should work nicely. It's a drawback that all base files using these includes have to be recompiled after some changes to the latter. It might be worthwile to just use php include if the environment allows that.
def render_file(filename)
contents ='views/'+filename)
(Adding this semi-redundant answer to show how one might incorporate the techniques from other answers.)
Include something like this in your setup code to monkey-patch the Haml library.
module Haml::Helpers
def render_haml(filename)
contents ="app", "assets", "templates", filename))
Then in your Haml file
= render_haml('partial.haml')
Obviously this is a Rails-ish example (because I wanted to use HAML in my asset pipeline instead of as views)... You will want to replace Rails.root.join(...) with a way to find filename in your project's templates or partials directory.

In Sinatra, best way to serve iPhone layout vs. normal layout?

I'm writing a Sinatra app which needs to render different layouts based on whether the user is using an iPhone or a regular browser. I can detect the browser type using Rack-Mobile-Detect but I'm not sure of the best way to tell Sinatra which layout to use.
Also, I have a feeling that how I choose to do this may also break page caching. Is that true?
Example code:
require 'sinatra/base'
require 'haml'
require 'rack/mobile-detect'
class Orca < Sinatra::Base
use Rack::MobileDetect
helpers do
def choose_layout
if request.env['X_MOBILE_DEVICE'] == :iPhone
# use iPhone layout
# use normal layout
before do
# should I use a before filter?
get '/' do
haml :home # with proper layout
end #Class Orca
This is what I ended up doing:
require 'sinatra/base'
require 'haml'
require 'rack/mobile-detect'
class Orca < Sinatra::Base
use Rack::MobileDetect
# HAML template options
# Use HTML5 doctype
set :haml, {:format => :html5 }
helpers do
def get_layout
# For AJAX (XMLHttpRequest) requests, don't use a layout
if request.xhr? then
#layout = false
# For non-AJAX (XMLHttpRequest) requests, choose correct layout
# For each mobile device, you will need a layout_<device>.haml file
# in the Views directory
#layout = case request.env['X_MOBILE_DEVICE']
when /iPhone|iPod/ then :layout_iphone
# when "Android" then :layout_android
else true # use default Sinatra layout
end # helpers
before do
end # before filter
get '/' do
# Will use iPhone layout for iPhone|iPod,
# Sinatra default layout for desktop browsers
haml :home, :layout => #layout
end # Class
I believe the standard way to handle specific user agents in Sinatra is directly on the route...
get '/', :agent => /iPhone/ do
# render for iPhone
get '/' do
# render standard layout
See The Sinatra Book.
Re: caching, I guess it would depend on what caching layers are fronting your site, but, yes, you may need to account for this.
I wrote a blog post about this topic that might be helpful to someone using Padrino with Sinatra. If you're not using Padrino, this still might be useful if you find the right place to extend Sinatra.
The summary - I use rack-mobile-detect to tell me if a request is 'mobile', and I patch out Padrino's locale-based rendering support to render based on the mobile detection instead of the locale.
In this way I'm able to have render for mobile and foo.haml for non-mobile, without any application code. As a bonus, it works both for the template file and the layout.
I had a similar problem always we cant relay on Routes . Sinatra provides filters to handle these kind of problems
#your_layout_name = ''
before :agent => /iPhone/ do
#your_layout_name = "initialize with desired iphone template"
get '/' do
# use #your_layout_name variable to initialize layout
I posting this since I had a problem where I was not in a position to filter at route level
so This may help others who are looking for similar solutions
