How to do Time Estimation in new Projects [closed] - project-management

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am new for this Responsibility, however I have analyzed many projects as a Software Developer and given time estimation of the task.
But it is difficult when you are Team leader and don't know about your developers skills. because sometimes it requires R & D stuff. So at that time do not judge the estimation.
There are also some models available for this like 'COCOMO Model'.
But Is it feasible to use this kind of model or any other technique for better Time Estimation.

Describe the task to each programmer and ask him to give three times. How long does each of them think the team will take.
ultrafast time, likely time and worst case time.
do the following sum for all programmers
1 * ultra + 3 * likely + 1 * worst
divide by
(ammount of programmers * 5)
Use this as your estimation.


What does the word "amortized" mean in amortized analysis of algorithms? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I obviously am familiar with the texts mentioning it is an average lower bound etc... but still wondering why the word amortized was put there ?
Why is amortize used in describing algorithm analysis ?
Because the computer scientists who thought up the idea were using a financial analogy.
You amortise a significant expenditure (like building a new house) by paying for it over time (perhaps with a mortgage, which has the same root).
Similarly, in amortised analysis of algorithms you pay for a huge and uncommon occurrence (copying an entire vector of when it gets full) by spreading its cost over subsequent operations (or previous operations in the banker's model).

Examples of the integral that can't be done correctly by Wolfram Alpha [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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Does anybody know the examples of indefinite or definite integral that can be done in the terms of elementary functions manually by a good first-year or second-year student, but which Wolfram Alpha (or Mathematica) evaluate not correctly?
In other words, I want to find some tasks for mathematical test, where students cannot easily find the answer using wolfram and just rewrite it in their papers.
Thanks in advance.
It is probably impossible. Set of functions known by 1-2 years students is constrained. Mathematica uses symbolic algebra system to transform integrals, and big repository with properties of functions.
For example for Hypergeometric Functions you have (218,254 formulas)!
Methods of calculations of integrals are explained on as step by step solutions for pro users. ($4.75/mo billed annually or $6 billed monthly)
Calculating integrals by computers is nowadays on level comparable to chess games. You have to talk with student individually.

What counts as a transaction on the free API license? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I'm working on a book for Manning and want to use Alchemy News API as part of one of the examples. I have a free license which says it allows for 1,000 transactions per day. Does that mean 1,000 queries or something else? I hit the limit today way earlier than I expected to, at significantly less than 1,000 queries.
Each type of call has different amounts of transactions it uses. The text analysis uses just 1 transaction but the image analysis uses more. I believe it used about 5 transactions per image but it's been awhile since I've used the image recognition.
The number of transactions used is given in the response from AlchemyAPI. It also gives you more details in the documentation.
Query Cost + Result Cost = Total Cost
This is something I learnt today. Therefore you'll run out of transactions easily with loads of data. Keep your queries to a minimum.

What Is "Time" When Talking About bigO Notation [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am getting ahead on next semester classes and just had a question about bigO notation. What is the time factor measured in? Is it a measure of milliseconds, nanoseconds or just an arbitrary measure based upon the amount of inputs, n, used to compare different versions of algorithims?
It kinda sorta depends on how exactly you define the notation (there are a many different definitions that ultimately describe the same thing). We defined it on turing machines, there time would be defined as the number of computation steps performed. On real machines, it'd be similar - for instance, the number of atomic instructions performed. As some of the comments have pointed out, the unit of time doesn't really matter anyway because what's measured is the asymptotic performance, that is, how the performance changes with increasing input sizes.
Note that this isn't really a programming question and probably not a good fit for the site. More of a CompSci thing, but i think the compsci stackexchange site is meant for post graduates.

What is the best practice for estimating required time for development of the SDLC phases? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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As a project manager, you are required to organize time so that the project meets a deadline.
Is there some sort of equations to use for estimating how long the development will take?
let's say the database
time = sql storedprocedures * tables manipulated or something similar
Or are you just stuck having to get the experience to get adequate estimations?
As project manager you have to remember that the best you will ever we be able to do on your own is give your best guess as to how long a given project will take. How accurate you are. depends on your experience and the scope of the project.
The only way I know of to get a reasonably accurate estimate that is it to break the project into individual tasks and get the developer who will be doing the actual work to put an estimate on each task. You can then use an evidence based algorithm that takes the estimation accuracy of each developer into account to give you the probability of hitting a given deadline.
If the probability is too low, you have two choices: remove features or move the deadline.
Further reading:
There's no set formula out there that I've seen that would really work. Fogbugz has its monte carlo simulator which has somewhat of a concept for this, but really, experience is going to be your best point of reference. Every developer and every project will be different!
There will be such a formula as soon as computers can start generating all code themselves. Until then you are stuck with human developers who all have different levels of skill and development speed.
