Is there any way to enable MacOS Lion native full screen support of Adobe Air Apps? - macos

There's only standard and none options for , but both don't support the new full screen feature from lion.


Mac Catalyst, unable to create a Safari Extension

I've started a new iOS project enabling the option to deploy the same app in macOS (Catalyst). But when I try to create a Safari Extension in macOS, I get the following error
'Safari Extension.appex' is a Safari extension, which is not available when building for Mac Catalyst. You may need to restrict the platforms for which this app extension should be embedded in the target editor.
In the target editor Frameworks, Libraries and Embedded Content I've selected only the macOS platform in my Safari Extension, but I get the same error, any clue?
thanks for your time
I've received an answer from Apple
Embedding a Safari App Extension in a Catalyst app currently isn't
supported. If you could file a piece of Feedback in Feedback Assistant
that would be very helpful. Thanks!

AVKit in OSX 10.8

We're developing an OSX app that have to be supported by OSX 10.7 to 10.9. We're currently using QTKit and QTMovieView to show videos, but when trying to upload a new version recently we got this error message:
Deprecated API usage. Apple no longer accepts submissions of apps that use QuickTime APIs.
We have also tested to set the Base SDK to 10.8, but same result there.
And changing to AVKit and AVPlayerView does not work for version prior to 10.9.
So is there a way to use AVKit for versions prior to 10.9 or some way to publish an app with QTKit?
You can't use AVKit on OS X versions prior to Mavericks.
But AVKit is a very small framework that only consists of a player view that has some advanced features out of the box (e.g. chapter navigation, selection & trimming, ... - similar to QTMovieView).
If your app doesn't require those features, you can easily implement a view with simple playback functionality with AVFoundation-only classes (AVFoundation was introduced with OS X 10.7).
Instead of AVPlayerView, you can use a combination of AVPlayer & AVPlayerLayer.
There is some Apple sample code that shows how to build a DIY player view here:
This custom player view supports:
Playback progress
Fast forward
Volume control

App icon not displayed on MAC osX 10.5 for my app

I have created .icns using .iconset for my Mac app,containing all sizes of icon recommended by apple. But still I cannot see my app icon when I install and launch my app on Mac osX 10.5
Following Apple's current guidelines and using their latest toolset will give you icons that only work in newer versions of OS X. To get a set of icons that includes larger (#2x retina) resolutions and 10.5 compatible image formats, you need to use Uli Kusterer's oldiconutil.
Also, please see this related question--sometimes icon file sizes can be too large for 10.5, and require extra image compression.

firebreath events window plugin mouse keyboard mac os

How do I connect to the ois library firebreath plugin in Mac OS?
I have pluginwindowmac, want to track mouse, keyboard, joystick.
made as to windows:
FB::MessageWindow* messageWindow = new FB::MessageWindow();
mParamList.insert(std::make_pair(std::string("WINDOW"), messageWindow->getHWND()));
mInputManager = OIS::InputManager::createInputSystem(mParamList);
messageWindow->getHWND() - no in mac os
I don't have any idea what the OIS library is expecting, but I can tell you that HWND is a windows type, so there will certainly never be a getHWND that works on mac os.
If what you need is a NSWindow then I'm afraid you're out of luck. The only way to get events in Mac OS in an NPAPI plugin is through the browser, which FireBreath exposes through its event system.

Develop apps for the iPad 3's retina display without lion?

Is Xcode 4.3.1 (and therefore lion) required to develop apps for the iPad 3's retina display?
Or is there a way to develop for the new device using Xcode 4.2? I'm not running lion yet.
If you are asking about iOS the iOS 5.1 sdk, then you will have to update to Lion and Xcode 4.3.1 to get it.
But as to the Retina display of the iPad 3, there is nothing special about it in the new sdk. So you can develop apps for the iPad 3 using Xcode 4.2. Just make sure you take into account the high resolution of the device when working with images and other graphics as you do with the iPhone Retina Display.
This small hack may be able to help you: it presents how you could install the 5.1 SDK with an older version of Xcode that works on Snow Leopard.
It turns out you do need to develop using Lion and iOS 5.1. If you don't build with the latest SDK then the #2x graphics won't show up in the app.
