Can an Amazon EC2 Instance access another Instance by Private IP? - amazon-ec2

I have two separate instances in my test scenario
Web Server Instance
Database Server Instance
So far the only way I can get from 1st to 2nd Instance is by having Elastic IP's configured and using the Public DNS (or IP) reference. I can limit unwanted access by configuring the Security Group for 2nd to only take Port 1433 traffic only from 1st.
It seems like Instances within the same Amazon AWS zone should be able to talk to each other more efficiently than first going out and then coming back in.
Is there a way to go directly from 1st to 2nd instance using just the Private DNS (or IP)?

If you are using the Amazon Public DNS name, Amazon makes sure that all internal traffic gets routed internally only. So there is no problem in using the public DNS names. Have a look at this question and this article for more details.


Runing multiple instances with the same, single ip address

Using Amazon VPC, what is the best possible way to attach multiple instances to a single ip address?
My company needs the ability to open/shutdown instances upon request and traffic. All instances created must have the same ip address attached, as the service I try to connect to allows only certain IPs that I can define every once in a while.
You want to use Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). It was built specifically for the purpose of balancing a large number of requests to the same IP across several EC2 instances.
If you want to whitelist the IPs of your instances to some other third party service, then you would have to use elastic IPs in that case. You can not associate one IP to more than one instance.
However, if you want only one endpoint for your service, you can very well use load balancer as also suggested above.

aws ec2 connection between 2 diffrent vpc

I have two machines in different accounts.
I'm trying to make a connection between them.
So I added a rule that allows all traffic from the external and internal one.
Outbound allows all traffic for both machines but there's no connection at all.
one machine :
second machine :
I pinged. No response.
I also tried Trace route, but also no response
I searched for a guide on Google, but had no luck.
I understand that I have to do Route.
How can I do that? Is there any solution for that?
it looks like (based off the IPs) you are mistaking the private IP with the public IP. Check your EC2 console again, and click on the instance and look at the bottom metadata. On the right column nearish to the top there should be public IP.
If you want to communicate them externally, you should attache an EIP ( elastic ip ) to them and allow in Security group. If you need to communicate internally , you should create vpc peering.

How to refer to other ec2 instances? Is Elastic IP the only feasible solution?

Initially my issue was "How do I RDP into an EC2 instance without having to first find its ip address". To solve that I wrote a script that executes periodically on each instance. The script reads a particular tag value and updates the corresponding entry in Route53 with the public dns name of the instance.
This way I can always rdp into and be connected to the right instance.
As I continued with setting up my instances, I realized to setup mongodb replication, I will need to somehow refer to three separated instances. I cannot use the internal private ip addresses as they keep changing (or are prone to change on instance stop/start & when the dhcp lease expires).
Trying to access from within my EC2 instance returns the internal ip address of the instance. Which seems to be standard behaviour. Thus by mentioning the route53 cnames for my three instances, I can ensure that they can always be discovered by each other. I wouldn't be paying any extra data transfer charges, as the cnames will always resolve to internal ip. I would however be paying for all those route53 queries.
I can run my script every 30 secs or even lesser to ensure that the dns entries are as uptodate as possible.
At this point, I realized that what I have in place is very much an Elastic IP alternative. Maybe not completely, but surely for all my use cases. So I am wondering, whether to use Elastic IP or not. There is no charge involved as long as my instances are running. It does seem an easier option.
What do most people do? If someone with experience with this could reply, I would appreciate that.
Secondly, what happens in those few seconds/minutes during which the instance loses its current private ip and gets a new internal ip. Am assuming all existing connections get dropped. Does that affect the ELB health checks (A ping every 30 secs)? Am assuming if I were using an Elastic IP, the dns name would immediately resolve to the new ip, as opposed to say after my script executes. Assuming my script runs every 30 secs, will there be only 30secs of downtime, or can there possibly be more? Will an Elastic ip always perform better than my scripted solution?
According to the official AWS documentation a "private IP address is associated exclusively with the instance for its lifetime and is only returned to Amazon EC2 when the instance is stopped or terminated. In Amazon VPC, an instance retains its private IP addresses when the instance is stopped.". Therefore checking nevertheless every 30s if something changed seems inherently wrong. This leaves you with two obvious options:
Update the DNS once at/after boot time
Use an elastic IP and static DNS
Used elastic IPs don't cost you anything, and even parked ones cost only little. If your instances are mostly up, use an elastic IP. If they are mostly down, go the boot time update route. If your instance sits in a VPC, not even the boot time update is strictly needed (but in a VPC you probably have different needs and a more complex network setup anyways).
Another option that you could consider is to use a software defined datacenter solution such as Amazon VPC or Ravello Systems (disclaimer: our company).
Using such a solution will allow you to create a walled off private environment in the public cloud. Inside the environment you have full control, including your own private L2 network on which you manage IP addressing and can use e.g. statically allocated IPs. Communications with the outside (e.g. your app servers) happens via the IPs and ports that you configure.

Why might the CIDR/IP in DB security group be different from instance elastic IP?

I have an EC2 instance, which is able to connect to my RDS instance, yet its elastic IP does not appear in the DB security group of whitelisted IP's.
How might this be?
I ask because I have created a new instance, which I also want to whitelist and just entering its elastic IP does not seem like the way to do things since none of the other servers have their elastic IP listed.
Thanks in advance,
There might be two causes here:
Traffic Sources
Security Group Rules do not necessarily specify IP addresses as traffic sources alone, rather regularly will refer to other security groups as well:
The source can be an individual IP address (, a range of
addresses (e.g.,, or an EC2 security group. The
security group can be another group in your AWS account, a group in
another AWS account, or the security group itself.
By specifying a security group as the source, you allow incoming
traffic from all instances that belong to the source security group.
[...] You might specify another security group in your account if you're creating a
three-tier web service (see Creating a Three-Tier Web Service).
[emphasis mine]
Consequently, the DB security group of your Amazon RDS instance might refer to the EC2 security group used for your Amazon EC2 instance, implying respective access rights already. See my answer to AWS - Configuring access to EC2 instance from Beanstalk App for more details regarding this concept/approach.
Public vs. Private IP Addresses
You might see the effect of a little known, but nonetheless important and quite helpful feature of the AWS DNS infrastructure, see section Public and Private Addresses on page Using Instance IP Addresses:
Amazon EC2 also provides an internal DNS name and a public DNS name
that map to the private and public IP addresses respectively. The
internal DNS name can only be resolved within Amazon EC2. The public
DNS name resolves to the public IP address outside the Amazon EC2
network and the private IP address within the Amazon EC2 network. [emphasis mine]
That is, it's resolving the public DNS (e.g. to the private IP address when you are using it inside the Amazon EC2 network, and to the public or elastic IP address when using it outside the Amazon EC2 network.
Accordingly, the various AWS products are usually wired up between each other by means of their private IP Addresses rather than external ones for a variety of reasons, most importantly network speed and cost (see my answer to AWS EC2 Elastic IPs bandwidth usage and charges for details).
Consequently, the DB security group of your Amazon RDS instance might refer to the private IP address of your Amazon EC2 instance, implying respective access rights accordingly.

Using static IP address with Amazon EC2

I want to use the Amazon Web Service free micro-instance for my different projects for testing and personal purpose. But I required some static-public IP on which I can run my server.
Is that possible? From where I can buy just IP and use it with my AWS?
EC2 Elastic IP Addresses
Elastic IPs are tied to an account, not an instance.
You need to look at AWS VPC for this.
Whilst VPC is free outside of the usual instance pricing, it doesn't work with Micro instances (the cheapest ones).
When not using VPC, you're assigned IP addresses through DHCP. When the DHCP lease expires, or you restart, your IP is released back to the pool.
VPC lets you use private IP addressing, you can use it with Elastic IPs and is much easier to integrate with a physical infrastructure setup.
If you're only testing/investigating AWS and have little or no budget to use anything other than a Micro instance, I'd just suck it up and deal with the changing of IPs.
If you've got a budget that lets you use instances other than Micro, then go for VPC.
Also, if you're doing more than testing/investigating I'd recommend starting with VPC straight away as trying to migrate from a non VPC to a VPC infrastructure is a massive PITA.
For every AWS account, 5 free elastic ips are provided. You have to just allocate them to required instance. But make sure that the allocate address(newly created elastic ip) in in use, because you will billed if the Elastic ip is not in use.
Looks like they have configured ARP statically so you can only use the IP address on an instance that was bound to that instance through the EC2 management console.
I just configured one of my instances to use a static IP address other than the one assigned through the management console and rebooted the instance.
I'm still receiving ARP responses on the old address but not receiving ARP responses on the new address at all.
Unfortunately for me, I have a not responding instance (NFS File Server) stuck in a stopping state while I attempt to terminate it.
The IP Address bound to that instance cannot be re-assigned to a replacement instance so now I have to reconfigure
On the whole pricing delima: When you come to think of it, there is a limited amount of static IPs so there must some pricing (supply and demand). This pricing is two fold: 1) for upto a limited number (5 per account) you don't have to pay. 2) if you created one you need to use it if you don't you'll be billed (to prevent every user to get 5 static IPs)
