GNU screen - cannot enter command mode in a Putty session - putty

Opening a shell session on a Linux Red-Hat 5 system, using Putty over ssh, I launch a screen session, but I find that when I press CTRL+A that I do not see the command prompt. All other screen commands work fine, apart from this one.
This appears to me to be a problem specific to the combination of Putty and screen, as it worked with other terminal emulators. Has anybody else come across this?

In Putty you can enter screen command prompt by pressing Ctrl + a + :


copy text from tmux inside VSCode

I use VSCode on macOS, I ssh into Linux remote station and here I run tmux (inside VSCode integrated terminal). However, I am not able to copy any text from tmux into system clipboard when used like this. I am not even able to select the text using mouse - when I select any the selection highlight disappears immediately.
The copying to system clipboard works if:
I run tmux inside separate window of iTerm2
I run normal zshell inside VSC integrated terminal
How to copy text from tmux inside VSC integrated terminal?
That is because vscode terminal does not support osc52. We gotta wait for this issue to be resolved
OSC 52 (OSC stands for Operating System Command, a category of ANSI escape sequences which instruct the terminal emulator to perform certain actions) is a terminal sequence used to copy printed text into clipboard, without which copying from remote machine will not send the result to your local clipboard. Applications like tmux support it (actually, tmux is kinda forwarding it), iterm2 support it but not vscode
Solved using the mouse while holding Alt (Option) key. This way I can copy text from Tmux inside VSCode.

How can I run Vim on the same txt Window on Win x64?

Every time I run Vim from the command line of poweshell or cmd, it start another Window.
When on Windows via ssh in txt mode, Vim will also start a new window on the screen. Fine!
Does anybody know if there is a command line switch, a variable or other things that Vim is running in the same txt window where it is started?

Why Autoit script doesn't run over SSH (W10)?

a simple command on AutoIT:
ControlClick("Sighthound Video","","[CLASS:wxWindowNR; INSTANCE:46]","Primary")
ControlClick("Sighthound Video","","[CLASS:wxWindowNR; INSTANCE:49]","Primary")
to click a button in an application.
I create a script called "Toggle.au3".
If I click double click, it works.
If I launch it from the command line, it works.
If I launch from a remote computer with Putty (through SSH) it doesn't works; no error appears but doesn't perform the tasks.
Why? I have also tried to compile in a exe file, but nothing changes.
Windows 10
Bitvise SSH Server
It is because you don't have rights from a remote computer.
If the au3.exe gets the remote's privilege then it is definitely not going to interact.
Edit: However ALL autoit commands are windows based commands, which means C++ commands. If you can call those commands through putty or CMD then it might work

windows command window (cmd) suddenly closed file , previous commands

Yesterday I worked with some cmd files in windows, some how I could not able to open that on Today. is there any chance I can view history in command window?
Depends. If the command prompt is the same instance as yesterday you can use the up arrow key to view previous commands.
If the window has been closed commands are lost. In future you could run,
doskey /HISTORY > somecommand.log, before closing command prompt to save all commands used to a file for reference the next time you come to use it.

Stop vim from flashing command prompt in Windows?

Vim under win32 opens a command prompt (vimrun.exe actually, which opens in a terminal window) on every external command, silent or not. Yes, the terminal closes automatically, but it is still quite annoying.
This makes plugins that make extensive use of external commands, such as syntastic (it runs a command on buffer open/save), a real pain.
Is there some way to fix this behavior? What I want is for the terminal to open only for non-silent commands.
Rather than just ![windows command] you might try:
!start /min [windows command]
Alternatively, if you define a shortcut to a windows app you can click on the shortcut's properties and set it up to run as 'Minimized' rather than as 'Normal'
In both cases above an app button will show up on taskbar as the app is opened, as there would be for any minimized application. But it's less intrusive than having an actual window open.
NOTE The !start command solution runs the command asynchronously, resumes Vim immediately without waiting for the command to complete, which may often not be what you want. In that case the use of shortcut set up to run as minimized is better solution.
Just to bring closure: I wrote a replacement runner utility for Vim on Windows that doesn't open a visible command prompt. Here it is: vimrun-silent.
