Web Sphere Application Server v7.0 - websphere

What are the different "wsadmin objects" are there in WebSphereApplicationServer, and what is the use of them?

The AdminConfig, AdminControl, AdminTask, and AdminApp objects are described here in the WebSphere InfoCenter.


IBM Worklight - Can Worklight be deployed to an existing WAS server?

Can a Worklight Server be deployed to a WebSphere application server which also runs other non-Worklight .ear applications? Or does Worklight need its own separate instance of WAS?
Just like you can deploy multiple instances of Worklight (v6 and above) projects - multiple .war files to the same WAS application server, there should not be issues to deploy it to an application server running other services.
That said, possible issues to consider:
When deploying a Worklight project, you will want to enable "application security"
(in the WAS admin console, Security > Global Security). If there are some other web
applications for which application security is undesired, you need a different WAS server
Setting up, enabling and migrating security
The list of users that can use the web applications are configured through LDAP or
"federated repositories", or similar. If, for Worklight, you need to use a completely
different set of user logins than for the other web applications, then you need to use
multiple "security domains".
Configuring multiple security domains
The machine hosting the application server will probably need memory upgrades...
Deploying the Enterprise Archive (EAR) Using the WebSphere Admin Console
Probably also need to make clear seperation where required:
IBM WebSphere Developer Technical Journal: Co-hosting multiple versions of J2EE applications
Worklight is itself an application running inside a web container, whether that be Tomcat, WAS Liberty, or full WAS. It's essentially a layer running underneath the container to handle requests for Worklight applications, fielding their context root requests. If you create the WAR file for your Worklight app and extract out the deployment descriptor you'll find all the necessary filters and listeners that most other apps would have.
Things like adapters and wlapps are "installed" to this underlying layer, and are merely extracted and stored as whatever was packaged with them, such as the JS and CSS you used to make you app. In fact, with a standard Liberty install you can typically find your adapters in plain sight at (for the WL5.0.6 instance I have handy, it's different for WL6):
So, in addition to what Idan has said, I also present you with the following docs (assuming WL6)
Overview of the Worklight Server installation process
Given my own experience, you should be perfectly able to install other EAR and WAR files to your existing WAS instance, just make sure your context roots are unique, as always ;)
I also second the memory considerations.

What all can be an endpoints in Websphere ESB

Can anyone tell me what all can be the endpoints on an Websphere ESB. Like a web service, bpel process etc. what else can be there.!?
Thanks in advance!
Before I attempt to answer your question, I would like to bring something important to your attention
WebSphere ESB product has been sun-set. The product features have been merged into IIB (earlier called as WebSphere Message Broker).
If you are starting now, I would suggest that you explore IIB instead of WESB.
WESB can expose services via multiple means - WebServices (SOAP/HTTP and JMS) and messages (via both JMS or MQ).
In WESB terms we call them as exports. Exports are the ways by which a service is exposed to the external world.
Note: BPEL processes cannot be hosted in a WESB environment.

when to use JMS (with websphere inbuilt messaging provider) vs a full fledged MQ product like ActiveMQ

I understand JMS spec allows me to write MDBs. Then I can deploy them on an appserver like websphere or jboss (and they have inbuilt implementation of JMS provider which is Java EE compliant). The question is when to use a full fledged product like IBM WebSphere MQ or ACtiveMQ instead of using App server's inbuilt JMS provider.
This appears to be a good reference to what you are asking, specific to IBM products but can be generalized to using an application server integrated messaging system vs a standalone messaging system - http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/websphere/library/techarticles/1109_wallis/1109_wallis.html
A built in JMS provider, such as WebSphere SI Bus, possibly others, are built for JMS messaging.
WebSphere MQ (MQSeries), ActiveMQ etc. have clients for multiple languages and are built for applications other than Application Server hosted applications to connect to it (C++, Java SE, Python, etc).
Say you want a local messaging server on the same physical server (or network?) as a non JavaEE application, you don't want to install a Java EE App Server, but want a stand alone messaging server instead (WebSphere MQ, Active MQ).
That said, ActiveMQ, for instance, is the messaging system inside Apache Geronimo. So there is overlapping here.
Then there is a whole discussion about management, clustering and security. Java EE messaging systems are pretty much optimized to follow the cluster layout of Java EE. In other deployment scenarios, the clustering might be optimal in other ways, such as cluster for different security zones. Also security models and management tools might be different in stand alone messagaing servers.

How to Share Sessions Between Two Web Applications in Websphere

Is there any way to share Sessions between two web applications installed on Same Websphere Instance. My Websphere Version is 6.1.
Thanks and Regards,
If you are sure that you need this you can use the following WebSphere extension to achieve this.
Do notice that both these web apps are part of the same Enterprise Application.

Pmi Client is not created while using with sun java instead of IBM java

My task to monitor the IBM Websphere through pmi client.Pmi client is an agent provided by the IBM to get MBeans and is running under IBM Java. I tried it to run under Sun java. But, it fails to create the Pmiclient. Did Anyone come across this issue?
The IBM JRE has slightly customized classes. This is unfortunately not uncommon with PMI (and also JMX by the way) when working with different WebSphere Application Server versions.
There are hacks around involving copying the relevant IBM implementations and running them with the Sun/Oracle JRE but I don't think that is valid according to the licensing terms. What you really should do is to use the IBM provided JRE.
If you want a riskless shortcut you will build an applicaton (perhaps EJB or servlets) that runs on the WebSphere Application Server and exposes the results from PMI via custom interface. For instance web service.
