Curvature estimation from image - algorithm

I have images like this ones:
In this images the red line is what I want to get from the image. Original images do not have that red lines, but only that green road.
What I want is to estimate the curve from image in form of a coeffitients of equation: A x^2 + B x + C = 0. In images there can be noise (black holes on edges as you see above).
I have tried to solve this by using least squares method (LSM), but there are two problems with this approach:
The method is too slow even on PC, because the points amount is high.
The road is too wide in the following case:
The curve on the left image is correctly recognized, but on the right side incorrectly. The reason is that the road is too wide and too short, I suppose.
As a solution for both cases I want to make the road narrow. In ideal case it is a red line in images above. Or I want to use LSM for line detection (A x + B = 0) for optimization of processing time.
I have tried eroding image - it is wrong approach.
Skeleton also not the right solution.
Any ideas about how to achieve the desired result (make the road narrow)?
Or any ideas of another approach for this problem?

If you can rely on always having one axis as the dependent variable in your fit (looks like it should be the x axis in the above "correct" examples, although your bottom right failure seems to be using y), then you could do something like this:
for each scanline y, pick the median x of the non-black pixels
if there are no non-black pixels (or fewer than some chosen noise threshold), skip the line
You now have a list of (x,y) pairs, at most as many as there are scan lines. These represent guesses as to the midpoint of the road at each level. Fit a low order polynomial x=f(y) (I'd go for linear or cubic, but you could do quadratic if you prefer) to these points by least squares.
For the sorts of images you've shown, the detail is very coarse, so you might be able to manage with just a subset of points. But even without that the processing cost should be reasonable unless you're using very constrained hardware.
If left-right paths occur often then you could fit both ways and then apply some kind of goodness of fit criterion. If paths loop back on themselves often, then this sort of midpoint approach won't give you a good answer, but then you're onto a loser with the fitting anyway.


Algorithm for distributing points evenly but randomly in a rectangle

I want to place some points in a rectangle randomly.
Generating random x, y coordinates it's not a good idea, because many times happens that the points are mainly distributed on the same area instead cover the whole rectangle.
I don't need an algorithm incredibly fast or the best cover position, just something that could run in a simple game that generate random (x, y) that cover almost the whole rectangle.
In my particular case I'm trying to generate a simple sky, so the idea is to place almost 40/50 stars in the sky rectangle.
Could someone point me some common algorithm to do that?
There is a number of algorithms to pseudo-randomly fill a 2d plane. One of them is Poisson Disk Sampling which places the samples randomly, but then checks that any two are not too close. The result would look something like this:
You can check some articles describing this algorithm. And even some implementations are available.
The problem though is that the resulting distribution looks nothing like the actual stars in the sky. But it gives a good tool to start with - by controlling the Poisson radius we can create very naturally looking looking patterns. For example in this article they use Perlin Noise to control the radius of the Poisson Disk Sampling:
You would also want to adjust the brightness of the stars, but you can experiment with uniform random values or Perlin noise.
Once I have used a completely different approach for a game. I took real positions of the stars in cartesian system from HYG database by David Nash and transformed them to my viewpoint. With this approach you can even create the exact view that can be seen from where you are on Earth.
I once showed this database to the girl I wanted to date, saying "I want to show you the stars… in cartesian coordinate system".
Upd. It’s been over seven years now and we are still together.
Just some ideas which might make your cover to appear "more uniform". These approaches don't necessarily provide an efficient way to generate a truly uniform cover, but they might be good enough and worth looking at in your case.
First, you can divide the original rectangle in 4 (or 10, or 100 - as long as performance allows you) subrectangles and cover those subrectangles separately with random points. By doing so you will make sure that no subrectangle will be left uncovered. You can generate the same number of points for each subrectangle, but you can also vary the number of points from one subrectangle to another. For example, for each subrectangle you can first generate a random number num_points_in_subrectangle (which can come from a uniform random distribution on some interval [lower, upper]) and then randomly fill the subrectangle with this many points. So all subrectangles will contain random number of points and will probably look less "programmatically generated".
Another thing you can try is to generate random points inside the original rectangle and for each generated point check if there already exists a point within some radius R. If there is such point, you reject the candidate and generate the new one. Again, here you can vary the radius from one point to another by making R a random variable.
Finally, you can combine several approaches. Generate some random number n of points you want in total. First, divide the original rectangle in subrectangles and cover those in such a way that there are n / 3 points in total. Then generate next n / 3 points by selecting the random point inside the original rectangle without any restrictions. After this, generate the last n / 3 points randomly with checks for neighbors within the radius.
Using a uniform drawing of X, Y, if you draw 40 points, the probability of having all points in the same half is about one over a trillion (~0.0000000000009).

Algorithm for making straight lines out of bumpy pixels

The Problem:
I have an image that I downloaded from google's static map api. I use this image to basically create a "magic wand" type feature where a user clicks. For those interested I am using the graph cut algorithm to find the shape that the user clicked. I then find all the points that represent the border of this shape (borderPoints) using contour tracing.
My Goal:
Straighten out the lines (if possible) and minimize the amount of borderPoints (as much as possible). My current use case are the roofs of houses so in the majority of cases I would hope that I could find the corners and just use those as the borderPoints instead of all the varying points in between. But I am having trouble figuring out how to find those corners because of the bumpy pixel lines.
My Attempts at a Solution:
One simple technique is to loop over the points checking the point before, the current point, and the point after. If the point before and the point after have the same x or the same y then the current point can be removed. This trims the number of points down a little but not as much as I would like.
I also tried looking at the before and after point to see if the current point could be removed if it wasn't within a certain slope range but had little success because occasionally a key corner point was removed because the image was kind of fuzzy and the corner had slightly rounded points.
My Question:
Are there any algorithms for doing this type of thing? If so, what is it (they) called? If not, any thoughts on how to progamatically approach this problem?
This sounds similar to the Ramer–Douglas–Peucker algorithm. You may be able to do better by exploiting the fact that all your points lie on a grid.
Seems to me like you are looking for a polynomial approximation of degree 1.
For a quick answer to your question, you may want to read this: The Numerical example section shows you concretely how the equation for your line can be computed.
Polynomial approximations allow you to approach a function, curve, group of point, however you want to call it with a polynomial function of the form an.x^n + ... + a1.x^1 + a0
In your case, you want a line, so you want a function a1.x + a0 where a1 and a0 will be calculated to minimize the error with the set of points you have.
There are various ways of computing your error (called a norm) and minimizing it. You may be interested for example in finding the line that minimizes the distance to any of the points you have (minimizing the max), or in minimizing the distance to the set of points as a whole (minimizing the sum of absolute differences, or the sum of squares of differences, etc.)
In terms of algorithms, you may want to look at Chebyshev approximations and Remez algorithms specifically. All of these solve the approximation of a function with a polynomial of any degree but in your case you will only care about degree 1.

Randomly and efficiently filling space with shapes

What is the most efficient way to randomly fill a space with as many non-overlapping shapes? In my specific case, I'm filling a circle with circles. I'm randomly placing circles until either a certain percentage of the outer circle is filled OR a certain number of placements have failed (i.e. were placed in a position that overlapped an existing circle). This is pretty slow, and often leaves empty spaces unless I allow a huge number of failures.
So, is there some other type of filling algorithm I can use to quickly fill as much space as possible, but still look random?
Issue you are running into
You are running into the Coupon collector's problem because you are using a technique of Rejection sampling.
You are also making strong assumptions about what a "random filling" is. Your algorithm will leave large gaps between circles; is this what you mean by "random"? Nevertheless it is a perfectly valid definition, and I approve of it.
To adapt your current "random filling" to avoid the rejection sampling coupon-collector's issue, merely divide the space you are filling into a grid. For example if your circles are of radius 1, divide the larger circle into a grid of 1/sqrt(2)-width blocks. When it becomes "impossible" to fill a gridbox, ignore that gridbox when you pick new points. Problem solved!
Possible dangers
You have to be careful how you code this however! Possible dangers:
If you do something like if (random point in invalid grid){ generateAnotherPoint() } then you ignore the benefit / core idea of this optimization.
If you do something like pickARandomValidGridbox() then you will slightly reduce the probability of making circles near the edge of the larger circle (though this may be fine if you're doing this for a graphics art project and not for a scientific or mathematical project); however if you make the grid size 1/sqrt(2) times the radius of the circle, you will not run into this problem because it will be impossible to draw blocks at the edge of the large circle, and thus you can ignore all gridboxes at the edge.
Thus the generalization of your method to avoid the coupon-collector's problem is as follows:
Inputs: large circle coordinates/radius(R), small circle radius(r)
Output: set of coordinates of all the small circles
divide your LargeCircle into a grid of r/sqrt(2)
ValidBoxes = {set of all gridboxes that lie entirely within LargeCircle}
SmallCircles = {empty set}
until ValidBoxes is empty:
pick a random gridbox Box from ValidBoxes
pick a random point inside Box to be center of small circle C
check neighboring gridboxes for other circles which may overlap*
if there is no overlap:
add C to SmallCircles
remove the box from ValidBoxes # possible because grid is small
else if there is an overlap:
increase the Box.failcount
remove the box from ValidBoxes
return SmallCircles
(*) This step is also an important optimization, which I can only assume you do not already have. Without it, your doesThisCircleOverlapAnother(...) function is incredibly inefficient at O(N) per query, which will make filling in circles nearly impossible for large ratios R>>r.
This is the exact generalization of your algorithm to avoid the slowness, while still retaining the elegant randomness of it.
Generalization to larger irregular features
edit: Since you've commented that this is for a game and you are interested in irregular shapes, you can generalize this as follows. For any small irregular shape, enclose it in a circle that represent how far you want it to be from things. Your grid can be the size of the smallest terrain feature. Larger features can encompass 1x2 or 2x2 or 3x2 or 3x3 etc. contiguous blocks. Note that many games with features that span large distances (mountains) and small distances (torches) often require grids which are recursively split (i.e. some blocks are split into further 2x2 or 2x2x2 subblocks), generating a tree structure. This structure with extensive bookkeeping will allow you to randomly place the contiguous blocks, however it requires a lot of coding. What you can do however is use the circle-grid algorithm to place the larger features first (when there's lot of space to work with on the map and you can just check adjacent gridboxes for a collection without running into the coupon-collector's problem), then place the smaller features. If you can place your features in this order, this requires almost no extra coding besides checking neighboring gridboxes for collisions when you place a 1x2/3x3/etc. group.
One way to do this that produces interesting looking results is
create an empty NxM grid
create an empty has-open-neighbors set
for i = 1 to NumberOfRegions
pick a random point in the grid
assign that grid point a (terrain) type
add the point to the has-open-neighbors set
while has-open-neighbors is not empty
foreach point in has-open-neighbors
get neighbor-points as the immediate neighbors of point
that don't have an assigned terrain type in the grid
if none
remove point from has-open-neighbors
pick a random neighbor-point from neighbor-points
assign its grid location the same (terrain) type as point
add neighbor-point to the has-open-neighbors set
When done, has-open-neighbors will be empty and the grid will have been populated with at most NumberOfRegions regions (some regions with the same terrain type may be adjacent and so will combine to form a single region).
Sample output using this algorithm with 30 points, 14 terrain types, and a 200x200 pixel world:
Edit: tried to clarify the algorithm.
How about using a 2-step process:
Choose a bunch of n points randomly -- these will become the centres of the circles.
Determine the radii of these circles so that they do not overlap.
For step 2, for each circle centre you need to know the distance to its nearest neighbour. (This can be computed for all points in O(n^2) time using brute force, although it may be that faster algorithms exist for points in the plane.) Then simply divide that distance by 2 to get a safe radius. (You can also shrink it further, either by a fixed amount or by an amount proportional to the radius, to ensure that no circles will be touching.)
To see that this works, consider any point p and its nearest neighbour q, which is some distance d from p. If p is also q's nearest neighbour, then both points will get circles with radius d/2, which will therefore be touching; OTOH, if q has a different nearest neighbour, it must be at distance d' < d, so the circle centred at q will be even smaller. So either way, the 2 circles will not overlap.
My idea would be to start out with a compact grid layout. Then take each circle and perturb it in some random direction. The distance in which you perturb it can also be chosen at random (just make sure that the distance doesn't make it overlap another circle).
This is just an idea and I'm sure there are a number of ways you could modify it and improve upon it.

Reproducing images with primitive shapes. (Graphics optimization problem)

Based on this original idea, that many of you have probably seen before:
I wanted to try taking a different approach:
You have a target image. Let's say you can add one triangle at a time. There exists some triangle (or triangles in case of a tie) that maximizes the image similarity (fitness function). If you could brute force through all possible shapes and colors, you would find it. But that is prohibitively expensive. Searching all triangles is a 10-dimensional space: x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, r, g, b, a.
I used simulated annealing with pretty good results. But I'm wondering if I can further improve on this. One thought was to actually analyze the image difference between the target image and current image and look for "hot spots" that might be good places to put a new triangle.
What algorithm would you use to find the optimal triangle (or other shape) that maximizes image similarity?
Should the algorithm vary to handle coarse details and fine details differently? I haven't let it run long enough to start refining the finer image details. It seems to get "shy" about adding new shapes the longer it runs... it uses low alpha values (very transparent shapes).
Target Image and Reproduced Image (28 Triangles):
Edit! I had a new idea. If shape coordinates and alpha value are given, the optimal RGB color for the shape can be computed by analyzing the pixels in the current image and the target image. So that eliminates 3 dimensions from the search space, and you know the color you're using is always optimal! I've implemented this, and tried another run using circles instead of triangles.
300 Circles and 300 Triangles:
I would start experimenting with vertex-colours (have a different RGBA value for each vertex), this will slightly increase the complexity but massively increase the ability to quickly match the target image (assuming photographic images which tend to have natural gradients in them).
Your question seems to suggest moving away from a genetic approach (i.e. trying to find a good triangle to fit rather than evolving it). However, it could be interpreted both ways, so I'll answer from a genetic approach.
A way to focus your mutations would be to apply a grid over the image, calculate which grid-square is the least-best match of the corresponding grid-square in the target image and determine which triangles intersect with that grid square, then flag them for a greater chance of mutation.
You could also (at the same time) improve fine-detail by doing a smaller grid-based check on the best matching grid-square.
For example if you're using an 8x8 grid over the image:
Determine which of the 64 grid squares is the worst match and flag intersecting (or nearby/surrounding) triangles for higher chance of mutation.
Determine which of the 64 grid-squares is the best match and repeat with another smaller 8x8 grid within that square only (i.e. 8x8 grid within that best grid-square). These can be flagged for likely spots for adding new triangles, or just to fine-tune the detail.
An idea using multiple runs:
Use your original algorithm as the first run, and stop it after a predetermined number of steps.
Analyze the first run's result. If the result is pretty good on most part of the image but was doing badly in a small part of the image, increase the emphasis of this part.
When running the second run, double the error contribution from the emphasized part (see note). This will cause the second run to do a better match in that area. On the other hand, it will do worse in the rest of the image, relative to the first run.
Repeatedly perform many runs.
Finally, use a genetic algorithm to merge the results - it is allowed to choose from triangles generated from all of the previous runs, but is not allowed to generate any new triangles.
Note: There was in fact some algorithms for calculating how much the error contribution should be increased. It's called However, I think the idea will still work without using a mathematically precise method.
Very interesting problem indeed ! My way of analyzing such problem was usage of evolutionary strategy optimization algorithm. It's not fast and is suitable if number of triangles is small. I've not achieved good approximations of original image - but that is partly because my original image was too complex - so I didn't tried a lot of algorithm restarts to see what other sub-optimal results EVO could produce... In any case - this is not bad as abstract art generation method :-)
i think that algorithm is at real very simple.
P = 200 # size of population
max_steps = 100
def iteration
create P totally random triangles (random points and colors)
select one triangle that has best fittness
#fitness computing is described here:
put selected triangle on the picture (or add it to array of triangles to manipulate them in future)
for i in 1..max_steps {iteration}

Drawing a Topographical Map

I've been working on a visualization project for 2-dimensional continuous data. It's the kind of thing you could use to study elevation data or temperature patterns on a 2D map. At its core, it's really a way of flattening 3-dimensions into two-dimensions-plus-color. In my particular field of study, I'm not actually working with geographical elevation data, but it's a good metaphor, so I'll stick with it throughout this post.
Anyhow, at this point, I have a "continuous color" renderer that I'm very pleased with:
The gradient is the standard color-wheel, where red pixels indicate coordinates with high values, and violet pixels indicate low values.
The underlying data structure uses some very clever (if I do say so myself) interpolation algorithms to enable arbitrarily deep zooming into the details of the map.
At this point, I want to draw some topographical contour lines (using quadratic bezier curves), but I haven't been able to find any good literature describing efficient algorithms for finding those curves.
To give you an idea for what I'm thinking about, here's a poor-man's implementation (where the renderer just uses a black RGB value whenever it encounters a pixel that intersects a contour line):
There are several problems with this approach, though:
Areas of the graph with a steeper slope result in thinner (and often broken) topo lines. Ideally, all topo lines should be continuous.
Areas of the graph with a flatter slope result in wider topo lines (and often entire regions of blackness, especially at the outer perimeter of the rendering region).
So I'm looking at a vector-drawing approach for getting those nice, perfect 1-pixel-thick curves. The basic structure of the algorithm will have to include these steps:
At each discrete elevation where I want to draw a topo line, find a set of coordinates where the elevation at that coordinate is extremely close (given an arbitrary epsilon value) to the desired elevation.
Eliminate redundant points. For example, if three points are in a perfectly-straight line, then the center point is redundant, since it can be eliminated without changing the shape of the curve. Likewise, with bezier curves, it is often possible to eliminate cetain anchor points by adjusting the position of adjacent control points.
Assemble the remaining points into a sequence, such that each segment between two points approximates an elevation-neutral trajectory, and such that no two line segments ever cross paths. Each point-sequence must either create a closed polygon, or must intersect the bounding box of the rendering region.
For each vertex, find a pair of control points such that the resultant curve exhibits a minimum error, with respect to the redundant points eliminated in step #2.
Ensure that all features of the topography visible at the current rendering scale are represented by appropriate topo lines. For example, if the data contains a spike with high altitude, but with extremely small diameter, the topo lines should still be drawn. Vertical features should only be ignored if their feature diameter is smaller than the overall rendering granularity of the image.
But even under those constraints, I can still think of several different heuristics for finding the lines:
Find the high-point within the rendering bounding-box. From that high point, travel downhill along several different trajectories. Any time the traversal line crossest an elevation threshold, add that point to an elevation-specific bucket. When the traversal path reaches a local minimum, change course and travel uphill.
Perform a high-resolution traversal along the rectangular bounding-box of the rendering region. At each elevation threshold (and at inflection points, wherever the slope reverses direction), add those points to an elevation-specific bucket. After finishing the boundary traversal, start tracing inward from the boundary points in those buckets.
Scan the entire rendering region, taking an elevation measurement at a sparse regular interval. For each measurement, use it's proximity to an elevation threshold as a mechanism to decide whether or not to take an interpolated measurement of its neighbors. Using this technique would provide better guarantees of coverage across the whole rendering region, but it'd be difficult to assemble the resultant points into a sensible order for constructing paths.
So, those are some of my thoughts...
Before diving deep into an implementation, I wanted to see whether anyone else on StackOverflow has experience with this sort of problem and could provide pointers for an accurate and efficient implementation.
I'm especially interested in the "Gradient" suggestion made by ellisbben. And my core data structure (ignoring some of the optimizing interpolation shortcuts) can be represented as the summation of a set of 2D gaussian functions, which is totally differentiable.
I suppose I'll need a data structure to represent a three-dimensional slope, and a function for calculating that slope vector for at arbitrary point. Off the top of my head, I don't know how to do that (though it seems like it ought to be easy), but if you have a link explaining the math, I'd be much obliged!
Thanks to the excellent contributions by ellisbben and Azim, I can now calculate the contour angle for any arbitrary point in the field. Drawing the real topo lines will follow shortly!
Here are updated renderings, with and without the ghetto raster-based topo-renderer that I've been using. Each image includes a thousand random sample points, represented by red dots. The angle-of-contour at that point is represented by a white line. In certain cases, no slope could be measured at the given point (based on the granularity of interpolation), so the red dot occurs without a corresponding angle-of-contour line.
(NOTE: These renderings use a different surface topography than the previous renderings -- since I randomly generate the data structures on each iteration, while I'm prototyping -- but the core rendering method is the same, so I'm sure you get the idea.)
Here's a fun fact: over on the right-hand-side of these renderings, you'll see a bunch of weird contour lines at perfect horizontal and vertical angles. These are artifacts of the interpolation process, which uses a grid of interpolators to reduce the number of computations (by about 500%) necessary to perform the core rendering operations. All of those weird contour lines occur on the boundary between two interpolator grid cells.
Luckily, those artifacts don't actually matter. Although the artifacts are detectable during slope calculation, the final renderer won't notice them, since it operates at a different bit depth.
Aaaaaaaand, as one final indulgence before I go to sleep, here's another pair of renderings, one in the old-school "continuous color" style, and one with 20,000 gradient samples. In this set of renderings, I've eliminated the red dot for point-samples, since it unnecessarily clutters the image.
Here, you can really see those interpolation artifacts that I referred to earlier, thanks to the grid-structure of the interpolator collection. I should emphasize that those artifacts will be completely invisible on the final contour rendering (since the difference in magnitude between any two adjacent interpolator cells is less than the bit depth of the rendered image).
Bon appetit!!
The gradient is a mathematical operator that may help you.
If you can turn your interpolation into a differentiable function, the gradient of the height will always point in the direction of steepest ascent. All curves of equal height are perpendicular to the gradient of height evaluated at that point.
Your idea about starting from the highest point is sensible, but might miss features if there is more than one local maximum.
I'd suggest
pick height values at which you will draw lines
create a bunch of points on a fine, regularly spaced grid, then walk each point in small steps in the gradient direction towards the nearest height at which you want to draw a line
create curves by stepping each point perpendicular to the gradient; eliminate excess points by killing a point when another curve comes too close to it-- but to avoid destroying the center of hourglass like figures, you might need to check the angle between the oriented vector perpendicular to the gradient for both of the points. (When I say oriented, I mean make sure that the angle between the gradient and the perpendicular value you calculate is always 90 degrees in the same direction.)
In response to your comment to #erickson and to answer the point about calculating the gradient of your function. Instead of calculating the derivatives of your 300 term function you could do a numeric differentiation as follows.
Given a point [x,y] in your image you could calculate the gradient (direction of steepest decent)
g={ ( f(x+dx,y)-f(x-dx,y) )/(2*dx),
{ ( f(x,y+dy)-f(x,y-dy) )/(2*dy)
where dx and dy could be the spacing in your grid. The contour line will run perpendicular to the gradient. So, to get the contour direction, c, we can multiply g=[v,w] by matrix, A=[0 -1, 1 0] giving
c = [-w,v]
Alternately, there is the marching squares algorithm which seems appropriate to your problem, although you may want to smooth the results if you use a coarse grid.
The topo curves you want to draw are isosurfaces of a scalar field over 2 dimensions. For isosurfaces in 3 dimensions, there is the marching cubes algorithm.
I've wanted something like this myself, but haven't found a vector-based solution.
A raster-based solution isn't that bad, though, especially if your data is raster-based. If your data is vector-based too (in other words, you have a 3D model of your surface), you should be able to do some real math to find the intersection curves with horizontal planes at varying elevations.
For a raster-based approach, I look at each pair of neighboring pixels. If one is above a contour level, and one is below, obviously a contour line runs between them. The trick I used to anti-alias the contour line is to mix the contour line color into both pixels, proportional to their closeness to the idealized contour line.
Maybe some examples will help. Suppose that the current pixel is at an "elevation" of 12 ft, a neighbor is at an elevation of 8 ft, and contour lines are every 10 ft. Then, there is a contour line half way between; paint the current pixel with the contour line color at 50% opacity. Another pixel is at 11 feet and has a neighbor at 6 feet. Color the current pixel at 80% opacity.
alpha = (contour - neighbor) / (current - neighbor)
Unfortunately, I don't have the code handy, and there might have been a bit more to it (I vaguely recall looking at diagonal neighbors too, and adjusting by sqrt(2) / 2). I hope this enough to give you the gist.
It occurred to me that what you're trying to do would be pretty easy to do in MATLAB, using the contour function. Doing things like making low-density approximations to your contours can probably be done with some fairly simple post-processing of the contours.
Fortunately, GNU Octave, a MATLAB clone, has implementations of the various contour plotting functions. You could look at that code for an algorithm and implementation that's almost certainly mathematically sound. Or, you might just be able to offload the processing to Octave. Check out the page on interfacing with other languages to see if that would be easier.
Disclosure: I haven't used Octave very much, and I haven't actually tested it's contour plotting. However, from my experience with MATLAB, I can say that it will give you almost everything you're asking for in just a few lines of code, provided you get your data into MATLAB.
Also, congratulations on making a very VanGough-esque slopefield plot.
I always check places like before going to deep on my own :)
Maybe their curves section would help? Or maybe the entry on maps.
compare what you have rendered with a real-world topo map - they look identical to me! i wouldn't change a thing...
Write the data out as an HGT file (very simple digital elevation data format used by USGS) and use the free and open-source gdal_contour tool to create contours. That works very well for terrestrial maps, the constraint being that the data points are signed 16-bit numbers, which fits the earthly range of heights in metres very well, but may not be enough for your data, which I assume not to be a map of actual terrain - although you do mention terrain maps.
I recommend the CONREC approach:
Create an empty line segment list
Split your data into regular grid squares
For each grid square, split the square into 4 component triangles:
For each triangle, handle the cases (a through j):
If a line segment crosses one of the cases:
Calculate its endpoints
Store the line segment in the list
Draw each line segment in the line segment list
If the lines are too jagged, use a smaller grid. If the lines are smooth enough and the algorithm is taking too long, use a larger grid.
