magento 's cookie time not the same to timezone - magento

I have searched for more than two hours, my problem is:
I need to use cookies but I found my magento's cookie time is not right.
I have reinstalled my magento and in the system/configuration/general/locale options choose my timezone.
But when I went to my website, I found the cookies time still using GMT and the Path is not right too..(and they are magento's cookies "frontend" and "adminhtml", not the cookies I set, since I need to fix the cookie time first and them start to work on my own cookies).
But I use <?php echo Mage::getModel('core/date')->date();?> in the header.phtml to print my time, and this time is right.
So it means the place which set the cookies don't use the timezone.

And are you sure that the settings haven't been set at a lower configuration scope (website or store level)? Use the GUI tool in upper left corner of System > Configuration screen or use a query:
SELECT * FROM `core_config_data`
WHERE `scope` != 'default'
AND `path` LIKE 'web/cookie%';
If you get any results for the above query, there are values set at the store or website level.


How do I get Magento to always give the /catalog/product/view/id/ style url for products?

I want Magento to always generate product urls in the format:
instead of the rewritten
The reason for this is mainly so that I don't have to worry if something happens to all my rewrites, or so I can feel free to truncate and rebuild core_url_rewrite if something goes wrong and it gets too big.
I don't want to stop using rewritten urls entirely. I like them for categories. I have fewer categories, and I very rarely change the names. I hate feeling like I can't change the name of a product because it will make the core_url_rewrite table grow and mess up any backlinks I've generated if I lose my rewrites. Also, I still want my current urls to work for as long as possible along with the /product/view/id urls.
Is there an easy way to do this without rewriting methods that I'm missing?
Or do I have to override some getProductUrl method? It looks like the answer lies in the getProductUrl() method in Mage_Catalog_Model_Product? That class seems to use the getProductUrl() method in Mage_Catalog_Model_Product_Url.
But again, if there's some simple configuration setting that would do the trick, I'd rather do that.
Magento handled it by own. Please follow the below steps.
1.Login to the admin panel
2. Then System >> Configuration >> Catalog >> Catalog >> Search Engine Optimization
3. Then Change the settings as per your requirement
4. As per your current requirement "Use Categories Path for Product URLs" will be YES
5. Then try to reindex full Via SSH.
Hope it will works.

Laravel session key changing the whole time?

I am using "file storage" for my session. When I run this:
Session::set('awesomekey', 'myVal123');
And refresh the page, I can see new files being created in /storage/session each time. I assumed it would update the same file each time. This basically means sessions don't work at all. In other words, if it keeps recreating a session file, this never works:
Or at least, it returns a blank. What am I missing that could possibly be causing a new session key to be created each time a page is loaded?
On further investigation, it seems the cookie is regenerated on each page load. What could be causing that?
I am not even looking at logging in yet, so this information is useless to me -->
My problem is happening when I simply put the above set and get code in the master.blade.php file. It should set it, store the info, and on the next reload get the right information from session. But it can't because on reload it changed the cookie to some other code.
Anyone know why this is happening?
Adding: 'lifetime' => 120 to session.php did not work. (#Sheikh Heera)
Placing the code in the controller only, does not work. (#Phill Sparks)
I tried chrome and firefox, same result (#The Shift Exchange)
Just to be clear on what I'm trying to do. I add the following code in HomeController.php:
public function index()
Session::put('awesomekey', 'myVal123');
return View::make('home.index');
Then I put this in my master.blade.php:
print Session::get('awesomekey');
I do not include any "dies" or random echos in my controller side of the code, except for this. When I open the file the first time, I can see myVal123 being printed out.
I then take out this part in the controller:
Session::put('awesomekey', 'myVal123');
And reload the page. It now prints nothing. I can see in my browser that the cookie has changed. Generating a new cookie will lose the reference to the session, so I'm stuck trying to understand why it's doing that each time, even though it saves the session on the first load.
Any more ideas?
I also tried:
Running "php artisan dump-autoload" ... still doesn't work
I went here: ... and yes, cookies are enabled.
I'm really running out of ideas here...
I went to SessionManager.php and just underneath this:
$lifetime = $this->app['config']['session.lifetime'];
I printed out the value of life time:
print $lifetime; die();
And this code was never hit on page reload?! However, adding this in my controller:
$d = Config::get('session.lifetime');
print $d;
Does in fact print out my value for lifetime.... :(
The problem was this line:
'cookie' => '',
in session.php. Apparently it loses the cookie if you have a "." in the cookie name. I can't believe Laravel doesn't like that. Or maybe it's browser's in general.
I believe you are using:
'lifetime' => 0 // number of minutes
in your app/config/session.php file. Make it something like this:
'lifetime' => 120 // number of minutes or whatever you want
It'll work. I tried same settings as you described and just used 0 and I get same result, each time a new file is being created but once I change it to 120 or so, it works. So, it make sense that, if it's set to 'lifetime' => 0 in the session config then every time it just creates a new file for a new session because the session doesn't live. So, go to your app/config/session.php file and you'll find something like this, change the value:
| Session Lifetime
| Here you may specify the number of minutes that you wish the session
| to be allowed to remain idle before it expires. If you want them
| to immediately expire on the browser closing, set that option.
You may use following code to get the lifetime value set in the app/config/session.php file:
Have a look at the cookie's expire time in Chrome developer tools, or Firebug. If it is set to 0 then the cookie will expire immediately.
Also, double-check if your clock is setup correctly - strange things could happen if there's a disparity between your host's and the browser's clock. Make both systems consult NTP to ensure this is not an issue.
I had a similar problem with the sessions, if you're using the model User and your users table doesn't have the primaryKey as Id, you must overwrite that variable at the model.
class User extends Eloquent {
protected $primaryKey = 'admin_id';
In /app/config/session.php check the "HTTPS Only Cookie" setting.
Make sure it's "secure => false" if you are not using SSL!
I've experienced issues related to this. The session file wasn't created every time but sometimes I just can't get the session variable displayed. After hours of experiments I found that the problem was related to Debugbar.
If you're using Debugbar and having session issues, disable it and try again to confirm.
Use Session::put('value') instead of set.

Magento store view redirects not working in

I have a store I'm developing that has two store views, one for each language I'm supporting. The products and categories have localized url keys.
In my language switcher would redirect correctly (for ones that had "Create Permanent Redirect" as well as ones with out) but after upgrading to, it did not work any more.
There is a regression in, they updated Mage_Core_Controller_Varien_Front to use ::_getRequestRewriteController() in ::dispatch() previously it used Mage_Core_Model_Url_Rewrite and now it uses Mage_Core_Model_Url_Rewrite_Request
On line 143 of app/code/core/Mage/Core/Model/Url/Rewrite/Request.php it has $stores = $this->_app->getStores(); which returns an array of store_id index stores, but it goes on to check if the store it goes on to check with $fromStore, which is a variable from the GET params, ___from_store, which contains the store views key (e.g. default, french, etc), obviously this has problems looking up using a alpha key in a numericly index array.
The offending line is again, #143 in app/code/core/Mage/Core/Model/Url/Rewrite/Request.php, by simpling changing it to $stores = $this->_app->getStores(false, true) it will work, as the 2nd parameter being true (defaults to false) returns the array with store view codes as the array key.
Hope this helps someone, and if anyone knows the best way to pass this on to the Magento developers, I would appreciate it, as I said, the issue reporting just posted to the home page, which doesn't seem to work.
Edit: I would also like to point out as this is still an issue.

How do I determine the user's culture on the web, based on their time zone?

Newbie here. Actually, first question ever.
I've been using NodaTime (on ASP.Net MVC 3 C#) to get around different time zones and am really happy with the results.
I was wondering if there's a way to get the user's culture info based on the time zone - ie: to display the date/time.
Thanks in advance for any help!
Let me be more clear on this...
I'm able to determine the user time zone using jsTimeZoneDetect and NodaTime. It's working perfectly.
Now, what I need is to find out the user locale info (date/time format, etc) to be able to display these info correctly. ie: An user based on US would see the date as 3/21/2013.
I've tried to obtain the locale from the Request.UserLanguages with no avail. IE returns my locale correctly (en-GB), but both Firefox and Chrome are always returning en-US.
I've also changed the web.config and added the following element:
<globalization culture="auto" uiCulture="auto" enableClientBasedCulture="true" />
And that's the piece of code I've been working on:
var userLanguages = Request.UserLanguages;
CultureInfo ci;
if (userLanguages.Length > 0)
ci = new CultureInfo(userLanguages[0]);
catch (CultureNotFoundException)
ci = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;
ci = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;
string cultureName = ci.Name /* Always returns en-US */
Just as another point, to ask the user to select their locale info is not an option for me. ie: DropdownList on the site, etc.
Any further help? Thanks in advance.
Following #JonSkeet advice, I've changed the question title and labels to fit my issue better.
Just found out something. The way the language (locale) is returned, depends on the browser, as follows:
Internet Explorer returns the language set on the OS settings, or the browser ones.
Firefox, Chrome, Safari and Opera return the language set on the browser settings.
Considering this, I can't even think about using this information as it comes, because there's no way to guarantee that every single user will change their browser settings. The only info I could rely on is the one coming from the OS settings.
I don't have a clue on what to do now.
To answer the question as asked, regardless of the clarification requested...
In 1.0, we don't have any geographical information available. In 1.1, we're exposing the info from which associates a location with each time zone (or at least most of them) including the country. It doesn't go as far as full culture information (it doesn't differentiate between French Canadian and English Canadian for example, or the various languages spoken in Switzerland) but it gives you some idea. You'd access the information via TzdbDateTimeZoneSource.GeoLocations. (It's only available for TZDB.)
Of course, 1.1 isn't released yet - but we're hoping to do so in the next couple of weeks, almost certainly without any large API changes.
I'd still recommend detecting the culture via the HTTP request normally though.

Managing Timezone in magento

How to manage timezone in magento at the time of product creation, in frontend i am filtering products by time,but problem is that client wants to show products creation time depend on user's timezone ? for example i am adding a product in admin area it shows 12.21pm but at the same time customer viewing this product from other country it should displays current time according to user's time zone, how can we do that?
please help me to get out of this.
Thanks in advance.
Be more specific about how you are generating the date and how you wish it to be displayed...
Here is a general approach:
In your template code place a span with a class around your time values. These time strings can be formatted with lots of options including the timezone in your php code.
Place javascript where appropriate: either in the header (onload function), in the footer or inline with your view.phtml.
In your javascript use the Prototype library to iterate over the time spans, e.g.:
$$('yourdateclass').each(function() {
On each of those elements convert the time with Date.parse() to a date object. Then use getTimezoneOffset to account for the visitors location, add/subtract accordingly and then update the element inner html to your preferred way of showing the time/date.
It worked for me.
$session = Mage::getSingleton('customer/session');
$time_zone = $session->getCustomer()->getTimezone();
$timeoffset = Mage::getModel('core/date')->calculateOffset($time_zone);
$timeoffset = $timeoffset - Mage::getModel('core/date')->getGmtOffset($time_zone);
