What is "Upgrade from VC 7.1" property sheet? - windows

I'm porting a project from MSVS2005 to MSVS2010. I just loaded the solution in MSVS2010 and let the wizard convert the projects.
I ran into the property manager and found these property sheets (top-to-bottom):
Upgrade from VC 7.1
Microsoft.Cpp.x64(or Win32).user
Multi-byte Character Support (not editable)
Dynamic Link to MFC (not editable)
I understand the last three ones but I don't know what is the purpose of Upgrade from VC 7.1. Can someone give me a little explanation?
P.S. I found C/C++, Preprocessor, Preprocessor Definitions = _VC80_UPGRADE=0x0710;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) in property page "Upgrade from VC 7.1" but in project properties I see NDEBUG;WIN32;_LIB;%(PreprocessorDefinitions). What does all this mean? What is the _VC80_UPGRADE=0x0710 macro?

A project property sheet simply pre-sets settings for a project. Unless the project overrides the setting. Which your project does, it overrides the "Preprocessor Definitions" setting. The extra "%(PreprocessorDefinitions)" macro ensures that the definitions from the property sheets are appended and not lost.
So the definitions that the compiler sees are NDEBUG;WIN32;_LIB;_VC80_UPGRADE=0x0710
The _VC80_UPGRADE macro helps your old project to compile and run correctly on Visual Studio version 2005 or later. It is used, for one, in vc/atlmfc/include/afxres.h to ensure that the manifest resource has the correct ID.
You are skipping many VS and Windows versions so this doesn't exactly mean you'll have no problems at all. Particularly UAC can give you a headache.


Enabling Ahead of time compilation for Xamarin project

I have a xamarin application which is very slow, I need to improve this performance, with a little research I came across this concept of Ahead of time compilation. But I am not sure how to enable it for my project.
Apparently, I need to set this property to true in my .csproj file But I can't seem to find the file. Any help would be appreciated
Plus this is my first question on StackOverflow so I hope to find some help.
This property need to be setted in native .csproj, but there is a easy way to set that with GUI of Visual stuido.
For example, if want to set for Android in Visual Studio for PC, packaging properties can be set in the Android Options section of project Properties, as shown in the following screenshot:
and then you will see it in .csproj of Android solution.(Unload Android Solution will see this file):
In iOS, you will not need to set AOT, because iOS will use AOT as default.
However, there is a security restriction on iOS, set by Apple, which disallows the execution of dynamically generated code on a device. To ensure that we adhere to these safety protocols, Xamarin.iOS instead uses an Ahead of Time (AOT) compiler to compile the managed code.

Disable or fix #ifdef-sensitive colouring and intellisense in Visual Studio

The problem: My syntax highlighting and IntelliSense are broken. I have a C++ source file like this:
#include "stdafx.hpp"
where stdafx.hpp (the precompiled header for the project) includes a .h file that says:
and DEFINE_SOMETHING is defined in the project properties for the project (under C++ / Preprocessor).
Visual Studio is losing track, and displaying do_some_stuff; (which is actually lots of lines of code) in plain grey - I have neither syntax colouring nor IntelliSense.
The question: How can I either make Visual Studio get this right (unlikely) or switch off the fact that it's greying-out code that it thinks is #ifdef'd out?
(Rearranging the code is not an option - it's a large and complex system whose files are built in various environments, Visual Studio being only one of them. I'm using Visual Studio 2005, but I'd be interested to know whether this is fixed or workaroundable in a later version.)
If someone still interested - to turn off graying out #ifdef:
Go to Tools -> Options
Open Text Editor -> C/C++ -> Formatting
Uncheck Colorize inactive code blocks in a different color
In VS19, it's Tools / Options / Text Editor / C/C++ / View / Inactive Code / Show Inactive Blocks.
Following previous answer of aousov I check my VSCode and found this setting:
C_Cpp: Dim Inactive Regions
Controls whether inactive preprocessor blocks are colored differently than active code. This setting has no effect if IntelliSense is disabled or if using the Default High Contrast theme.
in Extensions / C/C++
This may be related to the version you are using (in my case 1.46.1).
The problem you describe is par for the course in VS 2005. It is fixed in Visual Studio 2010 and later due to the completely redesigned Intellisense system. This is not directly applicable to your problem, but here's some info on the underlying architecture: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/vcblog/archive/2009/05/27/rebuilding-intellisense.aspx
There are some things you could try, and some project structure changes that can help minimize the problem's frequency, but whatever you do will be hit or miss, and the problem will eventually resurface again regardless. The only real solution is to use a newer IDE.
You can continue to use the VS 2005 build tools by installing VS 2010 along with Daffodil (http://daffodil.codeplex.com), then build your projects with the v80 platform toolset in VS 2010. This makes the migration fairly straightforward, with no need for any source code changes.
Since #define SOMETHING is defined inside stdafx.hpp, indicating that it's always defined since DEFINE_SOMETHING is defined in project configuration, would it be out of the question to also define SOMETHING explicitly in project configuration?
I used to have similar issues in VS2005 and 2008, and redundant explicit definitions sometimes helped.
I fixed this (in VSCode) by changing C_Cpp.default.intelliSenseMode
"C_Cpp.default.intelliSenseMode": "windows-gcc-x64"
I am building an ARM project on a micro-controller. Its not 64 bit either. But this does parse the directives correctly.
For Science I tried Widows-gcc-ARM and that also correctly lit up the regions that are truly active. I also know for a fact that gcc is setup and configured on my windows machine, and while I have clang and msvc, I dont use them and dont know that they work- so it could be why gcc works better for me.
You can experiment with this setting, but I am fairly certain the resolution resides in this option.
I do not know the equivalent VS option, I am sorry.

Intellisense error / including additional libraries with environment variables

I'm working on a C++ project (VS 2010) using CPLEX.
I have included the required cplex libraries in the project settings as follows:
added the "additional include directories" under C/C++ > general
added the "additional library directories" under linker > general
added the .lib files as "additional dependecies" under linker > input
Everything compiles fine, however my problem is that intellisense still reports errors (red squiggly underlines) such as "cannot open source file" in the #include line, and "identifier undefined" when using variable types defined in the CPLEX library.
The only difference with other projects that don't have this behaviour is that this time I have used windows environment variables in setting the include path, i.e. the library directories and include directories are defined similar to: %CPLEX_STUDIO_DIR%\cplex\include
I have set it like this so that I can build this project on different machines without messing around in the project properties. Since CPLEX is installed separately, using relative paths to specify additional directories is not really an option.
I'd like to repeat that the project compiles, it's only the intellisense errors that are bothering me.
I know I can turn off the intellisense error reporting, but if someone has a workaround for this I'd love to hear about it.
Kind regards,
This problem is known to Microsoft:
The only way I know of to avoid it is to manually enter the full literal path. The bug is marked "deferred" which I think means Microsoft has regarded it not serious enough to be fixed soon.
The solution is to replace %CPLEX_STUDIO_DIR%\cplex\include with $(CPLEX_STUDIO_DIR)\cplex\include. This is the syntax Visual Studio uses for its built-in variables such as $(VCInstallDir), but it also works for environment variables (so long as they don't have the same name as a built-in variable) and is recognised by intellisense as well as the compiler.
(I realise this is an old question, but it ranks highly in search results so it could help others even if not the original poster.)

How to change VS2010 Add Reference box filter?

I'm getting used to the new IDE (it's vc# express), but the first contact is somewhat confusing. When I open the Add Reference dialog and switch to the .NET tab, a label above the assembly list states: "Filtered to:.NET Framework 4". And it's true - I can reference .NET 4.0 assemblies only plus things like XNA 3.1. However I can't see older assemblies i.e. Managed DirectX libs, which are obviously installed on my computer as there was no trouble with adding a ref to them in vc#08.
What is this? How to change the filter? The label is read-only. These sound like dull guy's questions, but I'm out of luck in finding an answer and there is no intuitive solution.
Thanks in advance.
Change your new application to target the .NET Framework 4 and not .NET Framework 4 Client
"When you create a new application, some projects target the .NET Framework 4 Client Profile by default."
"If you are targeting the .NET Framework 4 Client Profile, you cannot reference an assembly that is not in the .NET Framework 4 Client Profile. Instead you must target the .NET Framework 4. "
We've created a tool that will help you to achieve your goal. Muse VSReferences will allow you to add a Global Assembly Cache reference to the project from Add GAC Reference menu item.
How to change the filter?
Very simple - you must change the Target .NET Framework for your project, as whole. It's not pain :) just RMB on project name in Solution Explorer->Properties->Application tab->Target Framework(combobox). Select what you want. Change combobox == change filter in Add Reference dialog. ;)
I was having a similar problem until I noticed that the older .NET assemblies were actually in the list, there's just some really strange sorting going on. If you sort by assembly name, you should see them in the proper order.
Another possibility is to go into your project’s Properties page and change the Target Framework from 4.0 to your desired Framework. You will then need to reload you application. Now your Reference should be there. Once you have added the Reference you want, change back to 4.0 and again reload.
Hope this helps.
If, for instance, your project is Framework 4 and you want to reference say Microsoft.Deployment.WindowsInstaller (which is not in the filtered list of the .NET tab), then go to the Browse tab and enter the path to the reference item e.g. C:\Program Files\Windows Installer XML v3.5\SDK\Microsoft.Deployment.WindowsInstaller.dll

Excluding Code Analysis rule in source

In a project I'm working on FxCop shows me lots of (and I mean more than 400) errors on the InitializeComponent() methods generated by the Windows Forms designer. Most of those errors are just the assignment of the Text property of labels.
I'd like to suppress those methods in source, so I copied the suppression code generated by FxCop into AssemblyInfo.cs, but it doesn't work.
This is the attribute that FxCop copied to the clipboard.
[module: SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Globalization",
Scope = "member",
Target = "WindowsClient.MainForm.InitializeComponent():System.Void",
MessageId = "System.Windows.Forms.Control.set_Text(System.String)")]
Anyone knows the correct attribute to suppress this messages?
PS: I'm using Visual Studio 2005, C#, FxCop 1.36 beta.
You've probably got the right code, but you also need to add CODE_ANALYSIS as a precompiler defined symbol in the project properties. I think those SuppressMessage attributes are only left in the compiled binaries if CODE_ANALYSIS is defined.
In FxCop 1.36 there is actually a project option on the "Spelling & Analysis" tab that will supress analysis for any generated code.
If you don't want to turn analysis off for all generated code, you need to make sure that you add a CODE_ANALYSIS symbol to the list of conditional compilation symbols (project properties, Build tab). Without this symbol defined, the SupressMessage attributes will be removed from the compiled code so FxCop won't see them.
The other problem with your SuppressMessage attribute is that you are listing a "Target" of a specific method name (in this case WindowsClient.MainForm.InitializeComponent():System.Void) and listing a specific "Scope". You may want to try removing these; otherwise you should add this SuppressMessage to each instance of the method.
You should also upgrade to the RTM version of FxCop 1.36, the beta will not automatically detect the newer version.
Module level suppression messages need to be pasted into the same file as the code that is raising the FxCop error before the namespace declaration or in assemblyinfo.cs. Additionally, you will need to have CODE_ANALYSIS defined as a conditional compiler symbols (Project > Properties > Build). Once that is in place, do a complete rebuild of project and the next time you run FxCop the error should be moved to the "Excluded in Source" tab.
Also, one small tip, but if you are dealing with a lot of FxCop exclusions it might be useful to wrap a region around them so you can get them out of the way.
