Using TOAD's SQL Tracker with Visual Studio and IIS - visual-studio-2010

My current project uses Visual Studio 2010 and TOAD. It is an MVC project with Oracle 11g. I can get the SQL I am producing with logging and or debugging, however, since I already have a TOAD license I would love to be able to use the Tools for Oracle product, SQL Tracker to get the SQL in runtime without having to use logging or break points.
I assume I need to use the devenv.exe (VS executable) process but I cannot get it to add to the SQL Tracker tool. I get the error:
cannot create process; error=[740] (the requested operation requires elevation.)
Any google search says it has to do with running as admin. I have tried to include the Command-line argument of "RUNAS Administrator" (as well as a variety of other options) with no luck.
I am now able to Start monitoring the devenv.exe process. In order to do this I needed to run the applications as administrator before I even started SQL Tracker. However, no output is being captured.
I think I probably need to monitor the IIS process instead (w3wp.exe). When I click to start monitoring this process I now get the error:
Failed to create remote thread; error=8 (Not enough storage is available to process this command.)
I believe monitoring IIS is the correct approach, however, this error is now holding me up. Again google is not helping and I am running everything as Administrator.

Root cause could be many reasons but one thing that I suspect is caching on IIS. You can start from looking there.
Here are few things that you can try out.

Running Studio as admin will not necessarily run your project as admin too, imagine the security hole. I am fairly confident you can make your project run as administrator by modifying the manifest. There is an article on here at Forcing an application to Admin from config file but no one ever confirmed whether the answer was right or not, but that does not mean its not. I have noticed on a number of occasions a C# answer gets preference over a VB.NET one on stackoverflow.


The specified task executable cmd.exe could not be run. The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process

I recently started getting this error intermittently when running or building a solution in Visual Studio 2010:
The specified task executable cmd.exe could not be run. The process cannot access the file 'c:\temp\etc' because it is being used by another process.
There are similar problems reported elsewhere, due to things like two projects building to the same folder, or anti-virus issues, but none of them are the problem in this case. I've reduced the solution to a single project and it still happens.
It turns out that the problem was a service my employer recently installed, called AppSense Application Manager Agent, which is designed to limit my access to admin-type features on the PC.
Luckily I still have access to the services control panel, and disabling the service fixed the problem.

Why is there a Red Cross against my User Group in Team Explorer > Team Members?

Recently our Development user group (Windows) has started showing with a Red Cross in Team Explorer and we cannot expand it anymore.
I have tried removing and re-adding the group but to no avail.
Does anyone know why it would display like this?
We are using TFS 2010 with VS2010 SP1 and August's Power Toys.!
BTW, "Technical Testing Team" is another Windows Domain User Group, just like Development and that works OK.
In general, the red crosses on particular services are caused either by that service being unavailable or by permissions issues...
Are you still able to perform actions that require admin permissions? Does this apply to a single project or all?
How are you defining your developers? A windows domain group? If so, is the TFS server able to see the DC?
I'd suggest you try installing Team Explorer on the TFS server and running it when logged on as yourself - see if you have the same problem. If not, it may be network or firewall problems between your dev machine and the server. At least it would narrow the problem down.
Edit 1:
Do reports work properly? (Specifically, do the graphs show up in reports)?
What auth are you using? Kerberos?
What account is TFS running as? What permissions (if any) does that account have on the network?
Can you see the security information you'd expect in the TFS_Configuration database? (Try tbl_SecurityAccessControlEntry) [Usual "Change nothing, do it at your own risk" disclaimer]
Edit 2:
As per the install docs, the TFS service should be running under its own account (IIRC they suggest Domain\TFS.Service). Check the permissions on the windows services on the TFS Server and see who they're running as. Makes sure the permissions for that user are correct as per the installation instructions
NTLM can cause problems as it doesn't allow credentials to be delegated/relayed the way Kerberos does (and has some picky setup requirements) - but that's obviously not why it's broken all of a sudden (and that usually manifests as graphs not displaying in reports).
WRT: the SecurityAccessControlEntry table, I was more interested in making sure there were entries and that it could be read properly than the contents.
I assume you've tried deleting/recreating groups - If not, give it a shot (deleting the domain group may be an issue with other services but try using a different (new) group and removing the old one from TFS entirely)
I have to admit I'm running out of ideas after that. If it were me, I'd try a clean install on a new server/VM and either point the new install at the old data store [multiple server setup] or export/import projects [single server setup].
For Multiple server setups, this would determine if it's a TFS installation issue/data corruption. For single-server, there's a good chance this would just clean up the problem. You could, of course, also ex/import on multi-server too if it does turn out to be a data thing.
You may want to hang on to see if someone has a less drastic solution.
Looking in the General tab of the VS Output windows there is a message:
Skipping loading group Development into Team Members because it has 102 members.
Looks like VS has a limit on here.

WiX 3.0 throws error 217, while being executed by continuous integration

This is the error that is thrown by our automated build suite on Windows 2008, while running ICEs (after migrating from WiX 2.0 to WiX 3.0):
LGHT0217: Error executing ICE action 'ICE01'. The most common cause of this kind of ICE failure is an incorrectly registered scripting engine. See for details and how to solve this problem. The following string format was not expected by the external UI message logger: "The Windows Installer Service could not be accessed. This can occur if the Windows Installer is not correctly installed. Contact your support personnel for assistance.". in light.exe(0, 0)
The FAQ is now deleted, however, the text from it said:
In WiX v3, Light automatically runs validation-- Windows Installer Internal Consistency Evaluators (ICEs) --after every successful build. Validation is a great way to catch common authoring errors that can lead to service problems, which is why it’s now run by default. Unfortunately, there’s a common issue that occurs on Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 that can cause ICEs to fail. For details on the cause and how to fix it, see Heath Stewart's Blog and Aaron Stebner's WebLog.
Additionally, these are the errors that show up in the event log:
MSIInstaller: Failed to connect to server. Error: 0x80070005
Product: [ProductName] -- Error 1719. The Windows Installer Service could not be accessed. This can occur if the Windows Installer is not correctly installed. Contact your support personnel for assistance.
VBScript and JScript were registered under admin.
Integration service has permissions for the desktop interaction and all the files
Builds succeed, when executed manually on the same machine by another user or even user logged in as integration account (via RDP)
I'm out of ideas so far.
How do I solve this problem while keeping ICE validation?
End of the story:
After fiddling with the permissions of the integration account, DCOM, service activation, etc. without any luck, I finally simply disabled ICE validation in the continuous integration build, while still keeping it in the local build.
To disable ICE validation you can set SuppressValidation to true in the .wixproj file:
Or pass the -sval command line option to light.exe.
Adding the TFS build controller account to local admin group and restarting the windows service did the job for me.
I found the root cause. I tried everything I found, including custom validator extension similar to one posted in Re: [WiX-users] light.exe failed randomly when running ICEs..
It's not a concurrency issue as suggested in various threads. It's caused by a too large Process Environment Block (PEB).
It turns out Windows Installer can’t handle a process environment block larger than 32 kB. In my environment, due to number of variables set by the build system and their size (for example, PATH variable containing multiple duplicated values), PEB was about 34 kB.
Interestingly, per Environment Variables, Windows XP and 2003 had a hard limit of PEB set to 32 kilobytes. That would probably cause an easy-to-catch build break in an earlier phase of the build. Newer Windows' doesn’t have such limit, but I guess that Windows Installer developers limited their internal environment buffers to 32 kB and fail gracefully when the value is exceeded.
The problem can be easily reproduced:
Create a .bat file which sets environment variables which size exceeds 32 kB. For example, it can be 32 lines of set Variable<number>=<text longer than 1024 characters>
Launch cmd.exe
Execute the batch file you created
From the same cmd.exe window:
Try building the MSI package using WiX with ICE validation on OR
Run smoke.exe to validate your package OR
Simply run msiexec /i Package.msi
All the above commands will end up reporting Error 1719 - Windows Installer could not be accessed.
So, the solution is - review your build scripts and reduce number and size of environment variables so they all fit into 32 kB. You can easily verify the results by running:
set > environment.txt
The goal is to get file environment.txt smaller than ~30 kB.
The correct description (without a solution, except if adding the CruiseControl account into local administrators group can pass as a solution) of the problem:
Quote from Wix 3.5 & Cruise Control gives errorLGHT0217:
ICE validation needs an interactive account or administrator privileges to be
happy. See for example WiX Projects vs. TFS 2010 Team Build (2009-11-14) or Re: [WiX-users] Help with building patch (2009-11-20).
imagi is totally right! I could not believe this is the true answer. Supressing validation and making TFS user Administrator are not good solutions. Plus I could not find NT\Authority to add it to Administrators group and was totally stuck in this.
I got the same error on Windows Server 2012 Datacenter as Build Agent.
To solve the problem :
List item
Go to Environment Variables on the build agent machine
Create two System Variables
"PF86" which is equal to "C:\Program Files (x86)"
"PF" which is equal to "C:\Program Files"
They are so short because I want to save characters.I made them without the final backslash because TEMP, TMP and others were made so and I decided to stick to MS standard for these variables.
Edit PATH variable by substituting every "C:\Program Files (x86)" with %PF86% and every "C:\Program Files" with %PF%
Close and build and enjoy!
It worked for me. :)
I found a better solution : Rapid Environment Editor will do all this and even more for you. Automatically.
I faced the same problem and did not like to suppress ICE validation. My setup: I used my own computer as a build agent on Visual Studio Online (VSO). My solution was to change the account used to run the service on my machine. Instead of using Network Service or Local Service I simply made the service log on with my own account which had all the necessary rights.
In WiX v3, Light automatically runs validation--
Windows Installer Internal Consistency Evaluators (ICEs)
--after every successful build. Validation is a
great way to catch common authoring errors that can lead to service problems,
which is why it’s now run by default. Unfortunately, there’s a common issue
that occurs on Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 that can cause ICEs to
fail. For details on the cause and how to fix it, see
Heath Stewart's Blog
Aaron Stebner's WebLog.
I was getting same ICE error, but the problem turned to be corrupted Windows Installer Service.
This solution worked for me:
Log on to your computer as an administrator.
Click Start, and then click Run.
In the Open box, type cmd, and then click OK.
At the command prompt, type msiexec.exe /unregister, and then press ENTER.
Type msiexec /regserver, and then press ENTER.
Restart Windows
Also, verify that the SYSTEM account has full control access permissions to the
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT hive in the Windows registry. In some cases, you may also have to add Administrator accounts.
I have some suggestions.
Try updating the Microsoft Installer version on the build server
Make sure you use the newest release of WiX 3.0, since it's 3.0 release stable now.
If all else fails, try running the build service under a specific build user who you can fiddle with permissions for...
I got this error from my Azure build agent running on-premises.
My solution was to upgrade its user account from "Network Service" to "Local system account".
Go to your build machine and restart the Windows Installer service
None of the above suggestions worked for me, for me the anti-virus (mcafee) came into the picture and looks like it updated the vbscript.dll registry entry to a wrong DLL location. These are the things to keep in mind:
Some of the WiX ICE validations are implemented using VBSCRIPT.
So while compiling the MSI, the build server would need access to the c:\windows\system32\vbscript.dll.
Chances are that somehow the user that runs your build lost access to this DLL.
As mentioned in the above answers do look for the admin access/registry access and make sure your user has it.
Here are the steps that I took to fix the issue:
Open cmd (run as admin) on the build agent machine.
Run RegEdit
Select the root, then click ctrl + f and Search for the following registry entry : {B54F3741-5B07-11cf-A4B0-00AA004A55E8}
Look for the InprocServer32\Default Key
On my build agent, the path was replaced with a mcafee DLL location. I updated the path back to c:\windows\system32\vbscript.dll
Editing the registry entry was not easy, as it was a protected registry entry. I used the below link to get access permissions changed before I could edit the property: Edit protected registry entry
Once I updated the path, everything started working as usual.
My solution is similar to Vladimir's one. My CI user was admin of the computer.
But the following steps were mandatory to allow my jenkins build to succeed:
log in as CI user using rdp
open a dos command prompt
execute: %windir%\system32\msiexec.exe /unregister
execute: %windir%\system32\msiexec.exe /regserver
then i got a successfull job

VB6 application no longer opens on Vista computer

I have a VB6 app that formerly worked perfectly on a Vista machine as a scheduled task, but it will no longer open on the same machine. The app generates export files in a specified folder with no direct output on the screen. I get no errors, no missing references, just absolutely nothing.
The machine is running Vista Business 32-bit, UAC is disabled with a single administrator account, and automatic updates are turned off. The app resides in a non-protected folder, and the export files are put in a folder on the desktop. The client swears that the only change they made to that computer since I installed this app was installing Norton Antivirus, which has never caused problems before with our software.
In addition to the normal VB6 references, the app references Microsoft Scripting Runtime (scrrun.dll), and Microsoft DAO 3.6 (dao360.dll). Both of these files are present and registered on the target machine, along with all the other VB6 dependencies. I added MsgBox statements at the beginning of Sub Main() just to see if anything is being executed, and its not. Disabling Norton yielded no results, nor did reinstalling VB6 runtime to rule out any corrupted libraries. Not once did I get any messages, error or otherwise from my app.
I've never had an issue like this before and I'm completely stumped. Is there anything else that could be causing this?
Edit - The app does not run even when I run it manually, so the part about it being a scheduled task is irrelevant to my problem, sorry for including it.
The user has full administrator credentials, no compatibility mode was needed on the initial test which at the time, was done on this very machine I am having the problem on. For grins I tried compatibility mode for XP and 2000, still nothing.
Try to inspect - if you can access them - the Event Viewer messages. Maybe you will find some tell-tell signs in there...
You could try running the program in Windbg, a free standalone debugger from Microsoft. Compile your VB6 EXE into native code with symbols (create PDB files) and you will be able to debug your application in Windbg.
I would guess one of two things will happen.
Windbg will fail to load the EXE. Presumably with an error message that will identify your problem.
Windbg will load the EXE, and you can single-step through to see what happens.
Here's a 2006 blog post by a Microsoft guy about using Windbg with VB6, and 2004 blog post by another Microsoft VB guy with a brief introduction to Windbg.
Has the user changed their password? That will cause the scheduled task to fail until they re-enter the password on the task.
Have you tried running the process directly, instead of as a scheduled task? I'm far from an expert, but it may be that any errors being generated are not showing up because the program is running as a task.

Error accessing Project > References window?

In Visual Basic 6, when I attempt to access Project > References, it throws an error:
Error accessing system registry
I am:
Logged in as the local computer administrator
running Windows XP Professional and
I can execute regedt32.exe and access all the registry keys just fine.
VB6 was installed as the local administrator.
Any idea why this happens?
I'm running crystal reports 8.5 and it supposed to already have fixed that issue but apparently I still have the issue with 8.5 installed. I have also made the attempt of reinstalling crystal reports with no luck on the issue.
Depending on the Windows OS you have (I have Windows 7 Enterprise), you might want to try giving administrator rights to the REGTLIB.EXE (located in C:\Windws). Right click on the REGTLIB.EXE file. Select Properties from the pop-up menu. Then select the Compatiblity tab. On the Compatiblity tab, check/select the Run this program as Administrator checkbox. Click OK to save your changes. It might take take care of the problem for you. It worked for me. Good luck.
For me this worked:
goto C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VB98
change the property of VB6.EXE by right click->Compatibility In privilege level section, check the option Run this program as Administrator
If you're running Office 2010 (Beta) Word (apparently) writes a restricted registry key. VB throws the error when scanning the registry. The key I have is:
For Regmon - Filter for Process Name -> "vb6.exe" and Result -> ACCESS DENIED. Helps find it very quickly.
Fixed it with PSToosl (PSEXEC) to run registry editor. The command line is,
psexec -i -d -s c:\windows\regedit.exe
psexec needs to be run with elevated-permissions.
Edit by Jim: I'm on a Windows 7 (x64) box. Elevated permissions require the PSTools solution. XP can get away with a little less.
You could try Process Monitor to see which registry keys are accessed.
I got this on a machine that I was using for VB6 development. I had been building a lot of COM DLLs from VB6 (without binary compatibility) and the cruft that had built up in the registry eventually got too much.
Have a look at what size the registry is and what limit you have set. I doubled the registry size and then went looking for a good registry hoover.
Here is a solution from Microsoft. It references the Crystal Reports problem, but the solution just uses regedit32 to walk the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\TypeLib and HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID registry branches for dimmed keys and correcting the security on those keys. There are also instructions to fix the security if regedit32 is unable to access the key. Article ID: 269383
In Windows 7 go to start menu then right click "Microsoft Visual Basic 6" then select properties and click Compatibility from the dialog box that appears then tick "Run this program as an administrator".
Have you tried this? Basically, it seems that it is a crystal reports issue. Hope that helps.
Perhaps worth a try going to the "User Account Control Settings".
When I installed VB6 on Win7-64 (using instructions easily found by a search engine), it worked fine. UAC was off -- i.e. set to "never notify."
After a few weeks I turned UAC on -- i.e. set it to its default. VB6 then couldn't compile because of the "Error accessing the system registry" problem. Unfortunately, turning it off again didn't help. Apparently the damage done by turning it on was irreversible. I can't explain why this should be, but that's my experience.
Giving REGTLIB.EXE administrative privileges while leaving UAC off sounded like a great idea, but that didn't work for me either.
Finally, using Process Monitor and PsTools as described in other posts here worked. However, I had to give Full Control to large parts of my registry to Everyone. This didn't apply just to isolated keys. It seems that the compiler needs to add keys to major nodes, so I had to open up these entire nodes.
Aside from the fact that working through these steps took hours, I'm now much more exposed than I was before I tried to increase security via UAC, However, I need VB6 and don't see another solution short of a new computer.
Lesson: Don't use UAC with VB6. Except if you've arrived here it's too late for that.
It's VB6 installation issue. Try to re-intall VB6 on your system. Otherwise open "visual studio 6.0" with "Run as Administrator". Then open/browse your project .vbp file via - New Project -> Existing tab.
I have fixed the problem. But none of the suggestion above worked. What I did is giving everyone full control over the SYSTEM key in the registry. This creats a security break. I am running 64bit Windows 7 with vb6 serice pack 6B.
I'm running Windows 10 Pro (10.0.16299 Build 16299) 64 bit. I was having this error when trying to compile a VB6 DLL.
I saw several answers in this post about running in compatibility mode as administrator. I thought I would first try just running in compatibility mode for Windows XP (sp2). I was able to compile my DLL after checking that box. I didn't need to run as administrator.
