Power Seller in Virtuemart - joomla

How to get the power seller in virtue mart 2.0.8 ?
My Client has asked about this as like in power seller in ebay.
I have searched regarding this content in Google. I have got the following answer in ebay ?
Power Sellers are eBay top sellers who have consistently given great
customer service and maintained high sales volume on the site. They
provide very high levels of buyer satisfaction as indicated by the 98%
positive feedback that they have to maintain.
We are proud to recognize their contributions to the success of the
eBay Community.
So in Virtue mart . How to implement Power Seller ?. Is there any default option available in virtue mart ? Kindly help.

You dont need a Power Seller in VM
VM is not Ebay (auction site) is a e-commerce site the reputation of the vendor is by default 100% ;)
Are you using Multivendor in VM?
Multivendor is in beta and is not ready for production sites


CCAvenue and Magento

I would like to know when CC Avenue API is integrated with Magento v1.7.02, how does the user interface looks like? Does it offer options like Credit Card, Debit Card, NetBanking or just simply redirects to CC Avenue website for payment?
PS :The API i'm refering to is the one provided by CCavenue and not the one available on magento commerce by junaid bhura.
here i can suggest you one free magento extension.
It is already available at magento commerce Also see pain one you can also read more information at this module description. And as per i know it is only supporting credit and debit card. currently it is not supporting net banking as per my knowledge with this extension.
just go throw carefully.
i am not promoting or any company's extension here also i am not associate with any of the concern person of this extension.
hope this will sure help you.

Shipping in Magento and Google Checkout based on location

I integrate Google Checkout into Magento store ( And i have one big problem.
I want to charge costumers for shipping based on their location.
For example: UK shipping: Free / EU shipping: 7 euro / WORLD shipping: 12 euro
Now when i click on Google Checkout button it sends me to pay but its not shipping costs added in order..
I'm not a Magento user/dev so this answer is specific to Google Checkout API.
Based on your question, you can send shipping information to Google:
As flat rate (pre-calculated on your end) data
note that flat rate is just Google speak - it simply means you/merchant have (pre)determined the cost some way and Google doesn't do any additional work with it (no other calculation, callback, etc.).
You can combine this "pre-calcuated" rate with shipping/address restrictions so that only the appropriate rate is displayed to your customer based on what delivery address they provide on checkout- remember, your customers can create new delivery addresses and/or select any they have provided previously, at the Google Checkout site. This simply means that the only time a delivery address is determined is at the Google Checkout web site.
additional reference - geographic areas
Use Merchant Calculations Shipping
You can't really use account shipping settings based on your question because it only handles the default Google restriction where delivery is restricted to your account country. In order to "enable" international delivery, you'll have to do this in HTML/XML code.
As stated, I'm not a Magento user/dev so how to do this in Magento isn't something I can help you with....

Steps for billing at Marketplace

I am planning to list a Gmail Contextual Gadget on Google Apps Marketplace. More than a year ago I created a vendor profile and a listing (so I am familiar with those steps), but I never made the gadget commercial. Now I'm ready for setting up the gadget for sale but I am wondering about the billing is implemented. As I've read in the Marketplace billing documentation, Google does not provide any solution for this, but recommends that I implement it myself or use a third-party billing product.
So my questions are:
- Which are the basic steps to create a billing solution for your listing?
- Is there any way keep the payment "manual", in that sense that I enable the product for installation manually (with a token etc) for a customer when the payment is received?
- How long time do I have to estimate for this?
Really appreciate an answer!
You need to use the Licensing api

Advice on Canadian payment gateway for VirtueMart (Joomla!)?

I'm developing a shopping cart system for a client using Joomla! 1.5 and VirtueMart and am in the market for a payment gateway provider. That said, I have a couple of unique requests:
Not PayPal -- The client sells tobacco accessories, which is against PayPal ToS.
Allows the sale of tobacco accessories/products -- my client primarily sells glass pipes and waterpipes for tobacco use only. If there's a chance a payment provider will classify these as "paraphernalia" or other things contravening their ToS, I'd prefer to avoid inquiring only to be told I can't use their service. This is why Google Checkout isn't an option, btw.
Good support for VirtueMart -- I've never really programmed a payment module before, so easy of integration with VirtueMart is important.
I'm waiting on a response from PsiGate, though I'm leaning towards Pivotal Payments given the client already uses that company for processing in-store transactions. That said, Pivotal seems to have pretty poor support for VirtueMart -- I can only find a forum post about their payment module, and it seems the people in that thread were having a really hard time implementing it.
Epic-level gratefulness for anyone with suggestions.
VM has very good support to Authorize.net. I have also recently implemented a Link Point (now called First Data) payment module. There is a really good step by step for the Link Point module that worked perfectly for me on VM 1.1.5 here - http://forum.virtuemart.net/index.php?topic=35263.msg107934#msg107934

Which Joomla extension is best for Billing and Registration accounts?

Hello all i want to know which plug in would fit best for having a person to hit a buy now for a monthly service and monthly billing cycle. but also make them register for an account and have them manage the account depending on which package they choose. this is for joomla thanks ;)
AEC is a Joomla extension designed specifically to manage subscriptions like this. AEC subscription manager
If you are running your website on Joomla 1.5 then PayPlans might be the better choice. It blends very well with JomSocial and your design. And yes, its very much customizable.
Virtuemart is a shopping cart system where a user can be made to register before purchase. The monthly billing would have to be done by your payment provider/gateway.
You can also do this with nBill (a fully featured billing system for Joomla).
