I have a Lua function that, given n, generates all permutations of the series from 1 to n and stores each unique series in table form within a container table.
The size of this generated table gets very large very quickly (and necessarily so). About the time I try n = 11, the script will run for several seconds before failing out to "lua: not enough memory." I have 16gb of physical RAM, but watching the performance monitor in the Windows task manager allows me to watch the ram be consumed during run time, and it only gets up to about 20% before the script ends with the memory error.
I found this post that looks like the direction I need to head: memory of a process in Lua
Since I'm running my script with Lua.exe, I'm assuming that I'm limited to how much memory Windows allocates for Lua.exe. Can I increase this amount? Can I use a C# wrapper program to simply run the Lua script (the idea being that it will have a higher/less restricted memory allocation)? Or am I looking in the wrong direction?
Do you need to store all the permutations in advance? You could generate them on-the-fly instead.
local function genPerm(self, i)
local result = {}
local f = 1
for j = 1, self.n do
f = f * j
table.insert(result, j)
for j = 1, self.n-1 do
f = f / (self.n + 1 - j)
local k = math.floor((i - 1) / f)
table.insert(result, j, table.remove(result, j+k))
i = i - k * f
return result
local function perms(n)
return setmetatable({n=n}, {__index=genPerm})
local generator = perms(11)
for _, i in ipairs {1, 42, 1000000, 39916800} do
print(table.concat(generator[i], ','))
In the same vein as finn's answer, here is another permutation generator:
local function perms(a,lo,hi,f)
if lo>hi then f(a) end
for i=lo,hi do
local function gperms(n,f)
local a={}
for i=1,n do a[i]=i end
local function show(a)
for i=1,#a do io.write(a[i],' ') end
You could perhaps use a memory-mapped file on the C++ side of Lua, for which you could provide an API via LuaBridge.
Update 1: an alternative to a memory-mapped file could be a NoSQL database
I have a structure called s in Matlab. This is a structure with two fields a and b. The structure size is 1 x 1,620,000.
It is a very large structure (that probably takes half of the ram of my machine). This is what the structure looks like:
I am looking for an efficient way to concatenate each of the fields a and b into two separate arrays that I can then export to csv. I built the code below, to do so, but even after 12 hours running it has not even reached a quarter of the loop. Any more efficient way of doing this?
a = [];
b =[];
total_n = size(s,2);
count = 1;
while size(s,2)>0
if size(s(1).a,1)
a = [a; s(1).a];
if size(s(1).b,1)
b = [b; s(1).b];
s(1) = []; %to save memory
if mod(count,1000) == 0
fprintf('Done %2f \n', [count/total_n])
count = count+1;
s(1) = []; %to save memory
ah, but such huge misunderstanding that comment is.
if size(s) is 1 x 1,620,000, you just suddenly forced the loop to do (under the hood, you dont see it)
snew=zeros(1,size(s,2)-1) # now you use double memory
snew=s(2:end) # now you force an unnecesary copy
So not only does that line make your code require double the memory, but also in each loop, you make an unnecesary copy of a large array.
Just replace your while for a normal for loop of for ii=1:size(s,2) and then index s!
Now, you can see hopefully then why the following is equally a big mistake (not only that, but any modern MATLAB version is currently telling you this is a bad idea in your editor)
In here in each loop you are forcing MATLAB to make a new a that is 1 bigger than before, and copy the contents of the old a there.
instead, preallocate the size of a.
As you don't know what you are going to put there, I suggest using a cell array, as each s(ii).a has a different length.
You can then, after the loop, remove all empty (isempty) cells if you want.
Managed to do it efficiently:
s= struct2cell(s);
s= squeeze(s);
a = a(1,:);
a = a';
a = vertcat(a{:});
b = a(2,:);
b = b';
b = vertcat(b{:});
I have some MWE below. What I want is to have a subsection of a range, interact with the rest of the range, but not itself.
For instance if the range is 1:100, I want to have a for loop that will have each index in 4:6, interact with all values of 1:100 BUT NOT 4:6.
I want to do this using ranges/filters to avoid generating temporary arrays.
In my case the total range is the number of atoms in the system. The sub-range, is the atoms in a specific molecule. I need to do calculations where each atom in a molecule interacts with all other atoms, but not the atoms in the same molecule.
I am trying to avoid using if statements because that messes up parallel codes. Doing this with an if statement would be
for i=4:6
for j = 1:100
if j == 4 || j==5 || j==6
println(i, " ", j)
I have actual indexing in my code, I would never hardcode values like the above... But I want to avoid that if statement.
The following does what I want, but I now realize that using filter is bad when it comes to memory and the amount used scales linearly with b.
a = 4:6
b = 1:100
for i in a
for j in filter((b) -> !(b in a),b)
print(i, " ", j)
Is there a way to get the double for loop I want where the outer is a sub-range of the inner, but the inner does not include the outer sub-range and most importantly is fast and does not create alot of memory usage like filter does?
If memory usage is really a concern, consider two for loops using the range components:
systemrange = 1:50
moleculerange = 4:12
for i in systemrange[1]:moleculerange[1]-1
for i in moleculerange[end]+1:systemrange[end]
You might be able to do each loop in its own thread.
What about creating a custom iterator?
Note that example below needs some adjustments depending on how you define the exception lists (for example for long list with non continues indices you should use binary search).
struct RangeExcept
function Base.iterate(it::RangeExcept, (el, stop, except)=(it.except.start > 1 ? it.start : it.except.stop+1, it.stop, it.except))
new_el = el+1
if new_el in except
new_el = except.stop+1
el > stop && return nothing
return (el, (new_el, stop,except))
Now let us test the code:
julia> for i in RangeExcept(1,10,3:7)
So I'm trying to iterate over the list of partitions of something, say 1:n for some n between 13 and 21. The code that I ideally want to run looks something like this:
valid_num = #parallel (+) for p in partitions(1:n)
This would use the #parallel for to map-reduce my problem. For example, compare this to the example in the Julia documentation:
nheads = #parallel (+) for i=1:200000000
However, if I try my adaptation of the loop, I get the following error:
ERROR: `getindex` has no method matching getindex(::SetPartitions{UnitRange{Int64}}, ::Int64)
in anonymous at no file:1433
in anonymous at multi.jl:1279
in run_work_thunk at multi.jl:621
in run_work_thunk at multi.jl:630
in anonymous at task.jl:6
which I think is because I am trying to iterate over something that is not of the form 1:n (EDIT: I think it's because you cannot call p[3] if p=partitions(1:n)).
I've tried using pmap to solve this, but because the number of partitions can get really big, really quickly (there are more than 2.5 million partitions of 1:13, and when I get to 1:21 things will be huge), constructing such a large array becomes an issue. I left it running over night and it still didn't finish.
Does anyone have any advice for how I can efficiently do this in Julia? I have access to a ~30 core computer and my task seems easily parallelizable, so I would be really grateful if anyone knows a good way to do this in Julia.
Thank you so much!
The below code gives 511, the number of partitions of size 2 of a set of 10.
using Iterators
s = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]
is_valid(p) = length(p)==2
valid_num = #parallel (+) for i = 1:30
sum(map(is_valid, takenth(chain(1:29,drop(partitions(s), i-1)), 30)))
This solution combines the takenth, drop, and chain iterators to get the same effect as the take_every iterator below under PREVIOUS ANSWER. Note that in this solution, every process must compute every partition. However, because each process uses a different argument to drop, no two processes will ever call is_valid on the same partition.
Unless you want to do a lot of math to figure out how to actually skip partitions, there is no way to avoid computing partitions sequentially on at least one process. I think Simon's answer does this on one process and distributes the partitions. Mine asks each worker process to compute the partitions itself, which means the computation is being duplicated. However, it is being duplicated in parallel, which (if you actually have 30 processors) will not cost you time.
Here is a resource on how iterators over partitions are actually computed: http://www.informatik.uni-ulm.de/ni/Lehre/WS03/DMM/Software/partitions.pdf.
PREVIOUS ANSWER (More complicated than necessary)
I noticed Simon's answer while writing mine. Our solutions seem similar to me, except mine uses iterators to avoid storing partitions in memory. I'm not sure which would actually be faster for what size sets, but I figure it's good to have both options. Assuming it takes you significantly longer to compute is_valid than to compute the partitions themselves, you can do something like this:
s = [1,2,3,4]
is_valid(p) = length(p)==2
valid_num = #parallel (+) for i = 1:30
foldl((x,y)->(x + int(is_valid(y))), 0, take_every(partitions(s), i-1, 30))
which gives me 7, the number of partitions of size 2 for a set of 4. The take_every function returns an iterator that returns every 30th partition starting with the ith. Here is the code for that:
import Base: start, done, next
immutable TakeEvery{Itr}
function take_every(itr, offset, skip)
value, state = Nothing, start(itr)
for i = 1:(offset+1)
if done(itr, state)
return TakeEvery(itr, state, value, false, skip)
value, state = next(itr, state)
if done(itr, state)
TakeEvery(itr, state, value, true, skip)
TakeEvery(itr, state, value, false, skip)
function start{Itr}(itr::TakeEvery{Itr})
itr.value, itr.start, itr.flag
function next{Itr}(itr::TakeEvery{Itr}, state)
value, state_, flag = state
for i=1:itr.skip
if done(itr.itr, state_)
return state[1], (value, state_, false)
value, state_ = next(itr.itr, state_)
if done(itr.itr, state_)
state[1], (value, state_, !flag)
state[1], (value, state_, false)
function done{Itr}(itr::TakeEvery{Itr}, state)
done(itr.itr, state[2]) && !state[3]
One approach would be to divide the problem up into pieces that are not too big to realize and then process the items within each piece in parallel, e.g. as follows:
function my_take(iter,state,n)
i = n
arr = Array[]
while !done(iter,state) && (i>0)
a,state = next(iter,state)
i = i-1
return arr, state
function get_part(npart,npar)
valid_num = 0
p = partitions(1:npart)
s = start(p)
while !done(p,s)
arr,s = my_take(p,s,npar)
valid_num += #parallel (+) for a in arr
return valid_num
valid_num = #time get_part(10,30)
I was going to use the take() method to realize up to npar items from the iterator but take() appears to be deprecated so I've included my own implementation which I've called my_take(). The getPart() function therefore uses my_take() to obtain up to npar partitions at a time and carry out a calculation on them. In this case, the calculation just adds up their lengths, because I don't have the code for the OP's is_valid() function. get_part() then returns the result.
Because the length() calculation isn't very time-consuming, this code is actually slower when run on parallel processors than it is on a single processor:
$ julia -p 1 parpart.jl
elapsed time: 10.708567515 seconds (373025568 bytes allocated, 6.79% gc time)
$ julia -p 2 parpart.jl
elapsed time: 15.70633439 seconds (548394872 bytes allocated, 9.14% gc time)
Alternatively, pmap() could be used on each piece of the problem instead of the parallel for loop.
With respect to the memory issue, realizing 30 items from partitions(1:10) took nearly 1 gigabyte of memory on my PC when I ran Julia with 4 worker processes so I expect realizing even a small subset of partitions(1:21) will require a great deal of memory. It may be desirable to estimate how much memory would be needed to see if it would be at all possible before trying such a computation.
With respect to the computation time, note that:
julia> length(partitions(1:10))
julia> length(partitions(1:21))
... so even efficient parallel processing on 30 cores might not be enough to make the larger problem solvable in a reasonable time.
I have a large vector of vectors of strings:
There are around 50,000 vectors of strings,
each of which contains 2-15 strings of length 1-20 characters.
MyScoringOperation is a function which operates on a vector of strings (the datum) and returns an array of 10100 scores (as Float64s). It takes about 0.01 seconds to run MyScoringOperation (depending on the length of the datum)
function MyScoringOperation(state:State, datum::Vector{String})
score::Vector{Float64} #Size of score = 10000
I have what amounts to a nested loop.
The outer loop typically would runs for 500 iterations
data::Vector{Vector{String}} = loaddata()
for ii in 1:500
score_total = zeros(10100)
for datum in data
On one computer, on a small test case of 3000 (rather than 50,000) this takes 100-300 seconds per outer loop.
I have 3 powerful servers with Julia 3.9 installed (and can get 3 more easily, and then can get hundreds more at the next scale).
I have basic experience with #parallel, however it seems like it is spending a lot of time copying the constant (It more or less hang on the smaller testing case)
That looks like:
data::Vector{Vector{String}} = loaddata()
state = init_state()
for ii in 1:500
score_total = #parallel(+) for datum in data
MyScoringOperation(state, datum)
state = update(state, score_total)
My understanding of the way this implementation works with #parallel is that it:
For Each ii:
partitions data into a chuck for each worker
sends that chuck to each worker
works all process there chunks
main procedure sums the results as they arrive.
I would like to remove step 2,
so that instead of sending a chunk of data to each worker,
I just send a range of indexes to each worker, and they look it up from their own copy of data. or even better, only giving each only their own chunk, and having them reuse it each time (saving on a lot of RAM).
Profiling backs up my belief about the functioning of #parellel.
For a similarly scoped problem (with even smaller data),
the non-parallel version runs in 0.09seconds,
and the parallel runs in
And the profiler shows almost all the time is spent 185 seconds.
Profiler shows almost 100% of this is spend interacting with network IO.
This should get you started:
function get_chunks(data::Vector, nchunks::Int)
base_len, remainder = divrem(length(data),nchunks)
chunk_len = fill(base_len,nchunks)
chunk_len[1:remainder]+=1 #remained will always be less than nchunks
function _it()
for ii in 1:nchunks
chunk_start = sum(chunk_len[1:ii-1])+1
chunk_end = chunk_start + chunk_len[ii] -1
chunk = data[chunk_start: chunk_end]
function r_chunk_data(data::Vector)
all_chuncks = get_chunks(data, nworkers()) |> collect;
remote_chunks = [put!(RemoteRef(pid)::RemoteRef, all_chuncks[ii]) for (ii,pid) in enumerate(workers())]
#Have to add the type annotation sas otherwise it thinks that, RemoteRef(pid) might return a RemoteValue
function fetch_reduce(red_acc::Function, rem_results::Vector{RemoteRef})
total = nothing
#TODO: consider strongly wrapping total in a lock, when in 0.4, so that it is garenteed safe
#sync for rr in rem_results
function gather(rr)
if total===nothing
#async gather(rr)
function prechunked_mapreduce(r_chunks::Vector{RemoteRef}, map_fun::Function, red_acc::Function)
rem_results = map(r_chunks) do rchunk
function do_mapred()
#assert r_chunk.where==myid()
#pipe r_chunk |> fetch |> map(map_fun,_) |> reduce(red_acc, _)
#pipe rem_results|> convert(Vector{RemoteRef},_) |> fetch_reduce(red_acc, _)
rchunk_data breaks the data into chunks, (defined by get_chunks method) and sends those chunks each to a different worker, where they are stored in RemoteRefs.
The RemoteRefs are references to memory on your other proccesses(and potentially computers), that
prechunked_map_reduce does a variation on a kind of map reduce to have each worker first run map_fun on each of it's chucks elements, then reduce over all the elements in its chuck using red_acc (a reduction accumulator function). Finally each worker returns there result which is then combined by reducing them all together using red_acc this time using the fetch_reduce so that we can add the first ones completed first.
fetch_reduce is a nonblocking fetch and reduce operation. I believe it has no raceconditions, though this maybe because of a implementation detail in #async and #sync. When julia 0.4 comes out, it is easy enough to put a lock in to make it obviously have no race conditions.
This code isn't really battle hardened. I don;t believe the
You also might want to look at making the chuck size tunable, so that you can seen more data to faster workers (if some have better network or faster cpus)
You need to reexpress your code as a map-reduce problem, which doesn't look too hard.
Testing that with:
data = [float([eye(100),eye(100)])[:] for _ in 1:3000] #480Mb
chunk_data(:data, data)
#time prechunked_mapreduce(:data, mean, (+))
Took ~0.03 seconds, when distributed across 8 workers (none of them on the same machine as the launcher)
vs running just locally:
#time reduce(+,map(mean,data))
took ~0.06 seconds.
Ok here's a basic for loop
local a = {"first","second","third","fourth"}
for i=1,#a do
print(i.."th iteration")
a = {"first"}
As it is now, the loop executes all 4 iterations.
Shouldn't the for-loop-limit be calculated on the go? If it is calculated dynamically, #a would be 1 at the end of the first iteration and the for loop would break....
Surely that would make more sense?
Or is there any particular reason as to why that is not the case?
The main reason why numerical for loops limits are computed only once is most certainly for performance.
With the current behavior, you can place arbitrary complex expressions in for loops limits without a performance penalty, including function calls. For example:
local prod = 1
for i = computeStartLoop(), computeEndLoop(), computeStep() do
prod = prod * i
The above code would be really slow if computeEndLoop and computeStep required to be called at each iteration.
If the standard Lua interpreter and most notably LuaJIT are so fast compared to other scripting languages, it is because a number of Lua features have been designed with performance in mind.
In the rare cases where the single evaluation behavior is undesirable, it is easy to replace the for loop with a generic loop using while end or repeat until.
local prod = 1
local i = computeStartLoop()
while i <= computeEndLoop() do
prod = prod * i
i = i + computeStep()
The length is computed once, at the time the for loop is initialized. It is not re-computed each time through the loop - a for loop is for iterating from a starting value to an ending value. If you want the 'loop' to terminate early if the array is re-assigned to, you could write your own looping code:
local a = {"first", "second", "third", "fourth"}
function process_array (fn)
local inner_fn
inner_fn =
function (ii)
if ii <= #a then
inner_fn(1 + ii)
inner_fn(1, a)
process_array(function (ii)
print(ii.."th iteration: "..a[ii])
a = {"first"}
Performance is a good answer but I think it also makes the code easier to understand and less error-prone. Also, that way you can (almost) be sure that a for loop always terminates.
Think about what would happen if you wrote that instead:
local a = {"first","second","third","fourth"}
for i=1,#a do
print(i.."th iteration")
if i > 1 then a = {"first"} end
How do you understand for i=1,#a? Is it an equality comparison (stop when i==#a) or an inequality comparison (stop when i>=#a). What would be the result in each case?
You should see the Lua for loop as iteration over a sequence, like the Python idiom using (x)range:
a = ["first", "second", "third", "fourth"]
for i in range(1,len(a)+1):
print(str(i) + "th iteration")
a = ["first"]
If you want to evaluate the condition every time you just use while:
local a = {"first","second","third","fourth"}
local i = 1
while i <= #a do
print(i.."th iteration")
a = {"first"}
i = i + 1