Duplicate DAO object functionality - dao

I'm working on implementing some basic DAO operations, but in my database I have different tables with the exact same structure.
For instance, if I'm configuring a car that has specific options I might have a configuration table with the following fields:
- UID id
- varchar name
- UID interiorColor
- UID exteriorColor
With each color table looking like this:
- UID id
- varchar name
- varchar description
- int cost
If I'm creating representative objects (Configuration, InteriorColor, etc.) for use with the DAO pattern, would I need to duplicate essentially identical objects for InteriorColor and ExteriorColor?
I thought of simply writing an abstract class and then extending it as each unique type without overriding any methods, but it just feels odd...

If you have no choice over the tables and you have to go ahead with the current table structure then I would recommend that you can have one Interface Color and one class COLOR that will represent both. Interface will ensure that you are using polymorphism so later you can have the flexibility to sub-class it and add or override the existing behavior, if required.


Should I create three models or a polymorphic type

I have a Laravel 8 application and am wondering how to solve the problem of how to solve a typical polymorphic issue. I have an Employee model. That Employee can be an ExecutiveEmployee or EntryLevelEmployee. There will be methods an ExecutiveEmployee has that an EntryLevelEmployee doesn't have and the inverse is also true.
Using Laravel 8, is it right to create a base Employee model (without a corresponding table?) and then create two models named ExecutiveEmployee and EntryLevelEmployee that inherit from Employee? This would also imply that both employee types will have two different database tables, even though there will be a lot of overlapping data.
Does it make sense to just have one Employee model and create a migration that has the employee type listed in the model? I am assuming that it's ok if an EntryLevelEmployee has some database attributes which are relevant to it that may or may not be relevant to an ExecutiveEmployee type here, or is that an incorrect assumption?
What's the correct way to model this in Laravel 8? I prefer to keep everything in one table because of how similar the models are. I do have to keep in mind that there will be data that one has that the other doesn't. There will be different accessor methods as well.
Is it possible to have everything in one employees table while utilizing multiple models? Meaning, if I create two models named ExecutiveEmployee and EntryLevelEmployee they would both query the underlying table employees?
The more I research, the more I think polymorphism is the incorrect approach here and what I might need is Single-Table Inheritance. This package seems to bring the capability to Eloquent. Would there be a good reason to not use this?
I would use polymorphic relationships in this case, because you are more flexible and have less coupling.
Using the Single Table Inheritance (STI), you can add type specific columns in the employees table and make them nullable. But think about adding/removing types in the future.
id - integer
executive_specific - string
id - integer
entry_level_specific - string
id - integer
name - string
email - string
employable_id - integer
employable_type - string
As for the STI the same would be
id - integer
name - string
email - string
type - string
executive_specific - nullable string
entry_level_specific - nullable string
So STI would be suitable when you don't have type specific columns. But you want to add specific behavior in your code. For example a User type (Admin, Author).
Even so, it's a matter of preferences.
It really depends on the state and behavior of your employee object.
Below are few points I will consider to make a decision
If your objects' states/properties are different then definitely you will create different models as your data will be stored in different tables.
If most states/properties are same and some are different, you can
consider storing all in one table/model and for the difference in
behavior create separate table like Ron Van Der Heijden has
suggested and you can consider query scope with that to make
transaction with database.
And another view will be
How many JOINs you will create if you will create different tables,
will that impact the performance and other stuffs, will it make your
code complex?
Can you make simpler relations and handle stuffs independently?
When you are making an API, will your
code make the api overworking? or you need to create too many request
for any operation?
These stuffs will decide how you will make a decision.
Update 1:
Another point I would like to add about the package you are thinking to use, consider using a parent key in table and you can define relationships in a single model.I do not think you need to use a package, you can define it yourself, I guess.
I don't understand why you don't create a simple one-to-many relation. Based on the information you provided, the polymorphic relation looks unnecessary. I think the right way is to create employee_roles table and relations. Then you can give different permissions to different employee types. There are several ways to do that. You can create a middleware to create route restrictions. You can check the role before executing a function in the controller, and run only if the employee has permission. You can use if-else in blade not to render the parts that can't be used by auth user etc.
If you have different “types” of employees, and each employee type should have different logic then yeah, that sounds like a polymorphic relationship.

Using a hard-coded set of values in place of a traditional Eloquent model in Laravel

I'd like to create a many-to-many relationship between two things: Notes and Labels. However, I'd like to define the labels themselves in code rather than having them in a database table.
Aside from a notes table to represent the Note model, I expect to have a "pivot" table (labels_notes) with two columns: note_id and label.
So, my question is: How would eager loading, getter, setter and "get notes by label" methods on the Note model work?
Background: The primary reason for wanting the Labels in code rather than as content of a table is that they are a small, fixed set of values; users will not be allowed to modify them. Further, there may need to be special logic in the code around certain labels. I considered storing them in a JSON column on notes, but am concerned about the performance impact when searching for Notes by Label.
The solution I opted for was to use a traditional Eloquent model for Labels (including a dedicated database table), but inject the desired values into it via the migration, and use a string primary key. That way we're able to use Eloquent in it's intended manner rather than fighting against it.
Using a string primary key means we can write logic based around specific Labels without worrying about arbitrary numeric IDs (i.e., "id=news" vs "id=12112"). Note that doing this also requires adding public $incrementing = false; in the Label model class.
Injecting the necessary Labels via migration lets us avoid having an additional setup task when deploying, and also avoids coupling our code with an external process.

Entity Framework: Implement interface when generating from database

I'm having a few tables on SQL Server, which have similar structure - int Id and string Value.
This tables linked to main table via foreign key, so I'm wrote a bit of logic for mapping a string values to id's in models in MVC Razor. This feature requires that models used as dictionary implement simple IKeyValue interface with Id and Value, but after updating model from database I can loose interface implementation from models and must write it again.
Any way to automate this?
Are you modifying the auto-generated file? If so, you should not do this, for the exact reason you describe in your question -- it will get overwritten.
All of the classes in the generated file should be partial. You can take advantage of this by creating another class (in a different file, but in the same project), make sure it has the same declaration (and namespace), and have it implement the interface. This way the class will implement the interface, but will not be overwritten the next time you refresh the schema from the database.

How to Program a Spring with Hibernate web app?

I am Working on web application where i have 90 fields for a Person class which are divided in to family details,education details, personal details etc....
I want separate form for each, like for family details has-father name, mother name siblings etc... fields and so on for other
I want separate table for each detail with common reference id for all tables
My question is how many bean classes should i write? Is it with one bean class can i map from multiple forms to multiple tables?
class PersonRegister{
private Long iD;
private String emailID;
private String password;
}//for register.......
once logged in i need to maintain his/her details
class person{
class PersonFamilyDetails{}
class PersonEducationDetails{}
which way software developing standards specify to create?
Don't go overboard, I believe in your case single but very wide (i.e. with a lot of columns) table would be most efficient and simplest from maintenance perspective. Only thing to keep in mind is too query only for a necessary subset of columns/fields when loading lots of rows. Otherwise you'll be fetching kilobytes of unnecessary data, not needed for particular use case.
Unfortunately Hibernate doesn't have direct support for that, when designing a mapping for Person, you'll end up with huge class and even worse - Hibernate will always fetch all simple columns (and many-to-one relationships). You can however overcome this problem either by creating several views in the database containing only subset of columns or by having several Java classes mapping to the same table but only to subset of columns.
Splitting your database model into several tables is beneficial only if your schema is not normalized. E.g. when storing siblings first name and last name you may wish to have a separate Sibling table and next time some other family member is entered, you can reuse the same row. This makes database smaller and might be faster when searching by sibling.
Your question comes down to database normalization, as described in-depth by Boyce and Codd, see
The main advantage of database normalization is avoiding modification anomalies. In your case, if you got one table with for each person e.g. father-firstname and father-lastname, and you have multiple people with the same father, this data will be duplicated, and when you discover a typo in the father-lastname, you could modify it for one sibling, and not for the next.
In this simplified case, database design best practices would call for a first normalization into a separate table with father-id, father-firstname and father-lastname, and your person table having a one-to-many relation to it.
For one-to-one relations, e.g. person->personeducationdetails, there's some debate. In the original definition of 1st Normal Form, every optional field would be normalized by putting it's own table. This was later weakened by introducing 'null' in relational databases, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_normal_form#cite_note-CoddRule-12. But still, if a whole set of columns could be null at the same time, you put them in a separate table with a one-to-one relation.
E.g. if you don't know a person's educationdetails, all of its related fields are null, so you better split them off in a separate table, and simply not have a personeducationdetails record for that person.

How would you represent a relational entity as a single unit of retrievable data in BerkeleyDB?

BerkeleyDB is the database equivalent of a Ruby hashtable or a Python dictionary except that you can store multiple values for a single key.
My question is: If you wanted to store a complex datatype in a storage structure like this, how could you go about it?
In a normal relational table, if you want to represent a Person, you create a table with columns of particular data types:
When it's written out like this, you can see how a person might be understood as a set of key/value pairs:
Decomposing the person into individual key/value pairs (name="john") is easy.
But in order to use the BerkeleyDB format to represent a Person, you would need some way of recomposing the person from its constituent key/value pairs.
For that, you would need to impose some artificial encapsulating structure to hold a Person together as a unit.
Is there a way to do this?
EDIT: As Robert Harvey's answer indicates, there is an entity persistence feature in the Java edition of BerkeleyDB. Unfortunately because I will be connnecting to BerkeleyDB from a Ruby application using Moneta, I will be using the standard edition which I believe requires me to create a custom solution in the absence of this support.
You can always serialize (called marshalling in Ruby) the data as a string and store that instead. The serialization can be done in several ways.
With YAML (advantage: human readable, multiple implementation in different languages):
require 'yaml'; str = person.to_yaml
With Marshalling (Ruby-only, even Ruby version specific):
This will only work if class of person is an entity which does not refer to other objects you want not included. For example, references to other persons would need to be taken care of differently.
If your datastore is able to do so (and BerkeleyDB does AFAICT) I'd just store a representation of the object attributes keyed with the object Id, without splitting the object attributes in different keys.
E.g. given:
I'd store the yaml representation in BerkleyDB with the key person_1:
--- !ruby/object:Person
id: 1
name: john
age: 18
gender: male
Instead if you need to store each attribute as a key in the datastore (why?) you should make sure the key for the person record is somewhat linked to its identifying attribute, that's the id for an ActiveRecord.
In this case you'd store these keys in BerkleyDB:
Have a look at this documentation for an Annotation Type Entity:
