NSTextfield complete - cocoa

It is there a solution to have a completion of a NSTextField with method :
- (NSArray *)control:(NSControl *)control textView:(NSTextView *)textView completions:(NSArray *)words forPartialWordRange:(NSRange)charRange indexOfSelectedItem:(int*)index
with several words and not one? Because when you type a space, the completion start again...

Better late than never, it might be helpful for others:
It's a little tricky problem, since NSControlTextEditingDelegate / NSTextFieldDelegate doesn't offer a way to solve it directly. What you need to do is creating a custom subclass of NSTextView (yes, text view), and override the method - (NSRange)rangeForUserCompletion:
- (NSRange)rangeForUserCompletion
return [self selectedRange];
And then subclass NSTextFieldCell to override the method - (NSTextView *)fieldEditorForView::
- (NSTextView *)fieldEditorForView:(NSView *)aControlView
static MyTextView* _myFieldEditor = nil;
if (_myFieldEditor == nil) {
_myFieldEditor = [[MyTextView alloc] init];
[_myFieldEditor setFieldEditor:YES];
return _myFieldEditor;
Then in Interface Builder, set the class of your text field's cell to your subclass of NSTextFieldCell. What will happen is when your text field becomes first responder, the window will call your cell's -fieldEditorForView: method, and use your custom text view as the field editor. So during editing the value of your text field, any completion will call -(NSRange)rangeForUserCompletion on your text view.
Then you can fine tune your -rangeForUserCompletion to make it return the exact range you want for the completion.
Also, the code in fieldEditorForView: assumes that your app uses only one window, if you are using multiple windows (e.g. document-based apps), you'll have to change it and keep one field editor instance per window.
Hope it helps :)


NSOutlineView source list style, view based, change font

I'm using an NSOutlineView with source list style, and using the view based (rather than cell based) outline view.
I would like to be able to make some rows bold. However, my attempts to change the font (manually in IB, through code in viewForTableColumn:…, or through the Font Bold binding) have so far been ignored.
From this message, it appears that this is because the source list style for NSOutlineView takes over managing the text field's appearance:
I'm guessing that you've hooked up your text field to the textField outlet of the NSTableCellView? If so, I think you might be running into NSTableView's automatic management of appearance for source lists.
Try disconnecting the text field from the textField outlet and see if your custom font sticks.
If I disconnect the textField outlet, the appearance does come under my control, and my emboldening works.
However, now I can't get it to look like the automatic one. By which I mean, when NSOutlineView was managing the text field's appearance, the font was bold and gained a drop shadow when any item was selected, but when I'm managing it manually this is not the case.
Can anyone answer either of these questions:
How can I get the Font Bold binding to work when NSOutlineView is managing the appearance of my text field
If I don't have NSOutlineView manage the appearance of my text field, how can I make it look and behave like it would if I did have it manage it?
I think I found the solution:
NSTableCellView manages the appearance of it's textField outlet by setting the backgroundStyle property on cells of contained controls. Setting this to NSBackgroundStyleDark triggers a special path in NSTextFieldCell which essentially sets an attributedStringValue, changing the text color and adding an shadow via NSShadowAttributeName.
What you could do is two things:
Set the backgroundStyle on your own in a custom row or cell view subclass.
Use a custom NSTextFieldCell in the cell's text field and change the behavior/drawing.
We did the latter since we needed a different look for a themed (differently colored) table view. The most convenient (albeit surely not most efficient) location we found for this was to override - drawInteriorWithFrame:inView: and modify the cell's attributed string before calling super, restoring the original afterwards:
- (void)drawInteriorWithFrame:(NSRect)cellFrame inView:(NSView *)controlView
NSAttributedString *originalString = self.attributedStringValue;
// Customize string as you like
if (/* whatever */)
[self setAttributedStringValue: /* some string */];
// Regular drawing
[super drawInteriorWithFrame:cellFrame inView:controlView];
// Reset string
if (self.attributedStringValue != originalString)
self.attributedStringValue = originalString;
In the hope this may help others in similar situations.
Not sure if I have missed anything in your question but changing the font using the following works for me. ReminderTableCellView is just a subclass of NSTableCellView with an additional dateField added.
- (NSView *)outlineView:(NSOutlineView *)outlineView viewForTableColumn:(NSTableColumn *)tableColumn item:(id)item {
//LOG(#"viewForTableColumn called");
// For the groups, we just return a regular text view.
if ([_topLevelItems containsObject:item]) {
//LOG(#" top level");
NSTableCellView *result = [outlineView makeViewWithIdentifier:#"HeaderCell" owner:self];
// Uppercase the string value, but don't set anything else. NSOutlineView automatically applies attributes as necessary
NSString *value = [item uppercaseString];
[result.textField setStringValue:value];
//[result.textField setFont:[NSFont systemFontOfSize:[NSFont smallSystemFontSize]]];
return result;
} else {
//LOG(#" menu item");
// The cell is setup in IB. The textField and imageView outlets are properly setup.
// Special attributes are automatically applied by NSTableView/NSOutlineView for the source list
ReminderTableCellView *result = [outlineView makeViewWithIdentifier:#"DataCell" owner:self];
if ([item isKindOfClass:[OSTreeNode class]]) {
[result.textField setFont:[NSFont boldSystemFontOfSize:13]];
result.textField.stringValue = [item displayName];
result.dateField.stringValue = [item nextReminderDateAsString];
result.textField.stringValue = [item description];
if (_loading)
result.textField.textColor = [NSColor grayColor];
result.textField.textColor = [NSColor textColor];
NSImage *image = [NSImage imageNamed:#"ReminderMenuIcon.png"];
[image setSize:NSMakeSize(16,16)];
[result.imageView setImage:image];
//[result.imageView setImage:nil];
return result;
Resulting view is shown below. Note this is is an NSOutlineView with Source Listing option selected but I can't see why this would'nt work for a normal outlineView.

mouseDown: in a custom NSTextField inside an NSTableView

I have a view-based NSTableView. Each view in the table has a custom text field.
I'd like to fire an action when the user clicks on the text field (label) inside the table's view (imagine having a hyperlink with a custom action in each table cell).
I've created a basic NSTextField subclass to catch mouse events. However, they only fire on the second click, not the first click.
I tried using an NSButton and that fires right away.
Here's the code for the custom label:
#implementation HyperlinkTextField
- (void)mouseDown:(NSEvent *)theEvent {
NSLog(#"link mouse down");
- (void)mouseUp:(NSEvent *)theEvent {
NSLog(#"link mouse up");
- (BOOL)acceptsFirstResponder {
return YES;
- (BOOL)acceptsFirstMouse:(NSEvent *)theEvent {
return YES;
Had the same problem. The accepted answer here didn't work for me. After much struggle, it magically worked when I selected "None" as against the default "Regular" with the other option being "Source List" for the "Highlight" option of the table view in IB!
Edit: The accepted answer turns out to be misleading as the method is to be overloaded for the table view and not for the text field as the answer suggests. It is given more clearly at https://stackoverflow.com/a/13579469/804616 but in any case, being more specific feels a bit hacky.
It turned out that NSTableView and NSOultineView handle the first responder status for NSTextField instances differently than for an NSButton.
The key to get the label to respond to the first click like a button is to overwrite [NSResponder validateProposedFirstResponder:forEvent:] to return YES in case of my custom text field class.
The behavior that you're seeing is because the table view is the first responder, which it should be or the row won't change when you click on the label -- this is the behavior that a user expects when clicking on a table row. Instead of subclassing the label, I think it would be better to subclass the table view and override mouseDown: there. After calling the super's implementation of mouseDown:, you can do a hit test to check that the user clicked over the label.
#implementation CustomTable
- (void)mouseDown:(NSEvent *)theEvent
[super mouseDown:theEvent];
NSPoint point = [self convertPoint:theEvent.locationInWindow fromView:nil];
NSView *theView = [self hitTest:point];
if ([theView isKindOfClass:[NSTextField class]])
NSLog(#"%#",[(NSTextField *)theView stringValue]);
In the exact same situation, embedding an NSButton with transparent set to true/YES worked for me.
class LinkButton: NSTextField {
var clickableButton:NSButton?
override func viewDidMoveToSuperview() {
let button = NSButton()
//setting constraints to cover the whole textfield area (I'm making use of SnapKit here, you should add the constraints your way or use frames
button.snp_makeConstraints { (make) -> Void in
button.target = self
button.action = Selector("pressed:")
button.transparent = true
func pressed(sender:AnyObject) {
You use window.makeFirstResponser(myTextfield) to begin editing the text field. You send this message from the override mouseDown(withEvent TheEvent:NSEvent) method

How to bind NSButton enabled state to a composed condition

This is my situation in Xcode Interface Builder:
There is also an NSArrayController in entity mode which controls the content of the NSTableView. I want to enable the 'Create' button when the NSTableView is empty (as controlled by the NSSearchField) AND when the text in the NSSearchField is not empty. How do I achieve that? Is it possible without programming?
To what KVO compliant values can I bind the 2 enabled conditions of the 'Create' button?
I don't think there's a way to do it entirely in interface builder, but with a small amount of code you can get it working pretty easily. First, make sure your controller (or App Delegate) is set as the delegate of the search field, and that it has IBOutlet connections to the search field, the button and the array controller. Here's how I would implement it:
// This is an arbitrary pointer to indicate which property has changed.
void *kObjectsChangedContext = &kObjectsChangedContext;
- (void)awakeFromNib {
// Register as an observer so we're notified when the objects change, and initially at startup.
[arrayController addObserver:self
// This updates the button state (based on your specs)
- (void)updateButton {
BOOL canCreate = (searchField.stringValue.length > 0 &&
0 == [arrayController.arrangedObjects count]);
[createButton setEnabled:canCreate];
// This delegate method is called whenever the text changes; Update the button.
- (void)controlTextDidChange:(NSNotification *)obj {
[self updateButton];
// Here's where we get our KVO notifications; Update the button.
- (void)observeValueForKeyPath:(NSString *)keyPath ofObject:(id)object change:(NSDictionary *)change context:(void *)context {
if (kObjectsChangedContext == context)
[self updateButton];
// It's good practice to pass on any notifications we're not registered for.
else {
[super observeValueForKeyPath:keyPath ofObject:object change:change context:context];
If you're new to bindings some of that may look like Greek, hopefully the comments are clear enough.
I'm SOOO late for this, but came up with another method and just tested it in my app. It works, so I'm going to share it for anyone who will find this question in the future.
Basically what you want to do is to create a property WITHOUT a corresponding value in your controller
#property (readonly) BOOL enableProperty;
This means that there's actually no
BOOL enableProperty;
defined in the header file, or anywhere
then, rather than synthesize it, just write your own getter, and put there your condition
- (BOOL) enableProperty{
return (condition);
Third step: anytime there's the chance that your condition changes, notify it.
- (void) someMethod{
//.... Some code
[self willChangeValueForKey:#"enableProperty"];
[Thisline mightChange:theCondition];
[self didChangeValueForKey:#"enableProperty"];
//.... Some other code
fourth step: in IB, bind your control's enabled property to this "fake" property.
Enjoy! ;)
You seems to have a window, so presumably you have a controller object which is set as the File's Owner for the NIB file.
Why not declare a boolean property in this controller class, that returns a value based whatever conditions you want ?
#property(readonly) BOOL canCreate;
That you implement :
-(BOOL)canCreate {
// compute and return the value
Be sure to send KVO notifications appropriately when the conditions for the creation change.
The last step is to bind the button's enabled binding on the File's Owner canCreate key.

Disable/Enable NSButton if NSTextfield is empty or not

I´m newbie with cocoa. I have a button and a textField in my app. I want the button disabled when the textfield is empty and enabled when the user type something.
Any point to start? Any "magic" binding in Interface Builder?
I´ve tried to set the appDelegate as the NSTextfield´s delegate and added this method (myTextfield and myButton are IBOutlets):
- (void)textDidChange:(NSNotification *)aNotification
if ([[myTextField stringValue]length]>0) {
[myButton setEnabled: YES];
else {
[myButton setEnabled: NO];
But nothing happens...
I´ve tried to set the appDelegate as the NSTextfield´s delegate and added this method (myTextfield and myButton are IBOutlets):
- (void)textDidChange:(NSNotification *)aNotification
if ([[myTextField stringValue]length]>0) {
[myButton setEnabled: YES];
else {
[myButton setEnabled: NO];
That's the hard way, but it should work just fine. Either you haven't hooked up the text field's delegate outlet to this object, you haven't hooked up the myTextField outlet to the text field, or you haven't hooked up the myButton outlet to the button.
The other way would be to give the controller a property exposing the string value, bind the text field's value binding to this stringValue property, and bind the button's enabled binding to the controller's stringValue.length.
You could also give the controller two properties, one having a Boolean value, and set that one up as dependent upon the string property, and bind the button to that. That's a cleaner and possibly more robust solution, though it is more work.
Here's a solution using bindings.
Below I setup a NSTextField that is bound to the file owner's "text" property. "text" is a NSString. I was caught by "Continuously Updates Value". Thinking my solution didn't work but really it wasn't updating as the user typed, and only when the textfield lost focus.
And now setting up bindings on the button, simply set its enabled state to the length of the file owner's text property.
Annd, the working product.
If you use controlTextDidChange instead of textDidChange, you can get rid of the notification stuff and just rely on being the NSTextField's delegate.
Thanks Peter. What I missed (in my hard way version) is this piece of code in the awakeFromNib in the appDelegate:
NSNotificationCenter *center = [NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter];
[center addObserver:self selector:#selector(textDidChange:) name:NSControlTextDidChangeNotification object:myTextField];
It works perfect. Now I´m trying the easy way, but I´m afraid I´m not still good enough with the bindings.
To bind the property
#property (retain) IBOutlet NSString *aStringValue;
with the textfield´s value, what I have to use in IB for "Bind to:", "Controller Key" and "Model Key Path"?

Easy way to make a UILabel cover and exactly match contents of a UITextField?

UI crimes aside... I'd like to have a UILabel replace a UITextField after some user input. Is there an easy way to accomplish this so when the UITextField is hidden its value gets replaced by a UILabel that doesn't appear to move...appearing to "set" into the background so to speak?
I've managed to do this by nudging the fields around in IB and making the fonts identical but as I'm slowly getting comfortable with Cocoa I was wondering if there might be a quick trick in the frameworks somewhere?!? Perhaps some way to extract the text's view off the UITextField?
Setting the borderStyle property on the UITextField to UITextBorderStyleNone should make it look a lot like an UILabel.
Basically implementing two of the UITextFieldDelegate methods like so:
- (void)textFieldDidBeginEditing:(UITextField *)textField {
textField.borderStyle = UITextBorderStyleRoundedRect;
- (void)textFieldDidEndEditing:(UITextField *)textField {
textField.borderStyle = UITextBorderStyleNone;
