I need to get the session id from selenium RC so I can pass it into selenium grid to see what box my test is running on. This is simple to do in Webdriver (theres a protected method getSessionId()) but I haven not found anything for Selenium RC. Does anyone know of a way to do this? I am not talking about the JSESSIONID cookie but rather the sessionId Selenium uses so you can reuse a browser window.
One way is to perform a
String retrieveLastRemoteControlLogs = selenium.retrieveLastRemoteControlLogs();
and then parse for the session. You should end up seeing something along the lines of:
... Allocated session a6d75784d2e64a83898fa310796e24de for ...
update: even better would be to use
String logs = selenium.getLog();
Which would get only the logs for your session.
I am a QA automation analyst responsible for testing a multi-platform online banking application. For our automation testing we use RubyMine suite with Gherkin/Cucumber, Ruby-scripted steps and Selenium-webdriver, Watir and page-object gems/libraries.
I have a number of scripts that I cannot automate completely without manual intervention, and these include blocking certain network calls through Telerik Fiddler to produce warning pages or error messages, etc. The future of our automation would be to do this through RubyMine instead of Fiddler for network blocking. I know there is a way to do this in Chrome using Inspect Element and the Network menu using enable request blocking. However, I cannot figure out a way to force Chrome through Ruby/Selenium to block a given request. The only way is do manually do it myself, and therefore I can't actually automate these as wanted.
So, my question -- is this a possibility to automate request-blocking with Selenium-webdriver? And, if so, where should I begin to look for help with this?
To block URLs from loading with Selenium with the DevTool API:
def send_cmd(driver, cmd, params={})
bridge = driver.send(:bridge)
resource = "session/#{bridge.session_id}/chromium/send_command_and_get_result"
response = bridge.http.call(:post, resource, {'cmd':cmd, 'params': params})
raise response[:value] if response[:status]
return response[:value]
send_cmd(driver, "Network.setBlockedURLs", {'urls': ["*"]})
send_cmd(driver, "Network.enable")
It's not very well documented, but you can also implement request blocking by passing the host-resolver-rules option to chrome and mapping the domain to localhost or an invalid IP. Something like this should work for you:
options = Selenium::WebDriver::Chrome::Options.new
options.add_argument('--host-resolver-rules=MAP www.google-analytics.com')
driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for :chrome, options: options
For those wanting to know, python version is just:
driver.execute_cdp_cmd('Network.setBlockedURLs', {"urls": ["www.baidu.com"]})
driver.execute_cdp_cmd('Network.enable', {})
Try https://github.com/lightbody/browsermob-proxy
I dont know if it can satisfy your requirement as I am no way a network expert, I do use browsermob-proxy extensively to capture network request along with selenium and there is a method to blacklist certain request
How to disable loading external urls on seleniumlibrary/robotframework
Basically I'm trying out Selenium webdriver (using FireFox) and right now I am trying to sign up to a Google account.
However, the strange thing is that whenever I run Selenium and let it use the (empty I assume?) Selenium FireFox profile Google seems to detect it and block me (asking for phone vertification).
This is even the case when I load up the selenium profile and manually sign up.
When I sign up manually (and don't use the selenium profile) I can sign up just fine.
Is the Selenium FireFox profile some how special which enables the servers to detect it?
EDIT: I'm trying to startup selenium with my default FF profile (however it keeps starting up in an empty profile) - here's the code:
OpenQA.Selenium.Proxy proxySetting = new OpenQA.Selenium.Proxy();
proxySetting.HttpProxy = proxy;
proxySetting.FtpProxy = proxy;
proxySetting.SslProxy = proxy;
FirefoxProfile profile = new FirefoxProfile("default");
profile.SetPreference("browser.privatebrowsing.autostart", true);
_driver = new FirefoxDriver(profile);
I managed to open the default firefox profile but now it doesn't use my proxy settings. How can I use the normal profile and still customize the profile proxies?
This post talks about an HtmlDriver tag being added to the HTML in the FirefoxDriver which would be a dead giveaway
Google is a strong supporter of Open Source, and even Selenium itself, however I don't think Google would particularly condone a Selenium script creating a bunch of spam accounts that probably would never be used, and just take space.
That being said, I believe that it would be possible potentially.
The only way that Google would be able to know you are using Selenium, is based on the Request Headers. It's possible either the User-Agent has something to do with Selenium, or one of the other Headers.
My solution would be to use something like Fiddler to listen to the requests that Firefox is sending, and then edit your Selenium scripts to account for, and change those requests so Google does not know that you are using Selenium.
This most likely goes against their terms of use, so exercise caution, and use this answer for educational purposes only.
Is there a chance, if you were using the complete path to your firefox profile directory? (e.g. C:\Users\???\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\your_profile.default)
I have a JMeter Web Driver Test plan. Where I have:
a Thread group with 3 users
a Web Driver Sampler,
Firefox Driver Config
and View Results in Tree listener.
Also I have a CSV Data Set Config wherein I have mapped it to a CSV file to receive Username and Passwords.
In the Web Driver Sampler we have just written a Simple code which invokes Firefox browser, passes the url to it, passes Username and Passwords to it.
Then makes a search for a term and logs out.
Once I run this test with 3 users, the test runs fine for first and second user and fails for the third one.
And when I run the test again, First and Third user passes but fails for the second.
When I go and check on the Response message, it says it was unable to locate element.
Whereas it would have ran fine for the next user.
I'm not sure why the test is behaving like this, Can someone Help me on this issue.
Elements may not appear in DOM immediately after WebDriver get() request, I would suggest to add an extra step which will ensure that specified element is present in DOM and may be interacted with prior to clicking/typing by something like:
var pkg = JavaImporter(org.openqa.selenium)
var support_ui = JavaImporter(org.openqa.selenium.support.ui.WebDriverWait)
var element=WDS.browser.findElement(pkg.By.id('element_id'))
See Using Selenium with JMeter's WebDriver Sampler guide for more details on Selenium scripting in JMeter
I am writing an automated test script. So far, Selenium has helped me. Now,I have a test case where I should tamper the request and add a parameter and then submit the request. I did it manually by using tamperdata.
I want to automate this test case now. The problem is, selenium is not recording my actions of adding a parameter and then submitting the request. I understand selenium is a record-playback kind of tool. can some one confirm me if it cannot record tamper data or am doing wrong?
If it cannot, how do you people automate these kind of test cases.
Selenium really is not designed for such a type of work. If a regular user can't make a tampered request (without Firebug etc.), then Selenium usually can't, too. Anyway, you can have FireBug: How do I run Firebug within Selenium WebDriver (Selenium 2)?. Controlling it, that's where the problems come - and I don't think it's worth the research.
One way to do this could be HttpUrlConnection in Java, making and sending the request in Java ... see those SO questions: How to send HTTP request in java?, Using java.net.URLConnection to fire and handle HTTP requests
I have created Ruby test script that use Selenium RC to test my web app directly in 2 browsers(IE, Firefox). My script runs - first on IE then continue on Firefox and then should be continued and finished in already opened IE browser. My problem is: I can't continue(reconnect) to run my script in already opened IE browser. I use:
#browser = RSpecSeleniumHelper.connect_browser("URL")
but it opens with new session (it needs to keep previous session).
Is there a particular reason you need to switch between browsers half way through?
I have no idea how you'd fix the problem, but it seems like it would be best solved by running the tests in one browser at a time.
I'm also unsure why you need to switch back and forth in your browsers.
Regardless, I'm doing something similar, but instead I use a different library. I'm using the "Selenium" gem. (gem install selenium) and here's what I would do in your situation.
#ie_driver = Selenium::SeleniumDriver.new(rc_host, port, "*iexplore", url, 1000)
#ie_driver.whatever //Test code
#ff_driver = Selenium::SeleniumDriver.new(rc_host, port, "*firefox", url, 1000)
#ff_driver.whatever //Test code
#ie_driver.whatever //Continue test code with IE
In summary, while I'm not really familiar with your selenium library, typically I would create 2 instances of the R/C driver, that way I won't have to interrupt the session.