Piping input to a shell command and keeping the created shell alive - bash

My overarching program is a shell script. This shell script calls a C program that I need to pipe input to, and ultimately the C program will create a shell.
However, when I pipe my input into the C program within the shell script
./my_prog < file1
I can't get the shell to stay alive. Running just,
works, as I have to input the stdin myself, and the shell correctly spawns when my_prog exits. I'm pretty sure wrapping up the ./my_prog call in a C program, and compiling and running that would work, but I'm curious as to whether there's a cleaner way with shell.
I've tried several combinations of using cat file1 | ./my_prog and using & in different situations, and haven't had any success.

cat file1 - | ./myprog
Many programs recognize the "filename" - to mean stdin.

Do you have access to the C program source code? My guess is that the C program is using istty(0) to determine if stdin is coming from a terminal. It probably only creates an interactive shell when that is the case. Using stdin redirection, whether from a file or a pipe, means that istty(0) returns false.


Make bash file wait for system calls made in Fortran

My bash script looks something like this
mpiexec ./fortran_bin |& tee text_file
My MPI-based Fortran program makes several synchronous system calls with call exec_cmd(cmd,wait=.true.).
My problem is that handle_output_files only waits for fortran_bin to finish, but some system commands (cmd) are not yet done, and this messes up my output files.
How do I make process_output_files wait for cmd to finish?
I'm not sure where best to solve this problem (if there is a solution):
within Fortran, with MPI, within Bash ...
cmd is of the form cat out_{1..n} > out && rm -f out_{1..n}.
I would like it to run synchronously (wait=.false.), because cmd can be time-consuming, and unrelated to the rest of the Fortran program.
The wait line in the bash script seems to have no effect.
I suppose you could ask the equivalent question for a C/C++ program that calls system(some_script).
But I can only find question about waiting within a C/C++ program, if the same program needs the result of the called command (e.g., here and here).
From the notes above, looks like the sub command inherit the stdout/stderr on the calling process, and do not leave any background processes behind.
If those assumptions are true, you can impose a wait until there is no more output coming from the fortran_bin and it's children by piping the output into cat (or similar). The cat program will not terminate until all 'fortran_bin' children (that did not redirect stderr) will finish
mpiexec ./fortran_bin 2>&1 3>&1 | cat
Possible to use tee (or other similar programs) instead of cat

Send Ctrl + d to a server via bash

I'm working on a script, that requires you press control + d when you complete your entries. I'd like to send this command so I can just script my work rather than having to redo my work.
You're probably talking about the "end of transmission" delimiter which is used to indicate the end of user input. If that's the case then you can always pipe data into your script. That is, instead of this:
$ test_script.sh
My input!
You'd write that data to a file:
$ cat > input
My input!
Then pipe that into the script:
$ test_script.sh < input
No ^D is required because once that file is fully read the script is signalled accordingly. The < shell operator switches STDIN to read from a file instead of the terminal. Likewise, > can be used to capture the output of a program and save it to a file, as done in the second step here, though you can use any tool you'd like to create or edit that input file.
This works with pretty much any scripting language, from Python, Perl, Ruby to Node.js as well as bash and other shells.

How does find and printf work when using pipes in bash scripting

Suppose I use the printf in the find command like this:
find ./folder -printf "%f\n" | other command which uses the result of printf
in the other command part, I may be having a sort or something similar
what exactly does printf do in this case? where does it print the file names before the process in the part after "|" happens?
if I sort the filenames for example, it will first sort them, and then print them sorted on the monitor, but before that, how exactly does the part after | get the files unsorted in order to sort them? does the printf in this case give the filenames as input to the part after | and then the part after | prints the file names sorted in the output?
sorry for my english :(
Your shell calls pipe() which creates two file descriptors. Writing into one buffers data in the kernel which is available to be read by the other. Then it calls fork() to make a new process for the find command. After the fork() it closes stdout (always fd 1) and uses dup2() to copy one end of the pipe to stdout. Then it uses exec() to run find (replacing the copy of the shell in the subprocess with find). When find runs it just prints to stdout as normal, but it has inherited it from the shell which made it the pipe. Meanwhile the shell is doing the same thing for other command... with stdin so that it is created with fd 0 connected to the other end of the pipe.
Yes, that is how pipes work. The output from the first process is the input to the second. In terms of implementation, the shell creates a socket which receives input from the first process from its standard output, and writes output to the second process on its standard input.
... You should perhaps read an introduction to Unix shell programming if you have this type of questions.

Switch from file contents to STDIN in piped command? (Linux Shell)

I have a program (that I did not write) which is not designed to read in commands from a file. Entering commands on STDIN is pretty tedious, so I'd like to be able to automate it by writing the commands in a file for re-use. Trouble is, if the program hits EOF, it loops infinitely trying to read in the next command dropping an endless torrent of menu options on the screen.
What I'd like to be able to do is cat a file containing the commands into the program via a pipe, then use some sort of shell magic to have it switch from the file to STDIN when it hits the file's EOF.
Note: I've already considered using cat with the '-' for STDIN. Unfortunately (I didn't know this before), piped commands wait for the first program's output to terminate before starting the second program -- they do not run in parallel. If there's some way to get the programs to run in parallel with that kind of piping action, that would work!
Any thoughts? Thanks for any assistance!
I should note that my goal is not only to prevent the system from hitting the end of the commands file. I would like to be able to continue typing in commands from the keyboard when the file hits EOF.
I would do something like
(cat your_file_with_commands; cat) | sh your_script
That way, when the file with commands is done, the second cat will feed your script with whatever you type on stdin afterwards.
Same as Idelic answer with more simple syntax ;)
cat your_file_with_commands - | sh your_script
I would think expect would work for this.
Have you tried using something like tail -f commandfile | command I think that should pipe the lines of the file to command without closing the file descriptor afterwards. Use -n to specify the number of lines to be piped if tail -f doesn't catch all of them.

C Shell: How to execute a program with non-command line arguments?

My $SHELL is tcsh. I want to run a C shell script that will call a program many times with some arguments changed each time. The program I need to call is in Fortran. I do not want to edit it. The program only takes arguments once it is executed, but not on the command line. Upon calling the program in the script, the program takes control (this is where I am stuck currently, I can never get out because the script will not execute anything until after the program process stops). At this point I need to pass it some variables, then after several iterations I will need to Ctrl+C out of the program and continue with the script.
How can this be done?
To add to what #Toybuilder said, you can use a "here document". I.e. your script could have
./myfortranprogram << EOF
first line of input
second line of input
Everything between the "<<EOF" and the "EOF" will be fed to the program's standard input (does Fortran still use "read (5,*)" to read from standard input?)
And because I think #ephemient's comment deserves to be in the answer:
Some more tips: <<'EOF' prevents
interpolation in the here-doc body;
<<-EOF removes all leading tabs (so
you can indent the here-doc to match
its surroundings), and EOF can be
replaced by any token. An empty token
(<<"") indicates a here-doc that stops
at the first empty line.
I'm not sure how portable those ones are, or if they're just tcsh extensions - I've only used the <<EOF type "here document" myself.
What you want to use is Expect.
Uhm, can you feed your Fortran code with a redirection? You can create a temporary file with your inputs, and then pipe it in with the stdin redirect (<).
This is a job for the unix program expect, which can nicely and easily interactively command programs and respond to their prompts.
I was sent here after being told my question was close to being a duplicate of this one.
FWIW, I had a similar problem with a csh C shell script.
This bit of code was allowing the custom_command to execute without getting ANY input arguments:
foreach f ($forecastTimes)
custom_command << EOF
It didn't work the first time I tried it, but after I backspaced out all of the white space in that section of the code I removed the space between the "<<" and the "EOF". I also backspaced the closing "EOF" all the way to the left margin. After that it worked:
foreach f ($forecastTimes)
custom_command <<EOF
Not a tcsh user, but if the program runs then reads in commands via stdin then you can use shell redirection < to feed it the required commands. If you run it in the background with & you will not block when it is executed. Then you can sleep for a bit, then use whatever tools you have (ps, grep, awk, etc) to discover the program's PID, then use kill to send it SIGTERM which is the same as doing a Ctrl-C.
