Plain English explanation of Theta notation? - algorithm

What is a plain English explanation of Theta notation? With as little formal definition as possible and simple mathematics.
How theta notation is different from the Big O notation ? Could anyone explain in plain English?
In algorithm analysis how there are used? I am confused?

If an algorithm's run time is Big Theta(f(n)), it is asymptotically bounded above and below by f(n). Big O is the same except that the bound is only above.
Intuitively, Big O(f(n)) says "we can be sure that, ignoring constant factors and terms, the run time never exceeds f(n)." In rough words, if you think of run time as "bad", then Big O is a worst case. Big Theta(f(n)) says "we can be sure that, ignoring constant factors and terms, the run time always varies as f(n)." In other words, Big Theta is a known tight bound: it's both worst case and best case.
A final try at intuition: Big O is "one-sided." O(n) run time is also O(n^2) and O(2^n). This is not true with Big Theta. If you have an algorithm run time that's O(n), then you already have a proof that it's not Big Theta(n^2). It may or may not be Big Theta(n)
An example is comparison sorting. Information theory tells us sorting requires at least ceiling(n log n) comparisons, and we have actually invented O(n log n) algorithms (where n is number of comparisons), so sorting comparisons are Big Theta(n log n).

I have always wanted to put this down in Simple words. Here is my try.
If an algorithm's time or space complexity is expressed in
Big O : Ex O(n) - means n is the upper limit. Final Value could be less than or equal to n.
Big Omega : Ex Ω(n) - means n is the lower limit. Final Value could be equal to or more than n.
Theta : Ex Θ(n) - means n is the only possible value. (both upper limit & lower limit)


The sum of theta notation and Big o notation

Was wondering if I have a algorithm which has two parts with known runtime of theta(nlogn) and O(n).
So the total runtime goes to theta(nlogn) + O(n)
To my knowledge, if for either the sum of two BigOh Notations or the sum of theta notations, we always use the max value of each.
While in this case, as the worst runtime for the part O(n) is anyway smaller than the part theta(nlogn), can I assume the runtime of this algorithm is theta(nlogn)?
Yep, that’s correct. Regardless of whether the O(n) term is tight or not, it’s still a low-order term compared with Θ(n log n).

How to know if algorithm is big O or big theta

Can someone shortly explain why an algorithm would be O(f(n)) and not Θ(f(n). I get that to be Θf(n)) it must be O(f(n)) and Ω(f(n)) but how do you know if a particular algorithm is Θf(n)) or O(f(n)). I think it's hard for me to not see big O as a worst case run time. I know it's just a bound but how is the bound determined. Like I can see a search in a binary search tree as running in constant time if the element is in the root, but I think this has nothing to do with big O.
I think it is very important to distinguish bounds from cases.
Big O, Big Ω, and Big Θ all concern themselves with bounds. They are ways of defining behavior of an algorithm, and they give information on the growth of the number of operations as n (number of inputs) grows increasingly large.
In class the Big O of a worst case is often discussed and I think that can be confusing sometimes because it conflates the idea of asymptotic behavior with a singular worst case. Big O is concerned with behavior as n approaches infinity, not a singular case. Big O(f(x)) is an upper bound. It is a guarantee that regardless of input, the algorithm will having a running time no worse than some positive constant multiplied by f(x).
As you mentioned Θ(f(x)) only exists if Big O is O(f(x)) and Big Ω is Ω(f(x)). In the question title you asked how to determine if an algorithm is Big O or Big Θ. The answer is that the algorithm could be both Θ(f(x)) and O(f(x)). In cases where Big Θ exists, the lower bound is some positive constant A multiplied by f(x) and the upper bound is some positive constant C multiplied by f(x). This means that when Θ(f(x)) exists, the algorithm can perform no worse than C*f(x) and no better than A*f(x), regardless of any input. When Θ(f(x)) exists, you are given a guarantee of how the algorithm will behave no matter what kind of input you feed it.
When Θ(f(x)) exists, so does O(f(x)). In these cases, it is valid to state that the running time of the algorithm is O(f(x)) or that the running time of the algorithm is Θ(f(x)). They are both true statements. Giving the Big Θ notation is just more informative, since it provides information on both the upper and lower bound. Big O only provides information on the upper bound.
When Big O and Big Ω have different functions for their bounds (i.e when Big O is O(g(x)) and Big Ω is Ω(h(x)) where g(x) does not equal h(x)), then Big Θ does not exist. In these cases, if you want to provide a guarantee of the upper bound on the algorithm, you must use Big O notation.
Above all, it is imperative that you differentiate between bounds and cases. Bounds give guarantees on the behavior of the algorithm as n becomes very large. Cases are more on an individual basis.
Let's make an example here. Imagine an algorithm BestSort that sorts a list of numbers by first checking if it is sorted and if it is not, sort it by using MergeSort. This algorithm BestSort has a best case complexity of Ω(n) since it may discover a sorted list and it has a worst case complexity of O(n log(n)) which it inherits from Mergesort. Thus this algorithm has no Theta complexity. Compare this to pure Mergesort which is always Θ(n log(n)) even if the list is already sorted.
I hope this helps you a bit.
Since there has been some confusion I will provide some kind of pseudo code:
BestSort(A) {
If (A is sorted) // this check has a complexity of O(n)
return A;
return mergesort(A); // mergesort has a complexity of Θ(n log(n))

What is difference between different asymptotic notations?

I am really very confused in asymptotic notations. As far as I know, Big-O notation is for worst cast, omega is for best case and theta is for average case. However, I have always seen Big O being used everywhere, even for best case. For e.g. in the following link, see the table where time complexities of different sorting algorithms are mentioned-,_worst_and_average_case
Everywhere in the table, big O notation is used irrespective of whether it is best case, worst case or average case. Then what is the use of other two notations and where do we use it?
As far as I know, Big-O notation is for worst cast, omega is for best case and theta is for average case.
They aren't. Omicron is for (asymptotic) upper bound, omega is for lower bound and theta is for tight bound, which is both an upper and a lower bound. If the lower and upper bound of an algorithm are different, then the complexity cannot be expressed with theta notation.
The concept of upper,lower,tight bound are orthogonal to the concept of best,average,worst case. You can analyze the upper bound of each case, and you can analyze different bounds of the worst case (and also any other combination of the above).
Asymptotic bounds are always in relation to the set of variables in the expression. For example, O(n) is in relation to n. The best, average and worst cases emerge from everything else but n. For example, if n is the number of elements, then the different cases might emerge from the order of the elements, or the number of unique elements, or the distribution of values.
However, I have always seen Big O being used everywhere, even for best case.
That's because the upper bound is almost always the one that is the most important and interesting when describing an algorithm. We rarely care about the lower bound. Just like we rarely care about the best case.
The lower bound is sometimes useful in describing a problem that has been proven to have a particular complexity. For example, it is proven that worst case complexity of all general comparison sorting algorithms is Ω(n log n). If the sorting algorithm is also O(n log n), then by definition, it is also Θ(n log n).
Big O is for upper bound, not for worst case! There is no notation specifically for worst case/best case. The examples you are talking about all have Big O because they are all upper bounded by the given value. I suggest you take another look at the book from which you learned the basics because this is immensely important to understand :)
EDIT: Answering your doubt- because usually, we are bothered with our at-most performance i.e. when we say, our algorithm performs in O(logn) in the best case-scenario, we know that its performance will not be worse than logarithmic time in the given scenario. It is the upper bound that we seek to reduce usually and hence we usually mention big O to compare algorithms. (not to say that we never mention the other two)
O(...) basically means "not (much) slower than ...".
It can be used for all three cases ("the worst case is not slower than", "the best case is not slower than", and so on).
Omega is the oppsite: You can say, something can't be much faster than ... . Again, it can be used with all three cases. Compared to O(...), it's not that important, because telling someone "I'm certain my program is not faster than yours" is nothing to be proud of.
Theta is a combination: It's "(more or less) as fast as" ..., not just slower/faster.
The Big-O notation is somethin like this >= in terms of asymptotic equality.
For example if you see this :
x = O(x^2) it does say x <= x^2 (in asymptotic terms).
And it does mean "x is at most as complex as x^2", which is something that you are usually interesting it.
Even when you compare Best/Average case, you can say "At best possible input, I will have AT MOST this complexity".
There are two things mixed up: Big O, Omega, Theta, are purely mathematical constructions. For example, O (f (N)) is the set of functions which are less than c * f (n), for some c > 0, and for all n >= some minimum value N0. With that definition, n = O (f (n^4)), because n ≤ n^4. 100 = O (f (n)), because 100 <= n for n ≥ 100, or 100 <= 100 * n for n ≥ 1.
For an algorithm, you want to give worst case speed, average case speed, rarely the best case speed, sometimes amortised average speed (that's when running an algorithm once does work that can be used when it's run again. Like calculating n! for n = 1, 2, 3, ... where each calculation can take advantage of the previous one). And whatever speed you measure, you can give a result in one of the notations.
For example, you might have an algorithm where you can prove that the worst case is O (n^2), but you cannot prove whether there are faster special cases or not, and you also cannot prove that the algorithm isn't actually faster, like O (n^1.9). So O (n^2) is the only thing that you can prove.

How to determine whether to put big O,theta or omega notation in the time complexity of algorithm

For example, if time complexity of merge sort is O(n log n) then why it is big O not theta or omega. I know the definition of these, but what I do not understand is how to determine the notation based on the definition.
For most algorithms, you are basically concerned on the upper bound on its running time. For example, you have some algorithm to sort an array of numbers. Now you would most likely be concerned that how fast will the algorithm run in the worst possible case.
Hence the complexity of merge sort is mostly written as O(nlogn) even when it will be better to express it as theta(nlogn) because theta notation is a more tighter bound. And merge sort runs in theta(nlogn) time because it will always consume this much time no matter what the input is.
You will not find omega notation again mostly because we are concerned with the upper bounds on running time and not the lower bound.

The big O notation

I am reading about Big O notation. In the book I have, there is an example in which the complexity of n2 is in class of O(n3). That doesn't seem logical to me because n3 depends on n and it isn't just a plain constant multiplier that we can "get rid of."
Please explain to me why those two are of the same complexity. I can't find an answer on this forum or any other.
Big O determines an upper bound for large values of n. O(n3) is larger than O(n2) and so an n2 program is still O(n3). It's also O(n4), O(*n5), ..., O(ninfinity).
The reverse is not true, however. An n^3 program is not O(n2). Rather it would be Omega(n2), as Omega determines a lower bound (how much work we have to do at least).
Big O says nothing of this upper bound being "tight", it just needs to be higher than the actual complexity. So while an n*n complexity program is bounded by O(n3), that's not a very tight bound. O(n2) is tighter and more informative.
