Async support in Web Pages 2.0 - webmatrix

Are asynchronous (either async/await or TPL) operations supported in Web Pages 2.0?

async/await syntax should work fine with Web Pages 2.0 in Visual Studio, as long as you're targeting .NET 4.5. However, WebMatrix does not currently support C# 5.0 or .NET 4.5.


ASP.NET Core 2.1 on Visual Studio 15.7 Final

I've been working on my ASP.NET Core 2.1 project using the preview version of Visual Studio 15.7.x
Looks like VS 15.7 is now final. Can we now use that instead of preview versions of VS?
I've had a lot of issues with the preview versions and would love to switch to a stable version of VS.
According to Announcing .NET Core 2.1 RC 1 on .NET Blog:
You can develop .NET Core 2.1 apps with Visual Studio 2017 15.7,
Visual Studio for Mac 7.5, or Visual Studio Code.
The Visual Studio side of the equation is tooling. If Visual Studio 15.7 has the ASP.NET Core 2.1 tooling included in the release, then yes you can use it to develop ASP.NET Core 2.1 apps. However, if the ASP.NET Core 2.1 code is still in flux, that means the tooling could change as well, so until the framework release is final, it's still a better idea to continue using the preview build of Visual Studio.
It's worth noting that ASP.NET Core 2.1 is conspicuously missing from the release notes. It's very likely that that support was stripped from 15.7 to allow the release of other necessary features that were ready to ship. I haven't updated myself yet, so I can't say for sure, but your question may be moot.

Azure Service Fabric SDK 2.6.210 Missing Stateless Web API Template on Visual Studio 2017?

I installed the latest 2.6.210 SDK / 5.6.210 Runtime for Service Fabric on my development PC using Visual Studio 2017 and now when I choose to create a new Cloud solution the "Stateless Web API" template is gone. I've also noticed that the "Stateless ASP.NET Core" template is no longer marked as "Pending".
I believe I can manually create the boilerplate to host a Web API service using Owin and .NET Framework using the "Stateless Service" template but why did they remove the much simpler "Stateless Web API" template that did all that for you?
I can't find any documentation from Microsoft explaining why this template would be missing.
Is Microsoft trying to get people to avoid using the .NET Framework in Service Fabric for Web API services because .NET Core ASP is no longer in preview?
Is it just a bug and if so how do I get that template back?
Thanks in advance for any assistance you can give me.
The OWIN based template was only available self-hosted web framework for .NET until ASP.NET Core and .NET Core tooling in Visual Studio 2017 was release in General Availability.
Since Service Fabric cannot use IIS for hosting web services, we recommend using ASP.NET Core and provide templates in Visual Studio which integrates Service Fabric Reliable Services and ASP.NET Core Templates for MVC and Web API.
Remember you can still build your ASP.NET Core services with .NET Framework as the target and use all of .NET Framework from an ASP.NET Core Service.
Visual Studio tooling still supports the OWIN based services, and they can still run in Service Fabric.
See also here: Using WebListener or OWIN as API Gateway for azure service fabric and here for info for ASP.NET support in Service Fabric

Does MVC 3.0 RTM play nice with the ASYNC CTP? MVC 3.0 RC1 clashed with the ASYNC CTP in visual studio 2010.
Does anyone know if the newly released MVC 3.0 RTM will happily co-exist?
No. The changes that MVC 3 makes to VS and the changes that the Async CTP makes to VS are incompatible.
However, there is an upcoming SP1 for Visual Studio. When that's released, the Async CTP will be refreshed to work with it. (MVC 3 RTM was already designed to be compatible with SP1 when it's released, so they'll happily coexist at that time.)

Asp.Net Web Service Application missing in Visual Studio 2010 [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
VS 2010 Web Service project template missing?
I'm wondering why Asp.Net Web Service Application is missing in Visual Studio 2010. If it's updated to something new in Visual Studio 2010 what is it? If it's drop then how can I accomplish that task?
ASP.NET Web Service Application project template is not available for .Net framework 4.0, however, available for .Net Framework 3.5.
If you're building your application on .net framework 4.0, You can use WCF Service Application as ASMX in legacy. Please note that you'd need to enable AspNetCompatibilityMode to access HttpContext objects.
If you still want to use ASMX, choose ASP.NET Empty Web application and then you can add ASMX files to the project.
To create a ASP.NET Web Service Application in Visual Studio 2010 using the .NET Framework 4.0, first create a new project targeting the .NET Framework 3.5 (as the ASP.NET Web Service Application template is available for this version). Then right-click the project and re-target it to use the .NET Framework 4.0. Build, debug, done!
I too had the same problem when publishing web services from Navision. For that I created the project based on the .Net framework 3.5 (as the ASP.NET Web Service Application template is available for this version) in Visual Studio 2010 and it works fine for me.
I hit the same problem. It looks like .svc files are no longer necessary as of WCF 4.0, as Configuration-Based Activation will take care of this for you.

Visual Studio 2010 + .Net Framework 1.1 + Click Once Deployment

First of all, The Winform application is based on .Net Framework 1.1. I have 1.1 SDK installed but 1.1 is not listed in the Target Framework(VS 2010 Beta 2) so I cannot choose the same, the minimal available is 2.0. Am I supposed to install an add-on or something for building 1.1 apps in VS 2010 beta2. Further more, I am using a Clickonce deployment publish method. I am not sure if 1.1 supports ClickOnce deployment. Please advise on both these fronts. Thanks a Lot
.NET 1.x is not supported by VS2010 (or any future versions). You'll have to use VS2002 or VS2003 for that.
ClickOnce is only supported for .NET 2.0 or later.
.Net 1.1 isn't supported on VS 2010. I don't even thing it was supported on VS 2005 or 2008. I've always had a VS 2003 install in a VM for 1.1 maintenance stuff.
Here you can find a way to create your project in .net 1.1 with VS 2008. And I think this is last version of the VS you can use to create your projects in .net 1.1
If you have an application that uses e.g. an app pool using .Net 1.1, compiling for .Net 2.0 simply isn't an option.
You should just build your code with .NET 2.0, assuming there's some reason why you can't build it with .NET 3.5.
