Xcode fails in build with "Compilation failed for data model at path" - and does not work with suggested StackOverFlow fixes to similar issues - xcode

Hi my Xcode project at some point yesterday started failing to build with the error:
Compilation failed for data model at path
I did research on StackOverflow and other sites - and none of the suggested fixes to similar sounding issues have worked for me. The issue appears to be at the intersection of SVN, Xcode, Core Data and XCUserState, and I have tried a number of steps from info I found on StackOverflow and other sites, but still have not solved this.
Here's what I have tried so far:
One stackoverflow article recommended to clean out the SImulator applications folder:
So I removed apps from under /Users/cooldocman/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/5.1/Applications
... the error persisted ...
Another stackoverflow thread advised to remove the temp DerivedData folder.
So I removed all folders under
(the folders in the error message i.e. /Users/cooldocman/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/cooldocs-ejjarvdamwdcbbcpahhnbweztrmhwere
therefore were deleted)
Another article said to remove the contents of the Archives folder ...
Still no luck even after steps 2 and 3
Even after all the cleanup, I still see when I grep contents of my project that a reference still exists to the old "cooldocs-ejjarvdamwdcbbcpahhnbweztrmh" folder...
$ grep ejjarvdamwdcbbcpahhn //*///*
Binary file trunk/cooldocs.xcodeproj/project.xcworkspace/xcuserdata/cooldocman.xcuserdatad/UserInterfaceState.xcuserstate matches
Now how do I clean this up?
PERHAPS THE SECRET I NEED IS HOW TO CLEAN UP THIS LEFTOVER xcuserdata and hopefully that will resolve the issue - or otherwise, to use a treasure hunt analogy, it may at least open the door to another mysterious tunnel that needs to be crawled down! (and when I come out of that final cave is when I can start the actual work on what I really need to do!)
Thanks for reading and appreciate any help and insights from this group!

Regarding to xcuserdatad folder, Why not just close your Xcode and delete it in Finder or Terminal? It's safe to do that. Next time you open the project with Xcode, It will recreate it for you .

I had this same issue and none of the suggestions worked. I finally deleted the entire directory which had my project and cloned it again from Github and it fixed the issue. It's possible that some file that was git ignored wasn't getting reverted, but I didn't have time to find out which file it was.


VS2015 Community, can't build new solution

I ran into some issues yesterday. All of a sudden I couldn't build my C# solution. At first I thought it was related to us recently mixing project.json files with csproj/package.config files which resulted in some issues with resolving references, but the steps I have taken seem to rule this out.
The build is failing (all 23 projects) with no error messages at all. The build is successful for all other members of my team. The steps I have taken include:
Clean solution
Delete packages folder for solution
Delete bin/obj folders
Delete all temporary/non-mandatory files (.user, .DotSetting, etc)
Delete ASP temporary files (in windows/.net folder)
Delete temporary files in AppData/(Local/Roaming)
Delete temporary files in ~/.nuget
Check out an older guaranteed working branch
Uninstall all VS extensions
Reinstall VS2015
Delete and re-clone the git repo
After all this I tried to create a new solution with an empty class library project. This also fails to build with no error messages.
At this point I am getting more than a little frustrated. It seems like the only thing I haven't tried is to find and delete some obscure registry keys or just reformat the hard drive.
EDIT: I have managed to build a C# project using MSBuild from the command line, although this really doesn't seem to be that significant since the problem obviously isn't in the code since even a new empty project won't build.
I got it working now, and while I am not sure exactly what step did it, the most recent steps I took were:
Run a repair on VS2015
Reboot again
Delete all temp files again
Clean solution
Delete packages
Open solution and restore packages via nuget package manager console
All steps were probably not necessary, but I have no idea what the minimal steps required are since I still don't know exactly what broke. I hope the list I established can be of some use to people with similar issues, since at least some of the steps should help.

XCode Won't Commit To GIT

Been googling for a while with no luck.
I have been working on my app for a week and I'm trying to commit to git now, so I can start branching and try some new stuff. But I can't commit my changes. I get the following message:
"The working copy "APP NAME" failed to commit files.
fatal: Could not switch to '/Users/Leonne/Documents/iOS Projects/APP NAME/APP NAME/Resources': No such file or directory"
I have initialized the git repository. I don't understand what could be going on.
Before, I did create a "Resources" folder, but deleted it afterwards. I never committed with the existence of this "Resources" folder. I deleted the Resources folder because it was giving me troubles whenever I tried to compile my app. I'm working with XCode 4.4.
Any help will be appreciated.
Ok, I just experienced this problem today morning. I don't know if mine is THE perfect fix. My Mac crashed and I restarted, and I could commit again.
If my fix hold true with you as well, then it could be a bug with XCode.
It seem my error still exists and the following is my fix.
It seem Xcode GUI have some problem with using GIT properly. So i used the terminal to do this. I went to the working directory and then did a git status this will show you a list of files that were deleted/modified/added. You can manually add them all together using git add or just a straight git commit -a (not recommended on complex projects)
This solved the commit issues and when i went to Xcode, the error doesn't seem to exists anymore
Looks like I have the bad habit of solving my hour-long problems 5 minutes after I post about them on StackOverflow, haha.
My fix was rather easy. I navigated to the specified route and re created the Resources folder. I added the folder to my project via XCode's "add files" feature. Directly afterwards I deleted it from there, moving it to trash. Now I can compile and commit, thank goodness.

Xcode fails without specifying and errors

All of a sudden my project fails to build in Xcode. If I look at the log I see all the needed dependencies being built, and then I get a strange error:
Verify final result code for the complete build operation
Build operation failed without specifying any errors.
Individual build tasks may have failed for unknown reasons.
I removed my code directory and replaced it with a backup, did a clean, tried building all the other components separately (they succeed) - nothing works. I tried a command line build, same issue.
There were only a few hits on google for this error, none offered any useful advice.
Can anyone please help?
Update: When I run the command line build, I see the following error:
2012-05-25 08:55:53.830 xcodebuild[3358:4203] No recorder, buildTask: <Xcode3BuildTask: 0x400f35e60:'ProcessPCH MyProject-Prefix.pch':REfc(32370056113422336):deps=0:phaseNum=4>
I checked the output of xcodebuild and it is returning '65'.
I thought there might be a problem with the MyProject-Previx.pch file, so I shut off "Precompile Prefix Header", and now I get the same error with a different file:
2012-05-25 09:15:11.784 xcodebuild[3882:3703] No recorder, buildTask: <Xcode3BuildTask: 0x40048ab60:'CompileC HelperRoutines.m':REfc(33777199068741632):deps=0:phaseNum=4>
Build operation failed without specifying any errors. Individual build
tasks may have failed for unknown reasons. One possible cause is if
there are too many (possibly zombie) processes; in this case,
rebooting may fix the problem. Some individual build task failures (up
to 12) may be listed below.
I've run into this problem consistently recently while running Xcode 9.0 Beta 3 and Xcode 8.3.3.
The fix is to delete ALL in the Derived Data folder. It then seems to work again.
rm -rf ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData
NOTE: just cleaning the build or deleting the current build folder for a project does not seem to help.
Hope this helps :)
I was hitting this error and it infuriated me for an hour or so. The answer below helped me out a lot: essentially your machine has a ton of running processes, XCode can't handle it, and rebooting your machine is the best answer.
I looked around for a bit and the only one that worked for me was shortening my project folder name.
All other tries: restarting, recloning, deleting derived data, etc. didn't work. The only thing that worked was making the project folder name shorter.
I also encountered same error. I was edited .pch (Prefix Header) file. Then I started getting this strange error.
Then I removed all editions which I made in .PCH.
Then I quit my Xcode.
When I restarted Xcode this strange error was gone.
Hope this will work for you also.
Best luck Buddy (y)
Build operation failed without specifying any errors. Individual build tasks may have failed for unknown reasons.
One possible cause is if there are too many (possibly zombie) processes; in this case, rebooting may fix the problem.
Some individual build task failures (up to 12) may be listed below.
This happens occur when the total path length is too long.
change the folder name or location of directory, shorter then before.
Happy 2019, everyone, but sad to say this can still happen in Xcode 10.2.
I had four projects open in Xcode but only one failed in this way. I tried a main menu > Product > Clean Build Folder. The little progress spinner started up and 5 minutes later was still spinning. Hmmmm.
So I quit Xcode and in Terminal did a cd ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData. Although ls -alww showed only one subfolder named after each of my other projects, as expected, there were five subfolders whose name began with the name of the problem project. I deleted all of them
rm -R ProblemProjectName-*
and relaunched Xcode. Problem solved.
Mine gave this error sometimes, also LLVM failed with exit code 1 and clang failed with exit code 255, at different code locations each time. I just had to reboot (OS X 10.7, Xcode 4.5).
I rebooted, no luck. Then I noticed that when I relaunched XCode, one of my tabs was loaded with no file in it. I figured out what file I was editing in it, opened it, saved it and then I was able to build.
None of these answers worked for me on XCode 5.
Luckily, I'm still only testing XCode 5 - I kept XCode 4 around.
XCode 5 simply won't build one of my two projects, claiming that my libraries aren't built with the right settings, and I keep running into the error described on this page on the other one... so I'm sticking with XCode 4, which builds both of my projects perfectly well.
If you are experiencing this issue on XCode 5, consider "reverting to XCode 4" as another strategy.
Overall the idea that repeatedly running a program, XCode or not, degrades your system to the point where you have to reboot does not fill me with confidence in that program.
With Xcode 5.0.0, this error was caused after an update to the CLI tools.
Updating to Xcode 5.0.1 and installing all the required components again still didn't fix the error. However, 5.0.1 was kind enough to actually emit an error that was useful.
/bin/mkdir -p /Users/xxx/Documents/XCode/SampleApp/bin/SampleAppDebug.app/Contents
error: (null)
This lead me to look at the bin folder, and find out that the 5.0.0 build with broken CLI tools had made a symlink in bin/ to the derived information folder with SampleAppDebug.app, which for some reason it could not write to.
I manually removed all contents of the bin/ folder and rebuilt without errors.
I faced same problem. I have change my System time.I delete file "/Users/YOURNAME/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/ModuleCache/YOURBUNDLEID/UIKit.pcm". Then it's work fine for me. Try this.
I added into the Framework search paths the header file location.... removing this from the top level project settings fixed the issue for me.
Change at your peril.
The only workaround, that works for me - push your code to git repo and clone it to new location.
I highly recommend to reclone your repo, because you'll deal with some random problems if you prefer rebooting/turning off and onXcode.
did you set "Perform Single-Object Prelink" to Yes?
try turn it off.
i had the similar problem. i have tons of files in a static library. reducing the number of files or setting "Perform Single-Object Prelink" to NO solved my problem.
Same error and following didn't work for me for Xcode 6.3.2 on Mac OS X Yosemite 10.10.3:
Git discarded changes to last successful build point
Creation of new fresh project from scratch from a builtin template (though I cannot recall whether it built successfully or not)
Restart of Xcode
System Reboot
and the following worked:
I faced the problem in the morning and it got resolved in the evening with a couple of Xcode restarts and System reboots and creation of new project. So, I'm not sure what really triggered.
I faced the same problem today. Cleaning the DerivedData and cloning the project somewhere else didn't help. What fixed my problem was repairing the volume from the Disk Utility app and removal of all Xcode plugins.
I have encountered same issue without having any code changes for my project running on Xcode 9.2. It looks like if you have some run scripts or external build systems attached to the project, this might cause an issue. Try committing or discarding changes and build again. If it still persist, delete local repo and clone again. Also maintain smaller folder names for project location.
Same issue when added watchOS target inside iOS app, using Xcode 11.1 with SwiftUI:
Go to menu Xcode / Preferences / Locations
Open Derived Data folder in Finder clicking on the arrow next to /Users/yourUserName/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData
Locate your app Derived Data folder and delete it
Menu Product / Clean Build Folder
You should be able to compile again.
I know this is super late to answer but I'm answering since none of the above solutions worked.
For me restarting, clean building, deleting derived data nothing worked.
Because the issue was not due to any zombie objects or something like that.
I'm using Xcode 11. I think it's an Xcode bug that sometimes errors are not shown in the issue navigator. But don't worry check the build report in Report navigator(The last tab in project navigator: the one that looks like a comment box with lines in it. or simply cmd + 9).
Click the relevant build and resolve the issue, mine was missing file in pods directory.
just try to rename the folder name of the project. it did the trick for me
I had this same problem, however the accepted solution did not work for me, what worked was:
deleting .workspace file
deleting Podfile.lock file
deleting the Pods folder
pod deintegrate ; pod install
For me it was fixed by changing to the new build system(in File -> Project settings)
I have Xcode 11.7

Xcode warning of "Unable to read symbols" points to non-existent path under DerivedData

A new Xcode 4.2 project of mine is giving the following warning only when running on the device (as in, not with the Simulator):
warning: Unable to read symbols for /Users/me/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/MyApp-caubqehwsicqvmfcjxvvwaprgulm/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/SomeOtherString.app/MyApp (file not found).
warning: No copy of SomeOtherString.app/MyApp found locally, reading from memory on remote device. This may slow down the debug session.
I do not know where this "SomeOtherString.app" is coming from, but I would like to tell Xcode to stop looking for it. Trouble is, I cannot find where it is being set. I have looked in all the project settings, opened project.pbxproj and looked in there -- nothing.
I finally did a recursive grep for "SomeOtherString" inside my project folder -- the string was not found!
And yes, I have done many "cleans" and have cleared out my DerivedData directory. But Xcode insists that MyApp belongs under "SomeOtherString.app"!
So, my question is: where on earth is this path being stored?
The closest other SO issue I could find was this one, but no one ever posted a solution.
Thanks for any suggestions!
Actually, I found out what was going on here. Even though SomeOtherString was in fact nowhere in my project, I had apparently chosen a bundle ID that was identical to another app whose name was SomeOtherString that Xcode knew about.
I guess this could be an issue if one clones a project -- make sure you use a bundle ID that you have not already used before.

Deleting Derived Data from Xcode 4.2 project doesn't re-index project

Indexing, code completion, & coloring disappear from my projects on a fairly regular basis, usually right after I add a file. And then it returns hours or days later, usually for unknown reasons (I've tried keeping a record but it's pretty random). CMD-clicking on even known terms (like viewDidLoad: or NSLocalizedString) result in a "Symbol Not Found" error.
It happens with Xcode 4.2 (I believe it happened in Xcode 4.0.2, but not as frequent).
I have no build errors, warnings, or static analysis messages.
I've restarted Xcode.
I've tried turning precompile off.
I don't have a case where I've got a circular header file include/import.
It happens if I use gcc, LLVM, CLang (in whatever combo).
It happens if I use iOS 4.3 or 5.0.
I've tried deleting the "derived data.", and even only the Index/ path.
After deletion & re-build I see the .hmap file & .xcindex folder (filled with db.xcodeindexdb* files).
...but I can't get code-completion, symbol detection, or coloring back.
What else can I do? I sincerely appreciate the help.
Have you tried a clean install (sudo /Developer/Library/uninstall-devtools)?
I have exactly the same problem for one particular project. Following workaround works for me: apart from deleting Derived Data , I make an SVN update or revert any file of the project. If the project file itself is changed my Xcode displays wrong target ,so I close the project and re-open it and then indexing starts properly.
The most reliable way I've found to force re-indexing of the project is to change the build settings, specifically 'Run Static Analyzer' - I wish I had a real answer though.
This might seem like a silly response, but have you tried to repair file permissions under disk maintenance?
Your thread is old, but anyway...
Deleting the derived data folder helps me everytime. I have to do it quite regularly, which is very annoying. Your find the path in the xCode-Settings(cmd+,) in the locations-tab.
I just had this issue. What worked for me is clearing the derived data, then closing the project and re-opening it. It didn't reindex until I closed and re-opened the project. The project never compiled fully, so it didn't even have to finish building to work.
