Is there a lint-like tool for MSBuild? - visual-studio-2010

I've just learned the hard way that Visual Studio 2010 and MSBuild extremely lenient when it comes to which vcxproj MSBuild files they will successfully execute - they will overlook missing configurations for subtasks and single files and still successfully execute the build tasks. However this is causing problems for me as it is leading to inconsistent builds across multiple configurations, plus due to the internal inconsistencies in the project files I cannot necessarily edit them in Visual Studio's property view.
So far I have managed to get rid of the most problematic inconsistencies by editing the vcxproj files by hand but this is not really an acceptable strategy given that this particular solution contains over 80 project files.
Is there a tool that can check an MSBuild file for internal consistency and highlight missing configurations along the lines of "your project files says it offers configurations X, Y and Z but the custom build task for file X only supports configurations X and Z"?
Update: The specific problem I am trying to solve right now as opposed to the more general problem of linting the vcxproj file is that of missing conditionals for certain configurations. Unfortunately adding and updating the conditionals seems to require a little more than I can safely accomplish using a find-and-replace tool. Doing it programmatically and correctly would most likely require DOM manipulation and given that I am rather familiar with the internal structure of the build files so far it appears that using a text editor that is able to do basic structural XML validation is the quickest way to accomplish the task at hand.
What I would really like to see however would be a tool that can at least highlight these problems automatically to cut down on the time spent tracking them down.

Configurations are, in general, a VS concept. They are not built-in to MSBuild but achieved using Conditional attributes on property groups. Most likely your project files are valid MSBuild projects, but some of them don't build with default parameters - I'd suggest not to edit them by hand, but either
use a find-and-replace tool to fix them
write a small app that uses Microsoft.Build.Construction API to inspect and fix the project files
There's nothing that would perform this for you, I'm afraid.

This request is currently tracked under
This is not a real answer yet, but as soon as the issue gets resolved to a tangible solution, I'll update it here.


MSBuild to build all defined configurations

I'm looking for a way to call MSBuild with all possible configurations/platforms defined in the solution file.
I've looked here:
Using MSBuild to Build Multiple Configurations
which requires explicit knowledge of the configurations, as you must enumerate them on the command line,
and here:
which leads to another page that suggests defining another project file to encapsulate the msbuild calls. Unfortunately, it too requires explicit knowledge of the configurations.
So then, is there any way to obtain through the command line, the list of configurations/platforms availalbe to a given project? (It must be the same list that is modified in Visual Studio. ie: adding/removing a configuration in Visual Studio, saving, exiting, and getting the list, would reflect the changes.)
Parsing the solution file as XML is not an option, as it wouldn't be stable if Microsoft decided to change how it is formatted.
You can't parse a solution as XML it's not a markup file without having MSBuild emitting a meta project first. I recommend you play the odds and be pragmatic, read the .sln as a text file and RegEx it on SolutionConfigurationPlatforms pairs, then build the ItemGroup and batch it. If you are truly utterly paranoid about Microsoft completely reengineering the solution file syntax then look inside Microsoft.Build.Construction and/or .Evaluation, the internal SolutionParser, or Roslyn or even Mono since if the syntax changes then those parsers and loaders would be updated accordingly and in case of Microsoft.Build and Roslyn -- simultaneously.

Mono fo Android - One Solution for many clients

I have created three different solutions for three different clients, but those solutions are for an app that have the same features, classes, methods, resolution, except for the images, XML resource files, and a web service reference, that are specific for each one.
I would like to have just one solution for all those apps, that I could open in VS2010 IDE for edition, without errors. So, when I need to build or publish an specific app, I just set the client which one I need to, and go ahead to building or publishing.
It is important to consider that XML file names will be the same, as classes and images names too. The difference will be the content, but the name will always be the same.
My intention is to reduce my effort to maintain many solutions, having just one solution to work with.
In my company, we will have more than those three clients soon, so I am worried about how to maintain that. The best way will be have just one solution and when I need to generate a new app for a new client, I have just to change/include a few things (like some resources and images) and compile to a new client folder.
Is it possible? If so how?
One option would be to have a master solution which had the following
A "Template" project that contained your actual application and all of the shared code
Projects for all of your clients
In the projects for your clients, you could have links to the files in your files that come from your shared project. Then, in each of those projects, you could add the files that are only specific to them.
With this kind of structure, whenever you made a change to your Template project, all of the client projects would be updated as well because they just have pointers back to the Template project.
A good reference for this kind of setup would be the Json.Net Code Base. There he has a solution and project for all of the different configurations, but they all share the same files.
In terms of ensuring that the xml files are named properly, you might just want to put some checks into your main application to ensure that it has all of the files needed or potentially add a check into your build process.
There are many ways you could look to tackle this.
My favorite would be to run some sort of pre-build step - probably outside of Visual Studio - which simply replaces the files with the correct ones before you do a build. This would be easy to automate and easy to scale.
If you are going to be building for many more than three customers, then I think you should look to switch from Visual Studio building to some other automated build system - e.g. MSBuild from the command line or from something like TeamCity or CruiseControl. You'll find it much easier to scale if your build is automated (and robust)
If you don't like the file idea, then there are plenty of other things you could try:
You could try doing a similar step to above, but could do it inside VS using a pre-Build step.
You could use Conditional nodes within the .csproj file to switch files via a project configuration
You could look to shift the client-specific resources into another assembly - and then use GetResourceStream (or similar) at runtime to extract the resources.
But none of these feel as nice to me!

VS2010 code analysis selecting types/namespaces

I'm working on a project and we have a huge assembly if hundreds of types. I would like to add some kind of code analysis, but only on new types.
In FxCop I can chose the types and/or namespaces I want to have analyzed.
I can't seem to find a way to do so in VS2010 code analysis. Is it just me or is this not possible?
Yes, it's possible in VS2010, but there's no UI for creating the subset. Instead, you'll either need to either specify the inclusion/exclusion list via the CodeAnalysisAdditionalOptions MSBuild property (using the /types command line parameter that will be used when running FxCopCmd.exe) or via a .fxcop project file specified via the CodeAnalysisProject MSBuild property.
The latter approach caused problems in VS2008 since FxCop would attempt to load the target DLL twice if it was included in the project file. I haven't tried it in VS2010, but it's certainly worth giving it a shot before resorting to the CodeAnalysisAdditionalOptions approach.
N.B.: This is exactly the same answer already provided at

how to generate multi part assembly ( per folder) in visual studio for custom library project , C#?

Is there a pre build action or some compiler switch that we can add?
I have just too many projects in our solution at the moment. I want to add new modules and compile them into separate assemblies.I am looking for options where I can avoid adding new projects for each assembly.
I am using Visual Studio 2005.
Also, It will be worthwhile to know if 2008 has better features over this space.
edit #1: There are two development teams working on this project and we want to cut the modules broadly into two verticals and keep the assemblies separate so that the ongoing patches ( post release ) do not overlap with the functionality in two verticals and also the testing footprint is minimized.
Currently the solution has about 8 projects and we need to setup the structure for the second team to start development.
I do not want to end up adding 5 or 6
new projects in the solution but
rather create folders in the existing
projects so separate code for the new
team or some easy way.
No, Visual Studio is still "one project per assembly". Do you really need to have that many different assemblies?
You may be able to write your own build rules which create multiple assemblies from a single project, but I suspect it's going to lead to a world of pain where Visual Studio gets very confused.
If you could give us more details about why you want lots of assemblies, we may be able to help you come up with a different solution.
EDIT: Having read your updated question, it sounds like you would possibly be better off just working off two branches in source control, and merging into the trunk (and updating from the trunk) appropriately. Alternatively, if the two teams really are working on independent parts of the code, maybe separate projects really is the best solution.
One of the problems (IMO) with Visual Studio is that the files in the projects are listed explicitly - which means that the project files become big merge bottlenecks. I prefer the Eclipse model where any source file under a source path is implicitly included in the build (unless you explicitly exclude it).
Neither Visual Studio 2005 nor 2008 lets you create multi-file assemblies. However, you can run the C# compiler at the command line with the '/addmodule:ModuleName' switch and it'll do what you want. For general details on command line usage of csc see this article. For description of the /addmodule switch see this one.
That said, however, you're most-likely taking a non-optimal approach here. In normal situations you should not have to want to create multi-file assemblies just because you have too many projects. Give more details of your general problem so that people can offer suggestions regarding that.
I'd heed the advice you've been given thus far--if you find yourself asking such questions, there's probably a deeper design issue that's being overlooked--but if you really must do what you're suggesting be done, you have several options. You can hack the project file to allow you to compile files into separate assemblies: the project file is an msbuild file, so there's a lot you can do with it. Also, you can simply use an msbuild file for building your projects and solutions. Or you can use a different build system entirely--NAnt is one example.
The likely problem with these suggestions is that they won't be feasible for your work environment. It's no good to start hacking away at project files that other people on your team use, or to just decide that this or that solution is going to be built using your custom msbuild file. There are many good reasons to use something like a single custom msbuild file, or NAnt, to build your projects, but it's always the wrong decision if it's not made with input from everyone the decision affects.

Finding out-of-date or missing dependencies or output files in a Visual C++ solution (or: Why does VS insist on rebuilding projects without changes?)

I've got a solution containing multiple projects. I'm only changing the code in one of them, but every time I hit Ctrl+Shift+B, Visual Studio rebuilds all of the others.
I want it to build the other projects, so this is good. What's not good is that, normally, it would see that there was nothing to do. I have a wonky dependency somewhere, so this isn't working.
Is there a tool or macro (or switch) that'll explore the dependency tree and tell me which files are missing or out-of-date, so that I can get it to stop?
I know that I can solve this specific case, by (e.g.) touching all of the project files.
Unfortunately, I've often seen this situation when a file is configured to produce an output file (e.g. an IDL file is configured to output a typelibrary, but doesn't contain a 'library' block, so it'll never create a TLB).
This wouldn't be resolved by touching all of the project files, so I'm looking for something more general to add to my personal toolbox that'll easily tell me why a file is being rebuilt, whether it be because it's older than a dependency, or because the project is misconfigured to expect an output file that will never be produced.
In Options / Projects and Solutions / Build and Run turn up the MSBuild project build output verbosity to Detailed. It should give you an idea of why it is rebuilding all the projects.
If I understand you right, you might solve this by touching all your project's files. It may be caused by a source-file having a last-modified-time that's in the future.
I know that I can solve this specific case, by (e.g.) touching all of the project files, but I'd like to add something to my personal box of tricks that I can use in the future, in the general case.
I'm confused - what's the 'general case' of this problem?
Not that I've found. If you know that a project is not going to change often, you can tell the Configuration Manager not to build it. (Right-click on the Solution, and select Configuration Management)
As far as I know ctrl + shift + b is by default bound to BuildSolution, so that would be why all your projects are being build. i'm not really sure what else you could use except for rightclicking the project and pressing build :)
You might want to check in Tools>Option>Projects and Solutions and check if your option is set to Only Build startup project and dependencies instead of all the solution.
Or instead of using ctrl+shirt+b you should simply press F6 on the project you want to build :)
You can use shift+F6 to build just the current project.
While not directly answering my question: "is there a tool that'll work this out for me?", I found the specific problem by using SysInternals Process Monitor:
The project was configured with /analyze, which requires Visual Studio Team Edition, but the version on this PC is Visual Studio Professional, which doesn't support it. Unfortunately, there appears to be a bug in Visual Studio, where it thinks that the .pchast file should be created, even though it has no way to do so. I've raised this on Connect.
I think I might write a macro for Visual Studio Professional that, if /analyze is turned on, simply creates an empty .pchast file at the end of the build...
