Google Image App How to start? [closed] - image

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am planning to make a Mac application that works like Google Images for mobile. It takes the search results and makes it possible to swipe through them.
I am using a Mac, so I would like to use trackpad gestures. I think the system would be very user-friendly for going through high quality images quickly.
I am a beginner in respects to coding, but I do know the basics of C++.
Searched through to, but I can't see how Picasa would be of any use because i want to use the Google Images data or database (or what the technical term is).
As this is my first serious attempt at an application, I really don't know where to start.

As with most apps, there are two sides to this one:
The front end is your Cocoa-based user interface. This is where you would receive queries from the user (in a text field) and show the results (in image views), and where you would implement the swiping (in some kind of custom view that owns the image views).
The back end is doing Google Image Searches. This may or may not be written in Cocoa; you may decide to use somebody else's library written in some other language, but depending on what language that is, integrating it may be harder than porting it or writing your own from scratch.
The back end you'd want for this is Google Custom Search (found by searching for “search” on their developer site and then clicking through to the replacement for the first result, which is deprecated). You'll want to use their REST API, returning JSON, which you can parse using the NSJSONSerialization class.


Is there a way to use vb scripting in Sap Business Client on report (not a transaction)? [closed]

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Closed 6 days ago.
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I try to use VBS to automate Excel download on Sap Business Client. Normally I would use the following option:
Using settings option to record VBS
This works great when interacting with transaction.
Lately I came across a different type of GUI-which looks different. In this screen there is no scripting option and even after I tried to record from a transaction and interact with it, it fails.
This picture shows how it looks on the tabs menu (it has Sap logo instead of normal transaction logo):
Tab menu report logo
Unfortunately I use Sap in an organization that does not allow for full code sharing, so this is why I attached only screenshots.
Any help or even a link to a documented API to interact with such type will be very appreciated.
I tried to search for any ideas, but couldn't find anything.
My guess is that the object type needs to be different than SAPGUI or SAPGUISERVER:
Set SapGuiAuto=GetObject("SAPGUI ")
But again, no other option works.

Admin panel for inputting data for [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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If an app that uses Parse needs a web-based data admin system, what's the best way to go?
I know already offers a data browser, but its main use case isn't for someone to mass enter data or perform admin functions. I know I can make one from scratch with the libraries found here on the Parse API Libraries page, but I was just wondering if there was a standard or most used way to use 3rd party admin panels.
Given that there is no "standard data admin", other than perhaps letting them edit all fields on all objects (which is provided by the data browser), I wouldn't expect to find some 3rd party admin panel.
What you do and don't expose in an admin interface often varies from product to product, some fields might be there only to support easier searching and be read-only (or hidden) even in admin screens.
Unfortunately that means you need to roll your own admin screens using whichever SDK works best for you.
Be aware that (last I checked) the JavaScript SDK only works for Internet Explorer if your pages are hosted on SSL (https), due to a quirk in IE. If you want to support IE you might want to use Parse's Cloud Hosting.

Programming in Oracle Apex, is it hard? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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So I am starting an internship this week, I will be working on making some changes to an existing Oracle Apex web app which they use for tracking and metrics. In particular, they don't have very granular authorization set up, meaning that either you have full control or you don't. They want me to come up with something to set up access for non-tech users like the business, for example, and limit their rights to the system.
How hard is apex to work with? I looked into it a bit, it does seem fairly straightforward, but is there more to it that I am not aware of? Also, I am a little surprised that there is no built in functionality to let you set up complex permissions?
I've been working in Apex since August now, and did 4 years of Oracle Forms before this, so PL/SQL wasn't an issue for me. HTML and Javascript i also knew, just not as in-depth, but i believe i've picked up nicely so far.
What i'm doing at the moment is migrating a bunch of old Oracle Forms to Apex. So far my experience is that it can be very easy and fast to pump out the basics, but making your pages more dynamical or user-friendly can eat away some time. Still, the framework is very solid, save for some niggles. For example, they have a javascript api, which handles a lot like jquery. I can mostly get done what i want to, and i think the most time i've "wasted" so far, has been getting javascript code to work the way i want it.
Recently i've also been implementing some authorisation, and i must say it isn't really that hard! You can provide some authorisation schemes, and simply apply those to pages, regions or items. I of course don't know what you really mean with 'complex' permissions ;) There is always the possibility of using the APIs and do manual calls to verify authorisation.
If you're really totally new, then simply head over to, and take the 2-day developer guide to get a quick feel for the environment. You'll have to request a workspace, can do the exercises, and play around a bit.
We were looking at apex a year ago. And canceled. It's easy to make standard things, but it's not convenient to develop something specific. May be, we were looking not very properly, indeed.

Whats the best approach for handling a template picker in Cocoa [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I have been dealing with this situation for a while now. I have been programming in objective C for about four years now but only for the iphone platform. I am currently working on my first mac osx application and would like some help on the best practices for handling a template picker when the app launches. To be more specific the transition between the template picker view and the window. For example in the application pages, the application allows you to select a template in the first view that is loaded and then after you have chosen your template that view disappears completely and you then receive a new view that is specifically for editing purposes. I currently have an application that loads the first view fine allows for selection in an IKImagebrowser and loads a separate view although I don't know if this is the best approach for doing this and also I can't seem to get the view with the Imagbrowser in it to disappear after I load the second view. If someone could shed some light on this situation for me it would be most appreciated.
there is not much wrong with what your doing... although BASIC difference between iphone programming and MAC programming is that in iphone programming we use the IK kit and in MAC prograamming we dont..all the classes used in MAC programming (not necessarily) but most use NS.... KEEP in mind that in MAC programming , a single button can launch a SINGLE action or call a single method unlike in iphone SDK where u can connect a button with multiple method calls.
my suggestion to u is put a working or busy sign and set its alpha value to zero, wheen first app is closed, dont close it there...instead change gamma value and load the next view...When that is loaded(KEEP THEIR POSITON(x,y) exactly same , hide the previous view app or first app...that way the transition would seem like its a single app....
hope this helps

How to include advertising in an application? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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Are there any services that allow you to place advertising in Windows software? I want to give away my software for free but still need to eat!
Check out OpenCandy, they have a really nice concept IMHO:
only a single, opt-in ad - in the installer (so your application remains ad-less). There is an interesting post about them # DonationCoder.
It is, of course, trivial to put a fixed collection of adverts into your code. The trouble comes if you want to sell eyeballs and have the ads change. Then the code has to go talk over the network to get new adds.
Many people would have a name for this: adware. If people find you making network connections behind their back, as it were, they are likely to break out some more negative terms.
However, if you are completely open and honest about it when you offer the code for download, then your conscience might be clear.
Practically, you need to have code that makes a network connection to some site of yours, pulls the ad content, and displays it in some sort of annoying popup.
Check with individual affiliate programs to see if they allow links in applications.
You can also try the Freemium model: Turn on some extra features if they pay for your program.
Or link to your website for support information, instructions, etc., and place ads there.
Or offer an e-mail newsletter with updates, news, etc. Advertising in these is easier.
You can also ask this over at
