How to show images with keeping their proportion in mvc3? -

In mvc3 Products have more images and there is standard box size that all images seems in that in view.
Users enter images in different sizes: 200x800, 2200x500 ..etc. But I must show all images in standard box in 150x120 sizes. Most images stretchs horizontal or vertical in 150x120 size box and seems very bad.
<img src="#Url.Content( Path.Combine( "~/Uploads/Products/", #item.Date.Value.ToShortDateString(), #item.ImagePath1 ) )" width="150" height="120" alt="" />
How can I do all images get small, but to keep proportion ?

one way to keep propotions is to set the width value in css, but then the image will have the width and the height is unknown depending och the startimage. This will be the simplest way to fix the streched images. But you will not know the height as mentioned.
And ofc you must load the big image (big transfer size), so this may not be a propriate solution.
razor code
<img src="#Url.Content( Path.Combine( "~/Uploads/Products/", item.Date.Value.ToShortDateString(), #item.ImagePath1 ) )" alt="" />
css code
.parentDiv img{
width: 150px;

You got good question. However one way to do this is to ask user to upload in some proportion using javascript.
E.g your input control should be like
<input id="ImageFile" name="ImageFile" type="file" onchange="check_filesize(this.value,'upload');" />
And in javascript your can check file size and etc.
Another is to make use of ImageResizeClass and in your Upload Control you can resize the file to match your expectation size to shown in div.
So your upload controller would be something like following...
public ActionResult Upload(Image image, HttpPostedFileBase ImageFile)
ResizeImageHelper resizeImageHelper = new ResizeImageHelper();
resizeImageHelper.ResizeImage(path + ImageFile.FileName, path + ImageFile.FileName, 640, 480, false);
resizeImageHelper.ResizeImage(path + ImageFile.FileName, path + "thumb" + ImageFile.FileName, 74, 74, false);
image.imageLocation = ImageFile.FileName;
image.imageThumb = "thumb" + ImageFile.FileName;
This way you can make sure to show the image perfectly.
Hope you understand and this helps.


How to stop TinyMCE to change the image size after editing its name?

I control the size of my image in a page by CSS imgType.
<img class="imgType" style="..." src="/image1.jpg" alt="..." />
If I edit the image to change its name only (the fields width & height stay empty and save the content of the editor, tiny writes a value for both the width and height.
<img class="imgType" style="..." src="/image2.jpg" alt="..." width="249" height="145" />
I tried to use object_resizing : false, but it does not do anything.
How can I stop tiny to write these values?
You can remove the image dimensions from the Insert/Edit Image dialog with:
image_dimensions: false

Laravel Dompdf- Change photography size

I have a serie of photos taken with a mobile. I am trying to print a complete document in PDF (done by DOMPDF in Laravel), with text and a photo inserted in it. It works perfect, except for the photos, it got printed very very small.
I had same problem with background, but I designed it with the exact A4 size (in print point).
My question is how to modify the photographies in order to get them printed in the PDF at the size I want.
PHP Code:
$cliente = Cliente::findOrFail($id);
$view = \View::make('cpanel.pdf.curriculum', compact('cliente'))->render();
$pdf = \App::make('dompdf.wrapper');
return $pdf->download('cv-'.$cliente->nombre." ".$cliente->apellidos."-".Date('d-m-Y').'.pdf');
I tried with css rules, but DOMPDF ignores it for images
<img style="width: 125pt;border: 1px solid red;" src="{{URL::asset('/images/candidatos/'.$cliente->foto)}}" />
instead of asset {{URL::asset('/images/candidatos/'.$cliente->foto)}} use relative url eg . "home/public_html/img/imagename.jpg"
there is a semicolon after style= replace it with double quotes

Wrapping text around an image with React-Native

I try to create a View with an Image and a Text component that wraps around the Image component.
My styling:
textContainer: {
flexDirection: 'row',
text: {
flex: 10,
image: {
height: 180,
width: 150,
margin: 10,
borderColor: '#ccc',
borderWidth: 1,
My component:
<ScrollView style={styles.contentContainer} >
{this.props.content.title_1 ? <Text style={styles.title}>{this.props.content.title_1}</Text> : null}
<View style={styles.textContainer}>
{this.props.content.text_1 ? <Text style={styles.text}>{this.props.content.text_1}</Text> : null}
{this.props.content.image_1 ? <Image width={null} height={null} style={styles.image} source={this.props.content.image_1} /> : null}
This is what the result: (not wrapping at all haha)
In the image beneath here, I quickly hacked the little image into the text. But I can't get the text to be wrapped around..
I hope anyone can help me in the right direction!
This is really hard but there is one weird way to do this.. Try the following. It worked for me but place I am doing this is too deep in the other views.:
<View style={{width:400, height:100, flex:1, flexDirection:'row'}}>
<Image source={require('')}/>
<Text>Your Content Here</Text>
Good luck. Please put a comment letting us know if it worked.
On android you cannot place a View inside Text, but you can place an Image, here is an example:
<Image source="" />
<Text> Insert your text here </Text>
Although this is an old post, I'll add this because I have recently had this problem and found a totally different approach that works for me. I don't have the code to hand (I can get it if anyone wants it), but the principle was this:
Requirement: to have a picture in the top left corner of the screen that takes up about half the screen width, with text starting to the right of it and then continuing beneath it for the whole width of the screen.
In XML, create a RelativeLayout containing an ImageView (IV) on the left and a TextView (TVA), set to wrap content, on the right. Then create another TextView (TVB) to sit below the Relative Layout. TVA is for the text beside the image and TVB for the text beneath it.
Put your image in IV. Then measure the height of IV in pixels (dpi). Call this height IVh
Put some of your text in TVA. As long as there is enough text to wrap over several lines, it doesn't really matter how much. Then measure the height of TVA in pixels. Call this height TVh
Compare IVh with TVh. If IVh=TVh then you have just the right amount of text to sit alongside your image. If TVh = IVh x 2 then you have twice as much text as you should have. And so on.
Adjust the number of words accordingly and put the right number into TVA, replacing what was there, then put the rest of the text in TVB.
You will need to play with margins and padding to allow an adequate margin around the image. Also, in steps 3 and 4 after you have put your image into ImageView or your text into TextView, you will need a delay before measuring the heights, to allow the display to be created - otherwise the measurement will be done too soon, before there is anything on the screen, and will return a height of zero. I found 200 milliseconds quite adequate and it's too fast for the user to notice a delay.

Issue with resizing the image in product view page (media.phtml) magento

I am trying to resize image in product view page, but after the image has resized, white spaces come along in left and right both the sides (width), in resize function I gave the value 338,474, but It comes with white spaces. For that I applied function keepFrame(false).
But after applying that, my image height remains same, but width changes to 271. What should I do? Below is my code.
<img src="<?php echo $this->helper('catalog/image')->init($product, 'image')->keepFrame(false)->resize(338,474);?>" alt='' title="<?php echo $this->htmlEscape($this->getImageLabel());?>" />
I tried keepFrame(false) both before and after resize(338,474).
Please, if any body can help me.
Simply pass your height and width in following function resize
$_img = '<img src="'.$this->helper('catalog/image')->init($_product, 'image')->resize(338, 474).'" alt="'.$this->htmlEscape($this->getImageLabel()).'" title="'.$this->htmlEscape($this->getImageLabel()).'" />';
Try to do the following steps, (let's say you want 150 width):
Go and open default/template/catalog/product/view/media.phtml.
Now On line 54 find the delete the ‘width’ and ‘height’ attributes in the tag.
On the same line (54), find.
$_image->getFile()->resize(150, 150);
All good. Simply replace one of these numbers with 0 and the image will auto scale. e.g.:
$_image->getFile()->resize(150, 0);
It will give you images 150 pixels wide, but the height will vary according to the original image ratio.
Hope that helps.

IF image is too big, how do I reduce the size?

My Website
On the above link you can see that the middle news post has an image that is just too big.
The info for the news is taken out of a database so I'm not sure how to change the width of the image on only certain images. Ideally I'd like to have any image that is over 300px wide to be kept at 300px. This is what I have so far:
echo '<img src="media/'.$row['media1'].'" class="floatLeftClear" id="border">';
I tired adding width="300" to the above statement but that made ALL of the images become 300px which I don't want. I only want images bigger than 300px to be reduced to 300.
Can someone point me in the right direction please!
If you don't want to physically resize the images on the server, which would be the ideal solution, you can set the max-width property via CSS.
img {
Note that the property is not supported in IE6 and below.
The code helps to resizing the image. its resize the height and width depends upon the max width
function fixImgs(whichId, maxW) {
var pix=document.getElementById(whichId).getElementsByTagName('img');
for (i=0; i<pix.length; i++) {
if (w > maxW) {
f=1-((w - maxW) / w);
pix[i].width=w * f;
pix[i].height=h * f;
fixImgs('photos', 108); // ('element ID', maximum width)
But one thing the image size(KB) is not reduce. I hope its help to you .
Why not to add a special routine for news images layout, define max-size within it and call it for the related images?
