Pagination with LINQ on Stored Procedures? - linq

Is there a way where I can use something like the following code to paginate data without loading the whole data-set to the program?
var r = from c in entities.GetSearchData(null,"en",null,true) select c;
IPagedList<Models.SearchResult> results = r.ToPagedList<Models.SearchResult>(1, 10);
I'm trying to use a stored procedure with LINQ to get a paged result. (BTW the above code gives a "The result of a query cannot be enumerated more than once." error). Is it possible?

Can't test with Entity Framework at the moment, but the regular LINQ-to-SQL allows following statements:
var rpage1 = entities.GetSearchData(null,"en",null,true).Skip(0).Take(10)
var rpage2 = entities.GetSearchData(null,"en",null,true).Skip(10).Take(10)
var rlist = rpage1.ToList();
LINQ will generate a clause like
WHERE [t1].[ROW_NUMBER] BETWEEN #p0 + 1 AND #p0 + #p1
In my case the resulting query was (GetConstantsValues is a stored procedure):
SELECT [t1].[value] AS [Value]
SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY [t0].[value]) AS [ROW_NUMBER], [t0].[value]
FROM [dbo].[GetConstantsValues](#p0) AS [t0]
) AS [t1]
WHERE [t1].[ROW_NUMBER] BETWEEN #p1 + 1 AND #p1 + #p2
So only the relevant results are loaded into program.
I reckon, EF shouldn't differ much from it. May be wrong.

No need to go back to LINQ to SQL. There is a tweak that you can make. With entity framework, the result of a stored procedure is a collection of ObjectSet, hence the enumerations won't be allowed more than once, unless we convert it to a normal enumerable collection.
Simplest way to deal with such a case is as below,
var r = from c in entities.GetSearchData(null,"en",null,true) select c;
IPagedList<Models.SearchResult> results =
r.ToList().ToPagedList<Models.SearchResult>(1, 10);
Here r.ToList() makes the magic, and code would work without any hiccups!!
Note*: I know this is pretty old post, but thought of helping those who would come here looking for help!


Pl/SQL query a view in function

I have the function below
RETURN sys_refcursor
retval sys_refcursor;
OPEN retval FOR
select *
from ifsapp.butce_gerceklesme
WHERE budget_year = '2018'
AND USER_GROUP = birim_id ;
RETURN retval;
and am trying to execute the function this way
SELECT * from table(IFSAPP.BUTCE_REPORT_FUN('3008'))
the line above generates this exception
ora-22905 cannot access rows from a non-nested table item
to keep in mind that ifsapp.butce_gerceklesme is a view (which I do not think that it matters).
So how I can solve this. any help is appreciated.
Actually, am trying to create a function that returns rows from the view above according to the parameters provided. so if I can achieve that in another way that would be better.
Ref Cursors are for use in program calls: they map to JDBC or ODBC ResultSet classes. They can't be used as an input to a table() call. Besides, there is no value in calling your function in SQL because you can simply execute the embedded query in SQL.
the main table is huge and the inner query assigned to USER_GROUP is selected every time
So maybe what you want is subquery factoring AKA the WITH clause?
with ug as (
select con2.CODE_PART_VALUE
where COMPANY = 'XYZ'
and CODE_PART = 'J'
and con2.ATTRIBUTE_VALUE=407
AND rownum = 1
select *
from ifsapp.butce_gerceklesme t
join ug on t.USER_GROUP = ug.CODE_PART_VALUE
WHERE t.budget_year = '2018'
Tuning queries on StackOverflow is a mug's game, because there are so many things which might be responsible for sub-optimal performance. But as a rule of thumb you should try to tune the whole query. Encapsulating a part of it in PL/SQL is unlikely to improve response times, and indeed may degrade them.

Need help understanding how to convert sql statement to (Linq) or (Linq To SQL)

Hi I need some help coverting this sql statement to Linq, I am very new to Linq and LinqToSql, and this is my weakness, it seems like this is used frequently and I need to wrap my brain around the syntax. The Code is below.
select distinct t1.Color from [ProductAttributes] t1 join [Product] t2 on t1.Name = t2.ProductName where t1.ProductID = #productID order by t1.color
#productID is the parameter coming into the function, where I am trying to use Linq in MVC.
It might be like this I guess
int myProductID = 1;//or whatever id you want.
MyDataContext mdc = new MyDataContext(CONNECTION_STRING_IF_NEEDED);
//MyDataContext is your datacontext generated by LinqToSql
var result = (from x in mdc.ProductAttributes
join y in Products on x.Name.equals(y.ProductName)
where x.ProductID = myProductID
orderby x.color
select x.Color).Distinct();
Note That Table names might need to be fixed.

How this linq execute?

Data = _db.ALLOCATION_D.OrderBy(a => a.ALLO_ID)
Let say I have 100000 rows in ALLOCATION_D table. I want to select first 10 row. Now I want to know how the above statement executes. I don't know but I think it executes in the following way...
first it select the 100000 rows
then ordered by ALLO_ID
then Skip 10
finally select the 10 rows.
Is it right? I want to know more details.
This Linq produce a SQL query via Entity Framework. Then it depends on your DBMS, but for SQL Server 2008, here is the query produces:
SELECT TOP (10) [Extent1].[ALLO_ID] AS [ALLO_ID],
, row_number() OVER (ORDER BY [Extent1].[ALLO_ID] ASC) AS [row_number]
FROM [dbo].[ALLOCATION_D] AS [Extent1]
) AS [Extent1]
WHERE [Extent1].[row_number] > 10
You can run this in your C# for retrieve the query:
var linqQuery = _db.ALLOCATION_D
.OrderBy(a => a.ALLO_ID)
var sqlQuery = ((System.Data.Objects.ObjectQuery)linqQuery).ToTraceString();
Data = linqQuery.ToList();
Second option with Linq To SQL
var linqQuery = _db.ALLOCATION_D
.OrderBy(a => a.ALLO_ID)
var sqlQuery = _db.GetCommand(linqQuery).CommandText;
Data = linqQuery.ToList();
How do I view the SQL generated by the entity framework?
How to: Display Generated SQL
How to view LINQ Generated SQL statements?
Your statement reads as follows:
Select all rows (overwritten by skip/take)
Order by Allo_ID
Order by Allo_ID again
Skip first 10 rows
Take next 10 rows
If you want it to select the first ten rows, you simply do this:
Data = _db.ALLOCATION_D // You don't need to order twice
.OrderBy(a => a.ALLO_ID)
Up to the ToList call, the calls only generates expressions. That means that the OrderBy, Skip and Take calls are bundled up as an expression that is then sent to the entity framework to be executed in the database.
Entity framework will make an SQL query from that expression, which returns the ten rows from the table, which the ToList methods reads and places in a List<T> where T is the type of the items in the ALLOCATION_D collection.

What is the difference between using Join in Linq and "Olde Style" pre ANSI join syntax?

This question follows on from a question I asked yesterday about why using the join query on my Entities produced horrendously complicated SQL. It seemed that performing a query like this:
var query = from ev in genesisContext.Events
join pe in genesisContext.People_Event_Link
on ev equals pe.Event
where pe.P_ID == key
select ev;
Produced the horrible SQL that took 18 seconds to run on the database, whereas joining the entities through a where clause (sort of like pre-ANSI SQL syntax) took less than a second to run and produced the same result
var query = from pe in genesisContext.People_Event_Link
from ev in genesisContext.Events
where pe.P_ID == key && pe.Event == ev
select ev;
I've googled all over but still don't understand why the second is produces different SQL to the first. Can someone please explain the difference to me? When should I use the join keyword
This is the SQL that was produced when I used Join in my query and took 18 seconds to run:
1 AS [C1],
[Extent1].[E_ID] AS [E_ID],
[Extent1].[E_END_DATE] AS [E_END_DATE],
[Extent1].[ET_ID] AS [ET_ID],
[Extent1].[L_ID] AS [L_ID]
FROM [dbo].[Events] AS [Extent1]
INNER JOIN [dbo].[People_Event_Link] AS [Extent2] ON EXISTS (SELECT
1 AS [C1]
FROM ( SELECT 1 AS X ) AS [SingleRowTable1]
[Extent3].[E_ID] AS [E_ID]
FROM [dbo].[Events] AS [Extent3]
WHERE [Extent2].[E_ID] = [Extent3].[E_ID] ) AS [Project1] ON 1 = 1
[Extent4].[E_ID] AS [E_ID]
FROM [dbo].[Events] AS [Extent4]
WHERE [Extent2].[E_ID] = [Extent4].[E_ID] ) AS [Project2] ON 1 = 1
WHERE ([Extent1].[E_ID] = [Project1].[E_ID]) OR (([Extent1].[E_ID] IS NULL) AND ([Project2].[E_ID] IS NULL))
WHERE [Extent2].[P_ID] = 291
This is the SQL that was produce using the ANSI Style syntax (and is fairly close to what I would write if I were writing the SQL myself):
WHERE P.P_ID = 291
Neither of the above queries are entirely "correct." In EF, it is generally correct to use the relationship properties in lieu of either of the above. For example, if you had a Person object with a one to many relationship to PhoneNumbers in a property called Person.PhoneNumbers, you could write:
var q = from p in Context.Person
from pn in p.PhoneNumbers
select pn;
The EF will build the join for you.
In terms of the question above, the reason the generated SQL is different is because the expression trees are different, even though they produce equivalent results. Expression trees are mapped to SQL, and you of course know that you can write different SQL which produces the same results but with different performance. The mapping is designed to produce decent SQL when you write a farily "conventional" EF query.
But the mapping is not so smart as to take a very unconventional query and optimize it. In your first query, you state that the objects must be equivalent. In the second, you state that the ID property must be equivalent. My sample query above says "just get the details for this one record." The EF is designed to work with the way I show, principally, but also handles scalar equivalence well.

LINQ to SQL Insert

i'm using LINQ To SQL to perform an insert via db.table.InsertOnSubmit(). I'm wondering if there is a way to reproduce the T-SQL version of the 'where not exists (select etc etc) begin insert into etc etc end' as one single query? Thanks, Martin
LINQ has an extension method called Contains which allows for this functionality. This can be seen in the following example:
NorthwindDataContext dc = new NorthwindDataContext();
dc.Log = Console.Out;
var query =
from c in dc.Customers
where !(from o in dc.Orders
select o.CustomerID)
select c;
foreach (var c in query) Console.WriteLine( c );
Note the negation on the where clause!
This example was from the website here.
Nothing build in as far as I know, we would have to go about finding the row manually using where and than do the Insert.
There is a possibility of race coditions in such queries. Have a look at this thread for detailed solution :
