recursion tree method of solving recurrences - algorithm

I was practicing the recursion tree method using this link: .. 1st example was okay but in the second example he calculates the height of the tree as log(base 3/2) n .. Can anyone tell me how he calculated height ? May be a dumb question but i can't understand! :|

Let me try explain it. The recursion formula you have is T(n) = T(n/3) + T(2n/3) + n. It says, you are making a recursion tree that splits into two subtrees of sizes n/3, 2n/3, and costs n at that level.
If you see the height is determined by height of largest subtree (+1). Here the right-subtree, the one with 2n/3 element will drive the height. OK?
If the above sentence is clear to you, lets calculate height. At height 1,we will have n*(2/3) elements, at height 2, we have n*(2/3)^2 elements,... we will keep splitting till we have one element left, thus at height h
n*(2/3)^h <= 1
(take log both side)
log(n) + h*log(2/3) <= 0
(log is an increasing function)
h*log(3/2) >= log(n)
h >= log(n)/log(3/2)
h >= log3/2 (n)
I would suggest reading Master Method for Recursion from Introduction to Algorithms - CLRS.


Running time of algorithm with arbitrary sized recursive calls

I have written the following algorithm that given a node x in a Binary Search Tree T, will set the field s for all nodes in the subtree rooted at x, such that for each node, s will be the sum of all odd keys in the subtree rooted in that node.
OddNodeSetter(T, x):
if (T.x == NIL):
return 0;
if (T.x.key mod 2 == 1):
T.x.s = T.x.key + OddNodeSetter(T, x.left) + OddNodeSetter(T, x.right)
T.x.s = OddNodeSetter(T, x.left) + OddNodeSetter(T, x.right)
I've thought of using the master theorem for this, with the recurrence
T(n) = T(k) + T(n-k-1) + 1 for 1 <= k < n
however since the size of the two recursive calls could vary depending on k and n-k-1 (i.e. the number of nodes in the left and right subtree of x), I can't quite figure out how to solve this recurrence though. For example in case the number of nodes in the left and right subtree of x are equal, we can express the recurrence in the form
T(n) = 2T(n/2) + 1
which can be solved easily, but that doesn't prove the running time in all cases.
Is it possible to prove this algorithm runs in O(n) with the master theorem, and if not what other way is there to do this?
The algorithm visits every node in the tree exactly once, hence O(N).
And obviously, a visit takes constant time (not counting the recursive calls).
There is no need to use the Master theorem here.
Think of the problem this way: what is the maximum number of operations you have do for each node in the tree? It is bounded by a constant. And what the is the number of nodes in the tree? It is n.
The multiplication of constant with n is still O(n).

Proof that a binary tree with n leaves has a height of at least log n

I've been able to create a proof that shows the maximum total nodes in a tree is equal to n = 2^(h+1) - 1 and logically I know that the height of a binary tree is log n (can draw it out to see) but I'm having trouble constructing a formal proof to show that a tree with n leaves has "at least" log n. Every proof I've come across or been able to put together always deals with perfect binary trees, but I need something for any situation. Any tips to lead me in the right direction?
Lemma: the number of leaves in a tree of height h is no more than 2^h.
Proof: the proof is by induction on h.
Base Case: for h = 0, the tree consists of only a single root node which is also a leaf; here, n = 1 = 2^0 = 2^h, as required.
Induction Hypothesis: assume that all trees of height k or less have fewer than 2^k leaves.
Induction Step: we must show that trees of height k+1 have no more than 2^(k+1) leaves. Consider the left and right subtrees of the root. These are trees of height no more than k, one less than the height of the whole tree. Therefore, each has at most 2^k leaves, by the induction hypothesis. Since the total number of leaves is just the sum of the numbers of leaves of the subtrees of the root, we have n = 2^k + 2^k = 2^(k+1), as required. This proves the claim.
Theorem: a binary tree with n leaves has height at least log(n).
We have already noted in the lemma that the tree consisting of just the root node has one leaf and height zero, so the claim is true in that case. For trees with more nodes, the proof is by contradiction.
Let n = 2^a + b where 0 < b <= 2^a. Now, assume the height of the tree is less than a + 1, contrary to the theorem we intend to prove. Then the height is at most a. By the lemma, the maximum number of leaves in a tree of height a is 2^a. But our tree has n = 2^a + b > 2^a leaves, since 0 < b; a contradiction. Therefore, the assumption that the height was less than a+1 must have been incorrect. This proves the claim.

Stuck at Algorithm pseudocode generation

I do not know what to do next (and even if my approach is correct) in the following problem:
Part 1
Part 2
I have just figured out that a possible MNT (for part a) is to get a jar, test if it breaks from height h, if so then there's the answer, if not, height+1 and keep looping.
For part b is the following. Since we know max height equals n, then we start from n (current height = n). Therefore we go from top to bottom adding to our broken jar count (they are supposed to break if you start from top) until the jars stop breaking. Then the number would be current height + 1 (because we need to go back one index).
For part c, I don't even know what my approach would be, since I am assuming that the order of the algorithm is O(n^c) where c is a fraction. I also know that O(n^c) is faster than O(n).
I also noted that there is a problem similar to this one online, but it talks about rungs instead of a robotic arm. Maybe it is similar? Here is the link
Do you have any recommendations/clues? Any help will be appreciated.
Thank you for your time and help in advance.
This is an answer for part (c).
The idea is to find some number k and apply the following scheme:
Drop a jar from height k:
If it breaks, drop the other one from k-1 down to 1 until we find the height that it breaks in, in no more than k tries.
If it doesn't break, drop it again from height k + (k-1). Again, if it breaks drop the other one from (k+(k-1)-1) down to k+1, otherwise continue to (k + (k-1) + (k-2)).
Continue this until you find the height
(of course if at some point you need to jump to a height greater than n, you just jump to n).
This scheme ensures we'll use at most k tries. So now the question is how to find a minimal k (as a function of n), for which the scheme will work. Since, at every step, we reduce by 1 our height advancement, the following equation must hold:
k + (k-1) + (k-2) + ... + 1 >= n
Otherwise will "run out" of steps before reaching n. We want to find the smallest k for which the inequality holds.
There's a formula to the sum:
1 + 2 + ... + k = k(k+1)/2
Using that we get the equation:
k(k+1)/2 = n ===> k^2 + k - 2n = 0
Solving this (and if it's not integral take the ceiling of it) will give us k. Quadratic equations might have two solutions, but ignoring the negative one you get:
k = (-1 + sqrt(1 + 8n))/2
Looking for the complexity, we can ignore everything but the n, which has an exponent of 1/2 (since we're taking its square root). That is actually better then the requested complexity of n to power of 2/3.
For part (a) you can use binary search over height. pseudo code for the same is below :
lo = 0
hi = n
while(lo<hi) {
mid = lo +(hi-lo)/2;
if(galss_breaks(mid)) {
hi = mid-1;
} else {
lo = mid;
'lo' will contain the maximum possible height in minimum possible trials. It will take log(n) steps in worst case whereas your approach may take N steps in worst case.
For part(b) ,
you can use your approach a, start from the minimum height and increase height by 1 until the glass breaks. This will at most break 1 glass to determine the required height.

How to mathematically derive Height & number of Leafs of this Recursion Tree

I was studying following tree and get stuck on deriving it's Height & number of Leafs:
It says the height is [logbn ]: How to derive it?
(also i think height = [logbn] + 1)
How They derive number of Leafs:
alogbn = nlogba
Please help me to mathematically derive Height & number of Leafs of this Recursion Tree in a very simple way.Thanks
The top of the tree begins with n and for every step down it is divided by b. So it goes n, n/b, n/b2,...,1. To find the height we need to find a k such that n / bk = 1 or bk = n, which gives k = logbn.
Number of leaves
For every step down the tree, the leaves are multiplied by a times. The number of leaves is ak, where k is the number of steps or height of the tree.
The number of leaves = alogbn.

Why the total number of levels of the recursion tree of a merge sort is lg n + 1?

I think the question is pretty self-explanatory here but I am looking at "Introduction to Algorithms" 3rd edition page 37 and it says that the total # of levels of the recursion tree in Figure 2.5 is lg n + 1 but I do not understand why you have to +1. Can anyone please explain the rationale behind this? thanks
The tree should contain N leaves. A binary tree with level h( the root is level 1) has 2^(h-1) leaves at most, so we assert that 2^(h-1) >= n, that's h >= lg(n)+1. At the same time it should be a full binary tree. A full binary tree with level h will have (2^(h-2)+1) leaves at least, that's 2^(h-2)+1<=n, h<=lg(n-1)+2
When n=2^k, k+2>h>=k+1, so h=k+1=lg(n)+1, it's the case in the book.
What's more, when n!=2^k, there will be a k where 2^k>n>2(k-1),we have h>=lg(n)+1>k and h< lg(n)+2 < k+2, that's h = k+1 = ceil(lg(n)+1).
In all, k = ceil(lg(n)+1). where ceil(lg(n)+1) indicates the smallest integer which is not smaller than lg(n)+1.
Let's say N is equal to 8. then, we have 4 levels:
1. full array with size 8.
2. halves with size 4.
3. quarters with size 2.
4. eighths with size 1.
That's lg n + 1. lg 8 = 3. lg 8 + 1 = 4.
I have explained visually in detail how to calculate complexity of mergesort using recursion tree, have a look at it here
