CredentialProvider does not accept passwords with special (German) letters - winapi

I wrote a CredentialProvider that allows to log in to Windows. But today I found out this strange error that GetSerialization() seems not to accept passwords which contain the German 'umlaut' letters like 'ä' or 'ü'. Does anyone know the solution?
Thanks in advance

It'll depend on the details of the format in which GetSerialization() returns the password.
If your CredentialProvider returns a serialized KERB_INTERACTIVE_UNLOCK_LOGON structure, as the standard password provider does, then the username, password, and domain name values in the structure must all be passed as UNICODE_STRING values. Note that UNICODE_STRING is a structure that contains current length and maximum length values and a buffer of 16-bit Unicode (UTF-16LE) characters. As they're Unicode they can certainly hold letters with umlauts.
However, if your CredntialProvider handles the password in a narrow character buffer you may be handling your umlaut characters as 8-bit Windows CP1252 characters. You'll need to convert those to 16-bit Unicode before placing them in the KERB_INTERACTIVE_UNLOCK_LOGON structure and serializing it.


Can I treat all domain names as being IDNs without any ill effects?

From testing, it seems like trying to convert both IDNs and regular domain names 'just works' - eg, if the input doesn't need to be changed punycode will just return the input.
This looks great, but is it specified anywhere? Can I safely convert everything to punycode?
That is correct. If you look at how the procedure for converting unicode strings to ascii punycode, the process only alters any non-ascii character. Since regular domains cannot contain non-ascii characters, if your conversor is correctly implemented, it will never transform any pure-ascii string.
You can read more about how unicode is converted to punycode here:
Punycode is specified in RFC 3492:, and it clearly says:
"Basic code point segregation" is a very simple and
efficient encoding for basic code points occurring in the extended
string: they are simply copied all at once.
Therefore, if your extended string is made of basic code points, it will just be copied without change.

What is the actual HEX / binary value of the GS1 FNC1 character?

I have searched many a page on wikipedia, the official GS1 specifications, but have yet to find a definite answer to the question
What is the actual HEX / binary value of the GS1 FNC1 character?
There is much information about how to use the GS1 identifiers, how to print the barcodes with ZPL and how to encode the FNC1, but I want to know the actual HEX value of that character.
The special function characters such as FNC1 through FNC4 belong to the class of "non-data characters" that can be encoded within various barcode symbologies but with do not have any direct ASCII representation in the decoded data stream. Each symbology that supports such characters has a different scheme for encoding them in its internal representation quite distinct from any byte-orientated character data.
The FNC characters serve both as flag characters (indicating something special to the reader) and as formatting characters (modifying the meaning of the encoded data). As such they are not intended to be transmitted directly in the data received by the host system from a basic barcode reader, although in both cases they may have an "effect" on the transmitted message.
The usual purpose of each of the FNC characters are as follows:
FNC1 - Structured Data flag character indicating GS1 and AIM formatting AND group separator formatting character, amongst other uses.
FNC2 - Message Append flag character for buffering the data in groups of symbols for a single read.
FNC3 - Reader Programming flag character for device configuration purposes.
FNC4 - Extended ASCII formatting character for encoding characters with ordinals 128-255.
Be aware that they may not all be available in certain barcode symbologies and may even be specified in different, non-typical or overloaded ways.
Encoding an FNC character in a symbol's internal data is accomplished via an "escape mechanism" that is specific to the encoding software. Each library has a different way of accepting these non-data characters within their input. For example, to use FNC1 in its typical GS1 structured data role for the data "(01)00312345678906(21)123456789012(30)0144" you might see the FNC1 characters escaped as {FNC1} so that the input looks like {FNC1}010031234567890621123456789012{FNC1}300144.
Some libraries will even use a set of regular or extended ASCII characters as placeholders for the FNC characters, but these are arbitrary representations and it is a mistake to consider them to be actual ASCII values for these non-data characters.
Upon scanning a barcode the symbol's internal data is typically decoded then transmitted to the host over a basic channel (e.g. keyboard wedge) as a sequence of bytes to be interpreted according to the Latin-1 character encoding. The FNC characters cannot be represented in such a manner and are excluded from the data stream, however their formatting effect on the data remains.
For instance, the standards for most symbologies specify that when an FNC1 character is being used in its role as a field separator in data conforming to GS1 Application Identifier Standard Format it should be decoded and transmitted as GS (ASCII 29). Explicitly stated, the formatting effect of a FNC1 character used as a GS1 Application Identifier separator is to place a GS character at the end of the variable-length field. But in other roles (such as when FNC1 is used in "first/second position" as a flag character and with non-GS1 formatted data) there is no formatting effect on the carried data and therefore no ASCII representation during decoding.
Another instance of the special function characters having a formatting effect on the data is with symbologies that use FNC4 to extend their reach from 7-bit ASCII into extended ASCII as described in this answer.
A subtle technical point is that the data transferred to the host is often prefixed with a short symbol indicator header known as a "symbology identifier" which denotes the type and usage of the symbol from which the data is being read. This is often modified by the presence of otherwise invisible flag characters within the symbol data, for example to indicate the presence of GS1 formatted data with "FNC1 in first" or to indicate reader programming mode when FNC3 appears anywhere in the symbol. The details are symbology specific.
Aside: In addition to FNC non-data characters, there are other non-data characters commonly supported by barcode symbologies that have no direct ASCII representation but affect the overall message. These include macro characters (that wrap the message data in an "envelope"), and ECI indicators that require the use of a transmission protocol beyond the typical "basic channel" mode but which enable the use of extended character sets amongst other enhancements.
Important is to know (and to setup a scanner properly) that the FNC1 character at the first position is translated to a symbology identifier according ISO/IEC 15424. The modifier m of the symbology identifier shows if there was a FNC1 or not. If this is not done the application cannot see anymore if a GS1 Structure was intended or not. Other structures are identified by e.g. Macro 06 in a data matrix code (ISO/IEC 16022, ISO/IEC 15434). Its required to figure our the difference to take the correct action to process the data.

What characters can des(unix) have?

All lowercase and uppercase, all digits, dot and slash.
Have I missed anything?
This seems like an very easy question found to find at Google but actually I haven't found any information about it :(
Edit, if anybody missunderstod, what characters can the OUTPUT have.
I'm not asking what kind of stuff I can hash, I'm asking what the hash looks like.
DES (and many other encryption algorithms) work on a bit level - it has no concept of what's a valid character and what isn't, the range of the output characters can be anything from 0x00 to 0xFF.
Any output to the contrary is likely just characters not supported by whatever you're trying to display the output with, which are typically replaced by some predefined character.
The output can also be converted to hex characters for cosmetic or storage purposes (I'm not sure whether the des command would do this - it's simple enough to see by just running it), e.g. a single 'a' (0x61) character will be converted to two characters: '61'. The resulting output characters would thus be in the range A-F or a-f and 0-9.
Note that keys require ASCII, but this is not a requirement of DES itself, as can be derived from "Bugs" on the same page, and it doesn't affect the range of output values.
The DES algorithm is considered obsolete and unsafe. The DES standard (FIPS 46-3) has been withdrawn in 2005.
Use at your own risk.

PHP - detecting the user supplied character's char set

Is it possible to detect the user's string's char set?
If not, how about the next question..
Are there reliable built-in PHP functions that can accurately tell if the user supplied string ( be it supplied thru get/post/cookie etc), are in a UTF-8 or not? In other words, can I do something like
Is there anyway this function could produce a TRUE where in reality the first_name was not in UTF-8?
Regarding 1:
You can give mb_detect_encoding a try, but it's pretty much a shot in the dark. An "encoded" string is just a bunch of bytes. Such byte sequences are often equally valid in any number of different encodings. It's therefore by definition not possible to detect an unknown encoding reliably, you can only guess. For this reason there exist meta information such as HTTP headers which should communicate the encoding of the transferred content. Check those if available.
Regarding 2:
mb_check_encoding($var, 'UTF-8') will tell you whether the string is a valid UTF-8 string. As far as I've seen, in recent versions of PHP it does what it says on the tin. That still doesn't mean the string is necessarily really a UTF-8 string, it just means the byte sequence is in an order that is valid in UTF-8.

UTF-8 string delimiter

I am parsing a binary protocol which has UTF-8 strings interspersed among raw bytes. This particular protocol prefaces each UTF-8 string with a short (two bytes) indicating the length of the following UTF-8 string. This gives a maximum string length 2^16 > 65 000 which is more than adequate for the particular application.
My question is, is this a standard way of delimiting UTF-8 strings?
I wouldn't call that delimiting, more like "length prefixing". Some people call them Pascal strings since in the early days the language Pascal was one of the popular ones that stored strings that way in memory.
I don't think there's a formal standard specifically for just that, as it's a rather obvious way of storing UTF-8 strings (or any strings of bytes for that matter). It's defined over and over as a part of many standards that deal with messages that contain strings, though.
UTF8 is not normally de-limited, you should be able to spot the multibyte characters in there by using the rules mentioned here:
i would use a delimiter which starts with 0x11......
but if you send raw bytes you will have to exclude this delimiter from the data\messages processed ,this means that if there is a user input similar to that delimiter, you will have to convert it.
if the user inputs any utf8 represented char you may simply send it as is.
