VirtueMart Custom Checkout steps - joomla

i need help editing VirteuMart 2.0.10 checkout steps. Instead of the default stuff, all i need is to collect user information such as name, address, phone number etc along with the details of items in the shopping cart. Then display information to the user about how they can payment via a local mobile money solution.
I need it to be this way because there are currently no VM plugins or extensions for the said payment solution. Any help will be greatly appreciated.

I'm not sure if this is what you are after, but if you are looking to remove the "checkout bar" with the 1-2-3-4 steps on checkout, this is simple to do in settings.
Go to Admin > Configuration. Select the "Checkout" tab. Unselect the "Enable the Checkout Bar" option, and select the options directly below that you wish to enable upon checkout.
Hope this helps :)


Magento multi-step checkout

The problem is that when i disable One page checkout, the Proceed button is gone. My installation is 1.9.2 Community Edition. I've tried to enable that button from link.phtml but get the message "The Unilateral payment transaction is disabled"
Answer: You don't. What you do is disabeling the Magento Module Mage_Checkout_Onepage
Magento comes with one stock checkout, the infamous OnePage. There are many distributers of neat (and shitty) checkouts, mostly called OneStepCheckout or SingleStepCheckout. I suggest you find yourself a good one and buy it, because a decent checkout is a major difference between gaining and losing customers.
This guy had a similar question about disabeling the magento onepage checkout
Okay this is how i do it. I log in into admin panel, than i do:
1) System -> Configuration -> Sales -> Checkout -> Enable one page checkout "No" (because i wanna use multi-step checkout option)
Admin checkout settings
2) Add some product to cart and when i view content of the cart and proceed to checkout the button " Proceed to checkout" is missing.
Frontend checkout

Turning a Magento website into an online catalouge without Prices and a shopping basket

Hey im just looking for some advice, my project is to create a website on magento without the price option. This means no shopping basket either but just the option for users to view all the products without having the option to buy it online. Its important that i still keep the feature of selling online for the future but if it was possible to just disable it all.
Id love for some insight onto what people think the best option is for me to do.
You should do three things:
Remove all inclusions for the prices from your theme (just comment them out)
Remove the button in the addtocart.phtml files
Disable onepage checkout via the backend

Why is Magento forcing me to log in before I can add a product to cart?

I'm developing an ecommerce site using Magento v. and for some reason,
every time I try to add a product to cart on the front end, the system requires
that I log in before it will let me add it.
I have Guest Checkout enabled and none of my test products are downloadable.
Interestingly, it only happens on Windows. I clear the cache in all my browsers on Windows
and try it and I get the log in / register screen whenever I try to add a product to cart.
If I test it on the Mac, though, it works perfectly.
Why is this happening and how do I fix it?
Many thanks!
It depends:
on your config if guest checkout is enabled from system > configuration > checkout
on your products, if they are downloadable then they only can be purchased by registered users
Well, I solved the problem. Believe it or not, it was a CSS error on my part.
I had the wishlist link div overlapping the add to cart button, in effect
covering it up w/ the wishlist link.
So while it looked like I was clicking on Add to Cart, I was actually adding
the item to my wishlist, which cannot be done w/o being a logged in, registered
Sigh...big DOH! on my part.
The moral of this story is: always check your code!

Use Simple Product Pricing for Configurable Products

I installed the Simple Configurable Products extension for configurable products pricing.
In the description it says that we need to set-up: System->Configuration->SCP Products. However, in the back-end I can't see this section. Can someone help how to fix this problem?
I don't want to use tier price, so this extension seems perfect but I can't make it to work
Please go to the System ->Configuration. Look for the "SCP" tab on the left hand-side, where you will find "SCP Config", click on that it will show the "SCP Config" Page. The "SCP Product Page" tab has got various options, which will enable you to update the simple products details accordingly.
Let me know if you don't understand my explanation.
If Swapna's note about looking in the right place didn't do it, then consider:
When you install a new module you won't see the configuration pages until you log out and then back in to the admin panel. Give that a try.
Failing that, can you see the module in System->Configuration->Advanced?

Subtotal, Shipping, Discount and Grand Total Missing in Magento

Hope someone can point me in the right direction. I am not a Magento developer but am having to fix my site after my "developer" left me with most of the work to do.
Currently in my checkout screen i'm not seeing any values other than that of the actual product item value - no subtotals, discounts, shipping or the grand total. They all appear ok on the emails that are sent though (luckily).
I'm not using the default Magento package but from what i can see all the .phtml files seem to be there in the base directories and are not in my new design directories - so i would have assumed all would work ok. But alas, no. Is there anywhere i should be looking/tweaking etc etc? Have googled about as much as i can but to no avail.
I'm sure it must be something simple (!?) if all appear on the emails ok. Any ideas would be great!
I realise this is fairly old now but just in case anyone else comes across this I had this problem and for me all I had to do some enable the Mage_Tax module in System > Configuration > Advanced
It is difficult to answer your question without more insight, but here is what can be a starting point:
Login to your shop's admin panel.
In System menu click on Configuration.
From the Current Configuration Scope box select your Website.
Now in the menu on left-hand side under Configuration > Advanced (almost to the bottom of the screen)
Click on Developer
Now in the main panel, click on Debug.
For the field Template Path Hints select Yes.
Now reload your website (front-end) and you will see from which template is each part of the page being loaded.
Also if Magento's cache is enabled, you will need to clear that. I would suggest that this cache be disabled during development and/or on non-production versions of your site.
