Concrete 5 ADODB update and insert duplicate primary key - insert

I'm creating a new package for Concrete 5 (5.4.0+). Inserting a new block works perfectly. But when I edit an existing block, it tries to INSERT again when I click 'save', instead of UPDATE.
The two fields on the database that affect this are bID and eID. Both are non-auto-incrementing INT(10) default none NOT NULL.
The values are passed in an associative array $args in the controller and I'm calling the parent save method with Parent::save($args);
Any help/input would be appreciated. PS: I have looked over this on the net and the C5 forums did turn up some stuff which I tried, mostly relating to the database fields, but I still get the above error. I don't want to overwrite the ADODB save() method if possible.
--- EDIT ---
Perhaps I'm looking at this all wrong. Let me say what I'm trying to achieve. I need the eID to remain 37 (for example) across multiple edits of the block. The bID can increment away AFAIC.
How do I get the eID to remain 37 on edit, but increment by 1 on creation of a new instance? Make sense?
A second table references the eID field, and edited instances of an entry on this table must have the same eID unless a new instance is created. Sry - clear as mud I know.

Are you saying you get a new instance of the block appearing on your page, rather than a new version of the existing one? I don't think the problem is with there being a new record inserted in your table, since new records are normally created when you edit a block. C5 keeps the older version of the block.
The custom blocks I've done have never required a call to the parent save method. You just need an edit form that collects the data and designates which database field it corresponds to, and the parent controller knows what to do with it when the form is submitted.
For example, if you have a text field in your block table called "firstname" that you are updating, you would add a line to your edit.php file like this:
<?php echo $form->text('firstname', $firstname, array('style' => 'width: 320px'));?>
My block editors contain little else than this, other than html/CSS stuff to add labels and make the form look better. The $form object takes care of everything else.
One thing that really helped me understand blocks and block controllers was to download and install the "designer content" add-on. It's free. You can use it to build some custom blocks, then look at the code it generates to perform various functions.

So I looked into the existing packages to duplicate this funcitonality and my question has evolved into this: PHP Concrete 5 Pass Variables to Add.php
Follow the rabbit ;)


Proforma SalesInvoice doesn't show data from all tables

In the salesInvoice ssrs Report i have added a table called carTableEquipTmp which is not there by default, which I insert into along with the other tables(SalesinvoiceTmp and SalesinvoiceHeaderFooterTmp) in SalesInvoiceDP.InsertIntoSalesInvoiceTmp().
Even though my table carTableEquipTmp is getting successfully inserted into, the data doesn't show up on the report if i print a proforma report.
If i add test values to the carTableEquipTmp table in SalesInvoiceDP.processReport() they show up on the proforma invoice, but there's no way for me to get any parameters needed to set in the correct data into the table at this point. If i stop at this point in the debugger none of the data is present because processreport() is being called from a lower level in the code.
I think it might be a problem with maybe pack/unpack or that the proforma code runs from a server instance as the code run when it is proforma is quite different.
I can see that SalesInvoiceJournalPostBase.CreateReportData() creates an instance of salesInvoiceDP
salesInvoiceDP = new SalesInvoiceDP();
salesInvoiceDP.parmUserConnection(new UserConnection(true));
And that this might have something to do with it... but i still cant get the data i want in the carTableEquipTmp table.
So any idea on how to make Ax 2012 accept this new table i have added as it gets inserted into just like the other tables and there seems to be no problem...
I hope you guys can help.
The SalesInvoice report has two data classes you need to look at for the data provider, SalesInvoiceDP and SalesInvoiceDPBase. SalesInvoiceDPBase extends SrsReportDataProviderPreProcess, so there are a couple extra steps you need to take in order to add new datasources to the report.
In the salesInvoiceDP class, there is a method called useExistingReportData(), which re-inserts the pro-forma temp table data under a user connection, so the SrsReportDataProviderPreProcess framework will pick it up in your report. When the pro-forma process creates the report data, it doesn't insert with a user connection so it doesn't get added to the report. This method only gets called when the report is being run pro-forma.
You will need to add your temp table to this method, and follow the pattern for the other tables, so your code will look something like this:
//this is different from the buffer you insert your data with
CarTableEquipTmp localCarTableEquipTmp;
recordList = new RecordSortedList(tableNum(carTableEquipTmp));
recordList.sortOrder(fieldNum(carTableEquipTmp, RecId));
//You will need to add a field to relate your temp table
//to the current invoice journal, and insert it in
//InsertIntoSalesInvoiceTmp() if thats where you're inserting your table.
while select localCarTableEquipTmp
where localCarTableEquipTmp.JournalRecId == jourRecId
delete_from localCarTableEquipTmp
where localCarTableEquipTmp.JournalRecId == jourRecId;
This method re-inserts your data under the framework and deletes the original data. The data that was re-inserted will then get picked up by the framework and show in your report. If you open CarTableEquipTmp in the table browser, you will most likely see data still there from all the times you have tried running the report. This is why we have the delete_from operation after we re-insert the data. When data is inserted under a userConnection, it is automatically deleted when the report is finished
The other method you will want to modify is SalesInvoiceDP.setTableConnections(), and you will just need to add the following line:
This will set the user connection for your table when running regular (not pro-forma). You will probably want to delete the data that is stored currently in your temp table using alt+F9 from the table browser.
Other than that it's all standard RDP stuff, but it sounds like you have that part working fine. Your temp table must be of type "Regular" for this to work.

Core data, bindings, NSArrayController and table views - how to generate a view of a core data context

I have a working system that lets me build a database containing instances of various entities , all linked together nicely.
Before I knew I would care, I came across a tutorial on using Core Data and bindings, and it went through a complete case where you get a table showing all the entities of some type with a column for each property. It showed both the UI side and the Data model side - not that I need the data model part at this point. Now, darned if I can find it. This is one of those things that is supposed to be easy, and requires virtually no code, but getting exactly the right connections in UIBuilder is not going to happen if I can't find instructions.
Also, I thought I came across an example of something like a query editor where the user could select which properties to sort on, which to match on, etc. Did I imagine that?
Anyone out there know where I can find such?
Sure, you can do this without code:
Add an array controller to your nib.
Bind or connect an outlet for its managed object context
Set the array controller to Entity mode, fill in the entity name, and select Prepares Content.
Bind your table view columns to array controller's arranged objects, and fill in the key name for the model key.
Regarding the query editor, open up the model, and on the Editor menu click Add Fetch Request.
I found at least a partial answer to the query editor question, in this apple tutorial. Not sure how far it will get me, as I prefer to write code where possible, since then I can leave a trail of comments.

MCV3: View to edit entity has to hold every column?

I got a silly general question...
If I generate a strongly typed view of an entity and chose "edit" as scaffolding, then the view does contain every column for that table. Changing and saving the values via setting it modifierd and call db.SaveChanges() does work in the controller. So far, so good.
But if I remove just one of that columns inside the view, then saving doesn't work anymore.
Is there a rule describing this? Is it only possible to make view with every column when wanting to save the model later on? I don't want to make 90 of 100 columns "hidden"...
PS: When editing a value in another table which is connected via Foreign Key (like customer.address.STREET) saving also does not work. Does everything of the entity ADDRESS has to be inside the view? I really don't get that.
Besides that: If I create my own ViewModel containing two entities: Do they also have to hold every column of both entities? This would be a whole bunch of traffic...
Answer is: You should not use the .Modified state. Instead using the UpdateModel method works fine without every field.

List of values with multiple return items

List of values, with multiple columns and multiple return values in Apex. It's a question i've seen around the web quite a few times, but i'm struggling with it aswell.
Coming from Oracle Forms, and now migrating forms to Apex, this is a feature i'm missing quite well. It also still baffles me a bit how enormously basic the built-in popup-lov is.
For example, right now i'm making some smaller forms, each having about 4 or 5 multirecord columns, for not much else than having 2 values linked up. Column 1: some value, used in sap for example, column 2: the id of a record in the oracle database (another table than the base table for the block). On column 2 there is an lov, with validate from list, and displays 3 columns, but also returns 3 columns. So you can choose a record from the lov, and automatically, the id will be filled in, aswell as the 'name' and 'description' for said id. Column 1 and column 2 form the base table of the block.
Now, in Apex, i'd loose this functionality by default. So for now, i've mostly coded the onchange event in javascript, and get the values with an ajax callback process. In the popup i concatenate the 3 columns. This however looks stupid (in my most humble opinion) when you want to force the user to pick a value from the lov ('Not Enterable, Show Display Value and Store Return Value'): the item will contain the concatenated value used in the lov, not just the id i'd much rather show - plus, i'll already have my other 2 fields filled in by the ajax callback.
It rather stings a bit to have to deal with this. The users are used to working with these old (headstart generated) forms, with just 2 enterable columns, one of which has an lov. Now they need to start working with this 'new tech', and even though there is some adjustment required, this area does feels a bit archaic at times!
So, i've made it work through an Ajax callback on the onchange event. So, when the value is changed through the lov, extra fields are filled up. This goes together with an after header process, after the automated row fetch, so the values are fetched when the page is loaded (or a user navigates the rows).
I've also written a custom solution, which requires me to create a page with a classic report on it with a search box. I then use this page in an iframe, and pop it up through a modal. When the user selects a record, i return the required returnvalue and a list of displayvalues. This i do through a bunch of javascript, which i've packed in a JS file, and actually requires quite little extra work to do on the pages: include the file on both, make an item with some post element text calling an 'open' procedure, and calling a select-and-close procedure on my lov page. I'm quite considering creating a small item typep plug-in, so i can more easily configure my calling item. Just a couple of buts: i've not actually used this in some forms already, i've engineered this in a testing application after getting frustrated with the standard tool. It would also require the client to maintain this javascript code + remember the config of the 2 items, let alone me writing a small plugin. So i'm hesitant to implement this.
TLDR: if you've been using Apex for a while, and maybe done some forms: how do you actually work with the popups. And if you've known forms: how did you deal with this change?
I'm still struggling - throw me a bone ;)
I haven't used it myself yet but I believe SkillBuilders Super LOV plug-in probably does what you need.

Using Linq SubmitChanges without TimeStamp and StoredProcedures the same time

I am using Sql tables without rowversion or timestamp. However, I need to use Linq to update certain values in the table. Since Linq cannot know which values to update, I am using a second DataContext to retrieve the current object from database and use both the database and the actual object as Input for the Attach method like so:
Public Sub SaveCustomer(ByVal cust As Customer)
Using dc As New AppDataContext()
If (cust.Id > 0) Then
Dim tempCust As Customer = Nothing
Using dc2 As New AppDataContext()
tempCust = dc2.Customers.Single(Function(c) c.Id = cust.Id)
End Using
dc.Customers.Attach(cust, tempCust)
End If
End Using
End Sub
While this does work, I have a problem though: I am also using StoredProcedures to update some fields of Customer at certain times. Now imagine the following workflow:
Get customer from database
Set a customer field to a new value
Use a stored procedure to update another customer field
Call SaveCustomer
What happens now, is, that the SaveCustomer method retrieves the current object from the database which does not contain the value set in code, but DOES contain the value set by the stored procedure. When attaching this with the actual object and then submit, it will update the value set in code also in the database and ... tadaaaa... set the other one to NULL, since the actual object does not contain the changed made by the stored procedure.
Was that understandable?
Is there any best practice to solve this problem?
If you make changes behind the back of the ORM, and don't use concurrency checking - then you are going to have problems. You don't show what you did in step "3", but IMO you should update the object model to reflect these changes, perhaps using OUTPUT TSQL paramaters. Or; stick to object-oriented.
Of course, doing anything without concurrency checking is a good way to lose data - so my preferred option is simply "add a rowversion". Otherwise, you could perhaps read the updated object out and merge things... somehow guessing what the right data is...
If you're going to disconnect your object from one context and use another one for the update, you need to either retain the original object, use a row version, or implement some sort of hashing routine in your database and retain the hash as part of your object. Of these, I highly recommend the Rowversion option as well. Using the current value as the original value like you are trying to do is only asking for concurrency problems.
