Win32, Serial Port Read/Write and OVERLAPPED - winapi

I'm trying to put together a proof of concept for reading/writing to a serial port and I am having problems with design/concept. I don't want to poll, so I'm trying to use Overlapped I/O. In this case, it's not a multi-threaded application - it just uses efficient waits.
Open port (with OVERLAPPED)
SetCommState (set port baud, parity, CTS/RTS, etc)
Create OVERLAPPED structures and Events
WriteFile (to port)
WaitCommEvent (due to write)
WaitCommEvent (due to read)
ReadFile (from port)
Check read buffer
The MSDN example is kind of lame (Monitoring Communications Events). I'm currently using two events, but the ReadFile step is failing with ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER.
In the steps above, do I need one or two overlapped structures? If one OVERLAPPED structure, are the steps WriteFile, WaitCommEvent (for write), reset event, WaitCommEvent (for read), ReadFile?

Have a look at this article, it is much more thorough about how to use overlapped I/O with serial ports:
Serial Communications


How to avoid data copy in NDIS filter driver

I am working on a NDIS filter driver which actually copies data from NET_BUFFERs to driver allocated buffers in the Send path and push these driver allocated buffers into a internal queue. Later on, the data is copied again from these driver allocated buffers in the queue to IRP buffers. I want to avoid this copy of data.
In Linux, we can create a clone of skbuff and the cloned skbuff can be queued for later use. Is there a similar option available in Windows as well? If there a way to clone the NET_BUFFER, we can simply avoid the first copy that is happening from NET_BUFFER to driver allocated memory buffers.
If there exists a way to achieve zero copy from the NetBufferLists to IRP buffers, then it would really be an ideal solution. It would be really helpful if someone can suggest a better solution to avoid the copies in the send path.
It's not clear to me why you need to copy the NB (NET_BUFFER) at all. If you plan to enqueue the NB for processing on a different thread, you can do that with the original NB — no need to copy anything.
The only reason here that you'd need to copy the payload is if you plan to hang onto the buffer for a while (say, more than 1000ms). At a high level, the payload associated with an NB belongs to the application. NDIS permits you to queue the NB, do some processing, drop it, modify it, etc. But (depending on socket options) the application may be stuck until its buffer is completed back to it. So you cannot hang onto the original NB or its payload indefinitely. If you're going to do something that takes a long time then you should allocate a deep copy of all the datastructures you need (the NBL, the NB, the MDL, and the payload buffer) and return the originals back to the application.
If you're stuffing the packet payload into an IRP so that a usermode process can contemplate the payload, then you really do need 1 copy. The reason is that kernel can't trust any usermode process to do anything within a particular time budget. Imagine, for example, that the system is going to hibernate. The kernel duly suspends all usermode processes, then waits for each device to go a low power state. But the network card can't go to low power, because the datapath won't pause because some packet is stuck in your filter driver, waiting for the (now suspended) usermode process to reply. Thus, you protect yourself by detaching the IO to usermode with the IO over the network device: make a copy.
But if all you're doing is shipping the packet off to another kernel device that does (say) encryption, then you can assume that the encryption device assures a reasonable time budget, so it may be safe to give the original packet payload to it.

How does FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING interact with handles opened to communication devices?

Just as the title says, I am writing a networking program where I open a handle to a network driver using CreateFile, and I have been experimenting with the NO_BUFFERING flag.
Most documentation won't even mention this being used with communication devices, and the ones that do (AKA the MSDN reference, etc), simply mention that you can.
Does anyone have any idea how this may affect communication with the device?
It is a device driver implementation detail, options you specify in the CreateFile() call are passed in the IRP_MJ_REQUEST request. The one I linked is the one for file systems, it is very fancy one. Click through the IrpSp->Parameters.Create.Options link to IoCreateFileSpecifyDeviceObjectHint()'s Options argument to see FILE_NO_INTERMEDIATE_BUFFERING.
The documentation for the IRP_MJ_REQUEST for serial ports is here. Very simple one, no arguments at all :) In general, the winapi to device driver interface for communication ports is a very straight-forward. There's an (almost) direct mapping between the documented winapi function and its underlying IOCTL. The winapi function doesn't do much beyond basic error checking, then quickly passes the job to the driver.
So there isn't any way to pass the FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING option you specify so it simply doesn't get used.
Otherwise the logical conclusion, serial port I/O is interrupt driven, the driver must buffer in order to not lose bytes and keep an acceptable transfer rate. You can technically tinker with the buffer sizes through SetupComm() but, as documented, it is only a recommendation with pretty high odds that the driver simply ignores very low values.

Cancel WaitCommEvent for overlapped serial I/O

I'm handling a non-standard modem via serial port in an overlapped manner. Besides reading from and writing to the telecommunication line, I have to check the control lines like CTS and DSR using the WaitCommEvent() function.
DWORD EvtMask;
/// (some scopes/levels ommitted)
const BOOL syncChange = WaitComEvent(hFile, &EvtMask, &overlapped);
if (!syncChange) {
assert(GetLastError() == ERROR_IO_PENDING);
/// *background activity* probably writing into EvtMask
/// until overlapped.hEvent gets signalled
In the (practically all) cases the function call indicates *background activity*, I have to wait on the overlapped.hEvent to happen. Since I'm also waiting for events from alternative sources (like IPC caused by user input, program termination), I use the WaitForMuiltipleObjects() function. But, if the blocking wait is finished for other reasons than control line changes, how can I stop the background activity on EvtMask? The code I'm based on, currently uses SetCommMask(hFile, 0), but I did not find a reliable reference for this being appropriate.
I also observe cases where changes to control lines are not supported properly (driver?, VM?), so I have to do a sliced wait with in-between checking.
What must be done to safely leave the scope where the variable EvtMask is declared?
The code you have is correct, and fully supported by the documentation, which clearly says:
If a process attempts to change the device handle's event mask by using the SetCommMask function while an overlapped WaitCommEvent operation is in progress, WaitCommEvent returns immediately.
I've used this fact on both "real" serial ports, and USB virtual serial port emulations, and it works reliably.
(In my particular case, I was watching for EV_TXEMPTY so that I could guarantee a minimal separation between certain transmissions on the wire)

Is it necessary to set hEvent on the OVERLAPPED structure when doing I/O completion ports?

I'm using I/O completion ports on Windows for serial port communication (we will potentially have lots and lots of serial port usage). I've done the usual, creating the IOCP, spinning up the I/O threads, and associating my CreateFile() handle with the IOCP (CreateFile() was called with FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED). That's all working fine. I've set the COMMTIMEOUTS all to 0 except ReadIntervalTimeout which is set to MAXDWORD in order to be completely async.
In my I/O thread, I've noticed that GetQueuedCompletionStatus() blocks indefinitely. I'm using an INFINITE timeout. So I put a ReadFile() call right after I associate my handle with the IOCP. Now that causes GetQueuedCompletionStatus() to release immediately for some reason with 0 bytes transferred, but there's no errors (it returns true, GetLastError() reports 0). I obviously want it to block if there's nothing for it to do. If I put another ReadFile() after GetQueuedCompletionStatus(), then another thread in the pool will pick it up with 0 bytes transferred and no errors.
In the examples I've seen and followed, I don't see anyone setting the hEvent on the OVERLAPPED structure when using IOCP. Is that necessary? I don't care to ever block IOCP threads -- so I'll never be interested in CreateEvent(...) | 1.
If it's not necessary, what could be causing the problem? GetQueuedCompletionStatus() needs to block until data arrives on the serial port.
Are there any good IOCP serial port examples out there? I haven't found a complete serial port + IOCP example out there. Most of them are for sockets. In theory, it should work for serial ports, files, sockets, etc.
I figured it out -- I wasn't calling SetCommMask() with EV_RXCHAR | EV_TXEMPTY and then WaitCommEvent() with the OVERLAPPED struct. After I did that, my IOCP threads behaved as expected. GetQueuedCompletionStatus() returned when a new character appeared on the port. I could then call ReadFile().
So to answer the original question: "no, you don't need to set hEvent for IOCP with serial ports."

Serial Comms via IOCP

Is it possible to use IO Completion Ports for Serial I/O? According to Windows via C/C++ it is alluded to that it is possible, and does give an example of using IOCP with physical files showing work with CreateFile, ReadFile, WriteFile, etc. However can this actually work with serial comms - has anyone got it working?
I can't find any examples of this on the web, but I cannot be the first to attempt it?
Yes, using I/O Completion Ports for Serial I/O works fine. There is some setup work needed to create a file handle for a serial port that is appropriate for IOCP. But once the setup is done, you can do asynchronous ReadFile() and WriteFile() operations just like with regular file handles and socket handles.
The setup is basically:
Open serial port with CreateFile() passing in the FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED value as the dwFlagsAndAttributes parameter.
Modify the serial port state as desired using GetCommState() and SetCommState(). Do this just like you would do when not using IOCP.
Use GetCommTimeouts() and SetCommTimeouts() to turn off total-timeouts for read operations, since it typically doesn't make sense to have timeouts for asynchronous operations. (You would instead explicitly call CancelIO() to cancel a read operation instead.) Turning off total-timeouts is done by setting the ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier and ReadTotalTimeoutConstant fields of the COMMTIMEOUTS structure to zero.
Now you can use the handle with IOCP just like you would do with regular file handles and socket handles. I.e. attach the handle to a completion port using CreateIoCompletionPort(), initiate I/O operations with ReadFile() or WriteFile() using an OVERLAPPED structure, dequeue completed, failed or canceled operations from the completion port using the GetQueuedCompletionStatus() function.
Additional serial port specific events can also be retrieved asynchronously using the WaitCommEvent() function.
