spring hibernate - share session beeween DAOs - spring

I want to use Spring + Hibernate in my web application.
My application is written without Spring.
When "open page" action is called I open Hibernate Session, store it in Http Session and share it between my DAOs. When save action is called I start transaction using my old session.
But now I want to migrate my old DAOs to HibernateDaoSupport based DAOs.
How can I share session in this case? If my DAOs reference to the one SessionFactory in beans.xml will they share the same session?
How can I manage session in this case(open new or use old)?
I have write the following code but I get
org.hibernate.LazyInitializationException: could not initialize proxy - no Session
on page System.out.println(obj.getCategory().getName());
public class CategoryObjectDAOSpringImpl extends HibernateDaoSupport implements CategoryObjectDAO {
public CategoryObject get(int id) throws Exception {
CategoryObject obj = getHibernateTemplate().get(CategoryObject.class, id);
for (ObjAttrCommon objAttr : obj.getAttributes()) {
return obj;
It is strange that if I add
call at the top I have the same exeption.

I think the same awswer is valid for this post:
If your "unit of work" cannot be automatically per request, I think you can create it manually in your service layer using a transaction. Something like this:
public Object serviceMethod(params) {
TransactionTemplate transactionTemplate = getHibernateTemplate().get(CategoryObject.class, id);
transactionTemplate.execute(new TransactionCallbackWithoutResult() {
public void doInTransactionWithoutResult(TransactionStatus status) {
try {
// call your DAO's to update/delete/... and set values to service
} catch (DAOException e) {
throw new ServiceException(e);
EDITED: So extrange that the exception appears within a transaction. Make sure that the problem is not in your view. If after you retrieve your entites using HibernateTemplate you access it from the view it will explain the LazyException, because when you access your objects from the view, your Hibernate session will be already closed.
In you're using your models in your JSP/JSF your need to extend your unit of work to cover all request context. You have to include a filter that manages your Hibernate session opening, what is called Open Session In view Pattern, take a look at this.
Copy the filter implementation that appears in this post and include it in your application, it should solve the problem.


Hibernate LazyInitialization exception in console Spring Boot with an open session

I'm not sure if anyone has experienced this particular twist of the LazyInitialization issue.
I have a console Spring Boot application (so: no views - everything basically happens within a single execution method). I have the standard beans and bean repositories, and the typical lazy relationship in one of the beans, and it turns out that unless I specify #Transactional, any access to any lazy collection automatically fails even though the session stays the same, is available, and is open. In fact, I can happily do any session-based operation as long as I don't try to access a lazy collection.
Here's a more detailed example :
class Path {
... `
#OneToMany(mappedBy = "path",fetch = FetchType.LAZY,cascade = CascadeType.ALL)
#OrderBy("projectOrder") `
public List<Project> getProjects() {
return projects; `
Now, the main method does something as simple as this:
class SpringTest {
... `
private PathRepository pathRepository;
void foo() {
Path path = pathRepository.findByNameKey("...");
System.out.println(path.getProjects()); // Boom <- Lazy Initialization exception}
Of course if I slap a #Transactional on top of the method or class it works, but the point is - why should I need that? No one is closing the session, so why is Hibernate complaining that thereĀ“s no session when there is one?
In fact, If I do:
void foo() {
Path basic = pathRepository.findByNameKey("...");
Path p1 = pathRepository.findByNameKey("....");
I get that the session object stays the same the whole time, it stays open the whole time, but the internal session property of the collection is never set to anything other than null, so of course when Hibernate tries to read that collection, in its withTemporarySessionIfNeeded method it immediately throws an exception
private <T> T withTemporarySessionIfNeeded(LazyInitializationWork<T> lazyInitializationWork) {
SharedSessionContractImplementor tempSession = null;
if (this.session == null) {
if (this.allowLoadOutsideTransaction) {
tempSession = this.openTemporarySessionForLoading();
} else {
this.throwLazyInitializationException("could not initialize proxy - no Session");
So I guess my question would be - why is this happening? Why doesn't Hibernate store or access the session from which a bean was fetched so that it can load the lazy collection from it?
Digging a bit deeper, it turns out that the repository method executying the query does a
// method here is java.lang.Object org.hibernate.query.Query.getSingleResult()
public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args) throws Throwable {
if (SharedEntityManagerCreator.queryTerminatingMethods.contains(method.getName())) {
EntityManagerFactoryUtils.closeEntityManager(this.entityManager); // <--- Why?!?!?
this.entityManager = null;
and the above closeEntityManager calls unsetSession on all collections:
SharedSessionContractImplementor session = this.getSession();
if (this.collectionEntries != null) {
IdentityMap.onEachKey(this.collectionEntries, (k) -> {
But why?!
(Spring Boot version is 2.7.8)
So, after researching more it appears that this is standard behavior in Spring Boot - unless you use your own EntityManager, the one managed automatically by Spring is either attached to a #Transactional boundary, or opens and closes for each query.
Some relevant links:
Does Entity manager needs to be closed every query?
Do I have to close() every EntityManager?
In the end, I ended using a TransactionTemplate to wrap my code into a transaction without having to mark the whole class #Transactional.

Transaction rollback and save info

In the service layer, I have some method who have a transactional annotation.
public void process() throws ProcessPaymentException{
.... do some operation
catch (ProcessPaymentException ppe) {
save db problem issue.
It seem like if there are a issue, there are roll back... and nothing is saved in the db...
ProcessPaymentException extend Exception
Is there a way to rollback the process in the try but do the save in the catch?
Nested transaction could be a solution if this link is ok
Existing answer of using ControllerAdvise should help in normal setup that incoming requests are coming through Spring MVC (i.e. through a Controller).
For cases that is not, or you do not want to tie your exception handling logic to Spring MVC, here are some alternatives I can think of
(Here I assume you want to rely on declarative transaction control instead of programmatically controlling transactions yourself)
Separate service/component to save error in different transaction.
In short, you can have a separate service, which create its own transaction by propagation REQUIRES_NEW. e.g.
public class FooService
private ErrorAuditService errorAuditService;
public void process() throws ProcessPaymentException{
.... do some operation
catch (ProcessPaymentException ppe) {
throw ppe; // I guess you want to re-throw the exception
public class ErrorAuditService
public void saveErrorAudit() {
// save to DB
One step further, if the error handling it the same for different services, you may create an advise, which will be called when service method throws exception. In that advise, you can save the error in db (using ErrorAuditService), and rethrow the exception.
Because processes of try-catch are wrapped by the same transaction.
The transaction manager do rollback whenever an exception is thrown. So, not thing would be saved.
Is there a way to rollback the process in the try but do the save in the catch?
Yes. Create Exception Handler to save db problem issue after rollback.
this is the idea
public class HandlerName {
public void saveDbIssue(ProcessPaymentException ex) {
// save db problem issue.
But it only works if u want to save static data.

How to link JPA persistence context with single database transaction

Latest Spring Boot with JPA and Hibernate: I'm struggling to understand the relationship between transactions, the persistence context and the hibernate session and I can't easily avoid the dreaded no session lazy initialization problem.
I update a set of objects in one transaction and then I want to loop through those objects processing them each in a separate transaction - seems straightforward.
public void control() {
List<> entities = getEntitiesToProcess();
for (Entity entity : entities) {
public List<Entity> getEntitiesToProcess() {
List<Entity> entities = entityRepository.findAll();
for (Entity entity : entities) {
// Update a few properties
return entities;
public void processEntity(String id) {
Entity entity = entityRepository.getOne(id);
entity.getLazyInitialisedListOfObjects(); // throws LazyInitializationException: could not initialize proxy - no Session
However, I get a problem because (I think) the same hibernate session is being used for both transactions. When I call entityRepository.getOne(id) in the 2nd transaction, I can see in the debugger that I am returned exactly the same object that was returned by findAll() in the 1st transaction without a DB access. If I understand this correctly, it's the hibernate cache doing this? If I then call a method on my object that requires a lazy evaluation, I get a "no session" error. I thought the cache and the session were linked so that's my first confusion.
If I drop all the #Transactional annotations or if I put a #Transactional on the control method it all runs fine, but the database commit isn't done until the control method completes which is obviously not what I want.
So, I have a few questions:
How can I make the hibernate session align with my transaction scope?
What is a good pattern for doing the separation transactions in a loop with JPA and declarative transaction management?
I want to retain the declarative style (i.e. no xml), and don't want to do anything Hibernate specific.
Any help appreciated!
Spring creates a proxy around your service class, which means #Transactional annotations are only applied when annotated methods are called through the proxy (where you have injected this service).
You are calling getEntitiesToProcess() and processEntity() from within control(), which means those calls are not going through proxy but instead have the transactional scope of the control() method (if you aren't also calling control() from another method in the same class).
In order for #Transactional to apply, you need to do something like this
private ApplicationContext applicationContext;
public void control() {
MyService myService = applicationContext.getBean(MyService.class);
List<> entities = myService.getEntitiesToProcess();
for (Entity entity : entities) {

Spring #Transactional issue/challenge while placing in service layer

My Spring application is layered as Bean, Service and DAO. All the #Transactional annotations are in service layer.
This is the pseudo code in one particular scenario.
saveUser() {
public void manageUser() {
createUser() {
//insert user record in database
updateParentUser() {
//update parent user's database record
In my save user test case, the update parent user operation can fail in some cases due to primary key violation which is kind of expected.
As the #Transactional annotation is implemented in service class, this violation exception will be notified in bean class only.
What is the option to get this PK violation notification in my service class?
[Then I can handle it from there in a different business process.]
If I add a new method in service class and call manageUser() from there the #Transactional annotation will not work properly. This is due to the limitation/property of AOP. Spring expects external call to #Transactional methods.
The create/update won't be committed until you return from the #Transactional method. If the create/update is flushed to the database before that then you may get the exception within the method, but in your case it's not being flushed until the commit.
You can force the create/update to be flushed before the commit. You don't say whether you're using Hibernate or JPA, but session.flush() or entityManager.flush() should do the trick.
Use programmatic transaction management and handle exceptions in try catch block
Introduce a delegate class and do manageUser in a transaction there:
public void manageUser() {
} catch (Exception ex ) {
And in delegate class
public void manageUser() {
Instead of Spring proxy based AOP I moved to AspectJ approach. This gives me the flexibility to make my manageUser() method call from another method of same service class and I can handle the exception there.

Apache Wicket: Injecting dependencies in Session (using Guice)

I'm using the Wicket Auth/Roles and I ran into the same problem as the OP of this thread.
I need to access the DB service layer in the AuthenticatedWebSession (for user authentication). I followed Steve Flasby's suggestion and did the following:
public Session newSession(Request request, Response response) {
Session s = new MySession(request);
return s;
Unfortunately this results in
java.lang.IllegalStateException: EntityManager is closed
(presumably due to the fact that (a) I'm using open session in view, and (b) the session spans over several requests).
I solved this by moving the injection into the AuthenticatedWebSession.authenticate method.
public boolean authenticate(String username, String pass) {
I suspect that this is not best practice, because now I need to access to the service layer in other methods too, and it doesn't seem like a good idea to add Injector.get().inject(this) in each such method.
My question:
How do I perform injection into the session object upon each request? (Or, if this is a bad approach all together, how do I access the service layer in the AuthenticatedWebSession?)
You can implement IRequestCycleListener (extend AbstractRequestCycleListener) and implement:
public void onBeginRequest(RequestCycle cycle)
if (Session.exists()) {
Register your IRequestCycleListener in Application#init() with getRequestCycleListeners().add(new YourRequestCycleListener()).
