Sorry for the double post: a friend of mine asked this on the mailing list but no one answered.
I would like to know how to correctly use the ProxyAuthenticationRequired event of an HTTPSocket. I mean, how can I pass the login/password if the proxy asks for the authentication?
I've never used a proxy with the HTTPSocket class, but I think this is how it works.
The ProxyAuthenticationRequired event passes four parameters, the proxy realm as a string, the HTTP headers as an InternetHeaders object, and the username and password as strings. The username and password are passed ByRef, so I believe the idea is for you to set these parameters yourself and then Return True from the ProxyAuthenticationRequired event:
Event ProxyAuthenticationRequired(Realm as String, Headers as InternetHeaders, ByRef Name as String, ByRef Password as String ) As Boolean
Name = "MyUserName"
Password = "MyPass"
Return True
End Event
I am creating an API endpoint which contains a file upload field and a few string fields. My goal is to allow clients to clear values on those string fields, i.e. the DB should persist these values as null.
However, due to the fact that the request may contain files, the client should be setting the Content-type header to multipart/form-data. This implies that client cannot send a representation of "null", but can only send an empty string to indicate the intent of clearing the value for a given string field.
Is there a way for grape-api library to know that when it is receiving a multipart request it should be able to nullify blank string values in the params, or is there a better approach to what I am trying to achieve?
Grape.configure do |config|
config.param_builder = Grape::Extensions::Hashie::Mash::ParamBuilder
you can override the param builder. extend the default one and override the build_params method or monkey patch it.
params.transform_values {|v| v.eql?('') ? nil : v }
I'm running Performance test in JMeter where I have to pass Authorization details using Header Manager.
Here is my code:
String headerName = "Authorization";
String headerValue = "Basic MyKey MyValue";
Header bcHeader = new Header(headerName,headerValue);
HeaderManager hm = new HeaderManager();
hm.setProperty(TestElement.TEST_CLASS, HeaderManager.class.getName());
hm.add(new Header("Content-Type", "application/json"));
hm.add(new Header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"));
And I'm facing UnAuthorized error.
Please let me know if there is another way to write the code.
Normally you should be using HTTP Authorization Manager in order to bypass Basic HTTP Auth challenge.
However if you're going to manually construct Authorization header be aware that it should have the following form
Name: Authorization
Value: Basic
After Basic you need to provide username and password separated by colon and encoded into Base64. So if your username is MyKey and password is MyValue you should encode the string MyKey:MyValue and add the result to the header so it would look like:
Basic TXlLZXk6TXlWYWx1ZQ==
When it comes to Java code it would be something like:
String headerName = "Authorization";
String username = "MyKey";
String password = "MyValue";
Header bcHeader = new Header(headerName,
"Basic " +
Base64.encodeBase64String((username + ":" + password).getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)));
HeaderManager hm = new HeaderManager();
hm.add(new Header("Content-Type", "application/json"));
hm.add(new Header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"));
hm.setProperty(TestElement.TEST_CLASS, HeaderManager.class.getName());
hm.setProperty(TestElement.GUI_CLASS, HeaderPanel.class.getName());
If you are getting authorization header value somewhere in your response you can extract and dynamic values and apply correlations to the script.
Here is what you have to do. Extract Authorization header value using regular expressions and store it in a jmeter variable lets assuem you have saved it as Auth .
Add a header manager (Right click on thread group -->config element--> Header manager) according to jmeter scoping rules.
Use ${variablename} and replace the hard coded header value with ${variablename} ,as we saved it in Auth variable you can use ${Auth}.
You can add headers to header manager click on add and give header name and value as shown below
i'm getting authorization value in request 1's reponse as shown below
so to extract this add a regular expression extractor to the same request (request 1) as shown below.
Now we can use ${Auth} in header manager , add header manager to request 2 and give header name and values as shown below
you can see in the results authorization has passed its value
For more information on Extracting variables please follow this link
Let me know if it helps
If I take user from contacts (in addon for outlook) and do this:
Outlook.Recipient recipient = c.GetMember(i);
It will return this:
/0=:someData:/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (:someData:)/cn=Recipients/cn=:curentUserName:eed
It add "eed" to user name. And only for one.
Why it do that? How can I fix that?
P.S. I don't do anything with that data before it will be printed.
That looks like a perfectly valid EX (as opposed to SMTP) address.
If AddressEntry.Type is "SMTP", just use AddressEntry.Address. If Type == "EX", use AddressEntry.GetExchangeUser().PrimarySmtpAddress. AddressEntry object is returned by the Recipient.AddressEntry property.
When I create a variable without String() to initialize the variable an error shows up alerting, "variable not initialize", same error shows up when I directly assign
var username: String = usernameTextfieldSigup.text!
And when I initialize the variable using the code below,
var username: String = String()
username = usernameTextfieldSignup.text!
warning comes up, variable 'username' was written but never used.
I know I could just ignore these warnings but I'd like a cleaner code.
I'm using Xcode7 beta5 release.
You can declare the username without a value first:
var username: String
and then assign a value to it in your initializer:
// replace with your (valid) initializer
func init() {
username = usernameTextfieldSignup.text!
However, I'm sure that usernameTextfieldSignup.text won't have a value until the user ha actually provided a value. So in that case I would recommend to make username an optional so you can set it's value when you need to:
var username: String?
and then when setting it:
username = usernameTextfieldSignup.text
and when accessing it:
if let uname = username {
// do something with the uname
Also, the variable 'username' was written but never used warning you're seeing is probably because you write to / initialise username but there's no code actually reading it, so it's kind of a useless variable according to the compiler then.
To init an empty string you have to either make it explicit or optional like so:
let string: String!
let string: String?
You can do this with any datatype.
In my application, I'm building a query object some thing like below
Object {pointType: /analog/i, _id: Object}
I tried to store it in session variable,
Then on click event I'm getting this object
var res= Session.get("currentPointsQueryObject");
but here I'm getting like below
Object {pointType: Object, _id: Object}
Meanwhile, I sent group_id to the server
by geting it from session variable like
var group_id=Session.get("currentGroupId");
which is working fine(it is displaying id in server log)
Then, I've tried storing it in global variable, which returning as expected
like below on click event
Object {pointType: /analog/i, _id: Object}
but when I sent it to server side method (Immediate line after console.log() )"updateGroupPoints",res,function(err,data){
console.log("updated points");
when I log res in server console, it is showing
{ pointType: {}, _id: { '$nin': [] } }
Althoug I have something in pointType, It is not passed to the server.
Anyone had idea, Is this the thing related storing?
You cannot directly serialize RegExp to EJSON, but you can:
var regexp = /^[0-9]+$/;
var serialized = regexp.source;
Send serialized and then deserialize:
new RegExp(serialized)
Take a look at : Meteor: Save RegExp Object to Session
/analog/i is a regular expression, right? Values stored in Session and values sent to methods must be part of EJSON values. Regular expression aren't.
There's a handy way to teach EJSON how to serialize/parse Regular Expressions (RegExp) as of 2015 documented in this SO question:
How to extend EJSON to serialize RegEx for Meteor Client-Server interactions?
Basically, we can extend the RegExp object class and use EJSON.addType to teach the serialization to both client and server. Hope this helps someone out there in the Universe. :)
Simply stringify your RegExp via .toString(), send it to the server and then parse it back to RegExp.