Output of getPaymentHtml() in Magento - magento

I haven't been able to find where does the output of getPaymentHtml() comes from.
Its defined as:
public function getPaymentHtml() {
return $this->getChildHtml('payment_info');
I couldn't find out the template for payment_info block.
Basically I want to be able to retrieve credit card type and credit card number in the progress block of checkout.
How do I find out the method names? Something like $this->getCreditCardType()
Edit: OK! I understand that Magento figures out the payment method first which has their corresponding templates which are used to render output. But in progress.phtml of checkout, var_dump( $this instanceof Mage_Payment_Block_Info_Cc ); returns false, so how do I access that in current context?

The Progress block doen't have it's own template for Payment info. Mage_Checkout_Block_Onepage_Payment_Info block uses the selected Payment Method block to output html. Look at the Mage_Checkout_Block_Onepage_Payment_Info::_toHtml() method:
protected function _toHtml()
$html = '';
if ($block = $this->getChild($this->_getInfoBlockName())) {
$html = $block->toHtml();
return $html;
To find the actual template and block for the specific Payment method you use, you need to perform next steps:
First - get model alias for current payment method Mage::getStoreConfig('payment/'.$yourMethod.'/model') and instantiate it using Mage::getModel(alias)
then get block type using $model->getInfoBlockType() - so you'll be able to find the actual Block by it's type
For example for ccSave payment method the info block is Mage_Payment_Block_Info_Ccsave, and template for it is app\design\frontend\base\default\template\payment\info\default.phtml. You'll be able to find all data inside those.
Good luck ;)
For the sake of completeness, exact functions to fetch CC type and last 4 digits of CC number are:
echo Mage::getSingleton('checkout/session')->getQuote()->getPayment()->getCcType();
echo Mage::getSingleton('checkout/session')->getQuote()->getPayment()->getCcLast4();

The block class is declared in layout update XML; see the onepage checkout and multishipping directives from checkout.xml. The actual child block which is used depends on the payment model which is being used, but there is a common template that will be used unless overridden.
See the generic CC method model Mage_Payment_ModelMethod_Cc
From that see its info block Mage_Payent_Block_Info_Cc...
...which will lead you to the "base" payment info block Mage_Payment_Block_Info which sets a default template.


Odoo Model function override has no effect

What I'm trying to do:
Im developing a POS module for Odoo.
When creating a new payment method for odoo pos, theres a 'use payment terminal' section that has a list of all available payment terminals. This list is a computed field in the DB called 'use_payment_terminal'. I want to add my custom module to that selection.
What i've already done:
The computed field is populated by a '_get_payment_terminal_selection' function that I overrodde:
def _get_payment_terminal_selection(self):
return super(PosPaymentMethod, self)
._get_payment_terminal_selection() + [('xxx', 'xxx')]
I added a post init hook that tried to calls the above function directly, cause I wasn't sure want the problem was and assumed that the function wasn't being called when expected.
The problem:
Neither of these solutions has worked and the selection still doesn't display what I expect it to. Any suggestions on why that might be ?
Try this way :
def _get_payment_terminal_selection(self):
return super(PosPaymentMethod, self)._get_payment_terminal_selection() + [('xxx', 'xxx')]

How to get a url parameter in Magento controller?

Is there a Magento function to get the value of "id" from this url:
I know I can split the url on "/" to get the value, but I'd prefer a single function.
This doesn't work:
$id = $this->getRequest()->getParam('id');
It only works if I use http://example.com/path/action?id=123
Magento's default routing algorithm uses three part URLs.
So when you call
The word path is your front name, action is your controller name, and id is your action method. After these three methods, you can use getParam to grab a key/value pair
//in a controller
You may also use the getParams method to grab an array of parameters
If your url is the following structure: http://yoursiteurl.com/index.php/admin/sales_order_invoice/save/order_id/1795/key/b62f67bcaa908cdf54f0d4260d4fa847/
then use:
echo $this->getRequest()->getParam('order_id'); // output is 1795
If you want to get All Url Value or Parameter value than use below code.
If your url is like this: http://magentoo.blogspot.com/magentooo/userId=21
then use this to get the value of url
echo $_GET['userId'];
If you want more info about this click here.
If it's a Magento module, you can use the Varien Object getter. If it's for your own module controller, you may want to use the register method.
Source: http://www.vjtemplates.com/blog/magento/register-and-registry

Programmatically remove block from layout

I want to remove the product_options_wrapper block from the product view page according to the logedin user via frontend router controller.
I know that I can programmatically append a new block but I didn't find a remove function. :-(
Tried sth. like that
But nothing works.
Inorder to remove a block using its parent block use the code below
The OP code should work, if it used the correct block name, which is product.info.options.wrapper, as opposed to the block alias.
if (Mage::getSingleton('customer/session')->getCustomerGroupId() == [id]){
This should work:
$blockName = 'left'; // Add yours
$update = Mage::app()->getLayout()->getUpdate();
$removeInstruction = "<remove name=\"$blockName\"/>";
Why? Have a look in the file Mage_Core_Model_Layout in the method generateXml() the XML is parsed and where a remove is set for a block, the attribute ignore is added to the block. In the method generateBlocks() all the blocks which have that attribute are not added.

SetSpecialPrice Changes Price for *All* Instances of Item On Order

If I programmaticly add a item to a shopping cart (setting its custom options) then add another instance of the same item to the cart (with its custom options set to different values), "view cart" lists each item instance on a separate line (good). However, if when adding the items, I programmaticly set one item's special price (via SetSpecialPrice), both item prices change to that special price.
How do I limit the effects of SetSpecialPrice to only the item instance I call that method on?
Thank you,
To the code you are adding the same 'item' to the quote. This could probably be considered a bug.
You may have to go lower level. What method are you using to add the items to the cart? You may need to emulate what that method does yourself (violating DRY principles) to force it to create a new 'item.'
... going to look in the code now.
Ok, looking at Mage/Sales/Model/Quote.php line 935: public function getItemsByProduct - this is where it determines if the product you are adding already exists. It calls $item->representProduct, which is in Mage/Sales/Model/Quote/Item.php line 301: public function representProduct
If you override this class in your module/code and replace this method you should be able to add simple code that detects if there is a difference in special price and react accordingly.
Code snipet:
$specialPrice = $product->getSpecialPrice();
$thisSpecialPrice = $itemProduct->getSpecialPrice();
if((is_null($specialPrice) xor is_null($thisSpecialPrice))||
(!is_null($specialPrice) && !is_null($thisSpecialPrice && $specialPrice!=$thisSpecialPrice))){
return false;

codeigniter associative array in post

I normally name my db specific fields in my forms like this "objectname[columnname]", I tseems CI cant access these values using $this->input->post('objectname[columnname]'), what do I do? there is not a chance in hell im renaming 100+ form fields.. I am actually disliking CI, it really is getting in the way of progress by changing the de facto PHP norms...
And were you using $_POST['objectname[columnname]'] or $_POST['objectname']['columnname'] ?
Have you tried the equivalent for the latter
$obj = $this->input->post('objectname');
echo $obj['columnname'];
If it works, you can write you own helper to retreive that like post_val('objectname[columnname]').
I saw this post whilst looking for a similar issue, but worked out a CI way to do it, sorry if I'm resurrecting it, but it does appear fairly high on the Google results.
// Load the 'array' helper
// Use the 'element' function to return an element from the array
echo element('ColumnName', $this->input->post('ObjectName'));
Hope this helps anyone who comes here in future.
HTML code:
<input type="text" value="" name="myPostArrayName[]">
<input type="text" value="" name="myPostArrayName[]">
Handling form with codeigniter:
$data = $this->input->post('myPostArrayName', TRUE);
You can access data in order like this
echo 'Value of the first element in the form array is '.$data[0];
echo 'Value of the second element in the form array is '.$data[1];
I think someone who has access to codeigniter documentation, had better to add a simple html post array handling example.
I seems I can rely on the $_POST var, but I thought this was reset?
You can cast the post array as an object and use method chaining to return sub-arrays (now properties) using PHP 5.3's method chaining all on one line.
Extend the input class by making a class called MY_Input and put the extended class in the application/core folder. CI 2.0 will automatically use the extended class with the MY_ prefix, and you can add methods to this new class. Extending the input class is cleaner than making helpers.
This method casts the post array, or a nested array (a sub array below the parent), as an object.
/* Cast an array from CI post as an object and return the object */
public function post_obj($key = null){
$post_return = $this->post($key);
if (false === $post_return)
return false;
return (object)$post_return;
Now I can retrieve nested values in one line of code using PHP 5.3's method chaining for objects.
$active = $this->input->post_obj('user')->active;
I just went with the $_POST['objectname']['colname'] option as i usually do even though this is probably not the CI way..
