VS2010 for Office Development - visual-studio-2010

I have Visual Studio 2010 Professional however it seems as though I cannot open/create Office Projects.
I assumed there must have been something wrong with my install and a feature wasn't added. However whenever I go into my Maintenance Mode for my VS2010 nothing about Office appears. And it does say Professional, which I believe comes with office tools.
I do have Office 2010 also installed.
I've looked around and everywhere says that I can just add that feature, but I only get a number of features in my install; VB, C++. C# (plus X64 Compilers and Tools), Visual Web Developer and Graphics Library, all of which are tickets.
Any tips?
p.s. I do also have SP1

For anyone else that may encounter this problem, you may need to reinstall SP1 as well as Visual Studio. This is what did it for me.

VSTO is what you're looking for.
Try one of the walkthrough articles to get started.


Where can I download VS2010 professional? (or can't I?)

This seems like a weird problem. I've just upgraded to a brand new PC and I can't for the life of me work out where I can get visual studios 2010 from. I have my product key ready to go.
Has MS discontinued this product? If so is there a work around? Is my only option to (dare I say it) upgrade.
According to Microsoft there's no more Visual Studio 2010 for download from their (official) site.
Personally I really recommend you go straight to 2017 Community Edition - it has everything the 2010 Professional has and more.
The "more" includes built-in support for GitHub, "almost" full support for C++11 and some support for C++14, Windows 10 SDK, parallel builds, built-in support for Linux remote build/debugging... The list goes on and on.

What version of Visual Studio 2008... Does "Visual Studio Tools for Applications 2.0" INCLUDES vs2008?

I have Visual Studio 2010 Professional installed. But for a client I do need Visual Studio 2008 (to avoid some upgrades that are note compatible with vs2010)
It is my job's notebook, so everything must be original and legal. And both, the client and my boss want to avoid licences costs. ANYWAY... it seems that my notebook already has some version of vs2008, I need to know if it is too muche reduced or if it will work to develop.
I can open a vs2008 that seems pretty much the same, also the about screen. But at "Add or Remove Programs" I just only have "Visual Studio Tools for Applications 2.0"
Finnaly when I run the app, it works, but the code is not recognize, it is shown as it is notepad.
Here are some screenshots that may help... THANKS ALL!!
VSTA is sort of a replacement for VBA, i.e. you can use VS to write .NET code to extend and automate thrid-party applications that are designed to support it. It appears that that is the only VS 2008 component that you have installed so you cannot open VB or C# projects or any of that stuff. If you want a legal copy of VS 2008 that you don't have to pay for then you'll need to look at an Express edition, although that may lack some features that you need. 2008 Express editions are hard to come by now too, as they are not offered for download any more by Microsoft.
What are these non-upgradeable parts of your project?

Can I install visual c++ 2010 express edition with visual Studio 2010 professional already installed?

I want to do so because intellisense option for clr console application is not working in visual studio 2010..
Yes, you can. They will run side by side.
However, if you have professional installed, wouldn't it be better to update the install and add c++ to it?
There is no Intellisense support for C++/CLI in Visual Studio 2010 (including in SP1 and the Express edition).
I've been using Visual Assist X from Whole Tomato software for the last few weeks and am very happy with their Intellisense support. From the research I did, it appears that theirs is about the best going (Resharper for example does not support C++).
No, this is not going to solve your problem. The IntelliSense parser is exactly the same in the Express edition, it also doesn't support parsing C++/CLI code. You'll need to find the installer for the VS2008 Express edition. That's going to be quite difficult, you cannot get it from Microsoft anymore. Or you'll have to bear and grin it until the next version for Visual Studio, the Microsoft team promised it will be supported again.
Do keep in mind that you are not writing C++ code, C++/CLI is a very distinct language. There isn't much point in writing complete console mode apps in C++/CLI, you might as well use C#. There's an Express edition for that as well, IntelliSense works.

Upgrading Visual Studio 2010 Professional to Premium, just install over?

I just discovered that our MSDN licensing covers Premium, and I installed Professional.
Can I just install Premium over Professional, or do I have to uninstall and reinstall everything? I'd rather not if installing on top of Professional is safe since I have addins and configuration already set up.
I came across the some issue and needed to upgrade from Visual Studio 2010 Professional to Visual Studio 2010 Premium.
I simply installed Visual Studio 2010 Premium over the Visual Studio 2010 Professional version. All worked without issue ;0)
I did need to reinstall my VS add-ins and service packs (such as Silverlight 4 Tools) and point to my original settings file but that was all. Looks like most or all of my extensions remained in place.
Just did this, but used the web installer instead of the full iso. Works like a charm. Didn't have to reinstall anything. Resharper, Silverlight and Azure templates, etc.. are working.
The only difference is that you need to insert the product key to activate it, like it says on the MSDN downloads site: "This key converts web installers and trial DVDs to the full product. It is not required for the MSDN DVD."
Hope this helps

Graphics glitches in Visual Studio 2010

I'm having graphics issues with Visual Studio 2010. When I open a solution only part of the UI renders. Entire sections like the solution explorer will be missing.
This only happens after I've had Visual Studio running for a while and have opened/closed a variety of solutions.
It "feels" like some sort of a GDI handle leak because the problem goes away once I reboot.
I'm running Windows 7 Ultimate - 64 bit. I've updated my graphics drivers, installed the latest patches, etc. I can't find any postings about this on stackoverflow or doing a variety of Google searches.
Any ideas?
It's a known issue, seems like no fix is coming in SP1, see https://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/details/575376/visual-studio-2010-code-editor-problems?wa=wsignin1.0 & the workaround described at http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2023207 (disabling HW-Acceleration & Visual Experience adjustment did the trick for me).
Try also to update the graphic driver to their latest version.
The Visual Studio 2010 UI has been rewritten from the ground up in WPF. Myself and a couple of other devs in our team are experiencing the same issues (various hardware and software but my software is the same as yours). In our case closing and reopening VS solves it with no reboot required.
It's a cracking product but roll on SP1.
Running Visual Studio under Administrator (Run as Administrator) fixes the problem for me.
