Yahoo Pipes Keep Old RSS Feeds From Publishing - yahoo-pipes

I have a Yahoo Pipe, were I am trying to prevent old RSS feeds from getting published. I've tried it with a Filter and if a have a look at the preview it seems to be working just as expected. But if I subscribe to the feed, I still receive old newsfeeds.
Here's a screenshot of the filter
Does anybody know why that happens?
Thanks a lot!

I'm not entirely sure if this is the reason, but I think maybe it has to be date builder, plugging into date formatter which then feeds into the filter. It doesnt look like the date is wired in correctly... as it usually shows something like "text [wired]" when I wire like that. Try using the Date formatter.

How did you format the date? Did you format it the same as the feed you are using has the date formatted?
More info on formatting the date:

I've got it to work now. After fumbling around with the pipes for some time, i ended up just creating it from scratch. This time it works for some strange reason.
It seems to me that Yahoo Pipes sometimes just don't update a Pipe, even when I save it.


How do I debug work of 2sxc if Visual Query works perfectly during debug, but cshtml code can't access data?

I've edited some existing visual queries of Blog 4.0 application and when I was debugging it - it worked perfectly. But then on page it stopped working. Any attempt to use key with Data like Data["Posts"] raises System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException. App.Query["Blog Posts List"]["Posts"] returns something, but any attempt to access its fields raises another exception (don't remember the name, but it said that there's no such member inside that object).
I didn't rename queries, I didn't change application settings. I just edited logic of 2 queries. I renamed 1 wiring endpoint name across 3 queries in whole chain.
How do I debug it? How can I see what does cshtml receive from database so I don't guess and put my crystal ball away?
In general, App.Query["Name of Query"] will get you the streams of data. You usually need to convert it using AsDynamic() or AsList() to something you can work with.
This should help some; What is Data?
If you're just running into problems with field names, you probably forgot the AsList or AsDynamic, just like #accuraty-jeremy mentioned.
For real debugging, go to insights, you'll see what happens - but in your case it probably won't help, because your working with an object that's not dynamic (so doesn't support .FirstName) until you AsList/AsDynamic it.
My bad: I confused two different files - _List.cshtml and _List Paging.cshtml. So I was searching for an error in the code of wrong file.

How to parse RSS feeds with Spring Integration when pubDate not available?

I run into a problem parsing RSS feeds with spring-integration-feed. I followed the example at
My feeds do not include a published date. According to the RSS specifications, the dates are not required.
As the pubDate is null, the entry is not added to the queue of SyndEntry. See
Is there a workaround for this?
The FeedEntryMessageSource uses that to detect new entries, without it, you'd get all the entries on every poll.
The only work-around would be a custom message source - you can invoke it from an inbound channel adapter.
If you have a proposal for another mechanism to detect new posts, feel free to open an improvement JIRA Issue.

wp8: How to get bing daily image

Using C#, I am trying to figure out how to set the Bing's "picture of the day" as an lock screen background.
Any help would be highly appreciated.
Thank you,
Yes you can do it.
You can read the XML or JSON provided by Bing Service and wrap it as you wish.
Happy coding.
There is an endpoint that I found a while ago, that returns specific Windows Phone-sized (adjusted to the screen resolution) Bing wallpapers, available here:
You need to build a custom request, like this, to get the image:

Replying to tweets on your timeline with twitter gem

I am trying to create a simple reply from my twitter timeline but ran into some problems and as a ruby newbie I had problems in understanding the doc.
Twitter.mentions_timeline.each do |tweet|
reply_to = tweet.from_user_name()
#Twitter.update("##{reply_to} Not today.")
This is what've written so far, which is not much. Unfortunately the tweet doesn't have any from_user_name when using the mentions_timeline it seems. I am using this gem and does not find any good examples of this:
Would be very nice to have some nice example of how to grab ones tweets from the timeline and replying to those. Also does twitter have anything that distinguish "new tweets" or do I need to create some kind of storage myself to seperate new from old?
Thanks in advance :)
EDIT: to clarify, I want to get all tweets sent to me directly and reply to them. I don't really want to continue in any conversation.
A little late, but in the lastest version of twitter gem you can reply to a tweet with:
#client.update("##{reply_to.user.username} Not today.", in_reply_to_status_id:
Hope this helps someone.
Here are a few examples that might be helpful for anyone using sferik's twitter gem for something like this. Note, I'm using version 5.0.0 currently, so your mileage may vary.
Assuming you've configured the REST client and assigned it to a variable named client, you can get an array of your last 20 mentions (or however many you've received in the past 2 months, if fewer) with this line:
The respective mentioners of those tweets can be acquired similarly with this:
You could then use client.update as suggested to reply as you see fit.
One tool I find incredibly useful when I'm exploring API's in Ruby is pry. Just require it, drop a binding.pry, and run your code in Terminal. Then you can explore to your heart's — or API's limit's — extent.

Start Tweet From a Mac App

I'm writing a mac app and I'd like it to pass a message to a twitter client like Twitter or Twitterific.
Does anyone know how to do this?
In's Info.plist they declare a CFBundleTypeExtensions which looks promising because I can drag a snippet of text onto the icon and it will initialize a tweet.
However I tried doing this in code with:
[[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] openFile:#"tweet tweet" withApplication:#"Twitter"];
But that just cuases this to be printed in the console:
LSOpenFromURLSpec() returned -43 for application Twitter path tweet tweet.
Twitterific does not define CFBundleTypeExtensions, so even if I can get this working for Twitter it won't work for Twitterific.
Does anyone know if this is documented anywhere? I've tried to find it in FAQs and things but haven't been able to yet.
As the part openFile: suggests you pass a filename, not a generic string. So you might simply be able to dump your string into a temporary file and pass that filename. However, I don't know what file format Twitter expects and what it's doing with it.
After some more digging I found this:
Funny enough the url works for but not Twitterific...
I sent the Icon Factory a mail about this, hopefully I'm just missing something.
