Test a version of a software in a Makefile - bash

I am trying to tell the user if the version of virtualenv he is using is not up-to-date.
But it doesn't work yet. Any idea ?
if [ ! -f $(PYTHON) ]; then \
version=`$(VIRTUALENV) --version`;\
winner=`echo -e "$${version}\n$${check}" | sed '/^$$/d' | sort -nr | head -1`;\
if [[ "$(winner)" = "$(version)" ]]; then \
$(VIRTUALENV) $(ROOT_DIR)/lib/virtualenv; \
else \
echo "Please upgrade your virtualenv>=1.8.2";\
exit 1;\
fi \

Ok it was a little Makefile trick with $
if [ ! -f $(PYTHON) ]; then \
version=`$(VIRTUALENV) --version`;\
winner=`echo -e "$${version}\n$${check}" | sed '/^$$/d' | sort -nr | head -1`;\
if [[ "$${winner}" = "$${version}" ]]; then \
$(VIRTUALENV) $(ROOT_DIR)/lib/virtualenv; \
else \
echo "Please upgrade your $${version} version of virtualenv to >= 1.8.2";\
echo " $ sudo pip install -U distribute pip virtualenv";\
exit 1;\
fi \


Writing a comparison BATCH file to verify sha256sum to released code

Trying to write a script that takes 2 arguments ($1 and $2) one to represent the $hash and the $file_name.
I am trying to utilize jq to parse the required data to download and compare PASS or FAIL.
I see to be stuck trying to think this out.
Here is my code
#!/usr/bin/env sh
# Sifchain shasum check (revised).
# $1
hash_url=$( curl -R -s https://api.github.com/repos/Sifchain/sifnode/releases | jq '.[] | select(.name=="v0.10.0-rc.4")' | jq '.assets[]' | jq 'select(.name=="sifnoded-v0.10.0-rc.4-linux-amd64.zip.sha256")' | jq '.browser_download_url' | xargs $1 $2 )
echo $hash_url
# $2
hash=$( curl -s -L $hash_url | jq'.$2')
file_name=$(curl -R -s https://api.github.com/repos/Sifchain/sifnode/releases | jq '.[] | .name')
echo $hash | sha256sum
echo $file_name | sha256sum #null why?
echo "\n"
## version of the release $1, and the hash $2
## sha256 <expected_sha_256_sum> <name_of_the_file>
sha256() {
if echo "$1 $2" #| sha256sum -c --quiet
echo pass $1 $2
exit 0
echo FAIL $1 $2
exit 1
# Invoke sha256
sha256 $hash_url $file_name
Ideally this should work for any comparison of hash with correct file, pulling the 2 parameters when the BASH script is invoked.
I can suggest the following corrections/modifications:
#sha file
SHA_URL=$(curl -R -s https://api.github.com/repos/Sifchain/sifnode/releases | \
jq --arg VERSION v0.10.0-rc.4 -r \
'.[] | select(.name==$VERSION) | .assets[] | select(.name |test("\\.sha256$")) | .browser_download_url')
SHA_VALUE=$(curl -s -L $SHA_URL| tr 1 2)
FILENAME=$(curl -R -s https://api.github.com/repos/Sifchain/sifnode/releases | \
jq --arg VERSION v0.10.0-rc.4 -r \
'.[] | select(.name==$VERSION) | .assets[] | select(.content_type =="application/zip") | .name')
#added just for testing, I'm assuming you have the files locally allready
FILEURL=$(curl -R -s https://api.github.com/repos/Sifchain/sifnode/releases | \
jq --arg VERSION v0.10.0-rc.4 -r \
'.[] | select(.name==$VERSION) | .assets[] | select(.content_type =="application/zip") | .browser_download_url')
wget --quiet $FILEURL -O $FILENAME
echo $SHA_VALUE $FILENAME | sha256sum -c --quiet >/dev/null 2>&1
if [ $RESULT -eq 0 ]; then
echo -n "PASS "
echo -n "FAIL "
exit $RESULT
--arg VERSION v0.10.0-rc.4 creates a "variable" to be used in the script
-r - raw output, strings are not quoted
test("\\.sha256$") - regular expresion, used to search for a generic sha256, so you don't have to hardcode the full name
select(.content_type =="application/zip") - I'm assuming that's the file you are searching for
wget is used just for demo purpose, to download the file, I'm assuming you already have the file on your machine
sha256sum -c --quiet >/dev/null 2>&1 - redirecting to /dev/null is necessary because in case of error sha256sum is not quiet

Makefile cache creating false positive outcome

I have a make target, which i usually need to run twice to get accurate outcome. I.e the 1st run if accurate thenn on the 2nd run, if the variable is changed, it still displays the previous output, which is wrong, is there a way to get rid of cache or clear it in between.
check-tf-lint: configure ## TF Linting
$(eval list_of_dir := $(shell cd ${deployment} && ls -ld */ | awk '{print $$NF}'| grep -v 'test_cases'| sed 's|/||g'))
$(shell touch ${quality-metrics}/formatting.txt)
#for i in aws_bot; do \
make set-tf-version -e infra_module_path=$$i; \
terraform fmt -check -list=false ${deployment}/$$i ; \
if [ "$$?" != "0" ]; then \
echo "Need Formatting in $$i" >> ${quality-metrics}/formatting.txt; \
terraform fmt -check ${deployment}/$$i >> ${quality-metrics}/formatting.txt; \
echo "" >> ${quality-metrics}/formatting.txt; \
fi \
$(eval TMP := $(shell (cat ${quality-metrics}/formatting.txt | wc -l)))
echo "${TMP}"
#if [ "$(TMP)" = "0" ]; then \
echo "All Good! No Formatting Needed."; \
else \
echo "Kindly Format Below Mentioned code and check in Again"; \
cat ${quality-metrics}/formatting.txt; \
$(shell rm -rf ${quality-metrics}/formatting.txt)
#if [ "$(TMP)" != "0" ]; then \
exit 1; \
Rule of thumb: you should never use eval or shell functions in a make recipe. If you are doing that it's a pretty sure sign that something has gone wrong somewhere.
In your case the reason you see this behavior is that make will expand ALL variables and functions for all lines in a recipe before the first line in the recipe is invoked. So as far as make is concerned your recipe is handled like this:
check-tf-lint: configure ## TF Linting
$(eval list_of_dir := $(shell cd ${deployment} && ls -ld */ | awk '{print $$NF}'| grep -v 'test_cases'| sed 's|/||g'))
$(shell touch ${quality-metrics}/formatting.txt)
$(eval TMP := $(shell (cat ${quality-metrics}/formatting.txt | wc -l)))
$(shell rm -rf ${quality-metrics}/formatting.txt)
#for i in aws_bot; do \
make set-tf-version -e infra_module_path=$$i; \
terraform fmt -check -list=false ${deployment}/$$i ; \
if [ "$$?" != "0" ]; then \
echo "Need Formatting in $$i" >> ${quality-metrics}/formatting.txt; \
terraform fmt -check ${deployment}/$$i >> ${quality-metrics}/formatting.txt; \
echo "" >> ${quality-metrics}/formatting.txt; \
fi \
echo "${TMP}"
#if [ "$(TMP)" = "0" ]; then \
echo "All Good! No Formatting Needed."; \
else \
echo "Kindly Format Below Mentioned code and check in Again"; \
cat ${quality-metrics}/formatting.txt; \
#if [ "$(TMP)" != "0" ]; then \
exit 1; \
You should always write your recipes using shell facilities and not make facilities. Set shell variables, don't use eval to set make variables, and run shell commands directly (you're in a recipe after all!) rather than using make's shell function.
You may need to put all the lines in a single script (with semicolon / backslash) to allow this to work. Or consider .ONESHELL but that's a much bigger set of changes.
This worked for me !
check-tf-lint: ## TF Linting
$(eval list_of_dir := $(shell cd ${deployment} && ls -ld */ | awk '{print $$NF}'| grep -v 'test_cases'| sed 's|/||g'))
#for i in $(list_of_dir); do \
make set-tf-version -e infra_module_path=$$i; \
terraform fmt -check -list=false ${deployment}/$$i ; \
if [ "$$?" != "0" ]; then \
echo "Need Formatting in $$i" >> ${quality-metrics}/formatting.txt; \
terraform fmt -check ${deployment}/$$i >> ${quality-metrics}/formatting.txt; \
echo "" >> ${quality-metrics}/formatting.txt; \
fi \
#if [ -e "${quality-metrics}/formatting.txt" ]; then \
export MNC=`cat ${quality-metrics}/formatting.txt | wc -l`; \
if [ "$${MNC}" = "0" ]; then \
echo "All Good! No Formatting Needed."; \
else \
echo ""; \
echo "Kindly Format Below Mentioned code and check in Again"; \
cat ${quality-metrics}/formatting.txt; \
fi; \
rm -rf ${quality-metrics}/formatting.txt; \
if [ "$${MNC}" != "0" ]; then \
exit 1; \
fi \

Curl Works in Command Line, but Not Shell Script

I'm trying to automate a post-build process to get closer to a one-click release. However, I'm having problems with a script that.
Expected: The script to work exactly like the command line.
Results: Everything works, including grabbing the versionCodes except I am getting a curl: (26) Failed to open/read local data from file/application
The script I wanted to imitate with a more automated approach.
react-native bundle \
--platform android \
--dev false \
--entry-file index.js \
--bundle-output android-release.bundle \
--sourcemap-output android-release.bundle.map &&
curl https://upload.bugsnag.com/react-native-source-map \
-F apiKey=API-KEY \
-F appVersion=10.6.7 \
-F appVersionCode=4515 \
-F dev=false \
-F platform=android \
-F sourceMap=#android-release.bundle.map \
-F bundle=#android-release.bundle
react-native bundle \
--platform ios \
--dev false \
--entry-file index.js \
--bundle-output ios-release.bundle \
--sourcemap-output ios-release.bundle.map &&
curl https://upload.bugsnag.com/react-native-source-map \
-F apiKey=API-KEY \
-F appVersion=10.6.7 \
-F appBundleVersion=4515 \
-F dev=false \
-F platform=ios \
-F sourceMap=#ios-release.bundle.map \
-F bundle=#ios-release.bundle
So I wrote a script to fix this, which is
# Ensure this is run on the commit used to generate the published app!
# Comment this line out to enable bundling and publishing
# debug=echo
bundle () {
$debug yarn react-native bundle \
--platform "$platform" \
--dev false \
--entry-file index.js \
--bundle-output "$platform-release.bundle" \
--sourcemap-output "$platform-release.bundle.map"
upload () {
# See https://docs.bugsnag.com/api/rn-source-map-upload/#uploading-source-maps
curl --http1.1 https://upload.bugsnag.com/react-native-source-map \
-F apiKey="$BUGSNAG_API_KEY" \
-F appVersion="$version" \
-F appVersionCode="$version_code" \
-F dev=false \
-F platform="$platform" \
-F sourceMap=#"$platform-release-bundle.map" \
-F bundle=#"$platform-release.bundle" \
read_version () {
local tag=$1
local file=$2
echo "$(grep -m 1 $tag $file | grep -o '[0-9]\+\(\.[0-9]\+\)*')"
BUGSNAG_API_KEY=$(plutil -p ios/RVLife/Info.plist | grep BugsnagAPIKey | awk '{ print $3 }' | sed 's/"//g')
if [[ -z $BUGSNAG_API_KEY ]]; then
echo "Couldn't find bugsnag API key"
exit 1
IOS_VERSION=$(read_version MARKETING_VERSION ios/RVLife.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj)
echo "iOS app version: $IOS_VERSION"
IOS_VERSION_CODE=$(read_version CURRENT_PROJECT_VERSION ios/RVLife.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj)
echo "iOS version code: $IOS_VERSION_CODE"
if [[ -z $IOS_VERSION || -z $IOS_VERSION_CODE ]]; then
echo "Couldn't get iOS app versions"
exit 1
bundle ios
echo ""
ANDROID_VERSION=$(read_version versionName android/app/build.gradle)
echo "Android app version: $ANDROID_VERSION"
ANDROID_VERSION_CODE=$(read_version versionCode android/app/build.gradle)
echo "Android version code: $ANDROID_VERSION_CODE"
echo "Couldn't get Android app versions"
exit 1
bundle android
I'm assuming I messed up some syntax or permissions or something somewhere, but can't seem to find the area I did. Any help is appreciated.
Difference between bash -x myScript and set -x on command line
Command Line
omz_termsupport_preexec:1> [[ '' == true ]]
+omz_termsupport_preexec:3> emulate -L zsh
+omz_termsupport_preexec:4> setopt extended_glob
+omz_termsupport_preexec:7> local -a cmdargs
+omz_termsupport_preexec:8> cmdargs=( curl https://upload.bugsnag.com/react-native-source-map -F -F -F -F -F - )
+omz_termsupport_preexec:10> [[ curl = fg ]]
+omz_termsupport_preexec:44> local CMD=curl
+omz_termsupport_preexec:45> local LINE='curl https://upload.bugsnag.com/react-native-source-map -F -F -F -F -F -'
+omz_termsupport_preexec:47> title '$CMD' '%100>...>$LINE%<<'
+title:1> emulate -L zsh
+title:2> setopt prompt_subst
+title:4> [[ '' == *term* ]]
+title:8> : '%100>...>$LINE%<<'
+title:10> case xterm-256color (cygwin | xterm*)
+title:12> print -Pn '\e]2;%100\>...\>\$LINE%\<\<\a'
+title:13> print -Pn '\e]1;\$CMD\a'
+-zsh:75> curl https://upload.bugsnag.com/react-native-source-map -F 'apiKey=API-KEY' -F 'appVersion=10.6.7’ -F 'appBundleVersion=4515' -F 'dev=false' -F 'platform=ios' -F 'sourceMap=#ios-release.bundle.map' -F 'bundle=#ios-release.bundle'
SH Script
+ upload ios 10.6.7 4515
+ platform=ios
+ version=10.6.7
+ version_code=4515
+ curl --http1.1 https://upload.bugsnag.com/react-native-source-map -F apiKey=API-KEY -F appVersion=10.6.7 -F appVersionCode=4515 -F dev=false -F platform=ios -F sourceMap=#ios-release-bundle.map -F bundle=#ios-release.bundle
curl: (26) Failed to open/read local data from file/application
+ echo ''

makefile giving unexpected end of file error

HOMEDIR = $(shell pwd)
DEFAULT = 4.0.3
YESDIR = $(shell echo $(#:install-%=%) | tr A-Z a-z)
NODIR = $(shell echo $(#:clean-%=%) | tr A-Z a-z)
#$(MAKE) install-$(DEFAULT)
#cd $(HOMEDIR);\
if [ ! -e $(YESDIR) ]; then \
echo "Library $(#:install-%=%) Version=$(YESDIR) does not exist"; \
elif [ -e $(YESDIR)/Install.sh ]; then \
echo "Installing $(PKGNAM) version=$(YESDIR)" ; \
cd $(YESDIR) ;\
$(SHELL) Install.sh $(HOMEDIR) 1 ;\
elif [ -e $(YESDIR)/Makefile ]; then \
cd $(YESDIR); \
$(MAKE); \
else \
echo "Installation instruction for $(#:install-%=%) Version=$(YESDIR) does not exist"; \
the above makefile gives me the following error
line 6: syntax error: unexpected end of file
Remove trailing blanks in this line:
$(SHELL) Install.sh $(HOMEDIR) 1 ;\

Tricky makefile syntax with quotes

I have the following start on a makefile rule (thanks to help from others), but it doesn't quite work yet:
#if [ $$(svn --version --quiet \
perl -ne '#a=split(/\./); \
print $$a[0]*10000 + $$a[1]*100 + $$a[2]') \
-lt 10600 ]; \
then \
echo >&2 "Svn version $$(svn --version --quiet) too old; upgrade to v1.6";
false; \
It seems the single quote in the conditional is unmatched.
Please help correct the syntax. I've tried many variants, but none seem correct.
You're missing a pipe | between svn and perl, and you're missing a backslash \ after the echo. This works for me:
#if [ $$(svn --version --quiet | \
perl -ne '#a=split(/\./); \
print $$a[0]*10000 + $$a[1]*100 + $$a[2]') \
-lt 10600 ]; \
then \
echo >&2 "Svn version $$(svn --version --quiet) too old; upgrade to v1.6"; \
false; \
