pom dependency fails in Gradle (ok in Maven) - maven

I'm writing a standalone EJB client for JBoss 7.1 and as suggested I'm using the following dependency:
This works as expected in Maven, however when used in Gradle like so:
dependencies {
compile 'org.jboss.as:jboss-as-ejb-client-bom:7.1.1.Final'
It fails with:
Could not find group:org.jboss, module:jboss-remote-naming, version:1.0.2.Final.
What is the reason for different behavior of Gradle vs. Maven?

Well the dependency you declare in Maven points to a pom packaging component, and the one in Gradle points to a jar. However there is no jar with this project since it is a pom packaging component so Gradle obviously fails.
Using Gradle you probably have to either declare a dependency to the pom somehow (not sure if that is possible) or add the dependencies from the pom to your project yourself.

Use the #pom type:
dependencies {
compile 'org.jboss.as:jboss-as-ejb-client-bom:7.1.1.Final#pom'


Maven dependencies from custom repository are not being included

I am migrating my project from ant build to maven. For the third party dependencies, we have been using a custom maven repository (url http://SOME_IP/libs).I have defined this repository in my pom file and included these dependency like this :
Thus all dependencies are getting downloaded in .m2/repository/lib but when I run mvn compile it gives me compilation error saying that those package doesn't exist.
When you set scope to runtime, the dependencies are not available for compilation. You need to set scope to compile (or leave it out, which is the same).

Dependency packaged as rar but need jar

The XADisk library deployed on Maven Central packaged as 'rar' instead of 'jar'. But i just need the jar (and possibly source) for the project i'm working on. I was wondering what the best (maven style) way is to deal with this dependency.
The jar files are available on Central but not specified in the pom thus type="jar" doesnt work
the pom is here: https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/net/java/xadisk/xadisk/1.2.2/xadisk-1.2.2.pom
and the jars can be found here: https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/net/java/xadisk/xadisk/1.2.2/xadisk-1.2.2.pom
I can't reproduce your issue, maybe they changed something in the repo?
If I add the following dependency to my project:
then the JAR file gets packaged into my project.
By the way, if no "type" is specified (for the dependency), maven uses JAR as default.

Excluding transitive dependency not working

Project A references Project B. Project B has included a local dependency. This local dependency unfortunately has a dependency to net.java.dev.designgridlayout in version 1.5.
We want to use net.java.dev.designgridlayout in version 1.11 in Project A but we are not able to "overwrite" the dependency. Eclipse always uses the dependency from Project B.
We already tried to exclude the 1.5 version from the local dependency, but it doesn't work.
The strange thing is, that Eclipse successfully resolves a class that has been added with version 1.11. For an already existing class, however, eclipse resolves it from the transitive dependency from de.someCompany.
Project B:
Project A:
I also tried to include the 1.11 dependency in Project A.
We even tried to install the DesignGridLayout V. 1.11 in the local dependency and to change the groupID and artifactId to something different, but it cannot even be found by Eclipse for some reason. If it would be possible to include the DesignGridLayout with another groupId and artifactId, I think it would work.
mvn install:install-file -Dfile=lib\designgridlayout.jar -DgroupId=com.company.designgridlayout -DartifactId=design-grid-layout -Dversion=1.11 -DgeneratePom=true -Dpackaging=jar -DlocalRepositoryPath="%USERPROFILE%\.m2\repository"
Not sure - but:
Your project A has a dependency to itself? Shouldn't it use project-b?
Its not a good idea to change group or artifact id's as maven can no longer detect its the same artifact. If you do a custom version the version number should be enough.
If you add the dependency in your own pom then you don't need to exclude the artifact, since the groupId and artifactId are the same. The version in your own pom will win in project-b. If project a defines that dependency again itself that version will win.
I would do a mvn dependency:tree on project-a pom to see where the dependencies come from.
For eclipse: it indexes the local repository. In the maven settings there is a re-index button. So if you manually copy jars in there that may help eclipse to find the artifact. But that workaround would need to be done on every machine. I would not count that as solution. In the maven world artifact-resolution is an infrastructure issue and should not be handled per project. The way this is done should be transparent through the settings.xml

Add a module dependency in Maven

I have got two Maven projects. One of them has to be dependent on the other. I use IntelliJ and I have tried to right click on project1 > Open Module Settings, and in the dependencies tab I clicked on the + symbol to add a directory or jar dependency. So far so good, when I try to import packages from the dependency it autocompletes it for me, however the compilation throws errors, saying that there are no such packages. What am I doing wrong ?
There is no notion of project in Maven.
You have a Maven project B. You chose its groupId (com.mycompany, for example), its artifactId (B, for example), and its version (1.0-SNAPSHOT, for example). You run mvn install on this project. This generates a B-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar file and stores it in your local Maven repository, with its pom.
Now you want to use B-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar in another Maven project A. For A, B is a library, just like any other library you use (log4J, Spring, Hibernate, Guava, whatever). So you add a dependency to it in the pom of A, just like you do for any other library:
<!-- other dependencies: log4J, Spring, Hibernate, Guava, whatever -->
Read the awful documentation for more details.

A conflicting jar is being added to Maven dependencies - how to track down?

I have a dependency that I have added to my project:
When I compile and run I get an error indicating a mismatch of signatures. Looking at my Maven Dependencies in my Java Build Path (Eclipse) I see a jar being added by Maven for Vaadin version 6.8.8. I have scoured my pom.xml and do not see that I have added that. I assume that this dependency is being added by another dependency.
I definitely want to use Vaadin version 7.0.5. As long as version 6.8.8 keeps getting included it will be an issue. How can I resolve this?
mvn dependency:tree
Once you have its output you can add a suitable exclusion.
