ASPx template to produce html as well as PDF in Windows Azure - windows

I have a project requirement to produce PDF files as well as HTML on a solution deployed on MS Windows Azure. The PDF files are often printed and delivered to clients as part of a presentation as and also made available through a client portal. Users of the client portal should also be able to interact with the information in a more interactive way via html. So here’s my question, are there ASPx controls that allow the information to be rendered in html or pdf that run on an Azure server?

You could just create an HTML solution and convert each page to PDF when needed. There are several tools that can help you with this:
wkhtmltopdf (LGPL, command
line applicacion)
Amyuni WebkitPDF, a HTML to PDF/XAML conversion library (free
for commercial and non-commercial use, Windows library with C#


Flutter Pdf Viewer performance

I'm creating an educational application for poor students who have android devices running on Android 4.1 and above.
I tried lots of packages but
most of them make the app crash and the rest take long to load the file and the application becomes heavy to use.
Is there a package or a way to improve the the performance?
I don't want to convert the pdf pages to images because this will make the size of the app very big to download.
These are the packages that I used:
flutter_full_pdf_viewer: ^1.0.6
pdf_image_renderer: ^0.5.0
advance_pdf_viewer: ^1.2.2
flutter_cached_pdfview: ^0.3.5 #min API Level 20
printing: ^5.2.1
pdf_flutter: ^1.1.4
flutter_pdf_viewer: ^0.6.1
native_pdf_view: ^4.0.1
flutter_pdfview: ^1.1.0
If you are facing issues with every pdf viewer then my suggestion would be to not use your app pdf viewer instead if possible you can use the default pdf viewer which generally comes preinstalled in devices. And you would need a way to know if a phone has an app that can open pdf files or not and in case it is not there then use your app pdf viewer.
The second option would be to split the pdf files into multiple pdf files like chapters, etc. I think this option is very much viable.
Also, you can try this package syncfusion_flutter_pdfviewer. I'm using it as of now and it is good.

Generating pdf of web page in laravel

I want to generate a pdf of a form that a user fills and download it to the users computer.
I tried using the Dompdf package from laravel to do this and everything works fine except the design. The generated pdf does not look exactly like the web page, after doing some searching about this issue, I found out that dompdf does not support a few of the css option.
I was wondering whether there are any other free packages like dompdf that I could use which can have rich styling and convert the web page to pdf with the exact design.

Embedded Yammer Script in SharePoint 2010 CEWP Opens Multiple New Windows with different Yammer Feed

I have two Yammer feeds that I need to embed in SharePoint 2010 using CEWPs. Each is on a separate page. The web part is linking to a text file in the Style Library. One of them is working correctly and displaying the feed. However, the other is opening the feed in the web part, but also pops up two windows with the other feed.
Both are embedded using the same script with the correct parameters. The only difference in the two being the "FeedId". Below is the contents of the text files (with the "Network" and "FeedId" parameters changed for privacy).
<div id="embedded-feed" style="height:800px;width:400px;"></div>
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://s0-azure.assets-"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
container: "#embedded-feed",
network: "",
feedType: "group",
feedId: "1234567"
Why would one of these cause popups with a different feed and the other work as expected?
This is not really a programming question and therefore may be deleted from this site. You are best to test the same Embed snippets with the configuration tool and see if you have the same issues. If you do, open a support request from within the O365 Tenant Admin portal so that someone can investigate the issue specific to your environment.
You should also note that SharePoint 2010 uses unsupported Document Modes forcing Internet Explorer to run with a down-level engine. As a result, you can experience many issues.

How OneNote accesses url of copied text from firefox, how can I use this in my app

When you copy text from a webpage in firefox (a non microsoft product) into OneNote it adds the url of the webpage along with the copied text as "Pasted from" as in the following example:
Apache OpenOffice is an open-source office productivity software suite
Pasted from <>
How OneNote access the url info of the copied text from a non microsoft app. How can I access similar information programmatically in my apps using c++/C# or other technologies? Is there some api to access additional information from system clipboard like url, source application, source file etc?
As explained in the documentation for the HTML clipboard format, Web browsers can provide an optional SourceURL to specify where the HTML came from.

Converting an Image type PDF to an OCR enabled PDF

I'm not sure if my title is overly descriptive of what I'm trying to do so I will try and elabarate.
I've been asked to develop a small application where someone can upload a PDF to the website. The website is coded in ASP classic but I don't mind going down the route of .net.
Once uploaded the code needs to check if the PDF is text based if it is not it needs to then convert the document over to the text type PDF.
Does anyone have an idea of a component that can do this image PDF to text PDF conversion? So far i've looked into:
I didn't overly understand what the ghost thing was doing and the websupergoo solution appeared to be converting images into text files?
I think you could use one of several websites that let you upload an image and send you back an OCR'ed data. Try, it is a cloud based OCR SDK recently launched by ABBYY. It's now in closed beta so it's completely free to use.
If you can afford a commercial option, you could use Amyuni PDF Creator .Net with, or Amyuni PDF Creator ActiveX if you want to stay on asp-classic. Take a look on the OCR module for PDF-Image to PDF-Text processing.
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