BitmapData pattern fill in actionscript 3.0 - image

How do i fill some BitmapData image with other image pattern in as 3.0? For example, i have an white image with black square at the center which would be "square:BitmapData" and the other image with little(2x2) blue circle which i would call "circle:BitmapData". I want to fill that square with this blue circles, is there any way to do this?
Here i found the example of what i need to do:
This is two images (left is like my square, right is like the blue circle)
And this is how it would look after filling

You can try using copyPixels() and iterating though x and y to tile the whole thing, copyPixels() is very fast.
It might be simpler to create a Sprite and use graphics.beginBitmapFill() then graphics.drawRect() with the correct size, then draw() to the BitmapData in the correct position.
If you need to determine the size and position of the black square, getColorBoundsRect() should do the job.


texture not applied properly with Three.js

I work with Forge Autodesk, and I want to apply a texture to some rectangle object. In fact I just needed some plan, but I was given a rectangle. So I want to apply my image on the main face of the rectangle.
const mytex = THREE.ImageUtils.loadTexture(mytexture)
// Repeat image through object
mytex.wrapS = THREE.RepeatWrapping //ClampToEdgeWrapping //MirroredRepeatWrapping //RepeatWrapping
mytex.wrapT = THREE.RepeatWrapping //ClampToEdgeWrapping //MirroredRepeatWrapping //RepeatWrapping
mytex.mapping = THREE.UVMapping
mytex.repeat.set (0.05, 0.05)
console.log("applied texture")
But I get this problem : a part of my image appears on the right upper side (upper and right corners are cut, so not on the rectangle), but the left and bottom sides are stretched across the rest of the rectangle face.
I would like to adapt my image so that its dimension fit the rectangle's dimensions, and not just repeat it.
I read this and this. I think my code is correctly written, but I may be missing a parameter or set the wrong one... The 2 images I am testing are 676x676 and 1024x484 pixels. I cannot access the rectangle dimensions from my function (I don't think so).
I tried to just repeat the image too but it does not work either...
Any idea ?

Removing semi-transparent overlay on flattened image

A solution to this problem seems to not exist but I find it hard to believe it is not possible.
Imagine you have an image with a semi-transparent overlay (color=black, transparency=50%), whether over the whole image or just a portion, doesn't matter. How could one convert the pixels underneath to their original color, in essence removing the black overlay.
Just like a simple algebra equation we should be able to rearrange the variables to solve for the "original pixels" under the overlay. Something along the lines of -
original pixels * semi-transparent overlay = new pixelsoriginal pixels = semi-transparent overlay / new pixels
Obviously such an equation over simplifies the problem but I think that gets my point across. Since we know the color and percent transparency, why couldn't we "retrieve" the colors of the underlying pixels?
EDIT: Mark Ransom in the comments is correct, if you know the transparency is 50% then simply multiplying by 2 gets you to the original color. Any recommendations on how to apply this to a whole region in Photoshop or GIMP? Certainly doing it pixel by pixel is out of the question.
Thank you!
The "divide" layer mode will do what you want. In the case of semi-transparent black, use a gray with the value equal to the opacity value of the overlayed layer.

How does one override "draw" in a CCNode?

I am creating a side scrolling game.
I compute all the points representing what a terrain should look like by doing the following:
The points representing the top of the hill are determined by using a sin function.
The bottom of the hill is just the bottom of the screen.
The left and right edges of the terrain, are the left and right edges of the screen, where the x coords are x=0, and x= screen width.
But I don't know how to draw it on screen, and "fill" it with some other texture. (A predetermined PNG image or something).
How does one override the draw method of a CCNode or CCSprite to accomplish this ?
In the example below I would use a square png image of stars, which I would like to repeat as I scroll the terrain from left to right.
Edit: In the tutorial below, they do all kinds of calculations and wrap a sprite around the hills. But I just want to do something simple, like fill the hills with a simple "noise" texture (no stripes etc), or a solid color. How can I do that?
EDIT: To clarify: I know one can override the draw method. But I don't know what code to put in it to accomplish the problem I described above.
Create a new class that subclasses CCNode or CCSprite, and add a draw method:
- (void) draw {
The draw method will automatically execute each frame. Put whatever "drawing" code you like within it.

How to crop the four corners of the image like rounded rectangle(vertical) after merge the two images?

I am struggling with cropping the image corners.
I want to merge two images with different shapes like one is with square shape and another one is with vertical rounded rectangle shape.
I merged the two images and blend them one on another. But I am unable to crop the square image into vertical rounded rectangle shape.
Please give me the idea how I have to crop the image corners.......
Try like this:
[myImageView.layer setCornerRadius:2.0f]; // adjust 2.0 as per your need

Image Effect with Dark Borders

I was creating an effects library for a PhotoBooth App. I have created effects like Black/White, Vintage, Sepia, Retro etc. etc.
I wanted to create a few effects now in which I wanted to have a Dark Border at the edges which kind of form a frame for the image .. something like this -> Example Effect
How can I do this using Pixel Bender and Flash ?
The effect you are describing is called vignetting. It is basically just darkening the pixels with some weight that changes depending on distance from the center of the image. In image editing it corresponds to overlaying the image with black color and applying a circular or elliptic mask to it, for example:
You can do this by several methods depending on how you operate with image and its pixels. For example by multiplying the pixels by a weight coefficient that is smaller when closer to the center and bigger when farther away from it. The distance can be calculated from the difference between pixel coordinates.
