disable message box for programs that was run from cmd - windows

I have util which at the end of it's work shows message box with notification and OK button. I run it under command line and would like to disable all message boxes that can break my process and require user reaction. Does any way to accoplish this task?

I would recommend just adding a --quiet command line switch instead, so users have better control over this kind of thing.
If you want to try to do it automatically, you can check the parent PID right when your app launches, and see if it's cmd.exe. Of course this is not 100% accurate because there are more scenarios where users don't want user interaction.

Well... you could use VBScript to automatically click or press ENTER on the messagebox. But you'll need to know the window name or number of the messagebox.
This code will bring focus to a Window called MESSAGEBOXNAME, and the press ENTER.
Set oShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
WScript.Sleep 500
oShell.SendKeys "~"
Where MESSAGEBOXNAME is the Window Name of the MessageBox, that should be in the upper right corner of the messagebox.


How to click ok on a dialog box using UFT

I got a weird dialog box in web application testing and I am just stuck. Dialog box is a conditional. It displays based on some data we enter. I just need to be able to click OK or press enter if it displays.
I clicked OK while recording. UFT does not add any code and nothing was added to OR. When I spy, it is not recognizing the ok and does not recognize the dialog box.
Manually I simply click OK or press enter to handle. Then I wrote the shell way to press enter. It does not do anything.
Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
WshShell.SendKeys "{ENTER}"
Set WshShell = Nothing
How can I handle this dialog box using UFT?
you can you insight object to identify the "Ok" button. in case you are not able to spy it.
If this is the browser's regular dialog (javascript's alert) UFT supports dismissing it using Browser(...).HandleDialog.
If this works then it should also have recorded the HandleDialog step, if it doesn't it may be a defect in UFT, I suggest contacting MicroFocus's support.

RStudio lost focus when start up

When I start up RStudio on Windows, it lost focus. I have to click on it before I could input anything to the console or script window. I know that Ctrl-1 to focus on the Script Window, and Ctrl-2 to focus on the console window; however, both of these two shortcuts will work as long as I click on RStudio first.
Is there anything I need to set in RStudio?
Software Environment:
RStudio Version 0.99.446
Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit
As a kludge, you can write a VBScript which first opens RStudio and then switches the focus to it:
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
WshShell.CurrentDirectory = "C:\Program Files\RStudio"
WshShell.Run """C:\Program Files\RStudio\bin\rstudio.exe"""
WScript.Sleep 200 'milliseconds
focused = WshShell.AppActivate("RStudio")
i = 1
Do While Not focused And i < 10
WScript.Sleep 100
focused = WshShell.AppActivate("RStudio")
i = i + 1
Save this to the desktop in a file with a name like ToRStudio.vbs. Then, when you click on the icon, it opens up Rstudio and then tries to repeatedly switch focus to the RStudio window. In my original version of the code, I relied on a fixed time delay before issuing a single call to AppActivate. But, I discovered that when my workspace saved from my last session was large then my VBScript would finish executing before RStudio was ready. With the above loop, it repeatedly tries to grab focus before timing out. Since I put in the loop, it has had a 100% success rate in opening RStudio with the proper focus. In some debugging code I removed, the variable i never once got above 3 in 10 consecutive attempts.
Obviously, you might have to change the path names, and tweak the timings.
In my comment above I said that certain things about how RStudio handled focus struck me as counterintuitive. Since then I discovered RStudio's option to automatically switch focus to console on sourcing. The lack of doing this by default is what I had in mind. The issue in this question was the only remaining focus issue for me. I'm somewhat used to it by now, so I'm not sure if I'll actually use this VBS script.

How to set focus on file dialog opened in Vbscript

Our Team is automating tests/test data preparation in QTP and we do the scripting in VBScript.
In several tests the tester who runs the script need to supply an MS-Excel file with the indata. We use UserAccounts.CommonDialog for this and it works great. Except for one litle problem, when we run this from QTP the file dialog does not get focus. It's opened in the background and it's easy for the tester that runs the script to miss it and waste time waiting for the dialog.
How do we give the file dialog focus?
Code Example:
Set ObjFSO = CreateObject("UserAccounts.CommonDialog")
ObjFSO.Filter = "MS-Excel Spreadsheets|*.xls|All Files|*.*"
while ObjFSO.ShowOpen = false
msgbox "Script Error: Please select a file!"
msgbox "You selected the file: " & ObjFSO.FileName
My guess is that since the dialog is modal, the ShowOpen method doesn't return the execution control back to the script until the dialog is closed. So there's no way to interact with the dialog as part of your test script.
As a workaround, you could spawn a parallel script that would wait for the dialog and activate it. But I guess QTP cannot run two scripts in parallel, so you'll probably need an external shell script (written in VBScript / JScript / PowerShell / etc).
Edit: Try the following:
Create an external VBScript file (.vbs) with the following contents:
Set oShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
While Not oShell.AppActivate("Open")
WScript.Sleep 500
This script calls WshShell.AppActivate to activate a window whose title contains Open (replace it with the actual dialog title). If there's no such widnow at the monent, it retries the attempt after 0.5 sec (you can increase the delay if you wish).
Launch this script from your QTP test before opening the dialog. (Use SystemUtil.Run or something like this.)
I'm not sure, but I think this should do the trick.
Did you try recording a click on the dialog - so that QTP will click on it to set focus before proceeding?

Force messagebox to foreground

I've got a VBScript that calls a Visual FoxPro Instance and runs a VFP program. Part of this program produces a messagebox. However, if my script is run from the Windows GUI (rather than a Command Prompt), then the message box produced doesn't necessarily come to the foreground.
In VBScript I have the following code:
Set oVFP = CreateObject("VisualFoxPro.Application")
oVFP.DoCmd("Messagebox('Hello World')")
Set oVFP = Nothing
When I run this script from a DOS prompt, the message box pops to the foreground. When I double-click on the script in Explorer, the Explorer window may be covering the produced messagebox. There is no indication (no extra buttons on Start bar, for example) that the messagebox is hiding back behind the Explorer window waiting for user action.
Is there a way to force the produced messagebox to the foreground?
Add the undocumented 'System Modal' flag to the MessageBox options:
Set oVFP = CreateObject("VisualFoxPro.Application")
oVFP.DoCmd("Messagebox('Hello World', 4096)")
Set oVFP = Nothing

How to bring a CMD.EXE window to top

How to bring CMD.EXE window to top? (I would prefer a command or script without a need to compile anything).
The Wscript.Shell object accessible from Windows Script Host (either VBS or JS) has a method called "AppActivate" which, when passed a window title, will attempt to "activate" (which may bring it to the foreground if it's not minimised).
The following code snippet in VBScript worked on my machine:
Set WShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
WShell.AppActivate "Command Prompt"
(Edited: Initially I hadn't tried it. Then I did)
With compiling:
Easy, just use Win32 API to FindWindow according to its title or class and then send it a message or bring it to the front.
Without compiling:
I'd suggest you'd find a command line utility that can do the equivalent of FindWindow and SetForgroundWindow, so you could call it from a batch file or any other script.
You can make an AutoHotkey Script:
^SPACE:: Winset, Alwaysontop, , Ahere
Save it as a .ahk file. Run it after you've installed Autohotkey. Now click the window of your choice and hit CTRL+Space and the window should be always on top
