Contact Form EMail not working -

I have created a contact page and contact model that has From Subject and Message as string values. Now when I try to send email from my development environment with code below, it won't work. I browsed around a bit looking for a solution but several things are unclear to me since I haven't dealt with this too often.
This is the method I use for sending e-mail. Commented part is also one of the attempts.
The error I get is: System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond
I realize that this probably has something to do with me being on dev.env., does it? What am I doing wrong?
public class Email
public void Send(Contact contact)
MailMessage mail = new MailMessage(
//new SmtpClient().Send(mail);
WebMail.Send(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ContactEmail"], contact.Subject, contact.Message, null, null, null, false, null);

Can you send mail like this, instead?
internal static void SendEmail(MailAddress fromAddress, MailAddress toAddress, string subject, string body)
var message = new MailMessage(fromAddress, toAddress)
Subject = subject,
Body = body
var client = new SmtpClient("smtpServerName");
Ref. mvc framework, automatically send e-mail

I think you need to check port number in you config file.


Graph API - BadRequest on sending channel messages with #mention

We had some code that has been working for the past 10 months (since it was developed) and just stopped working this afternoon. It's a WebAPI code to send a channel message mentioning the bot and a user, which now is returning "Bad Request. Invalid request body was sent."
If the "Mentions" property is not provided, the call works, and the message is sent without the #mentions. So, I wonder if there was a breaking change in this API that's now expecting a different format for the "Mentions" property.
It's quite simple to reproduce by following the example code found in the Microsoft Graph documentation.
I'm posting here in the hope some fellow dev spots something obvious or is aware of an alternative way of using the API that it might stop complaining, as Microsoft takes forever to reply.
Here's the code we have that can lead me to discover the issue:
private async Task SendMentionToTheBotAsync(GraphServiceClient onBehalfOfClient, string userName, string teamId, string channelId)
var supportAgentUser = await onBehalfOfClient.Me.Request().GetAsync();
var chatMessage = new ChatMessage
Body = new ItemBody
ContentType = BodyType.Html,
Content = $"<at id=\"0\">{Configuration["BotName"]}</at>: This is the start of the conversation between {userName} and <at id=\"1\">{supportAgentUser.DisplayName}</at>."
Mentions = new List<ChatMessageMention>
new ChatMessageMention
Id = 0,
MentionText = Configuration["BotName"],
Mentioned = new IdentitySet
Application = new Identity
DisplayName = Configuration["BotName"],
Id = Configuration["BotAppId"],
AdditionalData = new Dictionary<string,object>
"applicationIdentityType", "bot"
new ChatMessageMention
Id = 1,
MentionText = supportAgentUser.DisplayName,
Mentioned = new IdentitySet
User = new Identity
DisplayName = supportAgentUser.DisplayName,
Id = supportAgentUser.Id,
AdditionalData = new Dictionary<string,object>
"userIdentityType", "aadUser"
await onBehalfOfClient.Teams[teamId].Channels[channelId].Messages
Microsoft Support responded with :
"Thank you for contacting Microsoft Support.
I understand the issue is related to the post messages to Teams. Based on the screenshot, it seems you are using mention to a channel. It's possible that you are using key "conversationIdentityType#odata.type" in your request.
Could you please try to remove "conversationIdentityType#odata.type" key from the request body and try again. It should work. It is because deployment is on the way in the Asia region. Once it's 100% rolled out, this key WILL NOT be entertained in the request."
Removed the key and it worked for me.
Unfortunately i am not a programmer. I am using Graph calls in a Microsoft 365 Power Automate workflow. I have an app that i use to get the Authorisation Bearer token and then post to Teams messages using a graph HTTP action.
Here is the syntax of the HTTP ( purple items are variables if u r not familiar with Flow )
click to view image of Power Automate workflow HTTP action

ZeroMQ choose recipient

I'm new to ZeroMQ (and to networking in general), and have a question about using ZeroMQ in a setup where multiple clients connect to a single server. My situation is as follows:
--1 server
--multiple clients
--Clients send messages to server: I've already figured out how to do this part.
--Server sends messages to a specific client: This is the part I'm having trouble with. When certain events get handled on the server, the server will need to send a message to a specific client -- not all clients. In other words, the server will need to be able to choose which client to send a given message to.
Right now, this is my server code:
using (NetMQContext ctx = NetMQContext.Create())
using (var server = ctx.CreateResponseSocket())
while (true)
string fromClientMessage = server.ReceiveString();
Console.WriteLine("From Client: {0}", fromClientMessage);
server.Send("ack"); // There is no overload for the 'Send'
method that takes an IP address as an argument!
I have a feeling that the problem is that my design is wrong, and that the ResponseSocket type isn't meant to be used in the way that I want to use it. Since I'm new to this, any advice is very much appreciated!
when using the Response socket you always replying to the client that sent you the message. So the Request-Response socket types together are just simple request response.
To more complicated scenarios you probably want to use Dealer-Router.
With router the first frame of each message is the routing id (the identity of the client that sent you the message)
so your example with router will look like:
using (NetMQContext ctx = NetMQContext.Create())
using (var server = ctx.CreateRouterSocket())
while (true)
byte[] routingId = server.Receive();
string fromClientMessage = server.ReceiveString();
Console.WriteLine("From Client: {0}", fromClientMessage);
I also suggest to read the zeromq guide, it will probably answer most of your questions.

Send a mail from outlook by getting To list from SQl server

I am stuck with a issue from 5 days.
I need a way to attain following requirement.
mailing list is present in Database(SQL server)
I have a mail in Outlook
now i have to send mail to all the 200,000 mail ids in Database
**Note one mail can have only 200 mail IDs so
200,000/200=1000 mails **Note: this 200,000 count is not fixed it will decrease and increase>
like will be present today , next day we may need not send to him
his name might be completely removed (so DL is not an option)
I need a way to automate this
All i have a sleep less nights and coffee cups on my desk
I work in any PL which meets this need is fine.
I assume that you know how to create sql statement for what you need and how to retrieve data from database in .NET. This means that only issue is actually sending this from outlook.
Here is an article that describes this in detail and piece of code copied from there.
using System;
using System.Text;
using Outlook = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook;
namespace OutlookAddIn1
class Sample
public static void SendEmailFromAccount(Outlook.Application application, string subject, string body, string to, string smtpAddress)
// Create a new MailItem and set the To, Subject, and Body properties.
Outlook.MailItem newMail = (Outlook.MailItem)application.CreateItem(Outlook.OlItemType.olMailItem);
newMail.To = to;
newMail.Subject = subject;
newMail.Body = body;
// Retrieve the account that has the specific SMTP address.
Outlook.Account account = GetAccountForEmailAddress(application, smtpAddress);
// Use this account to send the e-mail.
newMail.SendUsingAccount = account;
public static Outlook.Account GetAccountForEmailAddress(Outlook.Application application, string smtpAddress)
// Loop over the Accounts collection of the current Outlook session.
Outlook.Accounts accounts = application.Session.Accounts;
foreach (Outlook.Account account in accounts)
// When the e-mail address matches, return the account.
if (account.SmtpAddress == smtpAddress)
return account;
throw new System.Exception(string.Format("No Account with SmtpAddress: {0} exists!", smtpAddress));
What I would suggest is to skip using outlook unless that’s really necessary and send email by directly communicating with SMTP server.
Just search for “how to send email from C#” or something similar and you’ll find a ton of examples.

Reply To Email Address Not Working

I am trying to send an email address in my application as someone (email should show up as if it were sent from that), but anytime I send the email, the name shows up as I supplied, but no matter what I do, the email address is what I am using to authenticate.
Is there any way to have the email to appear as if it is coming from someone I specify or will it always show up as coming from the authenticated email?
Here is what I have...
using (var message = new MailMessage()
From = From != new MailAddress(From.Email, From.FormalName),
Subject = Subject,
Body = Body
if (To != null)
foreach (var address in To)
message.To.Add(new MailAddress(address.Email, address.FormalName));
if (CC != null)
foreach (var address in CC)
message.CC.Add(new MailAddress(address.Email, address.FormalName));
var smtp = new SmtpClient
Host = "",
Port = 587,
EnableSsl = true,
DeliveryMethod = SmtpDeliveryMethod.Network,
UseDefaultCredentials = false,
Credentials = new NetworkCredential("myaccount", "mypassword")
message.IsBodyHtml = true;
message.Headers.Add("Reply-To", message.From.Address);
It looks like you're expecting the Reply-To: header to indicate who the message is from. In fact, there is a header called From: for this purpose. So try:
message.Headers.Add("From", message.From.Address);
Do note that Gmail will probably add a Sender: header (that may or may not be shown by the recipient's email client) that reflects the actual account you used to send the message.
Best practice when sending automated emails from a specific user is to use the 'on behalf of' syntax (ReplyTo or Sender in MailMessage) in conjunction with a from address from your system see Sending "on behalf of" emails
however you can put the address straight into from as a string so long as your mail server supports it and the receiving mail server does not do a reverse look-up

Exchange Web Services (EWS) API "To" header for alias

I have an inbox set up in exchange,
Additionally, there is an alias for this,, so all emails to the news address end up in the hello inbox.
Ideally, I want to be able to tell which alias an email has been sent to, using EWS.
When I send an email to, and examine the Internet headers of the message using Microsoft Outlook, the To: header reads To: Hello <> which is exactly what I want to see.
However, using EWS, when I look at the ToRecipients property of the message, the reported email address is always that of the primary SMTP address. Also the InternetMessageHeaders property of the Webservices.Data.Item does not contain the To: property. I also can't seem to see the correct address using EWSEditor to examine all the properties of the message.
The answer to this forum post seems to suggest that,
...The Information about the actual email address a message is sent to is stored in the recipients collection which you can't access (outside of exportmessage) in EWS...
How would I go about doing this programatically so I can find the correct To: address?
This works for me:
private static string GetToAddress()
ExchangeService exService = new ExchangeService();
exService.Credentials = new NetworkCredential("username", "password", "domain");
exService.Url = new Uri("https://youraddress/EWS/Exchange.asmx");
ExtendedPropertyDefinition PR_TRANSPORT_MESSAGE_HEADERS = new ExtendedPropertyDefinition(0x007D,MapiPropertyType.String);
PropertySet psPropSet = new PropertySet(BasePropertySet.FirstClassProperties)
FindItemsResults<Item> fiResults = exService.FindItems(WellKnownFolderName.Inbox, new ItemView(1));
foreach (Item itItem in fiResults.Items)
Object valHeaders;
if (itItem.TryGetProperty(PR_TRANSPORT_MESSAGE_HEADERS, out valHeaders))
Regex regex = new Regex(#"To:.*<(.+)>");
Match match = regex.Match(valHeaders.ToString());
if (match.Groups.Count == 2)
return match.Groups[1].Value;
return ToAddress;
return "Cannot find ToAddress";
The code is from:
