How to Create an .ear file using JDeveloper - jdeveloper

I am new to Jdeveloper. I am using JDeveloper 10g. I have created one project abc.jws under which there are five .jpr folders(DTO.jpr,persistence.jpr,service.jpr,util.jpr,ViewController.jpr). I want to create .ear file for the whole project so that it can be directly put in the production environment. When I right click on the abc.jws and select New, the EAR option under deployment profiles is always disabled. I would highly appreciate if someone can help me on this.

Go to Application -> Deploy and deploy as EAR file. That's it.
In the pop up the location of EAR file generated will be there.

Try this:
For every project you need a jar so right click on them and select "new"
Choose "Deployment Profiles" --> "JAR File"
On your main project (in jDev) right click and select new
In "General" --> "Deployment Profiles" folder choose "WAR File" (I know you want an EAR file...)
Now you should have a deploy descriptor in the "Resources" folder, if it doesn't open automatically then double click on it
Give names to the EAR files and WAR files, specify your context-root name and so on
In "Profile Dependencies" check the deployment profile of the other projects (so it will recreate the JAR files when ever you make an EAR file)
Right click on the deployment descriptor ("file.deploy") and choose "Deploy to EAR file"
Hope it helps

Right Click on your Application -->Deploy-->FileName.ear a .ear file will be created at specified location


Intellij - adding another SpringBoot project

I have generated two Spring Initializer Maven projects. I open the first one with File-Open-location_of_the_file, It opens up the project, when I want to open the second project it closes the previous project. I want to be able to see both projects in the project window.
I don't want the program to open a second IntelliJ window, I just want them to be inside the same window, same file explorer inside IntelliJ.
I have both projects in the /documents/microservices folder.
I'm relatively new to IntelliJ, help would be greatly appreciated.
Use Import Module action: File | New | Module from Existing Sources.
See Import an existing module documentation for more information.
I solved this issue by doing this:
View -> Tool Windows -> maven -> + "Add maven projects" -> find the pom.xml from the project and then it adds it to your file explorer.

How do you change the spring-boot dashboard project name in VS Code?

How do you change the spring-boot dashboard project name that shows up in VS Code?
I have tried changing every instance of 'boilerplate-spring' in the project folder including the launch.json configuration file, but when I restart VS Code the same name appears.
With Version: 1.62.3 it's enough to
change the name of the <artifactId> in your project pom.xml
use Clean workspace from the menu ... of the Java Project view
=> The views Java Project and Spring Boot Dashboard shows the new, changed name.
Change the name of your project name in your pom.xml file. Example: boilerplate-spring to hello-world-spring
Remove your project from VS Workspace: this will remove your project from Spring Boot Dashboard
Add again your project to the VS Workspace: this will add your project to Spring Boot Dashboard with the new name.
Here's work-around that just involves copying the project:
Change all references of the existing project name to the new name. (e.g. boilerplate-spring to my-app-spring in .vscode/launch.json)
With VS Code closed, using windows explorer make a copy your project folder. (e.g. proj to proj-copy)
Open VS Code with the new folder. (e.g. proj-copy)
Wait until the SPRING-BOOT DASHBOARD extension loads the project. It should now have the new name. (e.g. my-app-spring).
Close VS Code.
Delete the previous project folder. (e.g. proj)
Rename the copied folder back to the original name (e.g. proj-copy to proj).
Open VS Code to the original folder. (e.g. proj)

In STS - spring tool suite, war files are not showing up to add in tomcat?

I ran the clean and install commands and I can see the war file gets generated. But I am unable to add it to the tomcat server in STS. In the add modules option of the server, the war is not showing up. Has anyone faced this issue before?
Check if your project is set to "facetted form" (right click project name, "Properties", "Project Facets") and enable "Dynamic Web Project". After that you can even add your project to the server by drag and drop.
For Spring-Boot projects better use the "Boot Dashboard" (click "Window", "show view", "other", "Spring Boot Dashboard".

XCode SubProject configuration

due to working needs, I need to integrate an xcodeproj into my existing project as subproject.
The structure of my two projects is the following
Structure of the two projects
What is the best practice to integrate (no cocoapods) the subProject into my main project?
I have done the following steps as you can see from the picture below:
Integration Steps
I have copied the folder and all the files to my MainProject
In XCode I have added files to MainProject and then I have choose
the "SubProject.xcodeproj" and I can see the structure in the
project navigator.
I have added into the "Search Header Path" the following sentence:
"${SRCROOT}/../SubProject" with recursive search.
I am not be able to import into my main project the header of the sub project. How can I solve my situation? What I am missing?
Is not clear what you mean with "Integrate a sub project". What to you want achieve? A single target or every project should build a different binary?
First of all I would suggest you to put both project in the same folder, in your example they are both inside the Desktop folder so this is ok.
As second step you should create a workspace, and add both project to this workspace. There is no need of moving folders around, just drag the project icon inside xCode, just below the workspace icon.

Set application icon from resources in VS 05

I know I can add a icon to the Resources.resx file of a project and then reference that icon from within the code.
How do I set the icon of the entire EXE from the resources? All I see is a place to browse for another file. I want to use the current icon file that I have in my resources and not have to have a duplicate file in my project...
The way that the adding of an application icon is that you must select it from the local file system, and then it is embedded into the application at build time. As far as I know it is not possible to have it first pull from a resource file.
One solution I always use to prevent duplicate file references, is to create a solution folder such as "Project Dependencies". And then all refereces are made from that folder, so when building it pulls from the Project Dependencies folder.
This would work for resource files also, just copy them to the solution folder first and then drag them into your resource.
And for the assembly icon, just browse to the Project Dependencies folder as well.
Good Luck!
