Hide NSView overflow - cocoa

I'm a web dev guy. The overflow:hidden CSS property tells the render engine to not draw the current view's content across the parent's borders.
In my current project, I have a custom NSWindow with a custom NSView with rounded corners by using NSMakeRect, overwriting drawRect: and so on. A WebView inside the NSView is strechted across the entire NSView frame.
Now the WebView 'overflows' the rounded corners of theNSView`. What I do like to have is that the WebView has the same mask as the NSView.
How would you do that?

Also make sure your view sets clips subviews to true. As far as I understand you, this is what you are looking for, and prevents f.ex. images to reach out of the parent view.
[self.view setClipsToBounds:YES];

You can set a corner radius to the layer of a view.
myView.layer.cornerRadius = 5.0f;
You'll have to add QuartzCore.framework.


iOS 8 imageView inside scrollView with autolayout not working

This is a very simple ViewController. I have an imageView inside a scrollView. Using autolayout I set scrollview's constraints to its view's edges. Also, imageView mode is AspectFit.
The image is provided at runtime, and it may be a landscape or portrait size. When I run the app, the image doesn't fit the current screen size. It seems that scrollView's boundaries are not being honored, thus only part of the image is being displayed. It used to work on ios7 and xcode5, but it's broken for ios8 xcode6.
Any ideas? I need to keep the use of autolayout whenever possible.
Your going to set the imageviews horizontal constraints and pin them to self.view (the scrollviews parent view) instead of the scrollview.
There is a good example of this here:
Using UIScrollView with Auto Layout in iOS
Try this to zoom out completely
[self.scrollView zoomToRect:self.imageView.frame animated:YES];
Have you tried a call to imageView.sizeToFit() in viewDidLoad? My impression is that imageView's size is fluid until the outlets are set. A call to sizeToFit forces the issue.

How to animate horizontal bar with right cap, by UIView animation in iPhone

I got wiered but unsurprising animation from call UIView animation, I don't know if it works the same by using CALayer animation. I guess it is.
please see this picture: what I want is to animate a horizontal bar growing horizontally, what I do is:
Subclass a UIView, called UIViewBar, and in its drawRect:rect method, I draw the shape of rectangle and a right cap, it's done by
CGContextMoveToPoint A
CGcontextAddLineToPoint B
CGContextAddArcToPoint D
CGContextAddLineToPoint C
//then close the path and fill the context
Then I call this UIViewBar (initWithFrame:rect) in my UIViewController, and the shape is what I want, looks fine. BUT when I perform [UIView animation] say from original rect to rectGrew it does not perform nicely. Instead, it perform as the picture says.
Well, after thinking, it's not totally unreasonable because when the UIView horizontally stretches itself, it does not know the cap will not be changed. So is there another way to do this?
Actually, I'm very new to drawing, graphic, and animation. What I know is that (if wrong please kindly correct me):
If I want to "draw something", I should override the UIView's drawRect method, and this is done by initing the UIView, should not or better not to be called outside. Say I drew a rectangle in a UIView by CGContextFillRect.....
But what if I want to animate this rectangle? I cannot make animation based on Quartz2D, but from UIView animation or CALayer(deeper tech), so What I have to do is to make the rectangle itself as a seperate UIViewRect seperately, so I can call the [UIViewRect animation] method, AM I RIGHT ON THIS
If so, I have to make every rectangle that I want to animate to be UIView respectively. Doesn't it affect performance? Or it is just the way apple prefers to do ?
Any suggestion will be much helpful, GREAT thanks.
Wow, it's the first time that no answer posted at all! TO answer my question: it requires to consider animate custom property of CALayer. The custom property is the AB width (the width without cap width, that should work). If someone wants detailed code. Please google custom property animate in CALayer.

Subview of NSView get clipped when using CATransform3DMakeTranslation on layer of NSView

I have a NSView with three NSImageView subviews. I'm having trouble with the subviews clipping when I use CATransform3DMakeTranslation to translate along the x axis.
I primarily do iOS development and this is my first go in this realm. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I ended up having to turn the Core Animation Layer on for the content view of my window. I found the answer here: How to make NSView not clip its bounding area?

Clipping rounded corners on a NSScrollView

I have a simple custom borderless NSWindow subclass which has a rounded rectangle shape.
In the content view of this window, I've added an NSScrollView.
How do I get the NSScrollView to clip its document view to the rounded rectangle shape of the NSWindow?
I've tried subclassing the NSScrollView, overriding drawRect: and adding a clipping path before calling super. I've also tried subclassing the document view and the clip view with the same technique but I cannot get it to clip.
BTW, this is on Lion with the elastic scrolling behaviour.
After much fiddling, I just discovered that NSScrollView's can be made to have rounded corners by simply giving it a backing layer and setting that layer's corner radius provided you also do the same to it's internal NSClipView. Both are required, which now makes sense, since it's the clip view that actually provides the viewable window into the NSScrollView's document view.
NSScrollView * scrollView = ...;
// Give the NSScrollView a backing layer and set it's corner radius.
[scrollView setWantsLayer:YES];
[scrollView.layer setCornerRadius:10.0f];
// Give the NSScrollView's internal clip view a backing layer and set it's corner radius.
[scrollView.contentView setWantsLayer:YES];
[scrollView.contentView.layer setCornerRadius:10.0f];
Even better IMO:
scrollView.wantsLayer = true
scrollView.layer?.masksToBounds = true
scrollView.contentView.wantsLayer = true
scrollView.contentView.layer?.masksToBounds = true
In Swift I have solved like this:
scrollView.wantsLayer = true
scrollView.contentView.wantsLayer = true
scrollView.layer?.cornerRadius = 20.0
scrollView.contentView.layer?.cornerRadius = 20.0

UIView backed by CATiledLayer in UIScrollView doesn't scroll initially

I'm adding a CATiledLayer backed UIView in UIScrollView.
When the view is first loaded, I'm trying to fit the UIView, by setting the zoomScale of UIScrollView - this fits the UIView and the layered contents.
I'm having a method to fetch the tiles of image and I'm rendering them in drawLayer:inContext:
Now even if the contentsize of scrollview/frame of CATiledLayer view is greater than UIScrollView, it doesn't scroll initially.
The moment I try to zoom by pinching the screen, I'm able to scroll perfectly.
I can't scale the CGContext in drawLayer:inContext, since the context I receive is of a tile and not whole image and I have 20 tiles which make up my image.
At the end of the initWithFrame of the PDFScrollView i added the line:-
self.zoomScale = 1.0;
This worked for me.
The code is pretty much doing the same stuff as apple example
which also doesnt scroll on loading
