how to run phantomjs on heroku? - ruby

I am trying to run phantomjs on the heroku cedar stack.
I am using a phantomjs buildpack for heroku
However I followed the instructions but still cannot make it work.
When I run the command heroku run bash and type phantomjs --version it says phantomjs: command not found
I read things about LD_LIBRARY_PATH that needs to be set to "/usr/local/lib:/usr/lib:/lib:/app/vendor/phantomjs/lib", this is what i did but without success.
Is there something that i am missing ?
Where does the buildpack install the phantomjs binary exactly ? Is there a way to know the path where the binary is ?
I am using ruby 1.9.2
Thanks a lot for your help.
EDIT: To be more precise, i want to combine ruby and phantomjs, so i am using this custom buildpack:, but when i push to heroku i get "Heroku push rejected, failed to compile Multipack app"

Download the 64-bit linux binary file from here
Create a bin/ directory in your app if you do not already have one and place the binary file there. You should then be able to test if you can run it with "heroku run 'phantomjs'" or "heroku run 'bin/phantomjs'"

For phantomjs with javascript
I dont know if the previous examples are actually necessary becasue although i am working with javascript it should not be different. For me all i had to do was place the phantomjs buildpack as the first on the list of installed buildpacks on your master.
check available buildpacks
open terminal from the app folder and type:
heroku buildpacks
This wll show the available buildpacks.
As you can see the buildpack is second on this list. We need tomake it the first in the list.So, what i did was i removed the phantomjs builpack and then add it again but this time made sure its first on the list of all available buildpacks.
So, to remove a buildpack, type:
heroku buildpacks:remove
this removes the buildpack.You can check it by typing:
heroku buildpacks
Now, it should only show,
Great, now we add the phantomjs buildackmaking sure its first . So on terminal type:
heroku buildpacks:add --index 1
You can check if its first by typing:
heroku buildpacks
Now, it should be ,
Thats It!!
now, on terminal , type:
heroku run bash
once you're in bash, type
phantomjs --version
The current verion of phantomjs should be shown on the terminal.


Heroku CLI Error: create is not a heroku command

I have created heroku applications from the terminal before, but for some reason, this is not working for me:
$ heroku create my-app
I get the following result
Refreshing plugins... !
▸ semver has no commands. Is this a CLI plugin?
Refreshing plugins... done
Refreshing plugins... !
▸ semver has no commands. Is this a CLI plugin?
Refreshing plugins... done
▸ create is not a heroku command.
▸ Perhaps you meant update
▸ Run heroku help for a list of available commands.
I updated my brew to have the latest version of heroku. When I run heroku -v I get:
heroku-cli/6.15.11 (darwin-x64) node-v9.3.0
I'm also pretty sure it is installed correctly. When I run which heroku I get:
One weird clue seems to be that heroku help gives me the following:
Refreshing plugins... !
▸ semver has no commands. Is this a CLI plugin?
Refreshing plugins... done
Refreshing plugins... !
▸ semver has no commands. Is this a CLI plugin?
Refreshing plugins... done
Usage: heroku COMMAND
Help topics, type heroku help TOPIC for more details:
plugins add/remove CLI plugins
Which seems like it clearly does not include create as one of the commands, so do I need to add create somehow? I know that create is shorthand for apps:create so I tried both and got the same result.
I'm not sure if it's relevant, but I recently updated to Mac OS High Sierra.
I hit the same problem. The only solution I found was to uninstall from homebrew, and then manually install the heroku-cli package from here
I only experienced this after upgrading to High Sierra.
Please, make sure your path variable are setup correctly
Please, make sure that you are logged in to your account.
You can login using following command from command line:
$ heroku login
Email: <your email>
Password: <your password>
navigate to the root folder in your system where you want to host application locally and try with your command.
This ended up being a bigger issue than originally expected. Today (after trying the suggestion in the comments), I realized I was also having issues with node (I was unable to npm init anywhere). I ended up completely reinstalling macOS.
When that didn't work, I erased and reinstalled macOS completely. After reinstalling node and heroku through brew, it did work.
I know erasing and reinstalling macOS is a pretty drastic option, but it didn't seem like anything else was working. I'm hoping there's a better answer out there, but I just wanted to include this in case someone else stumbled upon this question.

Windows bash 'Cannot create property 'exitCode' on string 'autoupdate:' Installing Heroku CLI/Toolbelt

I am attempting to install the Heroku CLI/Toolbelt on an bash shell version 4.3.48(1) (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu) running on Windows 10. I'm entering wget -qO- | sh in the command line, and after the packages download I'm getting the below:
Preparing to unpack .../heroku_6.14.24-1_amd64.deb ...
Unpacking heroku (6.14.24-1) ...
Setting up heroku (6.14.24-1) ...
+ which heroku
+ LOCATION=/usr/bin/heroku
+ echo heroku cli installed to /usr/bin/heroku
heroku cli installed to /usr/bin/heroku
+ heroku version
▸ Cannot create property 'exitCode' on string 'autoupdate:'
And then it just takes me back to the command line. If I try heroku --v or any other heroku CLI command I get this same error
▸ Cannot create property 'exitCode' on string 'autoupdate:'
I can't find any record of this error code anywhere online. Any thoughts? I really do not know where to start here, usually a good search at least sets me on the path but I have crickets here. Let me know if any further details are required. FWIW the toolbelt was working as of a few days ago, I just had to uninstall and reinstall my bash shell due to an unfortunate incident with Linuxbrew so am rebuilding everything from scratch.
this is fixed but the CLI might have trouble updating. Delete ~/.local/share/heroku and run heroku update and it should be fixed.

MODULE_NOT_FOUND in heroku pg:backups

I've got problem with heroku pg:backups capture --app myapp command.
Heroku CLI submits usage information back to Heroku. If you would like to disable this, set `skip_analytics: true` in /home/ubuntu/.heroku/config.json
heroku-cli: Updating to 4.99.0-e5f5ef4... done
heroku-cli: Updating CLI...heroku-cli: Updating to 5.11.8-f58f4fa... done
Starting backup of postgresql-spherical-5948... done
Use Ctrl-C at any time to stop monitoring progress; the backup will continue running.
Use heroku pg:backups:info to check progress.
Stop a running backup with heroku pg:backups:cancel.
Backing up DATABASE to b598... pending
Backing up DATABASE to b598... !
▸ MODULE_NOT_FOUND: Cannot find module 'bytes'
Does anybody have similar problem? This command is launched with deploy on CircleCI.
I started running into the same problem yesterday and was finally able to come up with a solution that is working for me.
For starters, it looks like bytes is a dependency of heroku-pg, which is the part of Heroku CLI that is being used for the backups command. It seems like the dependency is not being included or installed with the version of heroku-cli that is being used to run the backup command.
I tried CircleCI’s “Rebuild with SSH” to troubleshoot the issue, and encountered similar error messages when attempting the backup command there. While trying to reinstall heroku-cli using npm, I found that the npm and node versions were way behind what heroku-cli wanted, so maybe that is part of the problem? Anyway, reinstalling with npm only produced an even more broken Heroku CLI.
Finally I checked the build environment and it was set to Ubuntu 12.04 (Precise) which probably explains the way out of date npm/node packages. I changed it to Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty) and pushed a new commit to CircleCI (A rebuild alone is not sufficient to change OS versions) and was able to successfully run the backup command that had been failing!
Solution: Set CircleCI build environment to Ubuntu 14.04

heroku: bash: bundle: command not found

I am porting a Heroku app from Aspen to Cedar stack at Heroku, following their instructions.
I'm at the last deploy step. I get this error:
2012-10-22T11:23:53+00:00 heroku[web.1]: Starting process with command `bundle exec thin start -p 40310 -e production`
2012-10-22T11:23:54+00:00 app[web.1]: bash: bundle: command not found
I can't see how I can be responsible for telling the Heroku stack where bundle is, or providing it, since bundler is used by it for exactly this job. This command is specified in the Procfile for the app:
web: bundle exec thin start -p $PORT -e $RACK_ENV
Another similar question on stackoverflow suggests that this happens if the app is pushed to Heroku without a Procfile initially, so Heroku gets the wrong idea about what kind of app it is. That poster deleted his app and created a new one and reported success. However, the effort involved in deleting and recreating my ported app is high. Is there some way I can fix this rather than start over?
Heroku's slug build process must have changed with regard to ruby 1.8.7 apps. I'm guessing they started bundling to 1.8 paths instead of 1.9.1 for 1.8 apps. My previously working app stopped working after I tried to push a new revision.
Here's what got it working again:
heroku config:add PATH=bin:vendor/bundle/1.8/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin GEM_PATH=vendor/bundle/1.8
I took these paths from a newly created app using the same git repository as I used before.
EDIT: Turns out that heroku published a devcenter article Changing Ruby Version Breaks Path that specifies paths for various ruby versions.
I had the same issue and I solved it by setting the correct heroku config variables
$ heroku config
=== xxxx Config Vars
DATABASE_URL: postgres://(...)
GEM_PATH: vendor/bundle/ruby/1.9.1
PATH: bin:vendor/bundle/ruby/1.9.1/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin
PGBACKUPS_URL: https://(...)
RACK_ENV: production
RAILS_ENV: production
you can create an empty rails app, push it to heroku and check the variables it automatically set, then copy (and adapt) them to your application

Why can't I start a Heroku console on the Cedar stack?

Trying to debug a new Heroku deployment - seems to be missing a db table. To do this, I'm running heroku run console but I get back :-
Running console attached to terminal... up, run.7
sh: console: not found
under both my Linux and Windows environments
What have I missed to get this working?
[Very late update : this is for a Java Heroku app, not a RoR one, so anything related to rails is a little lost on me]
on Celadon Cedar Stack it is changed to:
$ heroku run bash
$ heroku run bash
…#…:/app$ script/rails console
It worked for me. Though the second step is specific to Ruby on Rails – I don’t know the equivalent commands for other platforms and frameworks.
To run rails console, it's just:
heroku run rails console
