How to change Port of Apache ACE? - osgi

I want to change the port of Apache ACE to 80. How can I do that? I could not find any documentation for that. I have tried by changing value of key Dorg.osgi.service.http.port in file from 8080 to 80. But after this, i am not able to login in Apache ace. It gives invalid username & password message. However, i am able to login through same credentials if i run it on port 8080.

The properties in following files needs to be updated for port change.

In current release (1.0.0) you can achieve what you were initially trying by removing following lines from that resides inside server(-allinone).jar

With 1.0.0 I was not able to pass in parameters via -D (which were commented out previously).
What worked for me was setting port numbers in server-allinone.jar/

With Ace 1.0, we used command line properties to change the port (to 8083 in our case):
java -Dorg.apache.ace.server.port=8083 -Dorg.osgi.service.http.port=8083 -jar server-allinone.jar
This did not work any more with Ace 2.0.1, ie we could change the port but authentication would not work. I identified the properties to be changed in but set them on the command line instead of changing This keeps from having to recreate the jar. The command line I use is:
java -Dorg.apache.ace.server=localhost:8083 -Dorg.osgi.service.http.port=8083 -Dorg.apache.ace.obr=localhost:8083 -jar server-allinone.jar


Unable to connect to Mosquitto broker running on a Windows EC2 Instance from outside the EC2 Instance [duplicate]

I have a virtual machine that is supposed to be the host, which can receive and send data. The first picture is the error that I'm getting on my main machine (from which I'm trying to send data from). The second picture is the mosquitto log on my virtual machine. Also I'm using the default config, which as far as I know can't cause these problems, at least from what I have seen from other examples. I have very little understanding on how all of this works, so any help is appreciated.
What I have tried on the host machine:
Disabling Windows defender
Adding firewall rules for "mosquitto.exe"
Installing mosquitto on a linux machine
Starting with the release of Mosquitto version 2.0.0 (you are running v2.0.2) the default config will only bind to localhost as a move to a more secure default posture.
If you want to be able to access the broker from other machines you will need to explicitly edit the config files to either add a new listener that binds to the external IP address (or or add a bind entry for the default listener.
By default it will also only allow anonymous connections (without username/password) from localhost, to allow anonymous from remote add:
allow_anonymous true
More details can be found in the 2.0 release notes here
You have to run with
mosquitto -c mosquitto.conf
mosquitto.conf, which exists in the folder same with execution file exists (C:\Program Files\mosquitto etc.), have to include following line.
listener 1883 ip_address_of_the_machine( etc.)
By default, the Mosquitto broker will only accept connections from clients on the local machine (the server hosting the broker).
Therefore, a custom configuration needs to be used with your instance of Mosquitto in order to accept connections from remote clients.
On your Windows machine, run a text editor as administrator and paste the following text:
listener 1883
allow_anonymous true
This creates a listener on port 1883 and allows anonymous connections. By default the number of connections is infinite. Save the file to "C:\Program Files\Mosquitto" using a file name with the ".conf" extension such as "your_conf_file.conf".
Open a terminal window and navigate to the mosquitto directory. Run the following command:
mosquitto -v -c your_conf_file.conf
-c : specify the broker config file.
-v : verbose mode - enable all logging types. This overrides
any logging options given in the config file.
I found I had to add, not only bind_address ip_address but also had to set allow_anonymous true before devices could connect successfully to MQTT. Of course I understand that a better option would be to set user and password on each device. But that's a next step after everything actually works in the minimum configuration.
For those who use mosquitto with homebrew on Mac.
Adding these two lines to /opt/homebrew/Cellar/mosquitto/2.0.15/etc/mosquitto/mosquitto.conf fixed my issue.
allow_anonymous true
listener 1883
you can run it with the included 'no-auth' config file like so:
mosquitto -c /mosquitto-no-auth.conf
I had the same problem while running it inside docker container (generated with docker-compose).
In docker-compose.yml file this is done with:
command: mosquitto -c /mosquitto-no-auth.conf

Want to access Spring Boot Service without port in URL

For example works fine
But if I try to access Error - The site can't be reached.
What are the ways to access it without a port in URL?
Assign port 80 instead of 8081 will work.
Update in /src/main/resources/ with
Alternatively you may also set server.port as system property using command line option to jvm -Dserver.port=80

Changing Default Ports in Moqui

Moqui Framework Version : 2.1.3
The Framework runs on the default port 8080 just fine, i would like to change the default ports and i did read
which states > "Each of these can be system environment variables (with underscores) or Java properties (with underscores or dots) using the -D command-line argument.
i did find the webapp_ variables are referenced in MoquiDefaultConf.xml as mentioned in the above material and tried using the below start command >
$sudo nohup java -Dwebapp_http_host=localhost -Dwebapp_http_port=9080 -Dwebapp_https_port=9443 -jar moqui.war conf=conf/MoquiDevConf.xml &
However the above command does not seem to change the port, Moqui is still running on default port 8080, What could i be missing?
I also tried the solution to update the webapp tag in MoquiDevConf.xml as mentioned in Running Moqui on Tomcat over SSL (setting http-port and htts-port) - return code 302 with no joy,
Appreciate any pointers, i'm really stuck
The environment variables or Java properties you mention are for setting the ports to use when building URLs. These are the external ports used for accessing your server and if a load balancer or reverse proxy is used may be different from the ports the servlet container is running on. For more information see:
If you are running Moqui with the embedded Jetty server you can specify the port it listens on using the port argument as described in the Executable WAR File section of the Run and Deploy document:
Note that the embedded Jetty server can be used in production but it does not support https and is meant to be used behind a reverse proxy like nginx or Apache httpd that forwards requests to the embedded Jetty server.
If you deploy the WAR file by dropping it in a Servlet Container (ie as an actual WAR file, not treating it as an executable JAR file) then the port configuration would be done with the Servlet Container (Tomcat, Jetty, etc).

SonarQube Proxy Configuration, Tricky

I cannot get the proxy configuration to work for SonarQube 4.0 so that I can install plugins.
When i open http://localhost:9000/updatecenter/available it displays the error: "Not connected to update center. Please check your internet connection and logs."
In sonar.log I read: "org.sonar.api.utils.HttpDownloader$HttpException: Fail to download []. Response code: 403"
In I configured it with the same proxy which I use for other programs:
I tried the same to configure in, but it didn't work either by the way.
For the proxy host I tried the short and the full name. For the username I tried just the username and with <DOMAINNAME>\<username> and <DOMAINNAME>\\<username>.
Nothing of it worked. Any ideas?
My proxy configuration works and looks the following way:
Note that there is no "http://" or anything else before the URL.
Also, I do not use proxy authentication, so I left "proxyUser" and "proxyPassword" commented out.
For those running SonarQube in Docker, I had no luck with any suggestion mentioned here. But I found following solution that worked for me (here):
docker run -d sonarqube -Dhttp.proxyHost=<> -Dhttp.proxyPort=<port>
and equivalent of this in a docker-compose notation:
image: sonarqube
command: -Dhttp.proxyHost=<> -Dhttp.proxyPort=<port>
Just an information: I had this problem also.
I can see the PlugIns but cannot download it. The problem is, you have to add this line into your, for the https:
# https-proxy
sonar.web.javaAdditionalOpts=-Dhttps.proxyHost=xxxxx -Dhttps.proxyPort=xxxx -Dhttps.proxyUser=xxxx -Dhttps.proxyPassword=xxxx
I used the official documentation and it works:
Using the Update Center behind a Proxy
At set the proxy without "http://", only
Another suggestion is to also add this lines on wrapper.conf:
Careful if you have a docker volume, remove it before deploy the new one with this configuration, or otherwise it will keep the original configuration
Appart from http, don't forget to set your https proxy configuration in (update server is behind HTTPS):

Changing port on XAMPP

I just install XAMPP on my mac and I'm unable to Run Apache Web server. It does not let me since I'm already running a different server. How can I stop the current one or how can I use a different port.
That's because you aren't in the correct file.Try
instead of
Find and open httpd.conf in XAMPP apache configuration directory, find the line that says Listen 80, change that to port you wish e.g: 8000 so that line becomes Listen 8000. Then save the file and restart apache from xampp
To access type http://localhost:8000 on your browser address bar, and open
