Where do I find the source code for the following jar file?
The ActiveMQ source is located in SVN repo at Apache. You can check out the project using the following command.
svn co https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/activemq/trunk activemq
The source jars are also stored in the Maven repo for the release in question, the core source jar is here:
Need to push config files and jars from artifactory to UCD for deployment.
Config files are present in GitHub repostiory.
Jars (not needed for build but needed to start application in UCD) are present in artifactory.
What would be the general process to follow, in order to copy config files from github and download/copy jars from artifactory and package everything in a zip file to push to UCD?
You might consider:
the maven download plugin to get the files you need from an URL (like a GitHub repository or an Artifactory one)
the maven assembly plugin to build your archive
configuring on UCD side the source of your Nexus package to deploy, although there is a urbancode plugin maven-ibmucd which could be handy (not tested)
I have the need to build Spring latest version (4.3.18) JAR files internally instead of downloading from mavencentral etc . any ideas/pointers?
I think you can build SpringFramework jars from sources from GitHub.
Checkout sources you need, and build it with gradle.
I have git clone the corda core project and Tutorial project based on master M13. I just changed some content in a kt file of Corda core project. And run gradlew build to publish in the jar into local. I want to use this modify jar into my Tutorial project. Seem it's not ok for now. could you have some suggestion and doc help to me?
You need to run gradlew install from Corda to publish your modified version of Corda to your local Maven repository.
The bigger issue is that the CorDapp tutorial will default to pulling down the milestones from online repositories, instead of your local maven. Go to the build.gradle, java-source/build.gradle and kotlin-source/build.gradle files, and delete any references to jcenter() or mavenCentral().
I am trying to add artemis as a dependency to my clojure app. But it doesn't have a pom file. So I can't install it to my local repo with or without lein-localrepo. Currently I have artemis jar file saved into lib/. How can I make it available within my project?
$ lein localrepo install -r repo/ lib/artemis-a609b2076aacc0ef5ecf0b390205d01bb88ceae2.jar com.artemis/artemis a609b2076aacc0ef5ecf0b390205d01bb88ceae2
$ lein trampoline run Retrieving com/artemis/artemis/a609b2076aacc0ef5ecf0b390205d01bb88ceae2/artemis-a609b2076aacc0ef5ecf0b390205d01bb88ceae2.pom from lib
Could not transfer artifact com.artemis:artemis:pom:a609b2076aacc0ef5ecf0b390205d01bb88ceae2 from/to lib (file:repo): no supported algorithms found
This could be due to a typo in :dependencies or network issues.
lein-localrepo doesn't generate a pom file:
$ ls -1 repo/com/artemis/artemis/
Here is the relevant lines from my project.clj:
:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.5.1"]
[com.artemis/artemis "a609b2076aacc0ef5ecf0b390205d01bb88ceae2"]]
:plugins [[lein-localrepo "0.5.0"]]
:repositories {"lib" "file:repo"}
I am not using eclipse for this project.
You can always add an jar to your local maven repository
Guide to installing 3rd party JARs
even if there is no pom available. You simply have to provide some informations like groupID, version and artifact name.
After you have done this you can use it like any other maven dependency.
Otherwise you may have a look at "Leiningen and lein-localrepo: How to create local maven repository for jar files" which describes a similar problem with netty and how it was solved using a lein-localrepo.
Is there any way to put my JAR file in remote repository, so my maven project can get this JAR file from any place via Internet?
I have downloaded and did some fixes in the ReportNG project: https://github.com/dwdyer/reportng .
Using ANT I have compiled this project into JAR, now I want to put it into remote Maven repository, but don't know how I can do that.
Could somebody please suggest me the way, how I can perform that?
If it is a released version you want to make available in maven central follow this guide: http://maven.apache.org/guides/mini/guide-central-repository-upload.html
I'm no github professional but since a maven repo is just a file structure with some meta-data you can put it anywhere maven can read it (ftp, http, ...). so you could create a git repo to host your maven artifacts. see http://cemerick.com/2010/08/24/hosting-maven-repos-on-github/ for an example. (it may be outdated - github may have something like maven repo hosting, I just dont know)
A lightweight way to create your own maven repository is to store it on github. See Hosting a Maven repository on github for more details
I followed sonatype open source project maven deployment guide https://docs.sonatype.org/display/Repository/Sonatype+OSS+Maven+Repository+Usage+Guide and successfully deployed the latest version of reportNG into maven central repository. Now maven have both 1.1.3 and 1.1.4
You should do a pull request to the github project. If the maintainer likes your fix he will put it in the next version.
If you need your fix in a remote repo NOW then you'll have to setup your own maven repository.